Play Nier: Automata right now
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already played it and unlocked all endings
It's so boring
Played up until I got separated with 9s and dropped it ever since.
Already did. I'll replay it in a few months.
Make me.
Should i sell my Ps4 Copy?
Already have the Platinum Trophy but i dont really need the money right now...
I played the first ending but I'm not doing the same fucking missions again. What a dumb system.
Already did. Went back and played Nier too. Read the Grimoire Nier novels and the CD Drama. Now I have to read the YoRHa stage play but I'm putting it off since I'm kinda burnt at the moment.
Then I guess I'll replay automata.
I want years of Automata sequels, the universe and the story are so rich, just fucking keep going.
The third playthrough is a literal 10/10.
Bought it at launch, wanna beat it eventually but don't really feel like playing
Why do Tarotards have the need to keep spamming the board?
ehh fine i started it but got distracted with bobby posting
Why would someone want to discuss video games on the video game board?
You can always go back to your e-cebel cancerous bullshit faggot.
>discuss video games
What did he mean by this?
2b is cute, cute!
Is this the best of all time?
The game of the generation
Play her game!
Have you ever cried to a video game?
I played through it including all the side quests, and I don't think it has any replay value
Might as well, they already have your money. Question is user, what are you going to spend it on?
>runs like shit because my pc doen't have enough to run it
best song in the game?
I did and its too boring for me
Is the PC port as terrible as everyone makes it out to be?
I played the demo and was unimpressed
You need at least a 1070 to get it to run at a constant 60fps
Buy the PS4 version
I already plat it without buying it
dlc looks eh besides fappage
>Can't appreciate some fucking amazing soothing music
I pity you.
>Buy game, but hear its shit so dont play it for months
>Play it and its good
>Complaints come from misguided 'CRAYZE" fags who expected something similiar to Revengeane/Vanquish/Bayo in terms of gameplay
Totally thier fault for being ill informed and being hyped for shit they dont understand.
You are close to finish it. 9s is pure cringe but just finish it already
>Have all these amazing songs to choose from.
>Pick up the slowest and most boring one of the bunch.
I played it but lost interest, last thing I remember is the carnival fight and some giant robots in some underground area in the desert, I might try it again soon, I was thinking about it.
I think so. This one pretty damn great too:
It's legit worth it to play this game just for the music and the story. And the waifus. I suck at combat games but thankfully it's pretty damn easy if you put it on easy.
They do a thing where they have multiple variants of each song. Or multiple tracks which can be overlaid separately. I'm not sure. And they transition between variants depending on where you are in the map or what is happening.
There was this post about how they "8bit-ize" their songs too:
It's pretty damn awesome how the songs match the visuals and make the whole story so damn emotional.
i will buy it fucking now and play but i need some answers
how many endings does the game have and do i have to follow a guide to get them all or they easy to find out?
also how long does it take to beat the game once? i only have 4 more days off and i dont want to start playing a 100h+ hour game
Yes because it fits the atmosphere perfectly and it is amazingly orchestrated too.
Yeah, these kind of threads makes me feel stupid for buying it day one. I mean, I liked it, was a bit dissapointed, but liked it. Is the fanservice cancer
Easiest way to go from level 70 to 80 so i don't have to hack cheese the DLC challenges?
I have. I let a friend borrow it. He says it's one of his new favorite RPG's.
I have 70+ hours of playtime on Steam
>how many endings does the game have and do i have to follow a guide to get them all or they easy to find out?
Yeah they're easy to find. The "main" endings anyway. Most of the other endings are just special gameovers AFAIK. You can't miss the main endings. You can restart from the chapter before the end and get them all. I'm not sure but I don't think you can miss the special gameovers either. But who cares. The "best" ending is a special thing you need to do at the end but you can look it up and do it whenever.
The game is made in 3 main parts. The 2 first parts are pretty much the same but played as different characters (and the story reveals itself more). The 3rd part is where everything changes.
>i only have 4 more days off and i dont want to start playing a 100h+ hour game
No it's really not that long. Even if you spend a lot of time exploring and doing side quests, etc, there isn't that much stuff to do.
Ok? Why did you tell me this?
Didn't mean to reply
Did you inform him your friendship was over?
I finished the 9S route and got burned out hard. The combat is such shit.
thnaks for the reply bro
>Buy game, but hear its shit so dont play it for months
Nah. I don't really agree with him. But we both have different opinions in games.
i just finished yesterday user, got ending A, B, C, G and M...i fucked up and i didnt get the final quest of emil...how do i get all the other endigns (also i went with A2 over 9S in the end)
Got endings c, d and e yesterday. Still got to farm some trophies, clocked 35 hours up to now. I liked A2's personality a lot, too bad she didn't get a lot of lines.
I already did
It was alright but I can think of a quite a few other jap games I was more excited to play like Shadow of Memories,Persona 3,Metal Gear Solid, .Hack GU.Megaman Battle Network through since Automata was always lacking flavor or a reason to remember it outside of its /m/ themes.
Went through A-E twice
I have bad news. 2B lost the Big Black Cock addict competition to Ann from Persona 5. It's such bullshit because Ann doesn't even have as much interracial content as 2B.
Look at this shit.
I have plat. I don't need to.
Can't say this game is good for multiple p/ts. 3 is more than enough since all locations were boring and going 3 times through them was kinda meh.
But characters, plot and combat were over the top, yeah
So which of you is right?
You get a chapter select option after finishing C. D and E are the final story endings, you get them when you pick 9S at the final choice. All the other endings are joke bad ends, many of which involve walking away from critical story events. There is one missable ending, so I'd advise using a guide.
is it true that you can't get one ending on the pirated copy because you need to be online ?
Thank you user, but what about that ending i heard which involves deleting your save file with all the endings unlocked....or someone was trying to ruse me into deleting my savefile ?
It's optional, unlike the original NieR
allright... but if i choose to delete it, what do i get ? sorry for asking too many times i just dont want to waste all the time i spent on the game
english dub or sub? what better? im not a weeb btw i just want the best expirience
But I'm playing Nier still.
It's still too expensive
>needs Sup Forums to tell you whether you play a game or not
2B isn't that good in the dub but if you can put up with that then play dub, 9S is great.
Get the FAR mod, fixes the performance issues.
Yes. The final and true ending of the game can only be obtained by beating a segment that is designed to be impossible without online functionality. Whether it actually is literally impossible is another question, but even if it is possible the chances of YOU or any other random player being able to beat it without dozens of hours of practice might as well be zero, and by the time you do manage it you'll probably be so drained that the ending no longer has any meaning to you. Not to mention that it completely defeats the purpose of the ending to experience it without that online feature.
Are all the endings obtainable blind or are some dumb bullshit?
I got the main ones already, but I don't want to play the game 10 other time to find dumb bullshit, are they intuitive just experimenting with game overs?
No, it has a mod that makes it vastly superior to the PS4 port which, on the other hand, is unfixable garbage.
im not spending 60€ for 1 ending, fuck that. im just gonna watch it on youtube
Ugh you killed my desire to play this a little
That's not true, that segment is not half as impossible as a Touhou middle stage
I'm so bored with it still on the first play through. All the hype is just letting me down so much.
No. It's just retardedly designed to be biased towards you being online since it for some reason decides to get abruptly and ABSURDLY skimpy on the checkpoints. The ending doesn't add shit to the game anyway outside of "lol they're alive" and it gives no serious closure.
If you pirated it anyway you should have the skills to be able to do some googling and figure out how to cheat engine past that section anyway. Since it's a Denuvo game.
Bottom line though is that it's still quite difficult and requires a staggering amount of autism. I mean hell this requires an intense amount of obsession,boarding on insanity even.
>when the lights go out and the chorus kicks in
My favorite moment in the game. The beauty and intensity of it was great, further enhanced by playing blind on very hard mode. Automata's use of music is the best I've experienced in any video game. Not the quality of the tracks themselves, which is very high, but the way they're used and synchronized with the gameplay.
Not until 2B is squeezing my dick with her ass.
I've already 100% it, and I don't think it has any replay value.
Fucking how?
but its boring and repetitive
Dropped this after going through the same four shitty levels over and over gain for 30+ hours. The plot is meh, if it's such a mind blowing story I should least be somewhat interested in it 3/4 of the way through.
>do this, but slightly different
>now do it again
>now do it again
>now do it again
its just haydee 3.0. bought purely for the ass and entertaining to those who are amused by...ass and dont need anything more. played it, sold it, forgot about it till the occaisonal thread reaffirms it by being nothing but discussion of it being boring or weebs who 100% it because weeb factor.
note that no one actually discusses ANYTHING else. because...theres nothing to discuss, already. boring.
I'd have to pirate it and get me some of that booty aarrrrrgh!
I tried but couldnt get into it, I think the problem is that the game has an open world-ish/exploration aspect to it that it has absolutely no reason to have. If it was just a linear hyper action game like the kind platinum is known for I would have enjoyed it but its just filled with tedium and I cant be bothered.
You're full of shit.
It's not open-world though you fucking retard.
i dont have it
I beat it, not my favorite taro game but pretty good nonetheless. I hope Taro makes more games
thats why I said open world-ish, i know its not open world but running across deserts and fields of fucking nothing and fighting dipshit robots is not my idea of a good action game
What is "this"? This game's nowhere near as repetitive as most games.
It's not an openworld, it's a small sandbox, also it's not a Platinum game, it's a fucking SquareEnix game.
Story missions send you to the desert exactly two times.
I'm playing the original. For some reason I like it more. Don't know if it's nostalgia or what. I just found Automata to be dull even though there was lots of action.
oh dont worry there's plenty of sidequests for you to spend time backtracking to and from
I can get this for $40 on amazon. Worth it or should I wait?
The desert sidequests were pretty neat. The Mad Max and Spaghetti Western style enemies were great.
Get the first NieR instead then play Automata
I already played it and I didn't like it.
You're not forced to so them.
Why not?