Why is the PS4 so boring?

PS4 games are only about gore, nothing else.
PS4 more like SnoozeStation, the games are interactive gore films with 0 trough put into it.

Wil PS4 ever get interesting games or it will keep pandering to little kids with angry issues?

don't fucking use it then, go do/play something else.

lmao fucking kiddo can't handle gore what a pussy

do you get insecure on sex scenes fag?

There are about 1800 games available on the PS4 and this is a really dumb thread

What do other consoles have? Zelda is a little bitch with a little bitch sword and gaylo is shit. The PS4 has the best games that at least follow the guide to making good games.

Majority of these games are ported PS3 games.


don't be stupid. it's a good chunk but not a majority

See? PS4 fans are so damn childish, its embarasing that there's people over 15 that likes something so inmature as the PS4!

Nintendo sucks as well, their games are low quality.

LittleBigPlanet doesn't have any gore.

It's the only normie platform which doesn't have the biggest exclusive of the gen

this is the worst generation of all time, even the fucking PS3 had more good exclusives 4 years into its lifespan than the PS4 does in the same amount of time

look at this interactive gore film

I wish
I skipped the PS3 and really wanted to play Infamous 1/2 and Demon's Souls. Why the fuck can't these dumb assholes remaster Demon's Souls, it's like they hate money.

I got a quad just to grab a few console games. I like it as a remaster box, I gave my double to my brother as a DVD player and my triple to my parents as a blu ray player and I haven't bothered to dabble with much playstation emulation so it's convenient to have a cheap little box to play the occasional console game. I think Yakuza 0 and FFXV are the only quad exclusive vidya I own, and FFXV isn't exclusive any more and Y0 is Sega so that might go multiplat too.

I'd give the quad a 5 out of 10. I don't regret buying it but I also wouldn't recommend it, it fills a very specific purpose for me so it's probably pointless for most people. I wouldn't ca'll it boring but I wouldn't call it exciting either. I guess 'unexceptional' is appropriate. 'Not noteworthy.'

Kat is c-
You know the drill.

>This is what sony fanboys actually believe

Xbox is the worst piece of crap the videogame industry has ever shit.

Videogames only where good in the PS2/GC era.

One good game with 1800+ shit films

>referring to the PS2, PS3, and PS4 as Double, Triple, and Quad
what the fuck am i reading

>make a claim
>someone denies it
>"YOU prove it!!"
that's not how that works.

It's getting the biggest game this gen, the ps4 isn't.

what drill would that would be

what would that be?

>Still defending a console with no games

She's cute dammit.

I'm just asking you to back up your attacks, is that a problem, user? Surely you can do it ,':^)

You know what it is.

>Battle Royale for normies
yeah, keep it