MH World

This game looks great. Are long time fans still disappointed in this even with the recent clips and reveals? I've been researching this quite a bit and the changes and overhauls all look great. The only thing I could think would have a reasonable argument is the lack of the paintball mechanic.

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Paintball worked and was needed because of the loading zones. A monster could get halfway through a zone by the time you loaded, or be a whole zone away.

There is still some other obvious pandering to westerners like a healthbar for monsters and item box being accessible in camp because fuck preperation, or free traps everywhere. They did the weapons justice at least.

great now how are we supposed to know who finished all the offline quests?
showed you had skill when you beat those fuck hard missions at the end

we gonna have to "give guild card" and check it to see if they have done good enough now?

Story mode is hard now I can get carried through it too

>healthbar for monsters

literally false

>item box being accessible in camp because fuck preperation
you can now pick quests in a Map instead finish one, loading screen, do all the preparations again, wait for faggots to join, that one faggot who lost connection, go back to town, loading screen, pick a quest, wait for other faggot, the other faggot who forgot a hot drink, loading screen and finally finish a mission.
I actually like this shit because all you need to do in town is craft a ton of shit and/or equipments and just go to a map

>free traps everywhere
this bothers me though

>literally false
Literally false, pay more attention the heartbeat sensor literally indicates monster health

>The only thing I could think would have a reasonable argument is the lack of the paintball mechanic.
Why? There was nothing to that mechanic. It was not interesting, it was not hard, it was not engaging. It was redundant.
You just drank a psychoserum, ran to the GPS monter point on the map and then threw a paintball every 6 minutes, big whoop.

I really don't understand ANY butthurt towards monster tracking in MHW. It never was a relevant mechanic, so even if they fuck it up (which they didn't) why would it matter?

Well if it's anything like previous titles, guild cards or a profile will still be there and most likely show how many hunts online and offline or something similar?

No it doesn't, not exactly. It monitors the monsters aggression more than anything, check it when the monster is asleep, it's near enough flatlined.

I like the bigger maps. They aren't too overwhelmingly huge, but they allow for some breathing room.

I have to say, I really really don't understand the complaints about scoutflies.

Currently, the prehunt portion of MH is meaningless. You either know where the monster spawns and run straight there, you don't know so you pop a psychoserum and run straight there, or you just wander around until you run into it by accident.

What makes any of that better than having to track down the monster by looking for clues to its presence in the world?


By the time you've done the hunt once or twice you already know where the monster is always located from the start and where it will move to.

Not him but what of it? It's not precise (like a 0 to 100 health bar) AFAIK it only has 3 different icons. It shows nothing that you wouldn't know just as soon from watching the Monter's behavior. If the monster is walking in pain you don't need to look at his heartbeat to know he's about to die. It's just an extra irrelevant icon, nothign more.

>Limping is fine, but a hud icon that serves the same purpose is INSULTINGLY CASUAL

Don't try to argue with these people. They're hellbent on hating every change, regardless of how little difference it makes.

I was a long time fan until they switched to Nintendo stuff that I had no intention of buying

Game looks great. Bit apprehensive about certain stuff, like the search flies and the grappling hook. Little bit worried the game might be a bit easy.

But I'm overall still very excited.

This is literally the same as saying a limping/scarred monster is a health bar

Limping is something thats actually incorporated into the monsters behavior patterns, having a health bar degrades the monster to just numbers and is an extremely cheap way of feeding information for children. For a game sll about "utilizing the new console hardware" it sure as fuck fell at the first hurdle of not improving the way monster damage is portrayed.

Looking forward to it. Damage numbers are shit though.

Literally how? You can now actually test damage for real, plus it's optional anyway you can turn it off.

>starts limping
>immediately starts running away
>if it does stop to fight, it'll return to its normal movement speed until it begins to flee again.
>starts limping again

Come on. You're not a supergenius for recognizing the monster playing the limping animation. Having a hud icon that has a "monster in good health" or "monster about to die" state is literally, definitively, exactly the same thing.

You can literally see scales fly off certain monsters with each strike exactly where the weapon struck.

One is a shitty UI element and one is part of the monster itself, why don't we get another UI element for a hunger meter? Fuck incorporating things organically into how the monster looks just feed me all that information directly

My only complaint is no more gunner sets. Simply because i liked the different looks. But oh well, capcom would cut corners somewhere, wouldn't they

I will withold criticisms until I see how badly capcom fucks up the PC Port.

They've managed to screw up megaman classic collection, they can fuck this up.

Brings it too close to RPG. To me Monster Hunter is an action game. I'm going to turn them off, but even having them there affects how people will play the game.

What if we just get more sets overall?

So you do think you're a supergenius for noticing the limping animation.


Wait til they announce the amount of monsters is 15 before talking about cutting corners

I've read this is made on MT Framework, or some weird child of it, so it shouldn't be bad at all if that's true. DMC4's PC port was straight up wizardry.

It looks like they're incorporating the looks of the gunner armors in, at least.

I love the lighter, asymmetrical looks of gunner armor, but I suck dick at playing gunner weapons, so I'm excited.

No I can just appreciate when information is fed through a clever and unintrusive way. Religating things to the UI is the equivalent of the developer going "fuck it" and the more they do it the less immersive the game gets

At this point what probably matters most is the difficulty level and amount of content. Worse case scenario we get an easy, short game that's just pretty to look at and boring in every way.

How is it being relegated to the UI if the limping animation still plays?

why everything looks so washed out
this game needs some serious sweetfx

>Monster Hunter is an action game
Wrong, Monster Hunter is a western-inspired wildlife simulator. No other action game put as much thought into explaining their enemy bosses with ecology and science as Monster Hunter does.

I think HUD is the proper terminology for it? UI might be too broad to use. I mean it doesn't take a lot of effort to notice MHW is completely plastered with unnecessary information, hopefully it is entirely customizable

I'm surprised they let this guy record hours of footage of what is supposed to be a demo

For all the talk about washed out colors, I'm surprise they didn't roll back Rathalos's design to his MH1 design.
Still the best-looking Rathalos though.

Been playing since MH1. Went from cautiously optimistic to straight up optimistic.

I don't know how anyone could still be worried about this game after seeing these arekkz weapon demo videos.

The combat of monster hunter is obviously still there. Everything else is just gravy.

I hate to be "that" user but i never played a MH game before. How similar it is to Dragon's Dogma

Heads up display is for gameplay prompts etc. UI deals with menus.

Why dont you try one of them and see for yourself?

It shows both. You can clearly see the beating becoming weaker and weaker the closer he is to its death

That's the big issue I have with it though. Monster Hunter has always been a game that rewards you from studying the monster, so damage numbers and a beatbar completely ruins that. There's never been a problem to know if you've made any damage to the monster, seeing as you'd break more and more parts from the monster as the fight goes on. If they really wanted to make people know when the monster is near death, just make the tell more obvious like with Kut-ku's ears. I can't believe Kut-ku is still the only monster that has something like that.

Having the health bar doesn't make the game any easier, it's just a redundant and lazy thing that removes the game's magic. Hopefully you can just turn it off like with damage numbers.

Not particularly. Dragdag is closer to Devil May Cry than MH. MH is a lot more about positioning and timing than DD's more lenient combat.

Both good games, just not really comparable.

This new one seems the most similar to dogma than any other so far. More dinosaur-esque monsters and flashier, faster combat.

Stop being dramatic and calling it a health bar. We both know that's not what it is.

Upgrading equipment is same as in Dragon's Dogma
Weakzones matter a lot, like in Dragon's Dogma
Great hitstops and combat animations like in Dragon's Dogma

If you liked Dragon's Dogma combat you will love Monster Hunter

I used an emulator to play Freedom Unite on the PSP, was pretty cool.

MHW looks sort of like traditional MonHun crossed with Dragon's Dogma, whereas Dragon's Dogma was always sort of like MonHun crossed with DMC, so to answer your question, a bit but not really but sort of.


>Take up comically huge arms, hunter, for my kind do not heed the toothless.

I think you're trying to downplay how the radar will effect the game experience. Maybe its worth it so scrubs won't kill the monster during a capture quest.

You guys complain about how all the extraneous bullshit will affect the gameplay and all that. I personally think it'll not affect it THAT much. There's not much to worry about on that end.

The thing is, the idea that they need to include all that shit for the western oriented MH just feels insulting. To me, personally. Like, they're not wrong, core gamers in the west might as well be casuals compared to the japanese core gamers, but still. Like, fuck man. It's the difference in attitude. It's the team indirectly saying "yeah, all these western players are gonna need all these babying if they're gonna stick". Again. Not really wrong, but still.
Kinda stings my chest a bit.

>16 player lobbies
>lobby chat persistent even during hunting
>comfy hubs
>comfy camps

>its another giant monster walking through different zones while you whack at its feet for 30 minutes
Capcom please

Is my buddy Khezu coming back?

wait, seriously? we are getting comfy 16 player lobbies?

16 player lobbies 4 person hunts.

The ugly ass handler is the only really bad thing so far.

Yup, back to the good old days.

I love how there's just the tiny bit of moves from Gen integrated into the moveset.

They're trying to pull in as many new people as possible, so all the handholding kinda needs to be there.

Granted, the big button prompts and having the handler chatter at you as you hunt as a navi is a bit fucking much, but still.

Nice. I loved the 3DS games, but Nintendo's lack of online infrastructure really hurt at times.

this is some welcome news.

I agree, the player characters better not look like that.

Capcom just can't do faces this generation.

>If you would face me, follow the glowflies and I shall allow it

Only thing that concerns me is mounting seems way too easy and the wingsuit looks broken as fuck,

They said it's "the most in depth character creator MH has ever had in an interview. Not sure if that's good or bad.

sf5(sans ibuki) and the resident evil girls are top.

>The only thing I could think would have a reasonable argument is the lack of the paintball mechanic.

The paintball is an objectively worse mechanic than what they replaced it with: literally just tracking the monster via "harvesting" or inspecting the physical details it leaves behind on the environment and having scouting bugs become more obvious as you gather more clues.
It's more immersive than just throwing a paintball at a monster and then just "knowing" where it is, so yeah, I couldn't disagree with you more.

My only actual concern is that I haven't seen a VILLAGE yet and I want there to be a VILLAGE.
At the moment we've just seen the "field" and the Handler who's UGLY and ANNOYING. I like how they've made the camp serve the actual purpose of a fucking camp, but it's making me worry that it might be taking away the uses or function of the town.

If the Handler is just some rude, annoying, bitch to remind you of what you're supposed to be doing and basically your quest log OR better yet: she's an annoying tutorial and will LEAVE FOREVER once you've done her quest, then all the better.


Considering how basic it always was, it doesn't say much. But I'd better get to play as a pretty anime girl.

>we haven't seen a village yet

Come on man try to keep up.

Is that SA? Niiiice. Best weapon.

I want waifufags to leave. I hope all the women look like cat grandma.

That's not considered the "mounting status" that's just the switch's axe full meter attack.

just noticed that this is a rathalos, which gives us some sense of scale

I absolutely hate waifu faggotry though. Is this what it's come to? Wanting the females in the game to not be ugly as fuck means I'm a waifufag?

Good, desu.

Having to grind singleplayer story missions to unlock stuff for multiplayer was pretty dumb.

The only reason to play monster hunter is to make a female hunter and dress her up in the sluttiest and/or cutest possible gear while maintaining excellent skills.

>when your clown suit is dope as fuck and you're still rocking 4+ skills including hone blade

I'm concerned that it looks way too easy mode, probably to appeal to a broader audience. I only hope we'll still be getting more hardcore MH games alongside it.

I don't know your life man, I just know that at some point like a third of all monhun discussion became "omg guildmarm is mai waifu".

No. You play to look like a power ranger or gundam and skills are a nice bonus but not really that important.

See that mountain?
You get what I mean

>X+A to burst is back
>You can now charge the sword AND the shield
>That sliding attack
>That fucking burst cancel to storing energy to sword cancel to charged sword slash

Fucking good day to be a CBfag. Shame the triple explosion after the burst is still gone though, but I guess it is OP as fuck.

I mean, MH's chara creator has always been shallow as fuck. I personally prefer scuplting my own, but I can see people getting annoyed at others trying to be funny and random making retarded green-skinned fromsoft abominations.

I bet it'll be harder than tri or p3rd.

Yeah and I hate people who post shit like that as well as the whole waifu meme in general. I still want attractive females in my games though. Nothing wrong with that.

Looks more like the little transport dragons which are about human size.

Nah that's fine, every character should be good looking unless they have a reason not to be.

>make a female hunter
>when some of the male sets are cool as fuck

The female version of this is trash. Still, I wish there was a way to have both both genders at once without having to start over on new file.

>I was a long time fan until they switched to Nintendo stuff that I had no intention of buying
That's a shame considering 3rd gen was the best. At least you played 3rd I take it? Although that was the worst 3rd gen game for being the easiest.

The only thing that annoys me so far is the double jumping aerial shit

I really hope they put transmog in ebcause BOY I love that set

This, this is why I play Monster Hunter.
Although I don't like clownsuiting. Hoping for transmog.

it could just be a very far away rathalos

That's only for insect glave and it consumes stamina and requires you to actually hit the monster.

>This game looks great
It look fucking gorgeous
>Are long time fans still disappointed in this even with the recent clips and reveals?
FU grandpa here, I'm hyped after seeing diablos and company.
>lack of the paintball mechanic.
Paintballs are for casuals, I hope that the game have psychoserum tho.


It'd be cool if we got 3G/4G levels of difficulty.

People who have played the game longer and understand the monsters' patterns more will know before the limping even starts. And some monsters won't even limp before they chill out. Try playing the game once or twice in your life.

Also, still has the follow the leader flies, the moving while healing, the traps forced into the environment, the ez mode zipline shit, the ridiculous movesets like dashing multiple times in midair, the lack of decent hit animations to tell you if you are doing more or less damage (among other information) because "muh HP numbers", and we haven't seen a tough or fun looking fight yet.