What happened to the era of quirky, creative, low-mid budget games?
What happened to the era of quirky, creative, low-mid budget games?
Those games are indie titles and kickstarters now, and Sup Forums hates that shit.
Replaced by indie trash and steam greenlight. This is why hidden gems don't exist anymore
You're living in it.
Spoken like someone who doesn't actually go out digging for neat indie titles.
goat sim, i am bread, octo dad etc
OP is a fucking retarded faggot
HD development costs happened and now most creative games are deemed too risky to be worth the investment. You can still find some inventive PC indie stuff, but you have to shovel through a lot of shit to get to it.
90% of indie games on steam would have been on newgrounds for free 8 years ago
Most quirky and AA low-budget games were made by Japanese companies. Western devs took over in the 7th generation and ballooned the cost of game development in pursuit of graphics due to a newfound aim at the lowest-common-denominator of casuals. This resulted in more derivative, less risky, and designed-by-committee games and directorial visions. Why invest in a weird low-budget AA title when we could be investing in a less risky, derivative AAA game that will generate way more profit?
Because of this push towards extremely high budget AAA games, AA games found themselves without room in the retail space for HD consoles. With the 7th gen, there was now a preconceived notion that the retail space was only for big AAA games and that everything else should be a digital only "indie" game. Smaller budgeted games either moved to cheaper platforms (Wii, DS, 3DS, and unfortunately Mobile) or outright stopped being made.
Indie games have somewhat picked up the slack, but most aren't nearly as adventurous as 5th gen or 6th gen era AA games and mainly stick to being 2D. This is a result of most indie games are still in a tier-below what AA used to be in terms of budget. The 5th and 6th gen being transnational eras for a lot of companies from 2D-to-3D also resulted in a lot of naturally weird and quirky games ad developers got used to 3D in general.
Wrong. Go play a Newsground game from the late 2000s. It's gonna be way worse than you remember it.
He said he wanted GAMES user, not youtube bait """games"""
They're on Vita
Games like Octodad and Yooka-Laylee are some of the few examples I can think of modern AA games. And even still people will label them as "indies xD" just because that's the norm now.
The other two you listed are fucking shovelware for eceleb kiddies.
Tokyo Jungle on PS3 is pretty great. Then again I love EVO, Cubivore and weird shit like that. I'd like more games similar to those.
kickstarters mostly feel like the equivalent of a reunion tour as the only ones that get attention is usually some rockstar gamedev from 20 years ago going back to his roots.
The uniqueness of the ps2 era was that most of these devs were in actual companies paying salaries trying to make money but the vg market was booming enough that any small dev could do a whacky idea with an original ip.
>tiny character in enlarged room environment
This is my fetish, why have games stopped using this setting, FUCK.
Also please tell me the Vita is region-free.
The Vita is indeed region free.
The PSN isn't though. You will need physical copies if the game isn't available digitally in your region.
Companies won't advertise your product unless you throw shitloads of dollars at it. Used to, companies were enthused about throwing a demo of your game on a compiled disc, or running a page in a magazine. It's impossible to get seen in the monsoon of garbage and shovel ware without having a sizable budget
Cool, I prefer physical anyway. It still sucks that Sony only allows use of their own SD cards for saving shit though.
The Wonderful 101 feels like one of those 6th gen AA releases plucked out of time and space. If you're one of the unfortunate souls who bought a Wii U I strongly recommend it.
It sucks but on the flip side it saved niche developers the risk of piracy. Low install bases never mattered for these groups which is why they thrived and continued to make games up until next year.
I don't think you realize how bad newgrounds or flash in general games were. Madness Combat was pretty much the absolute peak of that medium.
Wall street bought out all the publishers and forced the blockbuster model on vidya. It worked for the few franchises that now make up most of the market.
>Those games are indie titles and kickstarters now, and Sup Forums hates that shit
No, I hate lazy faux-16 bit platformer roguelite RPG, not interesting experiments.
Post more games that could have only existed in 6th gen
nobody wants to give money for those types of games. the last game of this kind was The Last Guardian.
we now live in an age of indies and triple AAA shit.
Ps3, 360, Wii killed the western mid range studios and the JP version of low-mid budget games are handheld dungeon crawlers or Neptune games
I'd say a lot of it is development costs, surely it must cost a lot more to develop a game for more advanced systems, so each generation as systems become more expensive to release games for less companies can make it through the threshold of development costs.
Look at how much of a Wild West game development was in the 80s and 90s, especially for home computers at the time where just 1 or 2 guys were making whole games because it was just so much cheaper to make games due to them being more graphically limited (though I'm sure a lot more awkward to actually program). This spirit still lives on in indie games a little bit.
This also why risk something new when you can play it safe with a sequel or following the latest trend.