This is actually a good game

This is actually a good game.

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Okay babes.

Hella great game.

wowser xD

i want to have sex with max and chloe i mean how coll would that be haha


It was a western visual novel, nothing more.




goddamn i want max to brap on my face

The game has a good sense of humour about it, too.

remember to submit your fucking photo


yes! because have tumblr! lesbian characters! i know ! OMG alex is my favorite character OMG she is so cool!

So true.

Can you do that?

The fuck?

Tell my why you don't like Chloe.

oh my god! she is so perfect! i love her!!

>people were complaining about this being a tumblr game
>the STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMAN character is a huge fuck-up and has to die for the good ending
>a numale is the bad guy
Yeah I really didn't get much tumblr influence from this. Unless it's just "B-B-BUT LESBIANS" because lesbians were apparently invented by and for tumblr.


No wonder people bully him.

Shut up!! go back to Sup Forums !

What a nerd! i bet this hater looks similar!

I hate this word, actually. No offense.


The game always looked fucking retarded you fucking faggot. The reveal trailer literally states "ITS TWIN PEAKS WITH HEAVY RAIN WITH THE WALKING DEAD WITH GONE HOME WITH TIME TRAVEL!!"

I have never even heard of something more conceivably cancerous and pretentious.

>Wow Final Fantasy: Spirits Within! Totally underrated flick xD

Fug. I never liked her, but After two playthroughs, the more and more i am exposed to Chloe, the cuter she becomes

this game deserved all the hate it received

>>Wow Final Fantasy: Spirits Within! Totally underrated flick xD

SE probably insisted on this line

Bought it last week for $3 on PSN. Pretty nice and comfy game, my only complaint is that it's too short


Why? It accurately portrays nu-teen culture. People don't quote Happy Days and watch MTV anymore grandpa.

>grown men playing a lesbian highschool simulator where you play as a girl

there is something wrong with this

No tits.

This desu

You're actually a fucking retard.
Go home to tumblr.

Literally the worst writing in the history of video games. You should feel ashamed.


the entire last episode completely shat the bed and seriously soured the whole thing for me
and i dont even give a shit that there are only 2 endings, it was all just rushed and failed at being clever in any way

is where you can talk about this hella radical awesome sauce game

Praise kek.

what the fuck you gonna do? Report the thread to mods because video games??


>chloe is dubbed by Ashly Burch


>tfw you will never be a qt girl like max

why is that man's jacket called Mr Jefferson

>Newfag doesn't know kek means lol

life sucks

Why even live.

Atleast we can be qt traps that look like max... right?

Mr. Jefferson.



>Mr. Jefferson.
Mr. (Mr. Jefferson) Jefferson (Mr. Jefferson)


Yandre Max.

>like a stephen king novel mixed with gone home

marketing is supposed to make you want to buy something


I liked it


not even close m8

That hella blows shakabrah