Who was the last villain that you personally wanted to beat, not just because the game told you to?
Who was the last villain that you personally wanted to beat, not just because the game told you to?
Can't think of any, most games have shit villains or do the stupid "relatable villain/villain is better than protag" angle which is played out to hell by now.
I'm ashamed to say this but Lin from Pokemon Reborn after the latest chapter. For some reason I was in a massive high after she beheads the authors self insert
I wanted to throw Dalton into a jet engine pretty bad.
does it count if I wanted to beat the villain because I was genuinely interested in what the conclusion would be but didn't really have a problem with the main bad guy
cave story
Is that a romhack? Worth playing?
Jetstream Sam was the boss I was roaring to beat.
Such a satisfying fight.
Probably infinite or far cry 3. Video game writing sucks dick.
Fangame made on rpgmaker with the same mechanics as the main games.
It's worth playing if you want a difficult Pokemon game (difficult for the completely wrong reasons) with the cringiest and edgiest writing known to mankind.
The true culprit of Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice's 2nd case.
Came to post this.
Ace Attorney in general is fantastic at this.
Asad in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Fuck that guy. Quickly followed by Navarro.
Still the best example.
No other revenge has ever tasted sweeter than seeing Seph's face covered in blood as his dreams of godhood crumble around him in FFVII's ending.
Metal Sonic & Robotnik in Sonic CD, the great time travel mechanic lends a lot to it.
That one scene is the perfect motivation alone to annihilate Luca.
Kamoshida was so fucking evil he may as well have been the final boss or only boss in the game.
Eric Sparrow from Tony Hawk Underground
All the faggots in Dishonored
That faggot in Red Dead Redemption ( Edgar something )
I honestly found his fight to be the worst in the game, and the most exploitable aside from maybe Sundowner and Metal Gear Excelsus
Kohga, head of the Yiga clan in Zelda BOTW. For killing Dorian's wife and leaving those two adorable kids without a mother. After Dorians quest I headed stright for the Yiga hideout with murder in my heart.
Pic related. Take your pic
this faggot right here
>He finds a way to fuck with every member of your party and their friends
>Does terrible shit because of his wild ego and social power
>Talks mad shit to you during infiltration days if you walk near him in school
He was the perfect boss.
That dickhead cop B.B. in the first Max Payne. I know he wasn't the primary villain, but the way he shot Alex Balder from behind in the subway and let you be the fall guy pisses me off to this day.
he also had a really unique and memorable design, there was something about the way his face/head was drawn that looked more like an oldschool 60's or 70's anime/manga.
I want to fight with Nadine Ross, lose, and become her bitch.
(Yeah, I know she's sort of the hero in the new game, but fuck that—I want to fight original evil Nadine and get wrecked)
It was pretty easy, but it was the most intense for me, a pure duel in the desert, nothing beats that.
Notice how almost none of the villains mentioned arent from any relatively new or big budget games
what went so wrong? why cant the gaming industry make good antagonists?
ignore the double negative
my point stands
He wanted to fuck my waifu.
He was too good to be the first boss. All of the bosses should have constantly interacted with you like him. Makes the other bosses seem boring.
2nd prize goes to Big Smile Lee
The best is that scene in the gym when he confesses and everyone is fucking speechless. P5 really blew its load with Kamoshida. None of the other villains felt as personal, and none of them had actual prolonged confession scenes like he did.
Specter Knight from Shovel Knight. Fighting him felt fun.
The best antagonists are ones that you genuinely hate and want to brutally murder. Even better when the game makes them relevant for long periods of time, so that seething hatred can build up. Eric Sparrow comes immediately to mind. Patches is great too, but he's far from a main antagonist and usually pretty likable.
Patches is more of a lovable asshole
Also Kamoshida, as well as a lot of Rockstar antagonists, as mentioned earlier in the thread. The point is to have them personally fuck you over, not just be a bad person or a threat.
Well the issue there is that Kamoshida was the only one with a reason to constantly interact with the Thieves. Every boss after him has no reason to regularly talk to a bunch of high school kids. Madarame is too busy running his exhibit, Kaneshiro couldn't care less about them, Futaba kind of does "interact" with them but not in an antagonistic way, Okumura is another person who couldn't care less and the deadline for his dungeon doesn't even personally involve him, and every time Shido is encountered he brushes by them without even acknowledging their existence.
I agree that Kamoshida is the most personally satisfying villain to take down because he's always up in your shit. Towards the end it felt like the plot kept coming up with excuses for the deadlines to exist because the other bosses had no real reason to care about the Thieves.
Oh yeah man I know all that, I just wish they would have wrote it so everyone was personal. Just seems sloppy. Still love the shit out of the game though.
This bitch this stupid fucking cripple bitch
Doomslayer just standing by and watching her enact her evil scheme behind that window without making any effort to smash through it in a rage is the only mark I have to give against the games campaign
GTA is kinda weird with them, for me at least. Third game has Katalina appear pretty much on second to last mission but the mafia bosses, who are like mid-bosses i guess, were all right. No big deal, first game and cutscenes weren't that elaborate, just excuse to send you killing shit. Same for Vice City but at least Sonny called you from time to time to remind you that he exists, noticeable improvement. Diaz was entertaining though. Despite VC being my favorite due to nostalgia goggles i found SA's antagonist formula the best so far. While Big Smoke disappeared after you fucked off from LS, Tenpenny would visit you from time to time to talk shit and make you do his work, there were times when he'd start fading out relevance wise but then he'd appear once and remind me that he's still there and he didn't forget about me either. 4's Dimitry i'd put between VC and SA, early game it's good but then he kinda falls off of the face of the earth until the end. Playboy is a pretty cool narcissistic cunt though, that "yo fuck up dwayne yo im tough big boss- oh shit you killed him fucking heartless even i couldn't do that daaaaamn". Don't remember much about Packy's brothers but remember them being cunts too.
final fantasy vii
That faggot that tased me for no reason, stripped me, and left me cuffed in maint.
>clouds idol
>kills clouds love interest
>barely even acknowledges clouds existence
>sephy was legit a cool guy before he goes crazy, making you also want to mercy kill him
Yea, I greatly enjoyed the game myself, went out of my way to platinum it. I certainly had some minor issues with the story but nothing that actively made me think "this is actually dumb". Great game.
I agree about SA being the best example with Tenpenny and the white cop. Rockstar games have a tendency for the villian to pretty much fuck off completely until the end of the game, which imo really kills the motivation. Gary in Bully is another great example of a complete shithead that you absolutely wanna burn on a pile of tires, but he's gone after the first act and is only mentioned until the final mission, despite going to the same school. I feel like a good antagonist shouldn't be at the end of a journey, he should be with you on the journey and the dynamic between them and the protag should culminate in whatever final conflict there is.
Kai Leng, I can't stand this fucker. Shepard has plenty of time to kill him when he's on top of the car in the citadel mission, but no he has "plot armor" to be an annoying fuck.
Casey Hudson
Also only one of Packie's brothers is a cunt, the other's a likeable dick and another is just a junkie. Packie is a great example of a god tier bro character though. IV's story is real hit and miss but the bantz between Niko and Packie is probably my favorite dialogue from it.
that bitch from vault city in fallout 2
my most hated vidya character of all time
Good choice.
Gary is a great villain, and my only complaint about him was that he somehow completely disappears despite living in the same dorm as Jimmy. You'd think they'd run into each other on a daily basis.
what the FUCK was his problem?!?
Shido in Persona 5, he was just such a colossal dick that I wanted to kill him outright.
Probably Dimentio in Super Paper Mario. It's kind of a dumb pick, but he was an asshole.
a Literal Sup Forumstard trying to get his dick in princess's of different kingdoms
It was so satisfying killing him in SRW V
I hated him and the shit he pulled so much and it felt so good to kill him
Handsome Jack
Kronos from Tales of Destiny comes to mind, fucker couldn't let Leon rest in peace, no he just had to torture the poor bastard some more by resurrecting him as a zombie to fight for him.
The final? boss of Ghost Trick I guess. I'm going to post actual spoilers though.
Finding out he also had ghost powers in the level where he is trying to kill Cabanela was such a rush holy fuck, having someone actively working against you combined with the stressful music is what makes this game pure gold.
Don't forget this faggot.
He was bad but he never really got me at all as mad as embryo did, just the scope of the fuckery that guy pulled, and it makes it a redeeming thing that Leonard was the one who killed him
Not originally from a game, but I first learned of Berserk through the PS4 game so it counts.
This asshole is the first villain in any game I've been legitimately angry with since Adachi.
Thank god you get to
beat the shit out of him in Endless Eclipse.
>inb4 "Griffith did nothing wrong"
>We'll never get to see Guts destroy him
>first learned of Berserk through the PS4 game
what the fuck
Shepard mw2
terra kh2, matter of pride
right here my man
This cunt right here.
This asshole right here.
The Ottomans
everytime I always pick revenge ending just to kill this faggot
This for me as well
First time you encounter the game tells you to run. The port side i believe it was. Didn't read or know to run, and tried to legit beat him. Could never do it
Went back years later to try again, to no avail of course.
I always want to kill him there when i replay PoR, It would feel so good
I just started playing Shadow of Mordor since it was on sale recently. I wandered a little in the wrong direction during the tutorial and ran into two captains immediately. I was still figuring out the controls so I died, but I felt I could have won if it wasn't for one of the faggots spamming exploding arrows at me as I fought the other one.
An hour or so later I've learned the game, got some abilities, and killed the first jackass before finding his archer buddy at the start of a stronghold. I Kill him, and murder my way through this entire area for like 20 minutes and I find the archer asshole back alive at the end with some new skills. I fight him, but he sets off the alarm so he gets away before I kill him and leaves me with like 25 other orcs
Since then I've run into him 3 more times, and now the fucker is immune to ranged, immune to combat finishers, immune to stealth kills and is still spamming exploding arrows from behind groups of orcs.
For someone who's just supposed to be an assassination target he's being a giant pain in in the ass.
Friendly reminder that we'll all die before Griifith does
Fuck this megacunt holy shit
After hearing so much about him in game (I made sure to keep out spoiler) and finnaly seein this warrior before me, I knew I had to end his life. To send him off with his doggo friend and hopefully find peace beyound the abyss.
After getting killed multiple times, I wasn't so much frustrated as I was motivated to beat him more and more and admired him more
And when I beat him, when his sword stopped swing ........
I walked outside
And had a Deku moment.
You know the one.
This fucking cunt. STOP COMING BACK FAGGOT AND STAY DEAD. If they ever make an X9 I hope to god he doesn't come back... He would, but I wish he wouldn't.
Poor Grigori is destined to always die by the hands of the Arisen.
this, monsters rule angels drool
Pic related
he pushed all the right buttons as a dickass rival that I wanted to pound his smug face in.
he dindu nuffin, but he stole the arisens heart and beloved so hes gotta die.
The painter in Persona 5. Plagiarism is an awful thing.
Doth thou desire the power?
>tfw you can't kill the biggest piece of shit in the game
>yfw "What in the goddamn...?"
It was oddly satisfying to fuse him and eternally make him your bitch.
Tetsuo Tamashiro