What would make Prime 4 a 10/10 for you?

What would make Prime 4 a 10/10 for you?

No more first person platforming

More first person platforming

be similar to metroid prime but different enough to be a fresh, new experience
i wouldn't consider myself to be a fan of the prime series but the first metroid prime is one of the best games i have ever played

No Amiibo crap or DLC

Now, you know that's not happening.

metroid in samus suit

a PC release

Lots of environmental puzzles.

More like Prime 1 and Less like Prime 3. More Ridley.

make it extremely edgy

samus black hair piercings bubble butt gore killing innocents full frontal nudity melee and ranged executions exremely weighty movement zero gravity sections ridley kills 100000 innocents (an entire planet) and consumes their souls to become EXTREME RIDLEY for the final boss and samas also has a perfect innie pussy and black lipstick

third person
no sakamoto involvement
I just want other M, but good. like it was supposed to be. before you heard it was controlled solely with the wiimote.

Third person view for nearly the entire game. Give it the gameplay of Other M, but the environments and exploration of the primes.

>metroid prime
>third person

Yeah lets just make a third person Halo while we're at it rofl

Retcon'ing Samus being a man to avoid Other M like scenarios ever again.

metroid on metroid action,while metroid watches

third person fags need to leave prime threads.

other m looked so good in those early trailers, with samus running through the swamp.

pls respond do you guys like my idea

Fast movement with wall running and jumping similar to Titanfall and Mirror's Edge.

fuck off. first person is cancer.

like dead space.
more mobility.

It's one of those open space deals but with a stronger emphasis on exploration and platforming

I can't see this being anything more than average. knowing them they'll probably find some way to absolutely fuck it up. happened with botw and starfox. their track record isn't exactly great as of late. should've gotten retro to do it.

I get the feeling that MP4 is either going to try to be more open world or more RPG than the rest of the MP games.

atmosphere of 1 & 2 with the location variety of 3.
I want more primordial races that would make the ing scared.

WiiU edition

Keep the general strengths of the series. Interesting lore, memorable environments that make you stop and go "damn," intricate level design, fun bosses.

Varied environments like Prime 1. Make it make geological sense or don't, just don't make them bland like 3/4 of Prime 2.

No spoken dialogue. Not a single line, not even in the opening, not even alien gibberish. On that note, no friendly NPCs.

Make the combat a little more involved? It's never been a strength, it's just never been terrible either. So maybe just spruce it up.

No gyro controls and no shitty gimmicks like dark world or time travel.

>open world Metroid

you're right, it's probably going to be open world. my interest just flew out the window.

Fuck off

No involvement from Sakamoto.

Fuck, forgot to mention the most important one: NO SPOKEN DIALOGUE

I want tons of cinematic cutscenes and exposition.

Completely revise the controls compared to the original two. Many first person shooters have much better controls.

>On that note, no friendly NPCs.
What about questionable NPC's like souls?
I think it could fit.

Remove the doors and BAM open world. There's no reason for there to be doors anymore

No Space Pirates, no Mother Brain, no Ridley, no Metroids.

other M was great.

Online deathmatches and team objectives with both ground combat and air combat

there could be ways to do open world with metroid in a way that doesn't ruin the game
like say, the open world is just the surface of the planet, to actually do something you need to dive under the surface/break into a facility/explore some ruins etc

think MP3, only instead of being forced to use your ship you can walk between the various areas

Fuck no. Keep Retro away and let them work on something else. You could tell by Prime 3 that they were tired of working on Metroid.

No samus, no space, no lasers, no spaceships

problem is: who do we trust to work on metroid?

and remember it HAS to be someone closely related to nintendo

and yes I am well aware retro was an unknown quality when they made MP1, but can we seriously hope for a miracle twice?

>it HAS to be someone closely related to nintendo


In order to be questionable they'd have to have dialogue. So no. The only creatures I want having any level of intelligence are enemies. (aka Space Pirates)

this. feels too "videogamey"
same with Zelda and doors/small keys. just needless bullshit to try and pad things out. the only reason they used to have doors in Metroid was for closing areas off for loading purposes.

Its a literally who team m8, so its gonna be 50-50.
Unironically I think Metroid would be an interesting project for From Soft.
So what about bringing back or finding a lost Luminoth?

why from?

Make the Metroids a real threat. One of my biggest gripes with the Prime trilogy is how the Metroids took a backseat to Phazon.

Metroid's focus are environments/ atmosphere, enemies, bosses, and minimal story telling.
And doing something other than an RPG would be good for them.
I honestly cant think of many others, I'd want. I feel Monolith could be a second pick, but i fear them being so JRPG heavy would have trouble making actual gameplay.

because even Nintendo knows MP4 is pretty much the last chance for Metroid as a series in the next 2 decades and after Other M failed with Team Ninja (yes I know it wasn't their fault, not entirely, but that's besides the point) they're not going to risk any outside studio on it.

If they let outside studios touch their series it's usually when said series have some manner of credibility behind it. Metroid has used up virtually all of it.

What was wrong with the luminoths?

>So what about bringing back or finding a lost Luminoth?
Absolutely not. Umos shouldn't have even been in Prime 2 except as a corpse. Same for Prime 3, did not need any characters at all.

Controls similar to metroid prime trilogy

there was nothing wrong with them, but on the other hand there wasn't much right with them either

They were a quick solution to the need to keep the story going, understandable given the limited dev time the game had, but given more time to flesh out the story and flow of the game, the role of an intelligent alien telling you where to go could easily be given to a wide variety of environmental factors

I dont know, i understand the issue of NPC's feeling off in a Metroid game. But I feel like the series needs more or it just cant survive.

Make it like Prime 1.

There's obviously going to be some dialogue in it considering Sylux is the main antagonist and the only thing we really know about him is that he hates the Federation.

isn't open world literally the Metroid tradition though?

If it were on ps4

But it's not, so when it scores an 87 on metacritic I'll be right here posting "what went wrong?" And"now that the dust has settled, we can all agree it's shit right?" Threads

Quasi-open world.

Remind that Ridley ate Samus's mother before her eyes and the 2 have never spoken a single word to eachother throughout the entirety of the metroid series.
Dialog is in absolutely no way necessary.

There's other ways to show his hatred for the federation and her by extension, have him be one hell of a tenacious motherfucker, have him set up ambushes, have him actually steal one of the artifacts or weapons samus is hunting before she can even get there, maybe throw in a few federation soldier corpses along his path, couple of them horribly mutilated (god knows the metroid series isn't averse to the occasional body horror)

Same basic gameplay as Prime 1 and 2 but with faster gameplay more akin to the 2D games, with Titanfall 2-esque boosting around and stuff, with some powerups from the 2D games like the Speed Booster and an overhauled Space Jump.

But also with good as fuck level design, because what's a Metroid game without some good ass level design?

can't think of a downside.
Metroid has always had a strong horror/helpless tone.

No tutorial.
No other characters except Samus.
Can explore areas you may not be equipped for yet, and sequence breaking isn't ever patched out.
SA-X style villain.

>because what's a Metroid game without some good ass level design?
It's funny how the answer to pretty much every one of those type of questions is Other M

Use prime 1 as a base but expand upon its exploration in new ways. So pretty much something like pic related

>SA-X style villain
given all the Sylux hints, he'll serve the purpose

at this point pretty much everyone involved is well aware that sort of enemy is liked and works. SA-X was great, Dark Samus (despite the stupid name) was great.

Sakamoto has nothing to do with the games other thank oking the general story

>MP4 succeeds
>Ninty fund a first person fusion remake
Would you be excited, Sup Forums?

fusion doesn't need a remake, fusion needs a sequel

nier reminded me a little of Metroid. maybe platinum. :)

no, I think we've had enough linear as fuck metroid games where Adam interrupts your gameplay every 30 minutes


I just want more survivor horror metroid, desu.

>wanting gimmicky bullshit

just reboot it. make samus really young.

>gimmicks are automatically bad

First Person Speed Booster.

it's been too long. we need a "normal" Metroid.. I need one. I NEED it, user. I'm jonesing here.

A sequel could easily give that as well, and more effectively.
SA-X was great, but it works best the first time. No matter how hard you try you will never get that first time experience again. A remake wouldn't give you what you want, it would give other people an entry and that experience sure but Fusion isn't near flawed enough (unlike Metroid 2) that it NEEDS to be remade to open up this experience.

I'd rather have them do something new than do the same thing over and over. And yes I am well aware it's hypocritical to say this about a sequel.

I've thought about how they could implement this, I concluded it wouldn't work and boost ball is the best replacement. It's gonna take someone smarter than me to come up with it

speed booster would work best in a third person game and metroid would work fine as a third person game for that matter, it's not because other m fucked it up that it's inherently a bad idea

third person could put more emphasis on mobility, god knows third person is vastly better for platforming than first and with good controls and good level design it would easily be able to reach the level of super and prime 1.
Other M failed precisely because it's controls and level design were arse. Among other things.

I imagine it'd be like running at Doom or UT (possibly faster) levels or speed.

I'm still ok with Boost Ball tho.

I want the Metroid Fusion atmosphere and setting, and the Fusion suit.
However, it needs less linearity than Fusion and it needs to be longer.

First person is a must; it would help the atmosphere and is a staple of the Prime series anyway.

>blow into the mic to activate morph ball
>make a pew pew sound to launch missles
>waggle controls to simulate walking
>to recover health bring the joycon up to your mouth and pretend you're eating a sandwich
>exclusive pause button amiibo is the only way to pause the game
>No health bar, use HD rumble to determine how much health you have (number of ice cubes = health)

Why do they have to be close to nintendo? Personally I wish id Software could make it, they showed me they could handle it with Doom 4.

or it successfully utilizes the features of the Switch in a way that makes sense and enhances the gameplay

One of them has precedent within the metroid prime series.

If they cancelled it and made anything else

Recapture the essence of metroid prime 1-2, but with current day graphics.

>Why do they have to be close to nintendo?
In an ideal world, no reason
In the real world: because nintendo isn't going to give this one to an outside studio. They don't seem to outwardly give to much about the outcry surrounding the previous 2 games, but they're more than well aware of it.
Metroid neither has the level of popularity they're comfortable enough experimenting but on the other hand its not low enough they don't care about the series.

They give mario out to a third party dev occasionally because the well of goodwill regarding the plumber's virtually endless.

>nintendo isn't going to give this one to an outside studio.
Wait, so the unknown studio is a ninty 1/2nd party?

that's my most likely guess
first project of a newly created/acquired 1/2nd party studio, overseen directly by some of the nintendo veterans

remind you of another game?

Prime 4 is being developed by a new team within nintendo, there was never an outside studio and this was never unknown.

Basically Prime 1 except
>more engaging/complex combat with better controls
>uniquely themed locales instead of generic grass/ice/lava-type areas
>unique power-ups

But I'll probably like it as long as it's not Other M-tier awful.

right but this isn't a third person game, shifting from third to first for speedbooster would be jarring

>fusion's setting
>separated biomes on a ship with no interconnectivity

no thank you

Literally just make something like Prime 2, the best game
Maybe throw in some Hunters

Prime 2 sucks, fuck you. The first one was better.

>Yeah lets just make a third person Halo while we're at it rofl
That would be great for both Metroid and Halo, please make it happen Microsoft and Nintendo.


pure pleb

Doors in metroid most certainly have a purpose

Because of the doors, the map of metroid prime is constructed like a series of tunnels and smaller areas. Because of this, it let's each room become its own setpiece, and much more detail is able to be applied to these smaller and closed off rooms, than a huge open world. You would have to sacrifice all those moments in metroid prime when you open up a door and greeted to this huge open room with beautiful scenery and astonishing detail in favor of a larger but mostly empty world.