Post your five favorite games and have other anons guess your personality

Fallout: New Vegas
Mega Man X
Link to the Past
Deus Ex

we doin this again?

Darkspore still waiting for private servers
Dwarf Fortress
Deus Ex

Gonna say slightly off-mainstream, but doesn't deviate from the norm that much. Likes older games.

Persona 5
Persona 4 Golden
Mother 3
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy X

The Last of Us
Half Life 2
Ocarina of Time
Human Revolution

Goblin Commander
Super Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime

Bioshock 2
Fallout New Vegas
Tropico 5
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Rouge Legacy

>Fallout: New Vegas
>Mount and blade: Warband
>Red Dead Redemption
>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
>Grand theft Auto: San Andreas

Vampire could be replaced with Deus Ex though once I've finished my first run of it.

Paper Mario 64
Kirby Super Star
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Yume Nikki

Links awakening
Banjo Kazooie

Super Mario RPG
Mario Party 2
Killing Floor
Rock Band 2
Saints Row 2

Dragon Quest 3
Demon's Souls
Monster Hunter 4U
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne

Alpha Protocol
Ass creed
Deus ex HR
Persona 5
W3 (1 was good too)

Dragon Quest VI
Age of Empires II
Lineage II
Dark Souls
Golden Sun

Nice thread OP

Baldur's Gate
Silent Hill 2
Metal Gear Solid
Ghost Trick
Shadow of the Colossus

You prefer Lays to Pringles and have never stepped on a nail on accident

One time you looked down your mother's shirt and saw her breasts, and you've been a homo ever since

You got an STD from your childhood sweetheart

Stop buying salt without iodine in it, you paranoid freak

You would rather eat a nickel than a penny for personal reasons

Just a fag

You like papercraft and live in a small european country

You dread coming home to annoying roommate every day after work

Chill motherfucker

Once took a dare for something stupid, and now lives life carefree

You drop sandwiches on the floor


Either in college with bad breath or working a desk job and collecting bottlecaps

NiGHTS into Dreams
Yoshi's Island
Zelda Wind Waker
Donkey Kong Country

>Favourite games
>Rarely finish any
>Mostly procrastinate and do nothing all day

Aaaaanyway here goes
Life is Strange
Dungeon Siege
Deus Ex HR

>Lineage II
Any good servers left?

Hella no

Rollercoaster Tycoon
Super Mario Bros 3
Pokemon Crystal
Monster hunter freedom unite

bad case of "pc gaymer fuses with a nintenbro"

Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Kirby Superstar Ultra
Paper Mario
Mario Party 2

Warcraft 3 (and old WoW)
Dark Souls
Paper Mario
Team Fortress 2
The Binding of Isaac

>Final Fantasy VII
>Kingdom Hearts 2
>America's Army (PC, pre 3.0)
>World of Warcraft

Mega Man X
Pokemon B2W2
Mother 3
Ghost Trick
Magic the Gathering

Thief 2
Lupin: Treasure of the Sorceror King
Diablo 2
Secret of Mana

Streets of Rage 2
Perfect Dark
King of Fighters '97
Duck Game

actually scratch KoF, replace with Bastion.

Ocarina of Time
Super Metroid
Persona 5

Dead Space 2

Hitman: Contracts
StarCraft: Brood War
Fallout 2
Civilization IV
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

Supreme Commander
Dark Souls
Homeworld Cataclysm
Weird Worlds 2: Return to Infinite Space

Afterburner Climax
The Wonderful 101
Batman Arkham Asylum
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Kirby Super Star Ultra

I'm bad with making definitive lists of my favorites. The first 2 are locks though.