Let's be honest, who the FUCK wanted this over Xenoverse 3? Are there actually that many FGC niggers in the Dragonball fandom?
Let's be honest, who the FUCK wanted this over Xenoverse 3...
>I wanted a sequel to a game that came out less than 10 months ago instead of something new
What a bad thread, concept is broken from the start
>mfw this will end the more than ten year streak of shitty shovelware musou-tier games with "DBZ" on the title that have been shat out by devs with the license because they know that retards will buy anything with those letters on the case and Goku in it so they don't ever have to make a good game
I hope you all kill yourselves too haha
>Are there actually that many FGC niggers in the Dragonball fandom?
Yes, yes there really are.
Fuck off, you're obviously not a DBZ fan if you'd rather play Street Fighter with a DBZ skin over Xenoverse.
I still play Hyper Dimension with friends. We also play guilty gear and blazblue. Fuck you, we wanted this for decades.
>developed by Arc System Works and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment
Sup Forums has no clue how terrible this is. It means there will be a ton of DLC, and a ton of half-assed physical versions of the exact same game.
>mfw pseudo-fans like this reveal themselves by not wanting a good DBZ game to compliment the source material and instead want shovelware trash with absolutely no gameplay value or resemblance to DBZ beyond character models
Holy shit I'm dying, post another one!
>mash out the same combos again and again and again until the braindead AI falls down
Black people were the original weebs
Xenoverse's online is garbage.
Xenoverse was shit
You have no idea how much the FGC loves Dragonball and anime in general
Holy shit
>tfw you like both and can't wait for fighterz and xenoverse 3 and realize they aren't mutually exclusive because you're not a dumb pedro
I played a little bit of the first Xenoverse, and I found it very underwhelming.
This is the first DBZ game in years that I have any interest in, and I am not even the biggest fighting fan.
>who wanted a hand crafted work of love and respect towards the franchise as a love letter to fans instead of a rehashed cashgrabbing game with no positive attributes, competition or balance
>tfw I share this feel
>Are there actually that many FGC niggers in the Dragonball fandom?
Oh fucking boy, are you in for a surprise.
>an actual good game
>fan wank
I think I'd prefer a good game
>Xenoverse features
>Story mode
>Co op
>Huge roster
>English dub
None of that is going to be in FighterZ. Enjoy your reskinned MK.
How many DBZ fighting games are there over several generations? Answer that question and then think about why DBZ fans might crossover with the FGC.
>Xenoverse features
>shitty non-gameplay that you'd find in a demo pack from 2001 for the PS2
None of that is going to be in FighterZ.
Also FghterZ is already confirmed for co-op haha you fucking retard faggot holy shit.
>story mode
>english dub
What's the problem, it's not like this game existing is going to unmake XV or hold up dimps developing XV3.
And it's a reskinned mahvel
>Co op in a 2D beat em up
What is this, 1992?
>Deviantart shit
>FighterZ Story Mode just got a trailer
>6 player co-op online mode
>20-30 unique characters vs 100+ copypaste jobs
>Dub was confirmed ages ago
Your turn
I've been waiting for another half decent dbz fighter since the budokai series
In the parlance of you youngsters: kys famalam
Technically, (actual) Mexicans were. Back in the 1980's, a lot of anime was airing in Mexico. An entire generation grew up on anime before Toonami.
>street fighter with a dbz skin
You're retarded.
Is this bait? FighterZ is going to have at least half of those things and the things it won't have aren't even detriments.
It won't have this, but that isn't too huge a deal considering DBZ games for decades didn't and this isn't really the type of game that needs it. It'd be neat, but that's just it. It'd be neat.
>Story mode
FighterZ will have this.
>Co op
FighterZ will have this.
>Huge roster
Again, not a big deal. The problem with huge rosters is that characters end up feeling extremely samey. If all you're doing is playing for 20 minutes at a time and recreating fights from the show then this is a good feature. But anyone who wants to put time in and actually learn the game will appreciate a smaller, but more diverse cast.
>English dub
FighterZ will have this.
Cue the reply with a smiling golden man sucking (You)s through a straw.
>Xenoverse features
And nothing of value was lost.
>English Dub
At least try making some research before being a dumbass online.
>inb4 damage control
Not important to gameplay
>Story mode
Feature, not gameplay
>Co Op
Way to play, not gameplay itself
>Huge roster
Shovelware, not gameplay
>English dub
Implying FighterZ won't have one
Go kill yourself, I just preordered CollectorZ and cant wait until they make a shit ton of cash and collect 1000 rewards for this game, so the only future dbz games are like this. Xenoverse was absolute shit and had 0 gameplay.
Nobody wanted Xenoverse 1. I wanted an actual 2d balanced fighter since the first budokai.
Youre an absolute fucking nigger if you think Xenoverse 3 would be better, let alone, thinking Xenoverse is good at all
>He prefers a 3d button masher instead of a 2d deep fighting game
>These features that the majority of the fandom loves don't matter because me and my vocal minority 0.1% of tourneynerds only care about playing top tiers and winning EVO
You are the cancer killing fighters. You are the reason SF5 and MVCI suck.
Anyone else find this retarded "lol looks like phone game" shit infuriating?
>people itt slamming OP when Sup Forums would sooner play XV than DBFZ because they hate fighting games
I can almost guarantee 99% of the people hyping this game up have never even been to a local smash tournament, let alone an actual fighting game tournament. So no, they arent FGC.
>2D = Old
fuck xenoverse those devs are jewish as fuck
>retard who doesn't understand the cost of fighting game characters
I wanted it. This is LITERALLY my dream game. Fave developer doing my childhood show justice.
Wrong. Sup Forums hates playing fighting games, they like the concept of playing them. Sup Forums always acts like tough shit when talking about fighting games, but try playing with them and you'll get nothing.
>acting like your button masher is any less of a button masher
>the majority of the fandom loves
I'm talking even further back, to how Bruce Lee was really popular in the black community, and how blaxploitation had obligatory kung fu scenes.
Even your damage control sucks, I'm disappointed. Is this all Xenoversefags can come up with?
Even if I had no interest in DBZ, OP is still wrong on both counts. Tons of people want this, and the FGC is full of DBZ loving minorities.
>Xenoverse 3
And how pray-tell would we benefit from a Xenoverse 3 when we could just get arc DLC for 2 and use mod it?
>dumbed down 3v3 thats more simple than MVC3
That's your idea of ArcSys doing DBZ justice? You do realize these are the same people that made Guilty Gear? This is a cash grab.
0.1% yet it's already so hyped that they had to delay the beta sign ups to account for this.
No that's capcom's fault. There are more than enough different fighters out now for if you're sick of their shit.
Why is Sup Forums so shit at fighting games?
Why is Sup Forums so intimidated by fighting games?
I did, nigga.
There's your problem. Why pander to people who don't matter?
>This is LITERALLY my dream game
Fully agreed. This is the game I've wanted since I was a boy. What's funny is that I never even considered Arcsys as a dev for this kind of project, but when I found out they were behind it I lost my shit. I've been a massive Guilty Gear fan since I first played XX on PS2 and DBZ was my childhood from 95 onwards. The announcement at E3 alone was enough to pull me from depression. I can't wait for this game to be fully released.
Because minorities are the only ones who care about Dragon ball z.
>3v3 Guilty Gear with Dragonball characters
I see nothing wrong here.
What the fuck did you just say to me, you bitch?
Because fighting games are the manliest most masculine genre in vidya, and Sup Forums is full of beta-male virgins who are intimidated by competition.
Except it's not 3v3 guilty gear. 5 minutes of gameplay clearly demonstrates this. It takes 3v3 to smash bros levels of simplicity. Stop misrepresenting the game.
Truly the best feel.
>Thinking fighting games are just button mashers
Found the scrub
Wouldn't it be cool if something like this happened?
>Choose SSJ Vegeta and SSB Vegeta on your team.
>SSJ Vegeta gets beaten.
>Instead of just SSJ Vegeta stepping out and SSB stepping in, Vegeta just gets a real quick little animation of going Blue.
>Pick Blue before SSJ.
>Beat him enough and he powers down.
>Says he doesn't need Blue to beat you.
Has something like that ever happened for fighting games with team ups that have different versions of each character?
Xenoverse has its moments but come on man, this looks like a lot of fun and I'm not even huge on real fighters. For actual fighting game fans who also love DBZ this shit must make them hard.
where's source on the coop?
When it comes to this, Sup Forums is just eventhubs with fewer names
Fighting Games:
>waah, this is too hard for me, it's no fun, fucking autists who spent 1000s of hours learning the game, I just picked it up yesterday, I should be able to compete with them.
>I shouldn't have to press XBLRBAXYYXLR just to throw a punch, gosh, it's artificial difficulty, fighting games are for scrubs
>this genre is dead, I hate competition
>fucking Meta elitists ruined everything
>how dare they learn the optimal builds to quickly build an army and manage their economy, I just wanna play this war game and pretend it's Sim City
>fucking tankspammers rushing my base, no fun allowed
>I hate competition, this genre is dead
>hurr, center screen to make something dead
>fucking faggots memorizing the map and killing me, it's not fair
>even a fucking casual could do this
>I hate competition, this genre is dead
>assfaggots pieces of shit, if I wanted to play an RTS, I'd do that, what's the point if you only control ONE character
>this game takes NO skill, literally just build your super and press R to win, fucking braindead
>I could be a top player too and make millions, but I don't want to cause this genre sucks, and eSports are gay
>I hate competition, this genre is dead
No wonder this board has such a boner for Nintendo and Senran Kagura shit. You people suck dick at vidya.
Why can't you just git gud ?
>It takes 3v3 to smash bros levels of simplicity.
>Stop misrepresenting the game.
It takes time and a lot of losses to git gud. It's all on you when you lose so no autistic screeching at teammates or excuses (unless you're dsp or ltg tier).
I've played some anons from Sup Forums in random fightan years ago and actually had fun. People do play, but shitposting and faggots drown out that.
>Let's be honest, who the FUCK wanted this over Xenoverse 3?
I'm in no rush for XV3.
>When it comes to this, Sup Forums is just eventhubs with fewer names
This 100%. Perfect fucking description. People unironically say outright stupid shit regarding SFV here all the time.
everyone wanted this over xenoverse faggotry. people have been dreaming of a game like this for decades, you may not know though since youre under age.
the only people who play garbage like xenoverse are autistic children, the same kind that buy shit like amiibos.
One of the most recent scans. There's an online mode that is 3v3 where each player controls a different character. The game is largely the same as in not all characters will be active at once, it will still be 1v1+assists+tag ins, but If we're on a team and your Goku and I'm Vegeta then we'll control our own characters whenever we're tagged in. There isn't much info on it, but it was teased.
What's wrong with breaking up my fightan with some SK?
You mean Capcom cock sucking scrub central
>Hating on Senran
So FGCfags are SJW cucks too? No wonder they support shit like censoring Mika's butt slap.
Being this mad lul
Android 16 has the best reactions.
Well you got the scrub central part right.
Honestly, the biggest group of capcom apologists seem to be /vg/, but I haven't been there in a while so I can't say for sure. I think pretty much everywhere else is actually split down the middle when it comes to capcom now.
He really struck a nerve, huh?
Stop trying to hide your samefagging
Both event hubs and Sup Forums are mainly comprised of people who obviously don't know shit about SFV and are just recycling talking points to bash the game. The blind capcom dick sucking group is very small.
I still see some die-hard fans here at times. Fucking poor souls.
I love booty just as much as the next guy, but SK with its no nipples and shallow gameplay is trash. Just play real hentai games like Rance or anything by Alicesoft really.
Not even samefagging and if it even matters I actually like SK due to how absurd it is. Take your sore ass somewhere else.
Xenoverse 3 will be the exact same game as Xenoverse 2 except with slightly stronger Jiren.
This is something new. I like it.
To be fair he has one reaction but it is top tier.
This is so god fucking true
Eh, the girls grew on me.
Rance girls are cuter.
And you actually get to see them naked and enjoying a good dicking
There's a reason why /vg/'s fighting game general only caters to SF and Marvel. You have your Tekken general, your Blazblue general, Skullgirls general, NRS general etc. Any other fighting game talk on that general will be met with shitposting. The funny thing is, when you call them out, they usually dodge. /fgg/ is really just Capcom only fighter general (no Darkstalkers because lol ded gam xddd).
found the goober
Found the capcbro. Honestly you and your ilk should just off yourselves.
MS needs to make budokai 3 hd for 360 work on the xbone already ffs
>Wanting a Xenoverse 3 instead
You have to be the most autistic child in the world wanting a 3rd installment of a terrible ass game. I doubt you even play X2 because if you did, you would realize how fucking horrible it is. Everyone literally cheats and glitches and the servers are absolutely fucking horrendous, literally teleporting everywhere during a fight. The story is mediocre as well. Here's your (you), you best be joking nigga.
Show me something that beats daidoji and/or the entirety of the crimson squad and we'll talk.
I have encountered no such problems.
The gameplay is fine.
You're only real complaint is the mediocre story which could always be improved in XV3.