why is this allowed?
how do we stop this
why is this allowed?
how do we stop this
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We can boycott this, but stupid people keep buying this shit.
You're fucking stupid.
Do you guys feel sorry for those who spent their gaming childhood in 2007 or later?
Suck my cock
thats not a nice thing to say
are you a mean person?
See game companies say that DLC is stuff that wasn't part of the original budget, but unless we consumers actually know what the budget was, it'll always seem like bullshit nickel and diming to us.
>selling dumb skins is the equivalent of taking away a part of a painting to sell it separately
Maybe, feel free to find out by working on the shaft
You can't. You literally can't. No matter how many people you try to convince to to buy into this shit there are millions of uninformed consumers with zero impulse control that will buy it. That's why so many publishers want a "broader" audience, because the more retards you can sink your claws into the better.
>Mona Lisa still white
FUCK OFF TO Sup Forums
Modern still has good shit like Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Rick and Morty.
Jesus this thread turned to cancer. People need to stop shit posting.
Back to your shitty subreddits.
>We c-can do something about it.
>Rant and rage inside of an echo-chamber expecting things outside of that echo-chamber to change.
I'm the racist? You're the racist!
What is racist about the stunning and brave portrayal of a black woman? It's current year! Time to get on the right side of history, shitlord. Take your white chick and fuck off!
Helpful advice thx
You're on the wrong side of history
haha dumb fuck
nazis and racists
enjoy losing dumb fuck
>racism is bad
>what is sickle cell
btfo'ed again
good games didn't disappear post '07 user, i had a ps1 and 2 around that time and all the games were dirt cheap.
>why is this allowed?
>how do we stop this
by pirating, maybe idk.
That man got himselof a nobel price. He can't be wrong.
hopefully not the black one with HIV
>still has some good
>list 3 lowbrow forced meme randumb humor shows
>expansion packs are okay
>DLC is bad
>Steven Universe
Adventure time and rick & morty are fine tho
This quote is actually a total lie. Doesn't surprise me that Sup Forumsyps are liars.
>no day 1 expansion packs
>no on-disc expansion packs
>no season passes for expansion packs
i can keep going if you need me to, but let's make a long story short and say that relativity is everything
just confront him and prove him wrong instead of just reporting.
He'll just evade anyway
Go and play FEAR 1, Extraction Point, and Perseus Mandate and tell me modern day DLC is equal to Expansion Packs.
>doesn't know the difference between Opposing Force and a multiplayer map pack
>why is this allowed?
>how do we stop this
You don't just mash all your food into a big pile during dinner, I dunno why you would want it with games. This way we can choose the portions we like and games companies we love get extra money
Medieval 2 Total War came out in 2006 and had the apparent 1999 model
you stupid fucks
I think there are still DLCs that are done right. Dishonored, for example.
I don't have to post it, but you know the image.
Get out of the wheel chair.
the gaming industry is shit because no one is good enough at gamemaking marketing and runnig their studio to pose a big enough threat to the the leading publishers and force them to change their ways
>why is this allowed?
Because idiots keep giving these cunts their money.
By pirating games you retard
>Do you guys feel sorry for those who spent their gaming childhood in 2007 or later?
No, because unfortunately I am one and I'm of legal age. Honestly, most of my nice childhood experiences were from 2003-2009. After that, it was really meh due to problems that I was facing.
Bigger companies bought out the smaller ones so there is little competition.