When is Sombra going to get a buff?
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Right after matchmaking gets fixed
this actually looks okay
I came here for the >shadmans
I think it's one of his worst. It's bad and boring. Atleast his shit is usually interesting to look at.
That picture of Zoe and Mia he did is probably my favorite piece from him desu.
post it desu.
It's literally the first result if you google Shadbase Resident Evil 7.
she already is.
Why can't shad draw asses and boobs that don't look like implants?
why does neo-Sup Forums hate shadman?
> Why don't you like a bad artist
> Posts trap
You really aren't trying to sway opinions here
Yeah what fucking faggot for not drawing godtier japanease loli hentai.
Not only what says because he's a try hard edgy guy like in the pictpost was about how that one kid's actor dressed like a girl
Hating on Shädman its just a meme, I'm pretty sure most anons actually fap to his drawings but they also like to shitposts and make new >shadman reaction images.
I stopped following Shadman after he went from relatively interesting pics to shots traps
i like the cum
The fact this is based off an actual event just raises more fucking questions.
sauce my shit up
>I'm pretty sure most anons actually fap to his drawings
If comiket was nonexistent and I was new to R34 and porn on the internet, then sure
its currently over on Sup Forums
Thats Jlullaby
Used to draw great deepthroating
I just meme about it, I actually nuted several times to his straight porn, no regrets
I am not religious but I am starting to think they were right about gays, it's well on the way to destroying the future.
Of course they are right. It would be like Undertale fans openly walking the street, guaranteed degeneracy.
>couldn't even immediately tell that was shad
is he, dare I say it, improving?
That's the thing.
If he didn't insert his shitty fetishes or edge, he would be ok as an artist.
I was just surprised that her spine was a proper length.
if you like kids its on shadbase
The only reason I hate Shadman is he never finishes a single comic he starts.
>neo-Sup Forums
>hating shad
If anything hating shad is a remnant of old Sup Forums, his art honestly used to be fucking horrible, he has gotten a lot better over time and although he still has some stuff to work on he is definitely way, way better now than he ever was and in my opinion doesn't deserve anywhere near the hate he still gets.
But the shad hate meme must continue for the keks regardless.
>that TLOU one
What a faggot.
He improved slowly over time, like most artists, look at some of his older work and compare it to more recent work, it is a world of difference. I definitely think he can be considered a good artist by now, when he isn't drawing Hillary Clinton loli porn at least.
but Hilloli Clitton is my favorite Shadman character
>tfw ganassa started shit and stayed shit but people constantly post here
Nice strawman you fucking retard
If Sombra gets a motherfucking buff I might reinstall. If she would ever be useful in Competitive.
He started a comic a comic where that Marco Diaz character I don't know the name of the show getting forced to fuck a bunch of niggers in a maid outfit.
while that picture is amazing
he didnt draw that
Gonna use this as my steam avatar. Thx
>t's well on the way to destroying the future.
HUh. A shadman that's not make me jump out the nearest window.
God I need to breed her.
Fuck me, the short haired girls always get me going. Extra points for always having wild hair
>Shad literally can never draw loli porn again and is forced to draw loli's that aren't even lewd
How the mighty have fallen
Same. Complete blood flow killer (for my dick and for the person smoking)
>Shad literally can never draw loli porn again
He can't? Good riddance.
Look at his shit. Notice the last time he drew loli porn was prior to his site getting in trouble multiple times over his loli shit. He has yet to draw anything pornographic with lolis since. Just suggestive.
he did
doesn't stop him from posting loli's getting spitroasted by niggers.just look at the new pic on shadbase today
he stated that some other faggot drew the picture
he rendered it
That's Jlullaby. The last several shad pictures are just his smoking fetish
Hasn't stopped Jlullaby though.
thats pretty hot tb.h
>hub world girl gets bigger boobs every time you beat a boss and bring back its soul
thats a good idea
Well of course not. If Jlullaby isn't being harassed by the police then there's no issue for him. No idea where jlullaby even lives.
>start a thread about video games
>fucking ANYONE posts ONE pic of le shadart
>immediately turns into a shadthread
evrytyme not that I don't like it
if your into toddlers i guess so
Honestly I'd prefer it if it was just the mom who was fucked, and the toddler just didn't know what was happening.
I would have thought posting it on shad's website would have caused some trouble desu.
>cuck shit
What a waste
>Notice the last time he drew loli porn was prior to his site getting in trouble
there is literally a little girl with a gaping anus in the front page of shadbase right fucking now
his art is actually improving. i'm surprised by how much progress he's made since you fags started spamming his shitty pictures. he must draw a lot to have made so much progress over such a short amount of time. if he can keep this up, he'll actually be a good artist eventually
Do you think Shadman lurk in this threads? If you read this, I actually like your work
I think he needs to draw more girlies with willies.
real talk, i really can't believe how much progress he has made over these last couple of months. not that his art is good now, but it still makes me wish i could stop my shitty 9-5 job and try to dedicate myself to drawing.
Can we stop with the fucking green hippo looking thing, its a shit meme
I really doub it I think your work sucks, piercings, smoking and punk hair is fucking shit and you have shit taste shad.
I think he needs to draw more girls with pierced assholes.
Drawn not by shad
Sombra's fine if you know how to play her. She isn't about kills or capping the point. She's a diversion and a distraction. Get in, hack a high priority target, get out.
I hate Shadman too, he is the polar oposite of /ourguy/ Dobson.