what the FUCK were they thinking?
What the FUCK were they thinking?
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I hate this fucking place so fucking much I can't fucking
whole game ruined desu
Dude what if we
get this
Add a gimmick from a bonus stage and make it necessary to beat?
what the fuck is wrong with you people
did you not know how to beat the gravity balls bonus stages in S3&K
>Knuckles gets two extra stage transitions
Why? The Lava Reef to Metallic Madness one is pretty cool. Don't know why they didn't use it for Sonic.
But I love this zone?
Ugh can we not you pack of pussies
Is not even challenging see youtu.be
What's the other one?
"Let's make a fun new zone."
Did a good job I reckon.
I liked the zone. It's not as hard or frustrating as people think it is although it clearly is designed for people who had already gotten gud at the S3K magnetic orbs Bonus Stage, and is probably quite jarring for those who haven't.
What I WILL say is that I'm convinced Titanic Monarch in it's current form only exists due to time restraints. The zone seems to have two different sets of assets (one resembling Chrome Gadget, the other resembling Final Fever) which clash with one another, and if you use Debug mode in Egg Reverie you can access the out-of-bounds areas, where you find unused Egg Reverie tiles like sloped floors and the like - which obviously aren't used in the final game since it's only a boss battle. Peculiarly enough I also found the Hidden Palace mural room in Lava Reef/Hidden Palace, although the mural itself was garbage tiles instead of the actual S3K mural. Lava Reef and Hidden Palace in general have a lot of level design quirks you can only find through debug mode that imply it was a rush job, like some old areas from the original game being in there despite being inaccessible.
Individually all of this stuff might just be considered quirks, but together with the way the zone transitions end halfway through the game, I'm convinced that the endgame of Mania was swapped around, edited, cut and stitched together at the last minute. The last zones were probably never supposed to go in that order, Titanic Monarch probably isn't what they actually had in mind for the last level, and Egg Reverie was likely intended to have an extra phase to it at some point in time.
He falls off the plane in Mirage Saloon into his act 1.
I fucking loved this Zone
The orbs are not that hard to get used to, you plebs.
I believe the Mania team had to shoehorn in the tie-in to forces when Sonic Team got allegedly "heavy-handed" with their meddling, this sounds like more evidence for it
that said, debug mode can just spit out garbage data past boundaries from time to time.
What's really fucking bizarre is that the Heavies in the final battle have like new sprites, a full pattern and a method to defeat them, but they're just this weird punishment you have to face several times for taking too long to beat Eggman. You might not even see the Magician and Knight part if you're good enough. There's no reason to hit them, I dunno if you can kill them or something and remove them from rotation. The boss does not go on so long that that would ever be required.
Anyway, theory time: the four routes in act 2 originally led to each of those Heavy bosses, and they were moved to 1. make sure the stage could be completed in under 10 minutes by majority of players, and 2. give some meat to the final Eggman battle
How the fuck are people clearing Green Hill Zone 1 in 29 seconds.
It takes me like 56.
The only problem I have with Titanic Monarch is it's too fucking easy
git gud
How shit at Sonic can you people actually be?
Mania was easy as fuck.
Most people on this board weren't even alive when S3&K came out.
Hows the game pc plebs
Oh wait
Speaking of the final boss battle, does the Rider even have a section? It seems odd that they'd feature three of the non-King heavies but not Heavy Rider in some capacity, the Heavy that was most suspicious in the first place due to it showing up in Lava Reef instead of having its own new zone.
Something is definitely off.
Git gud
(It could also be people abusing glitches in the game, I know many acts as Knuckles for example have way lower than expected times due to people exploiting the ledge climb glitch)
>good at games before their time
loving every lel
She has. You can beat the whole boss as Super Sonic without encountering any of the Heavies.
It's not even difficult, it's just obnoxious level design
Maybe they should've randomized the order the heavies came up in the final boss. I've done 4 playthroughs now and I haven't seen the Rider section of the boss
I'll take Titanic Monarch over Scrap Brain or Metropolis any day of the week.
>game won't let you retry a special ring, even by resetting
>have to beat story mode, collect the remaining emeralds and redo this shitty stage in its entirety
>can't even select the supersonic boss from the save menu
It's not really even that hard, it's just an annoying waste of time
Yep, Jimmy even gets upgraded for it.
Rider's room has rings again (Gunner has rings on either side, Shinobi and Magician have none)
You just have to avoid Rider while you're both running on chemical plant-style twisting paths, and then at the end she'll run into spikes and get hurt.
wait are people actually getting upset about the magnetic ball things
They're filthy casuals.
The only thing I thought sucked about that level are the fucking orbs. I immediately hated that mechanic and by the end of act 2 I was saying "enough with the damn orbs already!".
>and then at the end she'll run into spikes and get hurt.
Only if you press the button on the lower path though
Not that it matters since damaging them does nothing
Are you autists fucking serious? This shit's a kid's game.
I was bummed about not being able to select the Super Sonic boss after beating it, but there is a hidden level select that lets you go straight to it.
And the special stage ring thing is balanced by there being dozens of them. The devs aren't going to want you having super forms at Studiopolis on your first run.
They are very annoying and there's too many platform puzzles in that stage involving them. I think it would've been better if they eased up on it a little.
>people actually defending the gravity balls
I loved Sonic Mania myself, but you guys are fucking ridiculous. The orbs sucked, that's just a fact.
Can someone explain why or how the orbs sucked? They're extremely simple to understand and easy to use and a nice throwback to S&K.
>here is a hidden level select that lets you go straight to it.
I know that, but even Sonic 3&K lets you go to the Doomsday from the file select
>the special stage ring thing is balanced by there being dozens of them
There's only 1 in each act of Titanic Monarch and I was down to 2 emeralds left. I just wanted my damn playthrough to tie together nicely with minimal backtracking but noooo
>Use the D pad to adjust yourself on the spheres
>Jump when you're at the peak of the arc
Watching people not grasp this on YT is uncomfortable.
The orbs CONTROL fine, the problem is there's way too many of the things. There could have been another gimmick put in to break up the monotony a bit.
>bad at games
>can't get gud
>"m-muh level design!"
>"m-muh gamefeel!"
LMAO'ing hard
>There's only 1 in each act of Titanic Monarch and I was down to 2 emeralds left
I know of at least 2 in Act 1 so you're wrong on that count
Why are so many people having problems in this game? Are they all shitters? It makes me feel pretty good about myself knowing this
Yeah I found heaps of rings in the first two zones of the game and then it got sparser and sparser finding them, and then failing at them regardless (most common death was hitting a bomb at high speed and flying off the level).
Grinding oil ocean for the final two next time I play.
>retards getting mad because they cannot handle what is basically a reimagining of a classic sonic game
>complain about their inability to play said game to see who else is suffering from buyer's remorse
You know you're either: a) too much of a casual to learn from your own mistakes because gaming today is piss easy and you don't know any better, or b) you're 30 years old like me and your ability to play video games and reaction speeds in general leave much to be desired because gaming has since got easier over the years so much that something really trivial has become an existential nightmare today.
Yeah I took this shit for granted as I was doing this shit since I was like five or six. "Oh cool, orbs." I said to myself and never slowed down or had trouble.
The only obnoxious part of TM is in act 2 when you don't realize that it's a hub room with four pathways that could loop if you miss. It didn't take me long at all.
You can play as Tails or Knuckles in the final boss if you use level select too, and they won't be glitched.
this shit was easy compared to oil ocean
>good music
>good visual aesthetic
>fair level design
the fuck are you guys complaining about
To be fair, I have no idea how to play C64 and Speccy games.
Look at this thing. What the fuck am I suppose to do here?
>Don't want to turn super cause I want to enjoy the music
Metallic Madness Act 2 is the shit
I like that I'm no considered a skilled gamer just of virtue of being old enough to remember how to play with a toy from the '90s.
Git gud, scrubs.
>time has to reset at the final boss because you're guaranteed to be close to 9 minutes at that point
Why even keep the whole 10 minute rule if the levels end up being too big for it to work out well? Flying battery act 2 is another one I've seen a lot of people time over at, at least partly because the level's so huge
I worked that shit out as a kid dude, and im pretty sure i didnt play that game all that much
I got there at 5 minutes, git gud.
>your ability to play video games and reaction speeds in general leave much to be desired because gaming has since got easier over the years so much that something really trivial has become an existential nightmare today.
Sadly wrong, that is from the early onset of the ravages of age
And 3&K had Carnival Night Act 2. Git gud
>using the barrel as an argument
I hate getting invincibility because of this too
>Playing as Knuckles
>Have 50+ rings
>Hit a spot where I need to climb a wall.
this and mirage saloon act 1 are GOAT songs
Lemme guess, Lava Reef Act 2.
Fuck you. I never timed out once.
The orbs were fine. The annoying part was the protals.
Yeah, I don't get it. My only real issue with Mania aside the missing level transitions in the second half, is that the game is just too easy generally. Even Titanic Monarch isn't hard; and it should be the hardest level in the game.
I love the game, but it could've used a lot more difficult segments.
I've never timed out in any level that wasn't Carnival Night act 2. Hell, Titanic Monarch is nice enough to reset the timer for the boss fight. That's ridiculously generous.
I had no problem with it. What's the issue?
baddies couldn't handle something as simple as jumping when your sprite moves to the top of an orb.
>Anyway, theory time: the four routes in act 2 originally led to each of those Heavy bosses
That has to be the case. That stained glass was probably meant as a guide to which one was in which route too
nerf when?
I loved that zone. The game even had the courtesy of making a lot of shit that could be bottomless pits just teleport you.
Which version of mirage saloon?
All of them. My favorite is Act 1though, got it as a ringtone.
>Keeps saying act 1 when act 1 has two versions
get good retard
This is legit one of the easiest bosses
Infact it's probably THE easiest if you bring in a fire shield
I'm playing 2, 3K and CD all for the first time right now and I'd say Mania is on par with 3's difficulty.
CD was fucking easy.
>Dying to this boss
Fucking how? It's literally just the Oil Ocean boss mixed with the Lava Reef miniboss. You fight it the exact same way. I beat it my first attempt without even breaking a sweat.
I thought Oil Ocean was worse
this, i've hated oil ocean for decades.
The only questionable part of that boss is the tentacles rising up with the boss. They should've scrapped the laser and just had the two tentacles alternate with the main body like the original mini boss from Lava Reef. Maybe give the main body is own attack when it's exposed.
This boss is even harder with knuckles since once you fall of the platforms, it's impossible to jump back up. Fuck Oil Ocean.
This isn't true
I glided into the side of a platform and he raised himself up.
Please tell me how I was supposed to get past this part. I always thought it was bugged.
Get on the middle platform as it is rising
>I can't handle the stage and it's too difficult so it's bad
Every fucking time.
It's usually also shitters that constantly game over. How the fuck do you game over in Mania, holy shit.
once you jump into him you bounce off use that to jump back onto the platform the boss is still bullshit imo
PB is a high 32
Mark pls.
People actually find this game hard!?!
The only "difficulty" is learning the layouts and boss patterns.
The game even has saves so if you fail you can just start again on the level you died in...
what's bullshit about this fight is the instant death from either being on the platform when it sinks, or getting crushed by a tentacle when it lowers back into the oil as you get back on a platform instead of just losing your rings
>watch someone LP Mania
>they play it like they never seen a video game before
What is it about Sonic that makes people go full retard when playing it.
My guesss would be spastically jumping at it and losing your rings in the oil. Then spastically jumping at it again and dying
How is that bullshit? The tentacles are shown creeping up the platforms, have you considering not being near them when that happens?
I have yet to die to this fight and I've done it 4 times now.
Titanic Monarch is great though. Can people seriously not gitgud at the bonus stage orbs?
Hydrocity is shit. Fucking bubbles.
Act 1 of titanic monarch is ok, I would like a lot less gravity balls ruining the pacing of the level, but it's passable. Act 2 is where the gravity ball gimmick gets old real fast. The zone is really boring overall, and the secret final boss is fucking disappointing honestly.