Hey I got something from the mail today. I wonder what it could be?

Hey I got something from the mail today. I wonder what it could be?

It's a parcel you retarded cunt.

show nigger hand

Body pillow incoming.

Post your hand already.

The mail didn't give you anything because it's not a living being you fucking inbred.

um sweetie if the mail didn't give him something then why does he have mail hun?

Dragon Dildos

>being this retarded

Ah, I have to let the DVD cover cool a little before I can fully take it outside!

I want to see your black hand now



PS2 game?

Why does Sup Forums chimp out at the sight of a black hand so much?


Let me guess; nigger hands with hideously long and dirty fingernails?

somehow its going to end up being a dildo in the shape of an animals genitals

Just a bit more.. I have to cool down the heat with my hand you see

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it is


haha wow you're black!!!!!
Is that what you wanted? Now show the game, you attention whore



>chimp out

Newfriend, pls. The black hand bait is so oldhat that it has actually come full circle and become a self-referential meme. People start guessing black hand in these threads because it's most likely what's going to happen. Everyone has seen it a thousand fucking times.

What a surprise.

Simply ebin

hurry up you shitskin currynigger

Silent Hill 2

Who would've thunk?


its shit, thats what it is.

Dragon dildo


ding ding ding

Is it Sneed's..


oh shit I was just throwing out a wild guess because I'm listening to SH3's soundtrack atm

>2.5 mb

It's Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Feels so good to let the case breathe fresh air!


wow it's mgs2

dude lmao

you do know there is that game for PC right?

That was pretty good
How did you know?

Whoops, should've covered the bottom left part a little. Thanks for the thread!

>Worst MGS

The dark blue horizontal lines and Konami logo


thread is over, time to post something else before 404

I want to hear some reasons as to why you think it was the worst, or are you just a poser?
>What is MGSV?

Its Sol, not substance. Good guess otherwise


Yeah Substance has the Fox logo on the back if im not mistaken

>used: acceptable

How fucking poor do you have to be to buy a less than brand new copy of one of the most mass produced PS2 games in history?


>brainlets are still assblasted over Raiden 16 fucking years later

>haha I just remembered I saw someone on the internet say that they were upset that u didn't actually play as snake that's a legitimite criticism I'll say that

Who would have thought that niggers love the worst MGS.