Prove to me that The Evil Within isn't the best horror game ever made

Prove to me that The Evil Within isn't the best horror game ever made.

Protip: you can't

I don't know if it gets better as it goes on, but it's fucking awful at the start.

>that boss fight with the giant dog

Been playing recently Andi was enjoying it for the most part until the second half which just throws bullshit situations at you for the sake of trying to be scary when it's actually just frustrating.

There's literally an enemy that teleported behind you and one-shots you in one section of the game that you can't fight or kill and shows up randomly. Fuck whoever designed that retardation.

That fight was pretty fun actually, just shoot it with explosive bolts when it runs into the bushes
The squid boss was great as well


The boss fights in The Kino Within are mostly pretty bad, only the final boss and the guard dog are really any good, maybe the SH2 reference at the end
Pretty much the only complaint I have with it though, and the actual fights in the Kidman DLCs pretty much made up for them anyway

I just beat the game. Which enemy? Which chapter? There's nothing like that that I can remember specifically

the only thing in the game that fits that description is Ruvik in the mansion

He only shows up 3 times in that part, iirc. Just run away and hide if you can.

>tfw you read a note and the story clicks completely
The narrative was trash but the actual story and lore of the game was 10/10

Ah, yea. You can avoid him though. You're supposed to hide in a closet or under a bed. You can also just dip for a few seconds and he'll give up.

He's right, I was referring to Ruvik in the mansion. But other fights like the black haired woman monster and other one-shot enemies like that really piss me off.

The pacing is stupidly inconsistent. I expected more from Mikami.

not when Silent Hill 2 and Amnesia exist.

No, this is fucking bullshit. One time the blue started and before that faggot even appeared I hid under a bed. He walked over to where I was and killed me with no hesitation. The only way to deal with him is to run around in circles like a tard until he goes away. It's not scary, it's fucking stupid and Pretty much ruins all the momentum the game had going for it at that section. It's an example of how one section can completely ruin a game.

The spider lady fights were a pain in the ass, but manageable once you understood how they worked
The other bosses were pretty fun honestly; specifically Amalgam Alpha and the Keeper

>horror game

But it's not that scary? Creepy as hell and disturbing sure, but not really horrific.

I never had any issues with it. He never found me if I hid in time. The mistake you made there was that he had already appeared in the room, and probably saw you as you were getting down to hide. What you should've done was ran to another room and hid before he got a chance to open the door. You'd be 100% hidden then.

Although I would agree, the entire encounter was a little bad. It's a shame, too. The slower paced levels with branching paths (3, 7, 9) are the best in the game, but 9 is bogged down by the random Ruviks

Was the Keeper the guy with the box on his head? Because I actually did enjoy that fight. Wasted like all my fucking ammo before I realized he'll just Respawn indefinitely until you leave the area.

Yea, the Keeper is the safehead. Really fun fight. Easily one of my favorite monster designs in videogame history. Having to kill him and rush to crank a handle as hard as possible to get out before he reanimated was so fun, and him killing himself to reanimate behind you made me kek and shit my pants at the same time

That's another problem with the game then, the stealth mechanics are inconsistent as fuck. You have to literally sneak up from the front with your lantern on to alert the common zombies to your presence and I've very clearly hidden in a wardrobe when one was right behind me and they'll fuck off. But God forbid Ruvik even catches you out of the corner of his eye with a fucking wall between you and him.

>dude its all in your head lmao
way to kill all the tension

>what is psychological horror

Do you even know the difference between terror and horror? Creepy and disturbing IS horror, you dumb fuck.

That said, I didn't find it that scary because there wasn't much to keep the story grounded. Everytime Seb was in trouble he just teleported to another location and there wasn't anything consistent with how the world fucked with you. There was some good horror stuff that was ruined by the terrible pacing and disjointed story. Boxhead was also a pretty lame villain.

I'm more excited for the sequel because they said that the areas were going to be more connected and that random teleports weren't going to happen as much.

This. RE4 is the king of pacing and its shocking how bad TEW's pacing is in comparison.

>He didn't use the sniper rifle to make the dog crash-land everytime it lunges and unload on it when it's down

a horror that pushes on your psyche?

It's in a pooled psyche of multiple people in a parallel world. If you die in the STEM, you die in the real world; this is evident by Jiminez and the one cop being dead in their STEM vats after you finally break free at the end of the game; they died in the STEM world.

With your logic, the Matrix films have no tension, because it's not "real".

The best was when I kited him around into some of my traps and killed him. Then ran to the crank and while I was mashing X, I saw him stand up and reincarnate directly fucking behind me. Managed to finish cranking right before he got me.

Damn man, I'll give the game another shot. You've reminded me that there's still a lot of good and fun sequences in the game. Stopped playing after getting pissed off at another black haired woman segment. I'll just suffer through it. Thanks.

Project Zero 2 exists

the machines were real tho. And the world outside was even more frightening then the matrix

The thing that drains the tension is the lack of consistency with everything. Seb can fall from incredible heights and not be damaged, get impaled by a spear and be fine, and everytime he gets into real trouble, the world warps him into safety. The fact that everything is happening in a dream world wouldn't be so bad if it was handled better. STEM also would have been much better had everyone's pysche's actually contributed to the landscape and you could learn about other people, instead of it just being Ruvik's world. I understand that that's part of the story, but it limits the setting and limits the potential of horror, which hopefully will be there in the sequel.

Final boss is hilariously bad what do you mean.

Cheers, my dude. The game is great, if flawed. After Chapter 10, the only bad chapters (imo) are 12 and 15.
Also, you can kill the spider lady in that segment and net yourself a LOT of green gel. While she's on fire, she takes extra damage from weapons, so just blow her to shit with grenades, explosive bolts, shotguns, everything you have. You also have the option of escaping, but killing her for the last time in Chapter 10 is orgasmic (and you get an achievement).

The stakes were high for Sebastian, as well. The real world would be endangered if he hadn't escape STEM.

I really did not like it on my first playthrough a few years ago and dropped it by the time I got to the city chapter with the rail car. I gave it another chance with a more open mind a few months ago and finally beat the game and was pleasantly surprised. The game has flaws, certainly, but there are bits of gold in there.

>She takes extra damage while on fire


>Do you even know the difference between terror and horror? Creepy and disturbing IS horror, you dumb fuck.

>That said, I didn't find it that scary

Soooo, I'm right? Even if I said it ""wrong"" the ultimate point was correct.

No? I switched topics in my second paragraph. Horror is the feeling of dread that stays with you after the fact and terror is the immediate scare. TEW has a lot of great horror elements, like the slow reveal of Seb's past, or Ruvik being disected and his account of what it felt like to die. So I'd say you're wrong when you say the game is lacking horror elements because I think the horror is one of the things the game does right.

What the game does poorly for me is the terror. It's not scary because whenever the tension rackets up, you eventually learn to expect Seb to fall through a hallway and escape. That kind of stops later in the story but it establishes a lack of tension early on and the game suffers for it. Hiding from Ruvik in the mansion was great, but after a while he stops hunting you for no reason while you go down the same corridor 3 times and have to watch his stupid backstory. Everytime the game builds up tension it throws it away.

I get peeved when people say that RE4 is not a horror game when it has a ton of horror elements and it's credits scene is one of the most horrific scenes in any RE game. I just don't like it when people treat two very different terms that refer to two very different emotions as interchangeable.

SH1 exists.
I liked TWE, but it was far from the best horror game, for many reasons.

Dont know about best but was great,as in being the best in a long time(pure horror NOT Last of Us BULLSHIT).

Also Kidman was easy on the eyes so that didn't hurt.

Too goofy to be horror, i'd say it's even goofier than any RE.

>mfw Chapter 6 on Akumu mode
You are only allowed to reply to this post if you have beaten Akumu mode or need some help beating it.
Also, seriously, OP? I love the game, but Silent Hill, Forbidden Siren, and Haunting Ground exist.

>kidman will never sit on your face
why live

>goofier than any RE

>hospital, hospital, HOSPITAL, HOSPITAL!
>What the fuck?
That little bit always gets a giggle out of me. He's standing right next to an explosive trap, but he's too dumbfounded by someone's autism to care.


Good to know that this website can still make me angry.

Are you new to video games? Was your first console an xbox 360?

is there any decent art of her?

Have you played RE 4 - 6?


hell, has he played RE1?

>Forbidden Siren

I like you.

I liked it but all the one-shot kill bosses make me not want to replay it.

Him surviving all that was Leslie helping him.

I thought TEW's problem was that it took itself too seriously.

this exists

Was it Leslie? I inferred from the info files that Ruvik wanted to show Seb his past because they were both traumatized by fire or some shit so Ruvik intentionally let Seb live.


Is this even worth finishing? I'm at chapter eleven.


oh man, you are right before the game nosedives in quality.


easy. I didn't get scared. Therefore it can't be the best horror game.

check and mate.

The game starts playing more like a corridor shooter at that point. Its more fun, kind of, but not really since the game's gunplay is kind of 1 dimensional. Keep playing if you like shooting things.


don't resist it


The last half is a mess I hope the sequel fixes the pacing and technical issues.