Fallout: New Vegas
Mega Man X
Link to the Past
Deus Ex
Post your five favorite games and have other anons guess your personality
we doin this again?
Darkspore still waiting for private servers
Dwarf Fortress
Deus Ex
Gonna say slightly off-mainstream, but doesn't deviate from the norm that much. Likes older games.
Persona 5
Persona 4 Golden
Mother 3
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy X
The Last of Us
Half Life 2
Ocarina of Time
Human Revolution
Goblin Commander
Super Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime
Bioshock 2
Fallout New Vegas
Tropico 5
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Rouge Legacy
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Mount and blade: Warband
>Red Dead Redemption
>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
>Grand theft Auto: San Andreas
Vampire could be replaced with Deus Ex though once I've finished my first run of it.
Paper Mario 64
Kirby Super Star
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Yume Nikki
Links awakening
Banjo Kazooie
Super Mario RPG
Mario Party 2
Killing Floor
Rock Band 2
Saints Row 2
Dragon Quest 3
Demon's Souls
Monster Hunter 4U
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Alpha Protocol
Ass creed
Deus ex HR
Persona 5
W3 (1 was good too)
Dragon Quest VI
Age of Empires II
Lineage II
Dark Souls
Golden Sun
Nice thread OP
Baldur's Gate
Silent Hill 2
Metal Gear Solid
Ghost Trick
Shadow of the Colossus
You prefer Lays to Pringles and have never stepped on a nail on accident
One time you looked down your mother's shirt and saw her breasts, and you've been a homo ever since
You got an STD from your childhood sweetheart
Stop buying salt without iodine in it, you paranoid freak
You would rather eat a nickel than a penny for personal reasons
Just a fag
You like papercraft and live in a small european country
You dread coming home to annoying roommate every day after work
Chill motherfucker
Once took a dare for something stupid, and now lives life carefree
You drop sandwiches on the floor
Either in college with bad breath or working a desk job and collecting bottlecaps
NiGHTS into Dreams
Yoshi's Island
Zelda Wind Waker
Donkey Kong Country
>Favourite games
>Rarely finish any
>Mostly procrastinate and do nothing all day
Aaaaanyway here goes
Life is Strange
Dungeon Siege
Deus Ex HR
>Lineage II
Any good servers left?
Hella no
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Super Mario Bros 3
Pokemon Crystal
Monster hunter freedom unite
bad case of "pc gaymer fuses with a nintenbro"
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Kirby Superstar Ultra
Paper Mario
Mario Party 2
Warcraft 3 (and old WoW)
Dark Souls
Paper Mario
Team Fortress 2
The Binding of Isaac
>Final Fantasy VII
>Kingdom Hearts 2
>America's Army (PC, pre 3.0)
>World of Warcraft
Mega Man X
Pokemon B2W2
Mother 3
Ghost Trick
Magic the Gathering
Thief 2
Lupin: Treasure of the Sorceror King
Diablo 2
Secret of Mana
Streets of Rage 2
Perfect Dark
King of Fighters '97
Duck Game
actually scratch KoF, replace with Bastion.
Ocarina of Time
Super Metroid
Persona 5
Dead Space 2
Hitman: Contracts
StarCraft: Brood War
Fallout 2
Civilization IV
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
Supreme Commander
Dark Souls
Homeworld Cataclysm
Weird Worlds 2: Return to Infinite Space
Afterburner Climax
The Wonderful 101
Batman Arkham Asylum
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Kirby Super Star Ultra
I'm bad with making definitive lists of my favorites. The first 2 are locks though.