Why do you still own a console?


Easier to set up and use than a PC. Plus I really just don't give a fuck.

>oh, this might be interesting.
>it's the fag who shilled Battlefront

To play videogames.

>Worth a buy
Dude stop, no one cares about your channel. You don't even know what a fighting game is.

How delusional do you have to be to think that PC gaming is superior? All PC has now are buggy ports, and politically correct early access survival games made by transgender indie devs.

To play exclusives games. It's a good thing Sony doesnt care about that anymore, only exclusive movies. Means I can skip PS5 and just upgrade my PC again

t. brainlet

>Consolefag talking about politically correct developers
My fucking sides.

Why does it seem like PC users spend more time jerking each other off about how good their specs are than actually playing video games?

too bad pc has no games lol

To play games on it.

To play videogames you should try them sometime

Its because they have nothing to play

>he doesn't enjoy games designed for brainlet chinks
what the fuck! I hate Worth a Buy now!

>spend $1500 on PC
>install ENBs on Skyrim
>Take screenshot
>close game
>post screenshot on reddit for upvotes and then rant about consoles
PC autists sure are great

>Defending e-celebs

>buy ps4
>play bloodborne mixed in with the occasional movie
been a while since i was part of a pc v console thread, but im drunk so lets do this

still better then taking a picture of the screen with smartphone to share on reddit

>e-celebs can't have valid points


Video games are a leisure hobby for brainlets, you dingus

t. dingus

The fall of gaming itself is when the cost of ''Tripple A'' games and cutting edge hardware specs began ruling consumers hardware purchases instead of specific games themselves like PC genres and console exclusives and adjusting your budget to accomodate those two.

This dumbing down and catering of the lowest common denominator only serves to homogenize all games and platforms into a simple, digestible term for the average consumer when gaming is simply far too board, unique and varied to position yourself as PC or Console-only player, there's too many games you don't know if you like or not and too many games you won't ever try because of this stupid desire to converge everything into a single platform of choice which ultimately results in AAA games and hardware spec ruling consumers gaming purchases.

Platforms should just be a tool for you to explore as many video games as possible, they shouldn't incite loyalty and limit that pursuit in any way and the moment is dose is the moment you stop being a real gamer.

t. cuck

>gaming is simply far too board, unique and varied to position yourself as PC or Console-only player

because my ps3 runs netflix just fine and my smart tv app is slow as fuck.

Who makes these types of threads. Nintendo or PC fanboys?

This case, the guy that owns the channel. He's been shilling for a while now.

PC gaming
>decide to buy a gaming PC
>spend 4 years saving up $20000 to buy all the parts I need for a mid range PC
>spend another 2 months searching for specific parts that go together and trying to find them in local stores
>finally get all the parts
>spend 9 hours assembling everything
>it's finally time to start it, it's all worth it
>PC won't turn on
>spend another 13 hours rechecking every part
>still won't turn on
>spend another 3 hours browsing the internet for solution
>finally find a forum with a similar problem
>''nvm fix'd'' thread closed
>start drinking
>decide to take the PC to the shop for them to fix it
>wait another 2 weeks to get it back
>''finally I can play some epik video games at 32k 6000FPS''
>spend 2 hours downloading and installing all the drivers
>another 2 days downloading a game from Steamâ„¢
>finally can play
>game won't start
>yet another 3 hours looking for solution
>finally can play
>game runs at 58FPS at 720p with stutters and crashes

>buy console
>buy game
>play game

To play games lol

>Console weren't a big thing until the playstation

First console to surpass 100M units.

This video is fucking retarded.
>Nothing up to the PS1 mattered, it was the biggest breakthrough in console gaming.
>PC gaming has only become truly affordable in the last 2 years because of supposed "major" breakthroughs in GPU/CPU technology.
>Consoles used to last 7-8 years, now they only last 4-5 (Probably the most fucking retarded statement. Only the 7th gen started the trend of console generations like 7-8 years, practically every generation before then was the standard 5~ years. He's jumping to this conclusion because he thinks mid-gen upgrades like the PS4 Pro and XBone X are a new generation of systems when they're not)
>Says the PS5 is coming out next year.
>Compares MSRP console games at retail to shopping around for discounts on PC with GMG.
>Proclaims that the prices of old AAA games on console don't decrease at all.
>Console exclusive games don't exist. The ones that do are automatically bad.
>Bitches about the lack of backwards compatibility on consoles and brings up the Xbone, one console that actually does have BC, as an example.
Is this how fucking uninformed you average reddit-tier "PC Masterrace xD" kiddie is? Jesus fuck.

I don't. Though I was considering a Switch until the Joycon issues, dead pixel issues, bending issues, and screen scratching while docked issues ran rampant. Considered buying one last wekk, regardless, that is, until I went over to a friend's house and played with his while he was baby-sitting. Needless to say, the battery life on that thing is poor, to say the least, which kills the whole "portable idea of it. That being said, I have decided I will buy a switch, but only once it has received a proper revision, one that improves the battery life, and, with any luck, also brings a price decrease. In the mean time, my hacked PSP GO and laptop will do the trick.

High end PC gaming will never take off unless reliable prebuilts become more common.

Consoles will die when one of two things happen:

1) Japan suddenly dies, or

2) Japanese developers put ALL their games on PC, not just ports of old PS3/Vita games.

As long as Japan is still around, consoles will continue to be around. Jap games may be irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but if not for Japan, the PlayStation would have no ground to stand on.


you're not supposed to respond


thx, saved me the time to watch the video.

>Console exclusive games don't exist. The ones that do are automatically bad.

Where have I heard this before.

Never gonna happen. Casuals are too dumb, they just want to sit, press a button, and play. Configurations, benchmarks, mods, that is for entusiasts, not common people.

>Is this how fucking uninformed you average reddit-tier "PC Masterrace xD" kiddie is?
yes, and op is a giant cocksucking faggot, but pc >>>> console

I'm a PC gamer, last console I bought was the PS3 like 10 years ago. There's plenty of reason to play on console instead of PC. One isn't better than the other, it's just up to what you want out of a video game experience.

>Configurations, benchmarks, mods
you literally don't have to do any of this and its 2017 meme, everyone knows how to start a computer and double click an icon.

i mean you could probably throw a 1060 into any dell and have a more powerful machine

>One isn't better than the other
listen m8, i don't care if people prefer to play on consoles either but pc is objectively better until they find out how to jew us with paying twice for our internet and gabe/todd figures out paid mods which will both eventually be a thing.

I own a PC, PS4 and a Switch

>using PC
>buy a game, it don't work
>I look all around for a fix, and with some efort I open it
>the port is shit, I have to lower the graphics
>play around trying to make a optimal config that balances both performance and beauty
>joypad ain't working or the keybindings aren't for me, so I have to fix it too
>play happily

>buy console
>put game on tray, it just opens without a problem
>I got a feel of emptyness, like something is missing

That also happens when the game have a flawless port. I kind like when stuff go wrong. Is there someone else like me here?

OP you're a dumb motherfucker. Take it from a casual and his gay friends, our demographic will NEVER stop buying consoles simply for the fact it's convenient to us. When I come back from work and slog on my couch, I'm turning on my game console, not reaching over to my shitty PC. Consoles are cheaper, we don't waste our time and money getting parts, and I don't have to worry about upgrading for years.

Remember back in 2013 when gaming outlets swear mobile would kill off consoles? Only for the first 24hrs of the PS4 made them eat shit?

A PC to play what? western white guilt simulators that the PS4 already has? I seriously need to know what goes through the mind of someone who owns a high end PC to only play western garbage and decides that buying a PS4 for the only good/Japanese games, despite the PS4 not only having the same western trash, but losing the PC means they'd lose nothing at all.

>>using PC
>>buy a game, it don't work

Consoles will NEVER die.

nah im good

i can't find a strong new graphics cards at reasonable price

To play those games at a better quality, higher resolutions, better framerate, and in the case of shooters, better input control. But you already knew that, you only ignored it so you would get a reply.

Nice tatics, you deserved this (you).

>PC gamers are inherently hardcore and enthusiasts


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE japanese games are only on ps4 (tm)

>western games

1) Playing shitty western games at 60FPS or more won't make them any better.
2) The PS4 already has them anyway.

But please, tell me how PC makes Mass Effect Andromeda a better game.

>ports of old shovelware
>AAA jap titles like yakuza or nioh nowhere to be found

high quality console exclusives are better than anything PC offers, and I say this as a PC/nintendo/sony idort

>PS4/[whatever]/PC idort








>rise and fall of console
>ps4 60M sold with little exclusives
>xbox 30M even with no exclusives
Yup, this guy's an idiot.


no it doesn't, which is why I have a PC over a shitbox. I have my PS4 for exclusives, PC plays multiplats better anway

>fall of consoles
>ps4 one of the best selling systems ever
>Switch doing extremely well in its first year

>PC is useless
>still has an entire library of at least 100 strategy games ranging from 4x to RTS games that don't appear on consoles.

Command and conquer, endless legend, X series, StarCraft and supreme commander to name a few.

I don't understand console gamers if there isn't any games you wan't to play on PC don't get PC

Fucking please

PC only here
all the devs are going to continue to make games for as much money as possible
that means unless they get a fat cheque to keep things exclusive to a single platform, they want to dev a multiplat
but because they have to develop for the console, they have to design the game with a controller and hardware limits in mind
This means even if we do have the best hardware, we just continually keep getting fed shitty easy games because of consoles
This will never be fixed and the games themselves are irredeemable trash, so who cares if they're dying, the games were already fucking boring

uh you realize the xbox is the multiplat box right? no exclusives. Dumb xfag

hes right though. kill yourself

>This means even if we do have the best hardware, we just continually keep getting fed shitty easy games because of consoles
You're a fucking retard. PC is loaded with mounds of fucking casuals and normalfags. If developers exclusively made for PC games wouldn't suddenly become harder.
>>but because they have to develop for the console, they have to design the game with a controller and hardware limits in mind
Meanwhile some of the best games were made benefited from limited technology because they worked around that and used it to their advantage. MGS1 wouldn't be nearly as memorable if it didn't take advantage of the PS1 to its fullest, 999's flat out doesn't fucking work on any system besides a DS, etc.

The controller still remains king for the majority of genres in existent. Only a few genres benefit from KB+M controls, they aren't inherently better for everything.

Because I wanted to play the games, I also have a PC.

ccluster.com/pc for actual mastertards, no casuals allowed

Kek, uwotm8?
Japs don't make AAA games anymore unless funded directly by Sony or Nintendo, and the ones that do make multiplats (Capcom, Konami, Squeenix, etc.)

is that 'comic' any good?