You do check, right?

You do check, right?

no because im not a 3rd worlder

I get harmless earwigs. Shpoiders don't come in my house.

>3rd worlder

Do you live on the fucking moon?

>Implying I don't have a built-in ant farm in my headset

Jokes aside, my headset is always on. Spiders can't slip in without me noticing. Even then, spiders aren't dangerous here, so I'm fine with it if they came to say hello.

Fuck those things so much.

I run my fingers along to check. I'm not worried about venemous spiders but rather bugs getting in my ear.

I use earbuds.

I do now

What's wrong with earwigs? They literally cannot harm you.

>He believes Spooders only exist in third world.
>Doesnt realize one of the most damaging spooders is native to murrica

He just wants to catch a quick ride in your ear canal. No big deal. He can make friends with the tick that's in there too!


>Only find them in my bathroom
>Scared one of these days one will crawl up my butthole and make me ahegao on the spot.

This. Fuck you, OP.

well now i fucking will


I do it frequently since I'm Australian. So much fucking bugs get in the house somehow.

don't scare me like that dude i almost had a heart attack

How good are spiders at crawling into tight spaces? I don't really see an issue with the idea of spiders getting in because you can just close the pads together

>american education

This. Thanks for the new fear OP.

They get in through your pipes, my dude. Plug your tub and sink(s) whenever you're not using them. They'll stop showing up for good.

One of the most damage causing spiders in the US is about the size of your pinkie finger nail

Living in Australia isn't so bad. All you have to remember to do every morning is to check your urethra to see if a Sydney Funnel Web hasn't made its home in there.

Thanks for reminding me why I'm never moving to Straya ya cheeky breeky

i check my ear muffs at work every time. also my dust mask which is 10 times more horrifying.

Don't need to

We're pretty good

>live innawoods
>spiders everywhere
>completely at peace with them, they never bite

>move to city for work
>get bitten multiple times on both feet, shit gets terribly swollen

Maybe urban spiders are just assholes.

Don't lump him with us. You can't fucking go anywhere in murrica without running into spiders.

Nah, thats lack of experience outside his disinfected bubble of a clean room. Even the youngest of us murricans know the danger of random shit crawling up into small spaces just to make your like hell. I used to play racketball until a hive of yellow jackets decided to make their nest in the hollow handle of my racket


fuck off jerry this is my turf

Who else sniff their earwax here? If there's a big glob o' wax I usually lick it sometimes.

>Swift breeze
>Shitty overpriced bluetooth headphones get swept away and roll into a storm drain

Thank you lord.




>Never close glass window since it's hot as fuck, even on "winter"
>Screen window has a fuckton of holes in it, facing straight towards the backyard patio
>Never any bug problems in my room

Wew lad.

i don hva ear so on n

I don't use headsets or earphones. Its tiresome.
Speakers mustard rice because i dont live with my mom

Why would there be a spider in my headph

Do Americans really think this?

Urban people are shitty and violent. I guess it makes sense that spiders should be too.

>Work in a call center
>Coming back from lunch, see a random spider crawling near my phone and headset.
>Crawls into my phone before I can kill it
>Tell boss I need another desk

Your ear now feels itchy

>2018 is 4 months away and user still isn't putting spiders in his headphones

>tfw massive spiderbro who eats all the bugs and ants who dare enter my room
>mfw he once landed on my head when I was playing vidya

When several other countries bleat and cry about America all of the time; yes. You're on an American website after all.

why the FUCK would you post this?

delete this

>In March 2011, Mazda initiated a recall of 65,000 Mazda6 automobiles after webs of this species were found to have clogged fuel system ventilation tubes.[11] It is unclear why the spiders were drawn to build webs inside this particular vehicle, but the problem appeared to be widespread, though rare, across the United States.[12] Mazda initiated a recall of an additional 42,000 Mazda6 automobiles for the same reason in April 2014

>Has a Mazda 6

Welp, I guess I'm taking a bus from now on

I know there are some gross ass neets on this website but, but you don't really, do people do this?

>wearing ear fedoras

>2018 is 4 months away

do spiders fight each other? do you put spiderbros in to keep badspidrs out?

How do spider webs clog fuel systems? Wouldn't they just get burned up or washed away by fuel?

>spider comes into my house
>kill the shit out of it
>"Fucking why? You know I'm afraid of you bro. You just had to stay away and you would be alive right now..."
I want to live peacefully with them, but it is like gang on gang violence. Shit will never end. I think they are dangerous and they think I am dangerous so we are doomed to try and kill each other for the rest of our lives.

All insects are satan user. Spray around the house so that they all die and remember to clean suspicious places they can hide often.

I only don't harm these little lizards you sometimes see on the walls outside because they eat all insects and also sneks with legs are cools

Don't forget to finish your coffee so you can have energy to finish your games

r8 my pet spider Sup Forums

what type of spiders do you put in your headphones user pls do tell

That's a cute dog

>A product owned by a foreigner and based on a foreign concept is American
I was going to say you're wrong but you're right, that's a pretty American thing.

>Ventilation tubes

Literally your exhaust in the back of the car user

I will now.
I don't fear spiders, but don't want them or any other bug to get inside my ear.

>*southern american education

oh no he's retarded

Should I be putting wild spiders from outside in my earphones or like house tamed pocket spiders. What benefit does a headphone spider provide anyways?

is it dead?

>see a big spider running through my room at night
>don't manage to kill it before it gets to a hiding space
>stand in the middle of the room looking around for the spider
>literally stand on guard for 6 hours not doing anything else

spiders are cool
they kill roaches
fuck roaches

>milk on the coffee
that's not my coffee nigga

>There are "people" on Sup Forums who don't just use earbuds

I had to throw out my last set of headphones because they were infested with bedbugs
no I don't have pictures

Nah man, Southern states are PARTICULARLY rife with some of the worst spiders. I've been bitten 3 times by brown recluses through my life


see fuck spiders

This is an American website. This site does not belong to some Japanese idio...

>wanting raw ears in 30 minutes

Found this stupid looking animal today, anyone know what it is?

All of the spiders in my area are harmless, except Black Widows, which would never be there anyway and run away when threatened most of the time, and are pretty rare, so I never check anything for spiders

>playing vidya online competitively
>winning extra hard due to adrenaline
>the knowledge of a spider seeping into my brain grants me primal killer instincts

Most people who browse this site do it on their phones anyway.

Looks like a rat to me

I want to squish that ant!

spiders aren't insects you retard/american

I like sound quality.

>need to fart
>accidentally shoot out 20 meters of webbing on your chair


you might want to think about investing in a headphone spider then user

This literally happened to my headset a few months back. Luckily I noticed it before I put them on.

Just remember to always treat spiders with respect and they will return the favor. Catching and releasing them takes much less effort than freaking out like a bitch and finding a way to kill them.


an ancient evil

>play lego lesbians doing great and 0 deaths at 4am
>giant fucking cockroach of death comes flying in from the balcony
>I spent the past months spraying around and cleaning and trying to exterminate even ants
>no roaches ever since
>mfw you are never safe though

No since I don't own a fedora you fucking autistic retard.

is this a spicy hot meme from the future
are we being granted a look at future gaming culture
are YOU putting spiders in your headphones
im making a KYM site for it right now

>Needing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on equipment or headphones just so you can tell yourself you hear it slightly better than with buds.
Being an audiophile should be classified as a mental disorder.


my headphones are full of skin flakes because I have bad dandruff, no spider would dare enter

Texas isn't southern america. Texas is Texas.

spiders are insects and you can go fuck yourself
all crawlies that are not lizards and snakes are insects. SUE ME

Guy's wrecking his ear drums.