Fire Emblem got to real for me

Fire Emblem got to real for me

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nice try reddit.

>this has 42,000 points on reddit right now
how can anyone laugh at this retarded fake misspelled trite unfunny shitpost? These people are fully autistic but somehow also fully normie, with none of the good qualities of either. I them all to die.

Shit meme.
I was unaware this was Reddit until you guys outed you browse there. All you fags need to go back.

There are times I really do hate the internet.
This is one of them.

Also also Laslow can get with a girl pretty damn easily in Fates and have a daughter so this makes even less sense

This is now another Fates plot discussion thread.

Since when did fire emblem start breaking the fourth wall? The era they're in wouldn't need and thus not have a complex number system anyways.

Are you, perhaps, retarded

Can you fucking emulate fates yet?

It's obviously fake. Kill yourself.

Reminder that Hiro uses bots to regurgitate threads from other websites for false traffic.

No, this is not redditfags reposting for Sup Forums karma. This is Hiro's fault. You want to know what's wrong with Sup Forums? It's fake fucking people you're talking to.

The plot in Revelation is beyond awful.

>Guys there's a hidden enemy that wants us all to fight each other
>Who is this enemy, Corrin?
>I can't tell you, you just have to believe me and jump off a cliff when the time comes
>But that would lead to certain death
>Just believe me bro, it's the only way

And Azura knew everything the whole time in the other routes, but never told Corrin

Why did Treehouse use "Elfire" here when it doesn't seem to even exist in Fatesland?
Why did Laslow, Odin, and Severa not try to join up with Corrin in Birthright?
Why does everyone always say Cordelia will cuck you while ignoring this?

T-then... You are not real?!
Am I even real?!
What is the truth?!!!

>not wanting a cute bi wife who tries to bring home a girl for a threesome


Only retards go to reddit. It's designed and visited by close minded manchildren.

All I can say is don't reply to ANY posts unless you are 100% certain you know the other person is from Sup Forums, especially OPs.

Wait there's no Elfire in Fates?

You have ten seconds to name the best Fire Emblem

Radiant Dawn that was easy

do you have some better proof for that?

A lot of this stupid shit that's posted on Sup Forums comes from reddit. Just browse the front page of r/gaming or something like that and you will see.

Genealogy of the Holy War

>Playing Conquest after losing interest in Birthright
>Feels a lot better, feel like I can finally get invested in the game and characters, now
>On a whim, think to myself, "Well I guess it can't HURT if I do a little bit of Revelations"
>Pass the first level
>"No, Corn. You don't understand. King Garon wouldn't have listened to you if you wanted him to make peace with Hoshido. Not because he's evil, which he totally is, but because he's being controlled by an even EVILER DRAGON GUY!"
>"Incredible! But why didn't you tell any of us sooner, like, before we went to war?"
>"Corn, if I had told you everything then, you would have fucking DIED because there's a curse that specifically targets people who talk about the truth behind the big evil dragon man!"
>"Oh! Well that doesn't sound very fun. Looks like we've gotta unite the families so we can have a chance at stopping this war!"

Goddamn it man I paid so much money for all three paths, man. I downloaded it, too. It took up so much space on my 3ds I had to fucking delete several games I was maybe going to come back to. Had to delete all my street pass data, too.
What went so wrong?

Most traditional tomes aren't in Fates. Only Fire and Thunder from the usual anima tomes, with Thoron being from Robin amiibo.

man nu-FE is so fucking cringe

how did we get to this point


the gameplay has its problems, for sure, but it's a game like no other

I love ice cream!

I mean, people like to blame Awakening for pushing the shipping stuff more than before, but Heroes is where things really hit rock bottom desu

Because you selfish fucks didn't buy the games so they had to start pandering to the otaku and super lonely crowd and now we got stupid shit like petting mini games and plots the revolve about who can suck the MC's dick the hardest. Just like the stupid liberals who gave raise to Trump you're to blame for this mess and rather than try to fix it, you're too busy blaming everybody else but yourselves, just like the Shin Megumi Tensei crowd who bitches about Persona taking everything.

>I was unaware this was Reddit
>imgur filename
Sure buddy, sure

What happened in heroes? Do you get to rub the girl's naughty bits while they say they'll love you and only you forever and ever with implications of sexual happenings happening afterwards? I wonder if the next game will go full love plus

>recognizing imgur filenames
For fucks sake Sup Forums

Why didn't they just go to Valla, write down what was going on, then take the piece of paper back and show it to Xander and Ryoma?

Fire Emblem Midori

While Awakening was garbage with it's story and characters, It did have some improved gamely elements at least. But yeah, the waifu and self insertfags are fucking cancer. A few people even complained that Fire Emblem Echoes was disappointing because the of the lack of the two thinks I just mentioned.


Speak for yourself I bought every game that came out in the west

>Oniisan disbelievingly recounts what's on the paper/mentions Valla
>melts into water

Cringe post

A better question is why Azura didn't just tell Corn while they were in Valla in fucking Conquest. But if you want to point out the plot holes then you'd need a novel.

To be fair Echoes is overrated by Sup Forums because it's not Awakening/Fates. It's not bad but it has it's issues just like they did, which is fitting since Gaiden was the black sheep of the franchise.

You're acting like the Conquest path is any better in story and Corrin/Azura's brain power

Hey, people pay good money to have fictional characters tell them they love them.

I did though you faggot. I was addicted to FE and Advance Wars.

Fates is a husbando game since the female MU is canon.

Also FE has always had waifus. Or are we still pretending that Lyn wasn't one?

>Anankos makes a curse that doesn't let people talk about him
>Is angry over the idea of people forgetting about him

What a fucking idiot villain that dragon was

>Also FE has always had waifus
It did but it was never a big part of the story. In FE7 your player avatar does jack shit, barely interacts with the story or characters, and then fucks off at the end.

>female MU is canon
where's the proof

>To be fair Echoes is overrated by Sup Forums
A surprising amount of people play FE for the story, the series where 99% of the time everything was caused by a dragon/diety

Fire emblems fanbase is complete cancer

who give a shit about the "twist". What happen during the game is more important.

Wait what? That's not his name?

I think the worst part is Conquest
>hey corn I got this magic orb that'll show you Garon's true form if you have a sacred weapon
>shows Garon's true form to Corrin
>Hey that's cool, let's go show this to Leo and Xander who also have sacred weapons
>whoops I dropped it lol

Yes it is. Inigo, Severa and Owain use fake names in Fates for some reason.

Him, Owain and Severa took fake names when they went to the Fates world.

According to Heirs of fate dlc, birthright Corrin is male while conquest is female. So they are both canon

So what's your honest opinion on this game. Reception seems pretty mixed.


>Hey commander, I just captured the entire royal family of our ennemies without a single casuality
>I'm going to execute them now

What about Revelations Corrin?

I like a good story but the average FE story is, well, average. The characters are the fun part of the 'story', not the story itself.

Kinda the reverse of Conquest to me. The gameplay is decent but not all that great, while the story is better but still flawed. The characters are about the same to me since the characters are less gimmicky but more bland due to no supports.

Art and music is great, voice acting is great, has like 3 good maps and near-zero replay value.
Too many maps are just spam of 1 kind of enemy on an open field and the lategame relies on summon spam instead of well-placed formations.

It's something you play once then never play again.

You mean evil empire/group attacks good country,yeah real good stuff there

Binding Blade

This honestly. It has zero replay value. I did like it though and felt like I got my money and time's worth.

You know what I mean.

Lord of the Ring is very cliche but it still a great novel to read. Same shit with fire emblem.

Lord of the Rings literally invented the very things that make it cliche. It's like reading Dune and complaining about the desert planet setting.

It has some replay value in he Sonya/Deen choice and class options, but that's about it.

Why are the GBA animations so much more pleasing to look at than the 3DS ones?

I'm pretty sure she knew it would break after a single use but decided to show only Corrin instead of waiting until they reunited with the siblings because Azura is the most retarded fucking bitch in the series.

I can at least understand not wanting the Hoshido royal family to be executed because it fits with Corrin's retarded nonetheless insistence on doing things without killing people... but when he turns around and frees them so that they can go and FIGHT AN ENTIRE WAR AGAINST EACH OTHER honorably, it kinda falls apart. Instead of just forcing them to surrender and ending things peacefully, we get to invade Hoshido the hard way and people will die because of this. Corrin's a fucking retard too.

Far more stylised.

Is FE4 the "A Song of Ice and Fire" of vidya?


>Why did Laslow, Odin and Selena not try to join up with Corrin in Birthright?

Even if that route wasn't canon, I will never not be mad about this. Those 3 should have been neutral units available on every route from the start as well as having a much bigger role in the story, considering they knew more about the plot than even fucking Corrin for a good chunk of the time.

>Lord of the Rings literally invented the very things that make it cliche

Inigo was more concerned with trying to get some pussy (and in Birthright Corrin isn't a girl), Severa was too busy trying to get Camilla's pussy and Owain was living out a chuuni fantasy.

Speaking of Corrin's gender, it's funny that the route with the most popular girls is the one with the female as canon.

Remember that when they did a poll, the most popular girl for Fire Emblem, according to female players, was Corrin.

Too static, no one reacts to having a spear through the head.

They're really not, I wouldn't call flashing a sprite on the screen for a split second "impressive

I don't know, it just looks cooler. Then again, I just overall prefer the 2D aesthetic to the 3D one.

Sacred Stones

You think this is bad? This was at the top of Reddit a while ago. They are genuinely autistic.

I still think Sacred Stones has the most likable cast of characters in the franchise. I went out of my fucking way to make sure everybody lived in the end and got a happy ending with their respective waifus or husbandos if they had one.

I agree

also the best official art in the series tbhfam

>got a happy ending with their respective waifus or husbandos if they had one.
Except for Tethys apparently.

If you don't have amelia and duessel get an A rank together you are a bad person

i quitw liked the sacred stones cast too. Villains included

It's pretty good, made some interesting balance decisions that were pretty fun to learn and play around

The two biggest problems for me were how you had to grind the shit out of dungeons for silver if you wanted decent quality weapons before the 95% mark, and how shit the length and quality of supports were for how scarce they ended up being. If two characters can only ever talk to each other, please for the love of god give them something interesting to say

fegot emblem when?

I had Amalia and Franz together, I could never get A support with anyone else. They're just too cute.

every time you see a unbelievably terrible post like this and it has an imgur filename, you just know it was pulled right off of Leddit.

Is this some meme I'm not in on? This shit happens every fucking day on this shit board.

you are a man of taste

Path of Radiance

>Support Duessel and have her see her mother again
>Support Franz and giver her a family of her own

Shit's a Trolley problem

What are some games to play if I really liked FE4&5? The other FE games just don't have the same tone and feel that I loved.

Awful gameplay with underdeveloped and boring characters and a terrible story. Music is the only really good thing about it.

>Erika and Seth
>Joshua and Natasha
>Gilliam and Syrene
>Lute and Artur
>Neimi and Cole
>Joshua and Natasha
>Tana and Ephraim
>Innes and Vanessa
>Ross and Garcia
>Gerik and Marisa
>Amelia and Franz
These are all the patrician A support endings. Prove me wrong.

>nearly 30 year old series with over ten games
>only represents the most recent two plus token series poster boy
Has there ever been a bigger blunder?

The new wave of FE fans will love it though, since they only know about the older characters through FE:H memes

Amelia and Franz

Had them paired too.

He was the non royal that could recruit her
believe Amelia even references him in her duessel support
made sense and was pretty cute

it's an evil choice there. that five sopports max

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite