About to start dead space for the first time, what difficulty should I play?

About to start dead space for the first time, what difficulty should I play?

What animal is this?

i cant fucking tell at all

always crank up the difficulty to the last level like REAL MAN

Neither could your dad but that didn't stop him


Dog/human hybrid

Whatever you are comfortable with you insecure faggot

woah dude easy on the beastiality jokes

If you're comfortable with third person shooters like Resident Evil 4, Gears of War, and Uncharted I'd at least start on Normal.

Just my normal dog . He's a pitbull.
I enjoy challenges, but I don't want frustration to detract from the horror aspect

play on whatever difficulty you want. Don't buy into Sup Forums's "it only counts if you play the hardest difficulty" garbage.

I always play games on the easiest difficulty on the first playthrough so I can focus on the story better.
Who else does this?

nobody cuz youre a casual (literal) faggot

>enjoying the story so he can do do a second playthrough on a harder difficulty once he's become familiar with the game
Wow what a fag, huh

play on normal then easy is for babbies and people who are actually developmentally delayed/old as fuck and out of touch

>playing video games for the story
forcibly remove yourself from existence

whyd you tag the dude in the middle (me)

Some people like to do that. Nothing wrong with that.

to quote the entire conversation

Normal, im the kind of people who thinks the very first time should always be normal, because in most games "hard" mode is just making enemies damage sponges and you dying on 1 hit and such bullshit might ruin your experience iin a good game such as dead space.

I actually do the reverse. Playthrough on the hardest difficulty and clear as many trophies/achievements as possible first. Then run a new game plus on easy and just wax folks. Extra points for branching stories (i.e. Infamous, Mass Effecy, etc.)


fuck off gay namefag kill yourself you pathetic piece of shit attention whore

Normal. And just upgrade the starting weapon it's pretty beast.

the first letter in each chapter spells out a huge spoiler, dont read it
Chapter 1: New Arrivals
Chapter 2: Intensive Care
Chapter 3: Course Correction
Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent
Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion
Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
Chapter 7: Into the Void
Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 10: End of Days
Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
Chapter 12: Dead Space

Honestly, I'd go Hard. Ramps up the tension and resource management is the real bitch in the game, no enemy difficulty. Even then, with kenisis, it's not a gamebreaker.

I've played Dead Space like 10 times
Never realized this.

people saying you should go with plasma cutter only with maybe the line gun (equivalent to a shotgun) might sound like tryhards but I went with that and still had a great time my first playthrough. Those guns really take care of every possible encounter and it lets you use tons of credits for other things.

A response like this is why i made this thread. Thanks, doing medium

> OP asks about difficulty.

OP only cares about gameplay. MAXIMUM difficulty setting pls.

Normal or above difficulty, but you can only use plasma cutter and suits up to level 3


To maximize tenseness and spookiness, go hard or more - just so ammo and resources is at a premium.

You're the one sperging because you got a (You) on a mongolian brewery forum

> that moment when you run out of ammo after killing all but one necromorph.
> that fucking adrenaline-soaked satisfaction after you finish punching and kicking it to death.

Shit is cash.

So you wanted to play on normal and just asked people for confirmation so you don't feel like a puss?

Really though, that's shameful

Anytime, hope you enjoy your gameplay.

Thanks for pointing this out, I can't believe I never noticed

I was just wondering if hard made things more tense or just made enemies bullet sponges

It does not. In fact, I find any playthrough after the first is a slog if not on Hard. Once you learn the core gameplay, and manage your resources, the game becomes a shooting gallery.

First playthrough of all the Dead Space games are some of my favorite experiences in gaming.