Find out one of your steam friends is actually a girl

>find out one of your steam friends is actually a girl

>immediately turn into a cringey idiot

>find out one of your steam friends is a virgin

>find out you got a steam friend

>still using steam
serves you right

>never talked to her(him)

>Have 50+ people on your friends list
>Don't talk to any of them
>Don't want to remove any of them in case they notice

>she lives 10 minutes away

too bad she has shit taste in vidya

>Girl joins a discord you're in
>Is a mod the next day

>pictures of the guild immediately become differently appreciated

>going on dicksword

I have friends on my steam list who I used to play tons of vidya with but haven't spoken to them in like 3 or 4 years.

How would I even start up a conversation with them?

I miss them. ;_;

Not using discord exclusively for swapping pics and phone sex with your sissy fembois.

> guy you've played video games with for almost a decade suddenly identifies as a girl and apparently always has

Your point user?

>watch low view count grill gamer on twitch
>all those orbiting faggots constantly trying to make her laugh or be funny

>find out steam friend is a girl
>delete and block them immediately

who's that? look like one of the girl from kid's react

>implying youre not one of them


I barely use the chat actually

>playing rust
>someone in chat is asking for help to grief this guy that I hate
>hell yah I'll help
>show up, they explain to me in chat what they want to do
>help them out, I use voice, they don't
>we get the job done
>the add me on steam
>we keep playing rust together for a while
>they eventually join my mumble server
>sounds like a cute young girl
>ask how old they are
>16 year old girl
>I'm 26
>she keeps giggling and flirting with me
>my other friends thing I'm a pedophile
>stop talking with her

And thats the time I almost went to jail.

>find out someone in-game is a girl
>bully her and make her cry

that wasnt even an almost.

Would have been if my friends weren't there. I wanted that young girl. If my friends I had known for years weren't in the mumble when she first joined, I would have kept her as my secret girl. But they found out right away, couldn't keep it up.

>be on steam for 7 years
>no one knows I'm a grill

it's not that hard, just don't use lame ass faces :'3, talk about your feelings, or constantly talk about yourself/your problems and nobody can tell the difference.

So, you're watching her for her amazing gameplay, and colorful commentary? You're no better.

Yah, nice advice, except the second you use voice chat, you're found out, and instantly have 100+ friend requests, and free items.
Unless you don't use voice chat, then you're just fucking yourself over.

But I talk about my feelings with my guy friends all the time D:

>find out one of your steam friends is actually a slav

I talk about my feelings with my friends though.

It's not an everyday thing, but, you're being pretty presumptive.

>so retarded you can't even make friends on internet

name THREE games that do this.

>find out one of your best steam friends is literally a little girl.

>He watches those faggot react videos

And if it were a dude it'd suddenly be alright? She's good at the games she plays and she's pretty funny on top of it, stop trying so hard to be a fucking idiot.

>what are voice changers


>someone you can't talk about your feelings with
Pick one.

>girl talking in game
>guys sucking her tits
>girl says something
>"shut up bitch"
>listen to 4 people yelling over each other trying to defend her
>get permabanned by her for some reason like "you're the bitch now lmao" or "not in my server honey"

No, if it was a dude it would be just as stupid and fucking pathetic. Watching someone play a game is one of the saddest things you can do.
Watching a low count girl play a game is even more retarded. You're just jealous that she has other guys talking to her, and you think she is your little gem. You're a loser. You sit there and watch some dumb bitch play games to get some sort of weird fulfillment out of it.

I sound like a 16 year old gay boy so it's all good. only talk when necessary, text for everything else

do you suck each others' dicks, too? can I watch?

>steam friends
>being real friends

no thanks

God, girls and rust are the most annoying fucking thing ever.

>Playing rust about 3 years ago
>found a decent server
>not too high of a population
>admin is constantly on
>one day this faggot with the name Fireflygirl joins the game
>I have a bad habit of constantly checking everyones steam profile to see if they cheat, or have a cheaters profile
>profile is new
>no games except Rust and a few free ones
>Rust has 0 hours of gametime
>just a few friends
>has the most gamergirl picture I could possibly imagine
>obviously a guy, pretending to be a girl, so he won't get caught or banned
>start asking him questions in game to see if I can catch him in a lie
>ask him how he found out about rust
>says his friends told him about it, and he doesn't know how to play
>5 minutes later he kills 6 people with headshots using the bow
>call him out on it
>admin starts having a hissy fit
>warns to ban me if I won't stop harassing her
>he starts sucking up to the admin
>admin is in the palm of his hands
>a week later he has a vac ban on his account
>quit that faggot server

Like I said, trying way too fucking hard to be a Sup Forums cool kid. What happened to this place.

no wonder you have no friends lmao

I agree with him. Find a new hobby or at least develop self awareness

Like I said, watching anyone on twitch ever is pathetic.
You even pretending that you watch her for anything other than the fact that you're a desperate loser who is in love with her is laughable.
Keep using that Sup Forums cool kid defence. Doesn't change the fact you're watching some low count shit girl play shitty games and seething in rage when other guys who have more courage and charisma are chatting her up.

>guild leader is an obnoxious landwhale who has half a dozen alts because she sits at home all day
>have an erotic dream about her and struggle to get it out of my head
>start thinking lewd thoughts about her when i know it's pointless and will never lead to anything positive
why me

>steam friend is a girl
>discover that he's a dude
>all cool
>we joke about it from time to time

>add a grill I know to steam
>she randomly buys ME games off my wishlist


I said I watch a stream, so now you somehow know all my hobbies. I'm too old for this stupid ass site I think, I'm outta here.

>start flirting with her
>develop feelings
>find out she's only 2 hours away
>make plans to meet up
>ask her to send a selfie of herself the day before
>fat, greasy, thin hair, pimples
>delete her off steam
>block her on discord
>never go to see her

I use voice chat and get none of those things.
Okay, well, some of my close friends have given me games, but I always buy them one in return. I've known them for years, and they just want me to play with them.
Maybe it's because I sound old.

>Waaaaahh I'm getting bullied because I watch streamers, one of the most pathetic things to do
>I'm rightfully getting called out for watching a female, and getting mad when people talk to her!
>Sup Forums changed! This place is gay now! I'm outta here!

By saying hi? Are you that autistic that you can't even message someone online?

See you tomorrow

>pretend to be a girl
>friends all find out you're a guy and make fun of you for it or just remove you

The fact that you're getting overly defensive proves that you're one of those people who donate tons of money or orbit around a streamer, and now that people are calling you out, you feel terribly ashamed.


Just because you're buying them games back, doesn't mean you aren't getting free shit because you're a woman.
Hell, I don't blame you. If I was a girl, I'd be using that shit to its fullest extent, getting games daily out of little bitch boys.
Own up to it.
Only a retard would buy or give women special shit on the internet. Can't even fuck them.

>having steam friends in the first place

>play a round of R6 Siege
>this fucker on the enemy team kills me every single round in the most ridiculously unlucky ways, half mad, half amused as shit
>call him a greasy nigger, he laughs at it
>finish up for the day, see he friend requests me, accept
>hear nothing from him for like 3 weeks
>randomly fucking with my attachments in the menu, get invited to play from him, accept
>'hey do you have discord?'
>say yeah and add them
>hear him talk and I'm completely floored
>it's the cutest fucking sounding asian girl I've ever heard in my life, my jaw is on the fucking floor
>stop playing and start talking to her
>'hey user, your voice sounds nice, are you american?'
>hit it off pretty damn well, the flirting continues on both sides
>'hey user, how old are you, if you don't mind me asking'
>i'm 29
>'oh... I'm 16... is that a problem?'

I'm either waiting 2 years or going to jail, wish me luck.

It was twice, and they both ended up buying our other guy friends the games, too.
One wanted to play payday 2 with us just before it went f2p, and the other wanted us to play GMod.

How do you even connect to a literal underage? No hostility but are you genuinely that desperate? I'm 27 myself and while I barely connect with most people I meet, I could not even fathom seriously dating someone who wasn't at least 20

do you happen to be really into steel ball run?

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 4 years: 4 YEARS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Gardevoir or whatever furbait you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're
"epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Sup Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn

God fucking speed user, do what I didn't have the courage to do.

I fucking hate nerd girls.

It's a lot nicer than you'd think, actually. I never thought I could go for something like this, I generally do find the younger generation to be annoying as shit too. I mainly went for it just on the basis that I've mostly dated women older than me, and when I was that age, I was basically a shut-in virgin.

I think it helps a lot that she's from Asia and not here. She reminds me a lot of myself at that age, just a shut-in, video game addled memelord. I won't lie and say it's been a deep relationship so far, but it's been fun at least.

Some are okay, but some are pathetic fucking losers.
My cousin, who is a "nerd girl", is a pathetic fucking loser.

Bitch was acting like she was part of gamergate, but now she has become super liberal, and gets mad if someone says something that disagrees with her SJW opinion.

Not him, but holy shit all these assumptions and projections. You have some glaring personality issues, my friend.

Also to add to those thoughts, it's been like a 50/50 mix of a gf and a daughter and it makes it like this mentor relationship that's both heartwarming and boner inducing.

>go to fighting game major to meet online pals
>a lot of people were surprised i'm a girl, understandable
>have a pretty good time
>after the event some guy who's pretty prominent in the community of the game i play tries to hit on me on twitter
>i never talked to this guy before the event and we didn't exchange a single word during it

At least I don't watch some girl play video games all day, and get mad when other people talk to her.

be my gf ?

You should expose him, post those messages to the group's facebook page or some shit.

do this
It would be great, especially since he message you out of fucking no where, and is talking like a literal autist.
Maybe get a few dick pics from him, and put them out there. It would be worth the meltdown for a few days. Please.

Millenials are an odd generation. Pre-millenials were pretty conservative and had less patience for bullshit. Generation Z (post-millenial) is looking to be pretty conservative and doesn't buy into millenial political propaganda bullshit as much, mostly in the form of immaturity but it's still there. (ie. a gen z person would probably make a joke like "lol do orange and green lives matter too? haha" while a millenial wouldn't be caught dead saying something so potentially offensive to the general public. They're not the same as pre-millenials, but they're more similar to them than they are to millenials.

Maybe this is why you can manage to make a connection with a younger person, as someone who mostly liked older women.

>100+ friend requests, and free items
more like you have a bunch of guys asking if you'd suck their dick, do a camshow for them and more rude sexual advances. I just avoid voice chat all together

You guys are fucking faggots. The dude just did what a lot of people do and hit on someone randomly. Why the fuck should he be publicly shamed for that? This website is full of the type of people it used to oppose.

You must be pretty unlikable anyways if you're enough of a fucking autist to call yourself a "grill" in conversation. Grow the fuck up.

If he wanted to hit on her why the fuck wouldn't he talk to her at the event like a normal person? Why would he stalk her on twitter?

My nephew says shit like "if I had a dollar for every gender, I'd have $2."
The pendulum really does swing, I suppose.

for the lulz, you newfag

It makes a fair bit of sense when you put it like that. I hate that I'm associated even by technicality to the millennial generation, as I barely share anything in common with them. While I like being a shut-in loser who doesn't amount to anything, I generally like doing it alone, or at least with just a few close friends. I don't use social media, my phone is basically an internet on the go device, I prefer to do things on a much more personal and direct manner, and I sure as shit am not politically correct.

There's some merit to your comment, anyway, since she finds racist humor hilarious. I could go into a multitude of other reasons why I enjoy her company, suffice to say this is a matchup I never would have even thought of--let alone considered--prior to meeting her. I'm still of the opinion that people in general don't know shit about anything before age 25 at least though, so I'm kind of taking that into consideration and tempering my expectations. I seriously doubt I can make a 16 year old hold on for 2 years.

> I'm getting bullied because I watch streamers, one of the most pathetic things to do
Feel like you're being a bit too general here, some people watch streamers to learn some tricks, tips and just overall improve at some video games that have competitive elements to them.
If you're saying that people who watch streamers to creep on them is pathetic though, I can 100% agree with that.

>pretend to be a girl on steam for attention, freegames and erp
>play games with another "girl" and somehow believe they're real
>they confess to me
>do the same
>laugh about it and keep playing games until this day

No, it's not a crime to hit on someone. The way he went about it was really weird but he's not a bad enough person to be embarrassed like that. He does good things for the community, if he's kind of awkward that's fine. I just didn't respond and he seems to have taken the hint, so he'll know how to behave in the future.

>Friend you've played games with for years starts claiming he's a girl
>Haha it's okay I'm only into girls so I'm a lesbian
>Haha It's okay if I only ever pick support classes now and get upset if I can't right?
>Haha by the way did you know it's okay for close friends to do things together? ;)

I'm on the verge of blocking this guy out of my life

Because it would be funny as fuck to see the meltdown of it. Sup Forums hasn't changed, you changed. Either you're new her, or you're some faggot who wants to be morally superior.
Hell, I'm willing to bet you're that queer who fell in love with that streamer girl and said they were quitting Sup Forums.

>have been friends with this guy for years
>he has the lowest voice i've heard a man have
>Last week hes acting like a chick
>His voice is high and i can tell its actually straining
>message him in steam what the fuck
>He tells me to keep quiet and gives me half the shit hes gotten for free
>roll with it
I fucking love how easy some of these betafags are to manipulate

What you mentioned isn't watching a streamer, its watching a stream of a video game. Nothing wrong with that.
If I want to see if a new game is good, or see how someone else plays it, I'll watch a stream of it and see.
What I won't do, is watch the same person over and over, regardless of what they're playing, because I fell in love with them.

Fucking pussy.

May something
She was a high class high status girl born from rich bankers and was about to enter one of the best universities in the world.
She decided to go do a hardcore abuse video, not because she needed the money like everyone that went through that hell, but because she WANTED to be abused and it destroyed her life.

>and it destroyed her life

Wow, what an amazing and unexpected outcome.

>find out one of your steam friends is actually a furry

My own clone.

Women are actively ruining video games. Prove me wrong.

It's a pretty good video desu you can tell the crazy bitch likes it.
Mind you these guys are sickly looking 40 year olds

>it destroyed her life
[citation needed]
She's still around and has even recently began posting on social media, still living her affluent life with no issues.