So now that it's been a while for everything to really break in and get settled, does Switch hold up? If you have one...

So now that it's been a while for everything to really break in and get settled, does Switch hold up? If you have one, how do you like it? Do you feel like it was a good purchase?

I want MP4 gameplay first

then I'll buy your damn Switch

It sucks.
Shit graphics and bad games

I enjoyed BotW and MK8 quite a bit. Have no interest in ARMS and Splatoon (multiplayer-only games just aren't interesting to me). Looking forward to Odyssey and Xeno2.

It's not bad for a first year. Though next year looks really sparse so far

Got one at launch and already put in nearly 200 hours on it. It's a great concept. Lots of potential to be an amazing console in a few years once it has a nice-sized library - it should help that instead of having a handheld and a home console, Nintendo's only making games for one system. That way instead of getting a 3D Mario and a Zelda game on one system and Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion on another, we get all the great franchises in one place.

Basically it needs games but once it has them it will be a great system.

The Switch need an absolute non-stop parade of 10/10 exclusives for me to consider buying it. It's the same problem as the Wii U. The technical limitations and gimmicky control turn off third party devs from making new IPs for it, and any ports it gets are better played on PC/PS4/Xbone where you don't have to use a meme controller

i played botw, played mk8, what next. i would def play splatoon 2 if i had money. waiting till odyessy and the new kirby game to sink more time into it.

besides that i think it's a good console. just needs to be better at like, being a handheld and shiet.

It's fun. I enjoy playing with it before going to bed.

Still waiting for smash

First console I ever bought on launch. Playing these games portably is a lot more freeing than I thought it would be, since I've never owned a handheld. Any multiplats that are coming to the thing motivate me to get it for switch over my PS4 honestly.

>Sup Forums has literral 70 iq niggers posting

I miss the days before Reddit existed.

You posted this knowing it would mainly attract shit posters who don't own a switch.


Left joycon is now dragging to the left after lending it to a younger sibling to play coop. Shit's so bad I can't even climb mountains or play the blue spheres stages. By the time I get back home I'm gonna send it to Nintendo and cross fingers that I don't have to shell out 50 burgers for another controller.

Other than that it's alright.

I like it. Splatoon 2 and BOTW are really fun and there's some indie stuff on the eshop that's quite good too. I would suggest people wait until the holiday season though, even as somebody who enjoys and plays their switch a lot.

I like the hardware itself, but it's still lacking in software (both in terms of games and the system menu, don't care about Netflix/web browsers though).

I bought three and flipped two for $1500 total. Beat zelda and havent turned it on since.

I owned a wii u and dont like splatoon so its basically sitting on 3.0 waiting for a hack so i can turn it into an emulation machine. Hoping mario doesnt have an update on the cart or the homebrew comes first.
I hope the piracy people can get a 3ds emulator running on it so i can ditch my 3ds
Solid device, just not getting much use the first year like most nintendo hardware.

They weren't going for $750 a piece even at launch. You're a lying sack of shit

Not him, but I can confirm I saw them going for around that price on amazon when there was a shortage a while back.

i had it for a couple of months but i already beat botw on wiiu, so i kinda barely play it.
will beat splatoon 2's campaign but the paid online is gunna turn me off eventually.
not a fan of arms. mk8 deluxe is a minor update.

im super hyped for odyssey and xenoblade but its gunna be awhile. i want to love metroid prime 4 but we haven't see anything from it yet.

The first week the neons absolutely were. I cant prove my ebay auctions since its pass 60 day. I sold a fourth one for $500 in late april. I sold a oot amiibo for $200 that i found at best buy for $12. People were crazy about zelda in March.

These sales funded my Switch and ps4
purchase with money left over.

Dont be butthurt user!

I can confirm you're also a sack of shit

Asking, but not selling at that price. He's a lying sack of shit.

Doesnt matter what ya think, i made a profit because of idiots who didnt preorder. I didnt even have to leave my house either. Amazon delivered em all and ups guy literally stood next to me when i taped the new shipping label over the first two. Internet hype as made consoles an easy profit making scheme.
Hoping i can get $1000 for xbox one x scorpio edition in november
And sell 2 of the 4 snes classics i have for ~$300 each(keeping one for myself to hack and selling one to a friend for cost +shipping)

pretty cool device. been playing a lot of splatoon 2. i thought handheld mode would feel weird with the gyro, but it works well, and i kind of prefer to play that way instead of docked. guess i just got used to the feel of using something wider like the gamepad.

It's the ideal handheld system for me. I liked the 3DS but I always just wanted to have a hookup for Wii U to be able to play it on the TV when at home. Switch as a handheld is quite impressive and I love being able to play it on the TV when at home rather than hunched over for hours in handheld mode. I expect tons of 3rd party games in 2018 and am ok with the game selection so far announced in 2017 even though it isn't top notch. Some pretty stellar 1st party games as you would expect but also SOME decent 3rd party that I look forward to. As far as actual hardware goes, I find the joycon joysticks to be slightly wonky. They feel bumpy and not amazingly accurate though I have no issues as at all when playing Splatoon 2 with the joycons. Still though, they could feel smoother. Awesome system in my opinion and think this is the perfect niche for Nintendo to fit into and the idea of a Switch 2, 3, 4 and beyond is pretty cool to me. This is perfect for them.

I really hope we get a new Luigis Mansion and Kid Icarus. Best games on the 3DS imo.

Hardware gets a C-
Games are a solid B+ so far. Didn't buy a Wii U so these games are fresh to me. Already have 5 physical games and 5 indie titles and shit which is more games than I usually buy in a year. Still need SMO, XC2, and Rayman Legends. Hopefully the river doesn't run dry in 2018.

>First console I ever bought on launch

Same, and I didn't even like the idea when I saw the reveal trailer. Funny, because I loved the Wii U on reveal but only bought one after like 3 years and then sold it after a year.

I've tester my joycons and even behind my back from like 30 feet away in another room I have no interference whatsoever.

>Doesnt matter what ya think
Yes, incidentally I'm a Nigerian prince and you should just believe me because I've said so on an anonymous image board. Doesn't matter what you think

It can't be any wireless, metal, aquatic, etc interference that is the problem. It doesn't matter if i have the con hooked to the console or not. The stick will stay put but the dot will have a mind of its own.

Shut up Nintenbro

very good purchase desu

Did you get it at launch? Seems some came with a shitty signal at launch. I was lucky to get one that had no problems whatsoever.

Anyone have a pro controller find the d-pad is shit? I've been wanting to buy one recently, but everyone is bitching about it

I understood the risk of getting a launch day defective. I would think that a problem like this would've come a lot sooner than I'd think, but I can't complain. If I gotta get a new con, then so be it.

yeah the dpad sits too low in the middle, so you cant roll inputs well if its a fighting game.
like it sucks but its still better than the normal switch dpad

Great reading all this feedback. I've been debating on getting one now or just waiting until Odyssey and XC2 come out.
The prices for the accessories I'd need (Screen protector, charge grip, etc) makes the total price kinda insane.

the only accessory you NEED is screen protector, everything else is just a luxury.

my switch came with the dock. charging grip not really needed.
the only thing i had to buy was that pro controller. ($70 lol)

Factoring in BotW, Splatoon 2, and MK8 Deluxe, I'd say I'm approaching 200 hours played on the console so far. Hardware and games included, I've paid roughly $2 per hour of entertainment which qualifies as a good purchase in my book. Hopefully Odyssey is good and they make full use of their IP in the next few years. Probably the most fun I've had with Nintendo since the Gamecube.

screen protector is the only thing I've bought aside from a carrying case since I take it to work for breaks and shit

When you do have the dock, the charge grip isn't really needed? Interesting.

>the only accessory you NEED is screen protector, everything else is just a luxury.

I mean If you take playing online as a luxury well....

The ordinary grip doesn't charge. It just holds the joy-cons together in the form of a normal controller. The charging grip is only useful if you want to play while charging, ie you let the batteries drain like a doof. When the joycons last 20 hours, all you have to do is put them on the Switch when it's in the dock and that charges them too. It's not like you have many 20+ hour gaming sessions

nope, I just bought it last week and have played it maybe a total of 10 hours at most, have zelda, mario kart and splatoon, I wasted 500 bucks cause I got some extra money

I wouldn't buy it again if I could go back in time, it's garbage

The switch is the new iphone...

I'm not kidding. The next evolution of consoles.

the charge grip is unnecessary because the joycons hold like a 20 hour charge each and they charge when in handheld mode if you plug in the charging cable
I almost don't ever play docked because I only have a pc monitor and I don't feel like constantly swapping cables between pc and switch

Ohh, I wish I were talking about docked user, I'm talking about handheld, Playing Splatoon on wireless is suicide.

yikes, I forgot about splatoon/arms. I don't really like multiplayer games so wifi is okay for my needs.

I haven't been having any noticeable problems because the tickrate isn't high enough to warrant a wired connection as long as your wifi is fast enough.

I like it a lot but it shouldn't be a dedicated platform. Typically, everyone tends to have a gaming PC, PS4, or whatever so this isn't a problem. But as of now there isn't enough software (games and applications like Netflix/Youtube) to make Switch stand on it's own.

By early 2018 it will absolutely have a more comfortable library to make it far more worthwhile but the lack of applications are hurting it right now.

how can you not own a tv

because I just moved into my own place, my bf was the one with a tv so I'll probably get one down the line

Either make new games for it or don't sell your 5 year old wii u ports at full price, jewtendo, come on.

Fuck off, you god damn nigger

I'm the complete opposite, I'll probably never play my Switch as a handheld because I'm too spoiled by my TV. Playing on a handheld feels really restrictive to me because the screen is so small. I think I might take it on a plane but I don't fly often either

I really wish they'd have made a home-only version, it would probably shave $100 off the price too since you don't need a screen or battery

Overall, I've enjoyed it very much so far.

My biggest quibble is the charger port being on the bottom. Seriously, haven't we figured that out well over a decade ago? It's also a bit heavy for a handheld, though I consider this a blessing in disguise. You really should take more frequent breaks when gaming and the heft doesn't become noticeable until about an hour of continuous play. Get up and stretch.

It goes without saying that PC is the greatest single platform, but I like how Nintendo does something unique, outside of the typical gaming experience. I've enjoyed the "HD" rumble in the Joy Cons. I still think it should have been bundled with the console, but 1-2 Switch is actually a lot of fun. Same with Snipperclips. Some good, fun local multiplayer action, which the industry is starved for. It's funny how my little brother plays games with his school friends online, even though they live a few blocks away, because none of them have local multiplayer anymore.

Breath of the Wild, in short, does a lot of what the industry has been doing for a while now, but just does it better. For example, many games have had some kind of cooking or potion brewing, but the potions have ineffective token status effects and all you do is throw health potion keg parties. Plenty of the recipes are just 'restore more health', but others have legitimately useful effects. I also find that while some of the overworld is big and relatively empty, a citicism I throw at some other entries in the series, much of it is dense with activity and you never feel like you're running through unnecessarily big fields of grass.

To get back to the system itself, the battery, while not fantastic, isn't terrible. I've played BotW for two hours and used just under half of the battery. The three hour battery life, while not far, seems like a low-ball estimate. For most other games there's plenty more battery life. Plenty for a bus ride or plane travel if you're not circumnavigating the globe.


>The three hour battery life, while not far, seems like a low-ball estimate
It's not. Best case scenario with all options turned down to minimum/off, you will get just under 3.5 hours in BotW.

Not him but I'm on vacation without dock and I've been getting closer to 4 with airplane mode on and volume/brightness around 20% in botw

I just bought one last week and I've really enjoyed being able to take it around the house and play whenever I want. I haven't even docked it but a couple of times. It's what I wanted the WiiU to be. It needs more games but it's still early so I am holding out hope.

I suspect your timing method isn't as accurate as you think it is. How many hours are between 2:38 and 6:12 if you take a 15 minute break? At a glance you might think that was "roughly 4 hours" but it's not

I love my switch. True intellectuals understand that graphics don't matter, having fun games and being comfy is what matter. I havent touched my gaming pc in at least 6 months because i like being comfy with my 3ds and switch

Trying to avoid my drunk family by hiding in the room playing Zelda when we're inside after getting off the plane from sometime before 8pm until sometime around 12am is accurate enough for me, I'm happy with the lifespan.

And before somebody else goes >playing games on vacation
were in a shitty small farm city with nothing to do since the eclipse finished. Its yard work, Judge Judy, or my Switch

The charging port has to be on the bottom for the dock concept to work. It being there bothered me at first but when playing in bed plugged in it hasnt actually bothered me.

I'm just saying, this has been objectively measured. We have a wide gamut of ranges that you will get in BotW during max/min settings and it's dead centered at 3 hours at system defaults. The screen only gives you a small leeway, the main drain on the battery is the computational power needed to run such an advanced game, which is why the Switch can get over 6 hours if you're running something much easier on the CPU cycles

Get the fuck out fagfot

>cares about graphics
What happened?

I thought that was how I would feel but I find I play it more in handheld node than in the tv. Probably like 75 percent of time

Probably underage. Graphics are a big deal when you are underage. Comes with the whole more is always better childish mindset

Well you have your results from your switch and I have mine. My switch lasts a long time to the point where I feel like it has been 4 hours. Whether or not that's exactly 4 hours isn't important to me.

>Graphics are a big deal when you are underage

yea thats why we were hyped for voodoo cards and thunderbird right

>you're underaged if you like good graphics
>liking graphics means you completely disregard gameplay
This is an ironically childish argument


as opposed to what?

you're fucking underage if you unironically believe that
>Graphics are a big deal when you are underage

I never said liking good graphics is childish. I said saying you won't like a game because it doesn't have """current gen graphics""" is childish

You didn't answer my question lol

Get a good Metroid game on there and I may consider it. I don't give much of a damn about Splatoon and it's lack of content and other games so far I'm also not that interested in or could play it somewhere else. The $30 a year online sucks but if they stick to what they said earlier and build a good virtual console then I guess I can overlook that. Another Luigi's Mansion would be nice too.

what question?


>that pricetag
keep trying lol

No, what you were doing was strawmanning anyone who likes graphics as a child, which is itself childish. Disliking a game because of its graphics is just as childish as liking it because of its graphics, but there's nothing wrong with liking graphics, and good graphics can make a good game better

Immersion is a hugely enjoyable aspect of video gaming which is greatly enhanced with higher resolutions, framerates and better quality assets

>adjust for inflation and today if it was released the base price would be over $1,000
Seriously who the flying fuck thought that would be a remotely good idea? All it had was shit movie "games" too.

>you're strawmaning
LOL you clearly don't know what that means. We aren't in a debate and calling someone a child is an ad hominem not a strawman

"The graphics sucks so the game sucks" isn't an argument anyone made, but you were certainly trying to make it sound that way. I agree that you had some ad hominem in there too

heres a fun fact: only adults gets hyped for graphics, children doesn't care. thats why children games always have shit graphics.

Uh yeah they did you fucking fugtard quit trying to debate me i don't give a fug :DDD what you think. You are like a baby if you don't like games with lesser graphics

yeah manchildren lmao

sweet sweet summer child

i remember hyping for voodoo 2

>fug :DDD
You have to be 18 to browse Sup Forums

high effort post, thanks for contributing

I play on mine pretty much every day
BOTW (140 hours)-> MK8 (only like 10 or so but I play with friends primarily) -> Disgaea 5 (35 hours) -> Splat2n (40+ hours so far)

DESU I haven't had a significant stretch of not playing it daily since I bought at launch

What are you, 12?

45 hours currently, much more to goo
>splatoon 2
55 hours i really enjoyed it for a while
25 hours, friends and family love it


>no you
I don't think you could debate if you wanted to

>I've been debating on getting one now or just waiting until Odyssey and XC2 come out.

If you can find one now, you should get it. Odyssey is, for some reason, super popular. People are going to be looking everywhere when it releases for the Switch.

fuck off nintendo is great you fucking retard