Name one ONE. 1. [ONE] uno Game for the wii that isn't complete shit, and isn't:

Name one ONE. 1. [ONE] uno Game for the wii that isn't complete shit, and isn't:
>A nintendo IP
>Uses waggle
>isnt on a better platform

Other urls found in this thread:

Sonic Colors

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

>uses waggle


Sky Crawlers

It's like the best Ace Combat game no one's played.

Zengeki no Reginleiv

house of the dead 2 and 3

It's an OPTION. Stock controllers happen to have waggle, what do you expect? Don't wanna use it? use a GCN pad or CC Pro.

>Uses waggle
>disregarding games because you're a fat fuck who can't move his arms without losing breath.

The last story

Zack and Wiki, gg

On Vita
OP might be a faggot and consider Gyro or pointer waggle even though it is not. Also, Reginleiv is technically a Nintendo IP.

I disregard any game that locks itself to a stupid gimmick peripheral champ. Doesnt matter if its motion based or not.

Shit. Played it ant it was the most boring of the project rainfall trio. Awful automatic combat and a really mediocre story about your best friend betraying you



Zack and Wiki is not on PC you casual.

It's not on PC

>On Vita
I'll take Wii over a Vita any day.

Why? Nintendo consoles are for Nintendo IPs, and the whole system was designed for waggle.

>on PC
you're thinking of Little King's Story, and the port for that is shit.

It's Vita TV compatible (aka 20-30 dollar console), and the vita version is superior.

You don't even know what you're talking about. OP, c'mon.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom



what a dumb thread

xenoblade Chronicles
pandora's tower
last story

>Faggot swimsuit pantsu rules with harems are better than the original lighthearted harvestmoon like atmosphere


>Vita TV
OP said a better platform.

Uh yeah it is, I can emulate it checkmate faggot

Rune Factory Frontier. Best waifu related.

Those are Nintendo IPs Doofus.

Xenoblade is a Nintendo IP.

Monster Hunter Tri

>20-30 dollar console
In 2015 maybe, its been 80+ since fucking henkaku

3U is better.

>name one wii game
>it can't be exclusive
>it can't use the controller
>it can't be multiplatform

>carefully constructing rules so that you can " win "

Damn, OP. You're a faggot.

Fatal Frame 4
Lost in Shadow
Rodea the sky soldier
Sin and Punishment 2 (really Sup Forums? fucking casuals)
Trauma Center complete
Dokapon Kingdom
Rune Factory
Monster Hunter Tri
Also, still comfiest version of RE 4

As far as nintendo games, only by having Metroid Prime Trilogy makes the wii worth owning... But OP is a fucking faggot and likes to suck penis as the little bitch she is.

>can't be an ip
>can't be multiplat
dumbest fucking thread ever

A gamecube game of your choice

Actually I'm fishing reccomendations and I dont want the usual MARIO GALAXY IS DA BEST trash clogging the thread

>062537 (OP)
on my dick
checkmate atheists

>Sin and punishment 2

Star successor isnt a sequel.

>Sin and Punishment 2 (really Sup Forums? fucking casuals)
It's a Nintendo IP is it not?

>He didn´t get the good ending
Stupid piece of gene pool retardation casual piece of fuck.

Thats because its a fucking licensed anime game, a shit anime at that. But you probably watch strike witches you fucking tripfag

It's okay, I couldn't actually think of anything.

Treasure, Nintendo funded. Not the same.
It´s like saying that Bayonetta is a nintendo IP

Xenoblade Chronicles

get fucked op

Spiritual successor =/= sequel

Not the same team. Not the same game. Thats like calling dark souls a demon souls sequel you mook

Bayo 2 is though.

Project M

No, I'm pretty sure it is. Just like how W101 is a Nintendo IP. Bayo 2 is not the same situation at all.





>Nintendo IP
>Improved on N3DS

Its like you were born with the inability to read or something.

>games that dont use waggle on wii
The whole damn console's gimmick is waggle. Thats like saying a RTS game that doesnt use a mouse..

As I said... You didn´t get the good ending. You need the good ending. It´s a SEQUEL

An IP =/= exclusivity rights. Shit user, stop being literally 13 y.o.

Pokémon Battle Revolution
Pokémon Rumble


Project M
Kirby Return to Dreamland
Kirby's Epic Yarn

>Its a sequel because a guy wrote it to be one

Not how that works guy. I wrote a fanfic about dantes great adventure through time, it take splace after 3, does that mean my fanfic is a fucking sequel? No. If its not the original team it doesn't matter.


>Battle revolution

A. Nintendo Ip
B. Dead online so what literally is the point?
C. No DS connectivity anymore, so no loading up original teams and being forced to use those awful rental cards.




Kirby is great.

>Metroid isnt in FPS

Yes, and its a NINTENDO IP.

A Genuinely underrated gem of a game.

Both are done by Treasure you twig... You are literally saying that every castlevania game by Igarashi is fan fiction.

>All of those fucking ports

Good god man.

I still am sad at the fake widescreen they chose for this.

For those not in the know, the 16:98 mode in this game is nothing more than the 4:3 frame with the top and button cropped off and zoomed in, meaning you are playing the game with a gimped view area if you play in 16:9.

Oh right whoops, no Nintendo IP okay.
I would pick Bomberman Blast, the Konami Rebirth series,


Are you someone who actually has a desire to play games or do you just sit around with your thumb in your arse making lists and charts to numerically prove A > B?


A bit of both.

they are more focused in the adventure part than in the shooty shooty bang bang part


Oh right I forgot some more.
Ghost Squad
Nights Journey of Dreams

Name a single good game for this shit that isn't

>first party
>third party

lmao sonybros btfo

here some original obscure shit then for you

Get a hard drive and start downloading games. Even if you don´t like nintendo games you still have Arc Rise Fantasia and Onechanbara as goofus games to waste your time. It also has collections such as the metal slug complete and the bit trip series. While the wii was not COAT it was pretty rad.

Paradise was objectively the worst version. It was glitched to hell and back.

Rune Factory Frontier

No Genki Rockets. Wii version is better.

You know say what you will about the amount of Wii shovelware, but it was really the last gasp of the now dead middle market. There are a lot of damn fine niche games that would never have been able to release on the PS3 or Xbox 360.

Name one ONE. 1. [ONE] uno Game that isn't complete shit, and isn't:
>in subset A of all games
>in subset B of all games
>Where the union of subset A and subset B creates the set encompassing all games

I'm waiting.

Tales of Graces

Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Shit's fun as hell and has my boy Volnutt in it.

every well sucessfull game console has a shiton of shovelware
fucking ps2 is the king of it

even the PS2 had a fuckload of shovelware.
people just shit on Wii more because wagglan.

Bully:Scholarship edition and the best console version of RE4.

>Sonic and the fucking SECRET RINGS
Way to make your list bullshit

Pretty good outside of that

die in a fire



Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor

The Trauma Center games are underrated as fuck.

A video game version of the wood marble games. It's cute and it's great.

Kororinpa Marble Madness or the sequel

The wiiware was no slouch either

Lost Winds 1 n 2
The rebirth series
Muscle March
World of Goo

Not counting that the insane amount of emulation makes it an old school gamer´s dream


What were you expecting? It's like getting angry at a toaster for toasting your bread.

What's that? No counter-argument? Not even a "Fuck 4-button fighters, this shit isn't even worth it"? Pathetic, go back to losing.