Biggest Jew moves in gaming? List em

Biggest Jew moves in gaming? List em

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Everything Nintendo does ever. I didn't know Japs could be so jewish

Didn't you get one free with Donkey Kong 64?

>Literally gave them away with Donkey Kong 64 and lost fucktons of money over it
OP is clearly underage

Konami, nuff said

>have 64
>don't know what an expansion pack is
>Mum rents me and my brothers OoT every now and again
>See MM, want to try renting it
>didn't come with the expansion pack
And to this day I have still never played MM

Seriously not to seem lazy by just posting this, but this. Amiibo is one of the most jewish things I've ever seen. Also I don't main nintendo just so there is no confusion, I don't even like them that much.

To be fair, RAMBUS RAM was really, really expensive at the time, thats why the N64 cheaped out on RAM and sold it as an expansion later on.

RAMBUS was such a shitty company. I'm so glad that open standard DDR won the fight for the new defacto RAM standard after SDRAM. But Sup Forums was probably not even born when this was a thing...

Physical DLC.

Playstation memory cards
The PS3 at launch
Paid online

sage this retard

Dude, you can buy an expansion pak for like $25 off eBay, and get a playable cart for less than $40. It's about the cost of a modern game, and it won't devalue down to $20 in 3 months so you can resell it when you're done. It's basically free then...

They released it way before donkey kong 64 came out jr, fuck off now/

>Get BTFO'd
>y-you're the underage!

Wii Speak
NEW 3DS which is a $300 device that supports a whopping 1 (ONE!!!!) game
Gamecube Mic
Almos the vitality sensor
The WII-U itself
Virtual Boy
Power Glove
Gameboy printer
I love nintendo but jesus

>mid-generation upgrade for N64
>it's just one component to be swapped out

>mid-generation upgrade for PS4 / XB1
>you have to buy an entire console


Sony was losing $200+ on each PS3 sold.

By Playstation Memory cards I hope you're referring to the Vita, which is a racket. Because PS1 memcards were open and you could get third party.

>Playstation memory cards

Do you know how much memory those actually had? A block was 8kb, so they were 120kb


Only three games really required it, and a used one was pretty cheap.

I'm still laughing at the idiots that bought Pentium 4's at launch.

>NEW 3DS which is a $300 device that supports a whopping 1 (ONE!!!!) game

There are more now, Runbow and something or the other

Amiibos aren't that bad depending on what angle you view them from.
It's a little statue with your favorite Nintendo character and you can tap it on your console to get some stuff in-game. You probably only get up to four different ones, your favorites, and each one do things in a couple different games.
It's only really awful because you can't get the content digitally.

Vita memory cards is the worst one I can think of.
32 GB storage on the Switch and Switch dock for $90 are up there too in terms of recent things.

It always amazes me to think about the constraints of old. a game like earthbound is just 1.3MB

I can't even create a picture these days that small.



Are you retarded?
The other two games that needed the expansion pak to work were Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark, and both were released after DK64.

No you dumb fuck, the expansion pack was released way before any of those games, I remember using it for extra "gore" in Turok 2.

>Amiibo is one of the most jewish things I've ever seen
>buy one mario amiibo, it works on almost every game that uses amiibo
It's really not.

So you bought it when it was completely optional. That's your problem.

Nice reading comprehension retard.
My point is, you don't need the expasion pak to play those games. If you had the expansion pak back then, ok, it was just a bonus, but it wasn't a requirement.

>came with my bro's copy of DK64
>got to play Majora's Mask without a hitch.


I don't remember if Perfect needed it, but you definitely required it for DK64 and Majora.

Conker as well

>Buying the first wave of P4s over the 1+ Ghz P3s and Athlons
God damn the first and to a lesser extent second gen P4s sucked so god damn much.

payed online

The the 64GB ones don't even last. Did someone at Sony have a vendetta against the Vita?


This. 3x+ than normal SD cards of the same size.

PD required it for single player, I think. Multiplayer was available without but limited.

I like them. I don't even buy them for dlc I just think they're neat

Amiibos are neat as fuck in theory. In practice, it's pure jewry. Imagine if there were 10 different Link amiibos that all did the same thing, the only difference being which version of Link aesthetics you got. But no, each one does different shit and you need like 13 amiibos for botw.

Fucking ludicrous.

Needed it for MP for bots. Which in all honesty, playing with 3 friends against the best bots was more fun.

>It's a little statue with your favorite Nintendo characte
They look like shit.

It works with a a lot of games, what's the problem?

conker doesnt need it

Yeah, I remember playing for like a half hour against a perfect sim and considering it a victory if either of us could kill the fucker.

i'd argue at least you get something physical out of it, beats the fuckin amiibo cards from animal crossing

i bought 2 packs anyways

oh wow, it doesn't, that's neat. Rare truly was full of wizards

>People bringing up Amiibos
I've spent 5 times as much on figures that did shit but collect dust. Even if I don't have a lot of software that uses them, at least they weren't expensive nothings and have some use.

Only 3 games need them and it was because the system was too underpowered to handle it alone.

You're the type of retard that buys the PS4 Pro

pre ordered the scorpio

>Making a clearly underpowered piece of shit to begin with

>have to buy loz amiibo for TP bonus
>metroid amiibo for samus returns hard mode
>yoshi amiibo for yoshi game bonuses

>buy a million versions of Link to get all the BotW content
>most of them out of print and won't come back
>only way to get them is paying some scalper $50+

Only games that needed it were donkey kong 64, perfect dark, and majoras mask and all 3 of them pushed the system to its limits.

pure jew moves

The thing with DK64 was that the game had a bug that they had no idea was causing it and was threatening to cancel the game, but did not occur while using the memory expansion(again, they had no idea why).

Their only option was to ship the game bundled with the Memory Pak.

Not that guy, but… wh-what's wrong with the PS4 Pro?

This sums up my feelings on the subject.

>have to purchase a ps4 pro to experience VR

>and yet Smartphones from 2 generations ago can do it.

You're buying the same system twice.
That's the problem.

Should have waited for the PS4 Pro Pro 4k 60 FPS Ready™.

Figures that didn't look like McDonald's toys.

Sony's paid service really fucks me off

>Introduced after the PS3, which had terrible online and was hacked monthly
>Uses the same shitty servers as the PS3
>You get 2 "free" games which are always terrible 6/10 at best and mostly Indie shit
>Single player games with always online aspects connect you anyway but don't let you play (in MGSV if you don't have PS+ you can still be invaded but you can't invade)
>It's down all the fucking time, twice in August for 5+ hours at a time

And to top it off, they're raising the price periodically AND their security problems are still prevalent

I don't understand. Most games sell you digital dlc. Nintendo let's you buy a physical product that gives you dlc content.

Lucky me, I held off on buying either a PS4 or Xbone until this year.

You buy figures because you like how they look and want to display them, not because you want to scan them for some meager costume swap.

I only bought the PS4 once though, and I really enjoy the Pro.

>future of gaming

I didn't already have a PS4 though.

Did this scenario never enter your head, user?

Digital DLC doesn't run out of stock. Amiibos do, and then the only way to get them is from scalpers.

>things can only be enjoyed the way I enjoy them!
Sometime I eat pizza from the crust first, whatcha gonna do about it?

"Jewish" implies that nintendo is benefiting from this. You know scalpers don't send them kickbacks, right?

nice food analogy, fatass

Is this the kind of nigger who pays more for a new 2ds XL than what he paid for a old 3DS XL and don't thinks twice about it?

The controller pak for the N64. Looking back on it, and knowing the in's and out's of it, I'm super fucking pissed. The ONE game I had that needed i was Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, which was and still is my favorite game, and now I know WHY it needed it, I'm more annoyed about it.

Nintendo produced 64MB carts but they had no means of writing data on the cart for some fucking reason, meaning the game pak saved the save data of the game, which was usually 15-20kb. Apparently Nintendo chose to have early 64MB carts not have the necessary writable memory for it and produced the game pak to accommodate the problem. And to top it all off, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon doesn't even use the full 64MB of the cart. It uses something like 45MB.

Nintendo sells out of stock either way, they don't care if they sell 90% of their stock to scalpers.

I don't know why I never do this but you've given me the courage to try it. Thank you, crustfirst-kun.


N64 was by far the most powerful console ever when it was released

The vanilla PS4 does Vr just fine, why do people think the Pro is a requirement for PSVR?

Nintendo had fucked me before but that thing is literally the moment they lost me as a customer. I've rarely felt so fucked by a company as when I bought MM and couldn't play it because I was missing that otherwise fucking useless upgrade.

It was a saturday and the stores had already closed so the game was just sitting there, mocking me for being a moron for the rest of the weekend.

Never bought anything Nintendo again.

>Buy a N64/Gamecube, 4 players right away
>Buy a Dreamcast, 4 players right away
>Buy an Xbox, 4 players right away
>Buy a PS1/PS2...

>Nintendo produced 64MB carts but they had no means of writing data on the cart for some fucking reason, meaning the game pak saved the save data of the game, which was usually 15-20kb. Apparently Nintendo chose to have early 64MB carts not have the necessary writable memory for it and produced the game pak to accommodate the problem. And to top it all off, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon doesn't even use the full 64MB of the cart. It uses something like 45MB.
How can someone be so wrong?
Also, not a new IP, stop samefagging.

>Also, not a new IP, stop samefagging
How is that a samefag?

The entire controller aspect of the N64 was fucked up. Controllers are super expensive because they had the unneeded complexity of the expansion port built into them. Then you had memory cards on the controllers, which benefited nothing. Rumble packs too, but for someone reason you need BATTERIES for them.

The only accessories that made sense were the game-specific ones, but even then it was mostly for the sake of GIMMICK.

Meanwhile the PS1 had already mastered controllers by the time the gen was halfdone done, and the Saturn 3D pad the most comfortable controller of the retro age, on top of having the best D-pad of all vidya history.

I wanna play Animal Crossing, but I don't wanna buy this stuff. I've heard that some items/villagers are jewlocked behind the amiibo shit. Should I get the game and don't update or update it and edit the save file with this:

You're acting like you're a brand new IP in this thread posting for the first time.


People like how can dlc be even worse?

And then nintendo found a way.


My favorite quote from around that era was from a PR guy giving an interview to Nintendo Power. It went something like "We chose to use cartridges because it's not like developers use the 700mb on the playstation anyway"

This is shopped, right? This can't be real.

That's not a samefag. That's someone posting a new comment unrelated to anything else.

Lurk more.

it's the train sperg game you newfag

>"We chose to use cartridges because it's not like developers use the 700mb on the playstation anyway"

That actually sounds like Yamauchi all over. The PR guy was probably told to say it under threat of death.

>Turok 2

People in this thread are apparently not old enough to remember / didn't read video game sites at the time. But it was Turok 2 / Perfect Dark that caused the expansion pack to be released. They went ahead and started dev work that used it even when Nintendo had no plans to release it.

Rogue Squadron is somewhere in there too.

>That's someone posting a new comment unrelated to anything else.
Which is exactly what you were doing.

Which isn't a samefag you idiot. Lurk more.

You just gave a definition of what samefag is and you were just doing just that, retard.

Here's a fun fact. Apparently Rare had no idea how to solve a glitch on DK64, but for some reason the expansion pack fixed it. So they just released the pack with the game.