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Jurassic Park to not be a dead beaten-to-death franchise
Damn guess I'm too late
Genetics of course, want muh invisible Carnotaurus just like the TLW book and the arcade
then release him to kill everyone
Looks comfy
a fun game with dinosaurs
I'm surprised they would make a game like this nowadays. These park building games aren't exactly popular anymore. Can't wait to play it on PC.
Planet Coaster sold pretty damn well, all things considered. Throw in dinosaurs to the mix and I'm sure the sales will only go up.
Here's to hoping it's not pure shit.
I wonder if you have to worry about paying park maintanenance enough so that they won't steal your data for rival companies
This was on walmart's and best buy's websites for a long time like 10 years ago.
I'd ask for it every year for like 3 years for my birthday and nobody could ever find it and i'd get really sad.
a large selection of other prehistoric creatures outside of dinosaurs instead of a couple token swimming and flying ones
Raptors. Lots of them.
>Proper Genetics
The novels create a really good image of just what the fuck the scientists could do (the invisible carnotaurus being a great example). I want familial traits, mutations being passed down from generation to generation, things like that.
>Aquatic Sections
This is the most likely one, since Jurassic World's big thing was an Aquatic exhibit. Visitors would get submarine tours, divers would have to clean and feed the animals, security would make sure they stay the fuck away from the ferry, things like that.
>more kill animations for dinosaurs
It's a minor thing, sure. But it adds a nice touch to where all animals kill each other in unique ways instead of only the carnivores being able to do it.
>Ice Age/Cenozoic section
This will probably be DLC, but I'd love to see Cenozoic era animals roaming around as well. Like, you're on a safari and you're driving alongside a herd of gallis and Macrauchenia.
Of course a Site B mode is always fun.
>don't pay your workers well
>they end up betraying, corporate espionage and fucking up with the whole park system
>electric fences go off
>all those raptores and trex attacking everyone
i like it user, I really like this
>all these neat ideas
>will just be a hd reskin of the first operation genesis 1 with 70% of dinosaurs sharing the same animation skeleton
The fuck? No feathers?
Don't be so pessimistic.
I know, telling Sup Forums not to be pessimistic about a game
I'm positive things will be better than a reskined JPOG
featherfag please leave
ive got a lot of faith in frontier, coaster was great. Only worry is that it gets gimped because they have to make a console version, and corporate meddling
So it's the shitty mobile game rereleased as a zoo tycoon clone?
Woo fucking hoo
We're more related to feathered theropods than Carnotaurus was
Speaking of reskins, I found a great skin pack and mod that allows you to have multiple rexes, raptors, triceratops of different colors.
Also found out how to increase the resolution to proper 16:9 and up the model detail. This is all the remaster I need right now. Time to make a new park.
Oh shit I was just using PC as an example, didn't catch that Frontier were the ones working on it. I feel a lot better about it now. And yeah, hopefully they meddle as little as possible, but with the actual JP setting being used it's a toss-up.
Allosaurus so I can name him Gwangi.
Why are featherfags so incredibly autistic and always trying to ruin our Dinosaurs with their autism?
A good game where I can build a detailed park and then unleash dinosaurs on my customers in the same vein as Bowser in Sim City.
Autism? You mean facts, right?
If Dinosaurs lived longer why hasn't a single one evolved that line of sapience? There had to have been one species at that mark of attaining the cusp of consciousness right?
Pedestrian PoV.
Even if you can't actually control the person, just to be in their perspective might be cool.
they take the feathers out to make pens user
you got find ways to make money
does anyone else get a boner when they get their incorrect historical misconceptions debunked?
harder, daddy...
>park breaks down
>instead of a game over, you have two options
>continue the game as Site B, leaving your work to rot away and letting nature run it's course
>or try to build it again. Hire dino wranglers to help you catch the lose dinosaurs and bring them back so you can rebuild their exhibits.
>Also found out how to increase the resolution to proper 16:9 and up the model detail. This is all the remaster I need right now. Time to make a new park.
Care to share, user? please?
Is that how that scene was supossed to go or did the pyrotecnics accidentally set the suit on fire?
Reptilians, they govern us from the shadows, even the jews answer to them.
Your forgot option 3, Book style, nuke the fuck out of the island.
An aquarium section.
>being so insecure about your biology that you have to pretend that any creature lacking "muh sapience" is inferior and underevolved
Did you even watch these movies, senpai? They do just fine without sapience, don't fix what ain't broken.
Your (((facts))) mean Carnivorous Dinosaurs like the T-rex was covered in feathers when in reality it may have had an early, brittle feathered coat that sheded off once natures while the rest of It's body was thick lizard scale hides.
Because feathers make them look stupid, fuck off.
>Try to make a dinosaur thing more true to life as the closest experience we'll have to meeting them
>Even do your best to give them new and interesting designs now that feathers have unlocked a whole new world of color patterns, silhouette, crests, textures, etc.
>Somehow the former is the autistic one
I'm so glad all the "muh nostalgia" fags will be dead someday and all the coming generations are being taught correctly so the world can be free from this shit.
Because evolution doesn't care about anything except what works. Dinosaurs were around for millions of years just fine eating other. Humans were intelligent for what, tens of thousands of years and we nearly blew ourselves up.
Maybe we can give the "Why aren't there more games with dinosaurs?" threads a rest.
Our ancestors lived through all that.
And no, sapience isn't the end goal, it was a byproduct we achieved.
that's a fuzzy rex. there's a difference between a little bit of fuzz and feathers.
These aren't 100% pure dinosaurs, retard. This has been mentioned in Jurassic Park and World. Fuck off.
Under options.ini, just change the screen and width to what you want. Change model value to 2 as well, it's the highest. It's the first few lines.
Bullshit, sapience is the ultimate final path for any lifeform. It's what dictates what is the dominate creature and what is the exploitable animal. If apes never crossed that line first there could have been sapient sloths or something.
the ability to walk around your park in first person and interact with shit
People like you that think feathered dinosaurs automatically equals this fucking thing are the exact reason nostalgiafags are the worst most stubborn bunch of children about this, and people that actually try to add feathers rarely get creative with it.
Now I feel stupid, even more since its an older game so I should know about editing the .ini files. Anyway, thanks for not being a Nedry
always wished they ported this to the wii
>mobile game
Hold the fuck on
It's a mobile game?
Why the fuck am i getting hype for mobile garbage?
JPOG 2 is exactly my wishlist
>more dinos, including the one in OP
>better graphics and new music
>As of now, I don't care much for hybrids, but I'll at least have Indominus if I'm making Jurassic World
>New Structures/rides
>Deeper park management and guest interactions(unlikely)
>More customization (plants, rocks, decorations)
>More danger/safety hazards (inc. difficulty settings if I want a comfy or hell park)
> Mosasaurus and Aviary (I expect these, but as pre-made buildings)
I think my odds are good of being satisfied.
Hell, I already plan on buying the 'legendary' version or its equivalent and the season pass. (not things I normally do, but this game gets the ok on it)
This. The only reason dinosaurs are more popular over mammoths, sabretooth tigers and terror birds is because they don't look like anything living right now.
Mammoths are just fuzzy elephants, sabretooths are just tigers with overgrown teeth, etc. But dinosaurs look like literal dragons, plus they're fuckhuge and has tons of variety. If they're just big birds, they won't sell lunchboxes.
Looks like the gist of it is that it's not that therapods didn't have feathers, but in the same way that an elephant is too big for it's large body to regulate it's temperature with fur, a T-rex was too large to manage it's body heat with feathers.
Other, smaller therapods likely DID have feathers. It's also likely that many other dinosaur species had some sort of feathers or quills. Anyone who tells you that raptors didn't have feathers is a nostalgia fag and a fucking moron.
But yes, T-rex might not have been feathered, not because some faggot with a boner for Jurassic Park lacks imaginatio0n, but because of actual findings.
there already exists the mobile game. Evolution is the real deal.
I would be content with my favorite Pachycephalosaurus
Operation genesis but with better graphics
They'll still manage to fuck it up you didn't watch the movies, that's what you're saying?
>Mfw just got done with a session of JPOG with 10,000 dinos running around instead of the 60 set limit.
I want a baryonyx and I want him hunting fish. O shit, can we make rivers with fish? Can we have mosasaurs in rivers that go THROUGH and around the park???
>If Dinosaurs lived longer why hasn't a single one evolved that line of sapience?
>option C
>import your ruined park into semi-sequel
>play as a dinosaur wrangler in a 1st or 3rd person shooter
I want aquatic dinos
>featherfags eternally and foreverially btfo with their own precious science
>"b-but the smaller ones m-might still have feathers"
That'd be interesting to see, since there is indeed a river ride in Jurassic World. Have it be populated with fish, maybe some caimans.
Me too, user. Me too
I need land, sea, and air of course.
Only if we can have plesiosaurs too.
If they do this there better be a mission where you try to restore the park after the first film.
My nigga.
That's what dinosaurs had though. They weren't fucking birds, they're not running around with full blown feathers.
NO microtransactions.
Hybrids and veloci raptor taming only ok if does not go retard level
That's what the article says, numbnuts
>There was, however, at least one massive tryannosaur that had feathers. The Yutyrannus, discovered several years ago in China, stretched about 30 feet long and was covered in fine feathers. This dinosaur was smaller than the T. rex, but about the same size as the Albertosaurus and Gorgosaurus, which means that size can’t be the only factor that determines whether or not a dino sports a downy coat.
>sapience is a byproduct
looks like an accident. the guy inside the suit was clearly freaking out
This is an Ocean Sunfish
It's over 2,000lbs of nutrition-less, practically armored flesh. There is no reason anything would possibly want to eat one of these if there is literally any other option near by. Pair that with the fact that they don't actually DO anything just kind of float around, absorbing nutrients from the water and having millions of tasteless jerky tough young a year, and you have an evolutionarily flawless species. It has no reason to ever change. It's done. It won evolution.
It's also probably the single stupidest animal with a technical brain on the planet.
I wonder if they're smart enough to have Plesiosaurs. Truly underrated dinos. Nessie exhibit, can you imagine?
>Born in Scotland, John Hammond was always obsessed with the legend of Loch Ness. Today we make it a reality!!
>This is an Ocean Sunfish
He says as he hits post before actually uploading the picture.
If this is a better looking Zoo Tycoon with only the dinosaurs and quality of life improvements then I'll be happy.
the pyrotechnics actually lit the suit on fire. Was on fire for I think about 5 seconds?
They're also the pinnacle of ugly-cute
Which Zoo Tycoon do you recommend? Only played RTC games
If they do I'll buy it day one. Plesios are my favorite dinosaur.
If they do have indominus, she better be bigger than Rexy. The one in the movie wasn't fully grown.
Also I have a sad feeling we won't get spino. I hated that cunt, but I kinda want to see him still.
first game + expansions
Zoo Tycoon 2 with all the expansion packs.
why not both?
Is Dino Digs good?
Won't even sell three copies without feathers.
So it gets most of its nutrients from the water instead of eating? Assuming that's true it would make it vulnerable to changes in the water content. Salamanders and their relatives have had a hard time in the past few centuries because their bodies absorb a lot of stuff from the water, so they can't handle pollution.
Only played the first so I can't recommend one over the other, but I remember hearing that 1 has slightly more content. I've never heard anyone downright say 2 is a bad game though, so I think it really comes down to preference.
2nd one is kinda buggy but GOD DAMN THE FUCKING MODS
>So it gets most of its nutrients from the water instead of eating?
That guy's wrong, it's mouth isnt big enough to feed off plankton but i remember reading they eat jellyfishes.
featherfags are truly the most detestable of creatures.