Since autumn is just a mere few weeks away, post games that capture the calm and relaxing feeling of the season

Since autumn is just a mere few weeks away, post games that capture the calm and relaxing feeling of the season.

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Pumpkin hill from sonic adventure 2

>autumn is just a mere few weeks away
Fucking finally.
I hate summer so much, comfy autumn and winter await.

If I could hibernate through Summer I would.

What's bad about summer? The heat isn't really that bad.

Was gonna post this

Its the people.

Oh you wanna play the best autumm-themed walking simulator on the market OP.

Why did they ripoff Stardew Valley?

Yeah looks like a shitty weeb version of stardew valley


It's still shitposting if you're being ironic

Why is autumn more depressing than winter?

I only get kinda depressed during winter, autumn is supposed to be that feeling that the year is almost over and everything will renew soon. Plus you got halloween and thanskgiving to enjoy.

because winter is the month were everything is already looks dead.
Autumn is the part where everything is slowly dying.

get story of seasons trio of towns or not?

Im going to bed. I cant function

Its not for me. The dropping temperatures, shorter days, and colors are make me feel happy.

is he fucking her in the stink?

Super Harvest Moon was pretty great, too bad they never made a sequel.

the one and only son


what stardew valley ripoff is this

Get hyped bois

sorry, didn't see someone already made this joke

This never got released in Europe as fas as I know, so I got super excited when I realized that I can get it for the Wii U VC

It's the best HM game.

Autumn always has the coziest palette and music


is it really? what about all them christmas suicides?

wait does that mean it should work on the wii VC too?

Get Rune Factory 4 and be a cute shota.

It should

Helps that it's the first area with hardly any dangers.

Sick. I'll look into it

I can't wait for winter to come.
Seeing a snow covered field lit by the moonlight, it is truly beautiful.

>tfw autumn legitimately doesn't feel like autumn anymore where I live

Where do you live?

Pokemon Heartgold is what I'm currently playing. I'll be picking up some horror games in September.

Pokemon BW1 and 2 also have season features so you could play them in a fall setting.

Aren't stores already getting ready for halloween?


Doesn't it get much cooler in october and november?

Bully in autumn is pretty comfy.

you're right, the only good Animal Crossing is Population Growing. the rest of them have lost their charm


Wow, lukewarm winters? I need to move to texas.

Oh yeah as soon as back to school sections clear, halloween stuff goes up

>Population Growing


What the fuck I've never noticed that before

Stardew Valley is like Harvest Moon but even more fun

That wasn't supposed to be a subtitle

Back when it was just the Gamecube game, no one called it Population Growing since it was the only one. But now it's called that in order to differentiate it from the others, and the series at large

This bait has been posted 4 times already

Neat. I legit didn't know that. Thanks for the info famalam

Or just call it gamecube animal crossing

Or just Animal Crossing. It's not like anyone is going to assume you're talking about the 64 version.

Yeah, but I usually avoid using the series name if a game is named after the series so anyone knows for sure which one I'm talking about.


Wasn't, but is now. Other options

>Animal Crossing GCN
>Animal Crossing 1
>"the original"

Honestly I like AC Population Growing but whatever suits you is good

That color pallet just stirs the comfy feelings

is that the snes one

Which Harvest Moon is comfiest?

Never played the series, but 64 and PS1 look good imo. Which is better?
Also, if 64 or another good one is on US Wii U VC I'll probably go with that.

64 has a better story and i think lets you drink alcoholic beverages if thats your thing, btn has better farming but reuses the same characters from 64. i prefer btn, my sister (who introduced me to the series) prefers 64
The more you know

>64 is on Wii U
>btn starts at $30 on amazon

Guess I'll go with 64, thanks user. Been meaning to give this series a try, AC is premier comfy but I just dont have the time to keep up with it anymore.

But you can just pirate either of them. Why would price matter

no problem man, i keep wanting to get back into ac but its such an ordeal

I don't like to pirate shit, especially if I don't need to.

Oh fuck, btn is actually $6 on psn, that on vita might be max comfy

>I don't like to pirate shit
You used to be cool user. You changed.

Spyro has the best Autumn.

The HL2 mod called Eclipse also always gave me nice fall vibes.

Yes it is.
Anything above 10 degrees is fucking unbearable. I visited some relatives in Germany and it was 31 degrees max, felt like shit

I live in the South and the heat isn't the problem, it's the fucking humidity.
Always 60% or higher humidity rating makes you feel like you're breathing in soup.


Holy shit it's been years and years since I played eclipse. Can you even play it still? I know those engine overhauls broke a ton of mods. Actually, does HL2 even have a modding scene still?

kill me


HL2 modding is pretty dead because Valve went full retard and broke the entire engine, but Fistful of Frags is pretty popular, and Minerva is still playable.
SMOD is also playable through a standalone launcher thing I found.

Haven't tried Eclipse in ages. It seemed a sweet little preview of a great concept, but it remains very short...

It is when you're a sweaty person that leaks like a faucet when it's a little bit hot.

That's so disappointing. I had so much fun trying different mods and map packs as a kid. Now I'm sad

Yeah, HL2 mods were the shit.
We'll never see that kind of scene ever again, after everyone got Unity and UE4 to make their own games in.

I still miss the fuck out of Iron Grip: The Oppression (not the shitty Iron Grip on Steam)

I think my favorite is still Dayhard, even if it was a broken mess before the engine changes.

What was the best version of the source engine to mod in?

I have a soft spot for the goldsrc engine but I think they were all relatively easy to mod in.

The last version before DOTA2, I suppose?
No idea


One of the later games in the SNES library during the final few years.

That song is too frantic to be comfy. I loved HM64, though. It competed with the PS1 version for my favorite.

64=BTN > SNES > FOMT > Story of Seasons ToT > A New Beginning > A Wonderful Life > Magical Melody > Animal Parade > HM1/2/3 GBC > Tree of Tranquility > ... > DS

If I missed any, they're toward the bottom. Except for Save the Homeland, which I haven't played.

I really wish he would release some DLC or an expansion for Stardew so I'd have a reason to replay it.

Thanks user, btn for Vita it is

On another note, has anyone else been having issues with psn? Whenever I try to add funds it says an error has occurred.

Sony got hacked again, not sure if that has anything to do with it

>tfw Florida

Billy don't make me do it.

new wallpaper

no i mean kill me

Fuck off cunt spring is near

I moved away from the south and I kind of miss the swampy feel.