Rivals of Aether

This game got out of Early Access today. What's your thoughts about it. Is it any good for casual couch fighting? Any chance for being competetive online?

Please tell if you played the game or not. I had 30min demo, it seemed fun as my first smash-like game.

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This game is pretty good. The community is way better than Sm4sh and Melee's, is a better game than Brawlout and Brawlhalla, good music and you can make custom colour sets. It's also good as a competitive game.

there's a demo?

On Xbox One you can play it for 30 minutes before greeted with a pay wall.

Why the fuck cant I use Ori in abyss mode?

Its an amazing game,but not really that good for casual in my opinion .More geared towards competitive.

I was really hype for it, have had it for a few months in early access, but I can't get into it. I can't even put my finger on why.

It's good on paper. I like the characters and the gameplay is fun enough, but the game is never as fun as I think it's going to be. It never feels satisfying to do things in this game.

Plus it really bothers me how there's no shield, just rolls and dodges

I'll buy it today on Xbone before the playerbase dies.

Will they add an arcade mode separate from the story mode?

I think I have the same issue as you. I'll play it for a bit and then go back to Melee because Rivals isn't as satisfying. That said it isn't a bad game at all.

They haven't made the ability modifiers for Ori. Who knows if they will ever will.

the tower of heaven remix is fucking great

Is it just me or do normals feels stubby?

My problem with it is that it tries to be casual but still competitive without making too much of a push in either direction. There isn't nearly enough depth to the game for competitive players to stick with it and it's too hard to casuals to play. It also has no real character. Why play as random bird when you can play as Mario? None of the characters, even with their "stories" feel like characters with anything behind them.

Story mode was a pretty big dud I agree, especially with all that set up.

What else could they do to help give more casual content?

Etalus' air grab is the most satisfying shit ever.

fat titty bitches

It's not adding casual content that's the problem. The game itself is too difficult for casual players to get into.

Add more to Abyss mode. Crazier stages.

It's the only smash game my normie friends like to play.

Just learned about this game today and grabbed it. Really enjoying the movesets for each character. They are all unique and take full advantage of smash's movement (which is the best part of those games imo). For example the beetle man's up-special and the bird's jet stream make you think about edgeguarding and spacing in more interesting ways than just spamming projectiles

Melee is my favorite smash by far, but I never really got into the competitive scene because it seemed like a stupid way to spend my time. This is a no-brainer for anyone in a similar boat

Really? For my friends + numerous other players can't get into it. And the ones that can think it's way too boring.


what's with all these furshit smash clones

I don't get it either, one of them claims to hate the main games.

It's easier to design would be my guess. Lazy but it works.

Hopefully they add an adventure/sse mode somewhere down the line. But for what it is, the story mode is a fun extended tutorial with some charming flavor text, can't bash it too hard

Played it. Game is boring, fempie.

I don't find it particularly tough to play. It takes a bit of time to get used to but I find it much easier to get into compared to something like Melee.

I felt like they could.have used abyss mode challenges as special rules instead of just basic fights. A little more story would be appreciated too.

>ori costs 5 fucking dollars

Didn't furries get attracted to smash through characters like Fox and Lucario? Seems like the go-to genre for them now other than Sonic-alikes and platformers.

Game feels stiff as fuck. Doing combos is neat, but outside of combos the game slowly puts me to sleep. Shit game.

Some of the movesets are too similar to existing Smash characters, such as Zetterburn being 99% Wolf. But I love the idea that every character has some form of stage control.

the no 4 player free for all mode really killed this game for me. I have a lot of friends who are into smash and smashclones but we prefer the hectic free for alls

I've been playing it for a long time already. The game is surprisingly good and the controls are tight. The removal of grabs, shields, and edge grabbing make the game more focused on movement and combos than your traditional platform fighting game

You're right about Zetterburn, but as far as I can tell he's the only straight copy. The other characters have a decent mix of smash-like moves and their own gimmicks. I wish there was a character like Orcane in smash, the teleporting mechanic is great

To expand on this guys point. The community for this game is super helpful. The Discord Server for the game has all the pros in it and a lot of useful tech and advice. You can get a mentor there to help you get better at a character. Also when you play online it actually feels like people are trying to help each other get better instead of just stomping on you if you're the worse player

When is Ranno coming?

>This game got out of Early Access today.

What? It's been out of EA for a good while now.


I'm top 500 for Absa in Abyss mode if that counts


Abyss mode is so disappointing, I'm always for more single player or co-op modes, but you have to earn so much currency to get the character upgrade slots. Plus, when it's always the same challenges in the exact same order every time, it's hard to get invested in it when it's simply no more than an endless grind

Man. You can just edit the text file in the install path and unlock everything for yourself even custom color 2

Will they auto ban you from online if you do that?

No I've been playing online with it. I'm sure it's there so tourney organizers can unlock everything easily for everyone

Yes, I know you can cheat in almost any game. If you have to cheat to make it fun, it's poor design

It's not cheating? It's literally unlocking cosmetics. You still have to learn to play the game. I mean you can unlock the abyss mode power ups but does anyone play that mode even?

I'm going to buy it solely because there's a playable frog. I don't know jack shit about it aside from that.
More games need playable frogs.

I was complaining about abyss mode specifically, but thanks for being an obnoxious prick about it without reading the posts

the graphics and sound design turn me off

Damn you're a delicate little flower. No one was being a prick to you I was literally replying to your post. I'm sorry little guy. Is this tone better for you? Hmm? I'll put on the kiddie gloves for you.

This. By far the best design in the game and they aren't even playable yet.

Awesomenauts has 2 frogs

I'm surprised by all the good opinions on the game and even the fanbase when this suppose to attract the furries. And Sup Forums hates furries

Furries don't like games that take time to learn well. This is really just people who wanted a different alternative to Smash in the platform fighters genre. The community is really into the numbers behind the game

Honestly in my opinion, this looks like it has a lot more effort put into then most of the other Smash clones.

That's not true. This game is 100% furry bait. The character roster is literally fursonas.

I personally have not seen one furry online or in the Discord even. You can always tell furies by their screennames

And that's a problem why?

It feels unfinished. No shield, no grab, no edge grab just feels bad. Also there's loads of fast character but nothing to replace my Jiggly or Ganon.

frog just got announced and probably wont be released for at least a couple months, sorry to burst your bubble dude

that said it is fun af, as a fan of smashlikes i enjoy it a lot. i would absolutely get it now while it's on sale

Wait, which character is a frog?

So they're all just going to be generic human characters? I don't understand people like you honestly. Anything with animals is furry bait to you guys.



>this damage control for furries

The promise of a playable frog eventually is good enough, to be honest.

>Poisonous pacifist
>uses venom
>uses violence

How do I stop being bad?

>Nothing to replace Ganon

He plays nothing like Ganon, Ganon was so smooth to control and this fucking bear is just garbage.

>no argument
damage control? I honestly don't give a fuck about them. They can yiff in hell but you people are retarded for screaming "REEEEEEEEE FURRYBAIT REEEEEEEEE" everytime you see and animal in a game.

Is it me or are the edges really close in compared to smash?

There are no ledges. Idk why a game would look to take away depth but whatever.

clearly Lylat wars was furbait? BANJO KAZOOIE? furbait? conkera bad furday? well, its basically right there in the title. don't get me started on Altered beast.....

edges, not ledges. i meant the death zones.

There are no free for alls? Man that sucks. It's usually the funnest way for me to play. Oh well, I'm still getting it purely because Ori is in it now.

Don't believe that user he doesn't know what he is talking about. I play 4 player FFA all the time with buddies.

That's what tourney mode in the settings are for.

Does Tournament mode work for the DLC characters as well?

Don't hate on the bear you slut.

The combos look so cool. It's too bad outside of combos, the game is complete shit.

It unlocks all free stages and characters.

Whats so bad about it?

movement sucks dick. Making it the worse smash clone.

Brawlout is also a smash clone with a frog, too bad it just went off sale

Doods, if you wanna shill your game just be upfront about it. No one's gonna get angry.

While it's definitely not the strongest feature, I haven't really heard or experienced tons of problems with it. What's so terrible about it?

>No one's gonna get angry.
First day here?

>Anytime someone posts something positive about a game it's considered shilling.
Can this meme die already?

>the obvious shilling in this thread

It's 2 people in here talking about how "great" the game is. The reality is, this game sucks ass.

Is it just me, or does the game feel really shallow? I played the beta awhile back and never touched the game again and I realize that it's because it's lack of defensive options. It feels like once somebody has the offensive, you're fucked and you can't do much about it other than counter which is way less reliable than a regular shield. I liked what they tried to do, but the game ends up being too offensive and feels to have just as much depth as Sm4sh. It's a shame cause I really like the new characters like Orca, Maypul, and Forsburn plus the new frog character.

What controller is it made to be played on? Gamecube?

What about a frog that says "Feels good man" and "Feels bad man"

Nice opinions man, I really like how you backed up your points with logic and reasoning.

Anything with two sticks. A lot of crossover from smash community uses GC controllers though.