You hornet lovers disgust me
We all know beetles are the strongest ones
You hornet lovers disgust me
False, everyone knows ants are the superior bug species for they utilize numbers to form armies and group tactics to tear apart prey and enemies much larger than them, including beetles.
So ants are literally the Zulu maybe?
>literally needs an entire army just to take down ONE beetle
ants are jokes
i am telling you , they are literally the zulu of the insect kingdom
- Dead beetle as the colony thrives
ants are smarter than niggers
The colony is but one organism made out of many individual parts working in unison to achieve a higher end.
Ants are smarter than niggers user, they pin larger enemies by having multiple units grip their legs and lift them up while others swarm on top stinging and biting with fierce aggression, also they can cultivate food and water, you know unlike niggers.
If you take the ant colony as whole they are extremely good at problem solving, humans even ended up stealing our techniques to create the ant algorithm for pathfinding.
get off Sup Forums antposter
>this happened by accident
Damn atheists are so fucking pathetic.
LITERALLY has nothing to do with video games
is this how to make a slick new friend?
I'm from Buenos Aires and I say, "Kill em all!"
Are we talking about game bugs?
Was Simant a good game?
I believe so
calm down taiga.
>le sekret club is christian now so that means i am too
I hope you're faking it. If normies said the sky was blue, you'd kill yourself.
Read the blind watchmaker.
i played it so long ago i cant say honestly but i remember enjoying a lot when i was a kid.
im curious if its possible to find it somewhere now.
The joke went right over your head.
PROTIP: the Starship Troopers movie.
Why should I believe in your magical sky daddy spaghetti monster, christcuck?
Haven't had an /an/ thread in a while.
looks like a fat retarded caterpillar
How is this so cute?
I agree
>this happened by accident
That is the actual opposite of the definition of "evolution". This shit happened because if it didn't there would be no beetles.