Games that need a sequel

>games that need a sequel


let it go user

0/10 faggot

NOT a sequel lol

There's starforce though

6 entries were enough.
Hell, 4 5 and 6 already felt unnecessary.

it's not. at all


no, they need a 7th. it's time. it could be so good. it would sell a million copies. megaman battle network fever... it would be great, just consider it. these are GREAT games

No. And you don't need to buy it.

excellent thread OP, video game companies browse forums like these to see where the excitement for new products is at. you're doing really important work

They should have stopped releasing the games every year and wearing out everyone's interest in them. The series could have gone on forever that way.

admit it. these games are just as good as pokemon


The faggots stopped making Mega Man games in general. Had nothing to do with people's interest.

Which one did you save Sup Forums?

What year do you live in broski? 2005? Do you own a cellphone?

Release 7
>online multiplayer, trading
>tournaments with banlists for fairness
>Could do some shit with QR codes or amiibos or something to "Jack-in" to get extra stuff



They seriously need a MMO or some new shit now. That series literally a cash cow waiting to be milked. How they haven't tried it yet is fucking retarded.

Sonia's, except for the one time I saved Bud's.

They would probably make it a mobile game.

Don't forget customizable Navi's.

Please stop. I already masturbated today.

You really want Capcom to fuck up another IP? I mean, you do know what they've been doing with all their other IPs, right?

Let it stay dead and preserve the good memories.


Battle network multiplayer is complete shit my friend.

6 felt and worked well to me as a finale.
I don't understand why people still want a 7th game.
If you want another game it would be better on a smartphone.
Hell it could be some setting app that's just a netnavi of your choice telling you the time, noticing you when your phone alarm goes off, maybe be intractable when you touch them.

It got 6 games and half of them meh as fuck, get over it

lel, which one of your friends consistently destroyed you and how much did you yell "c-cheater!!"?

>games that had too many sequels

they were shitting them out yearly

There was a few twitch streams that did competitive battle network and it was a dumpster fire. The optimal strategies are all very defensive and fucking boring as sin to watch.

It could work but they would have to ban basically all the chips that dim, Navi chips, anti chips, chips that effect the custom bar, invis and a whole bunch more.

The appeal of the game is that it makes you feel like it could be played competively not that it actually should be.

>not the pinnacle of the series
>inb4 brainlet casuals who couldnt beat the liberation missions

I was always hesitant to play 5 because of the liberation missions but I started last week and they are probably my favorite part of the game. I'd probably rank it third behind 2 and 3 of it is as consistently fun as it has been.

It also had the best characters and some of the best scenarios.
5 is great.

>The appeal of the game is that it makes you feel like it could be played competively not that it actually should be.
Not really, MMBN MP always felt like a non-serious thing. But in the age of Youtube where retards cant think for themselves and have to look up every meta. It's destroyed.

This just doesn't need a sequel, this needs to be a real thing with it's own campaign and a net navi instead of siri. Also battling your pals with them. I've longed for this since I was a kid

even when the games were released people were making guides about top tier folder strategies on gamefaqs one of my folders got into one of them

Yeah, there is blame for obvious broken chips. Which goes with what im saying that the MP wasnt meant to be anything serious.

My cousin and I would just always race to see who could beat X boss faster

2 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 4 > 1

6 doesn't feel as focused as 5 to me, though 5's got those "darkness" and "soul" things as carry overs from 4 which I could see as an easy turn off.

>needing anything other than euthanasia and to be forgotten forever

Please. There are better franchises in need of a sequel.

It would all be reworked if it went online, retard. Rather than going >no multiplayer ever it's shit maybe just fucking balance it. Thank God you aren't the developer.

literally how is 2 the best.
Its just a more polished 1 with a few new mechanics.
5 is the most polished.
5 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 2 > 1

>played competively not that it actually should be.
Not everything needs to be competitive. God forbid multiplayer is an optional mode for fun and replay value in the le ebin e-sports generation.


Nah. That series was already losing steam by the 4th installment. I'm glad they ended it when it still had some dignity.

Man, if this doesn't get a sequel on switch, I'm not buying one.

Blue Moon got a sequel called 4.5 dumbnut.

As opposed to the quality content Capcom is producing now, like SFV and MvC:I. You wouldn't have to buy it, you know. Or would knowing it exists trigger your autism?

Everything comes in asterisk, so you can fuck around as much as you please. The maps are a huge jump up from BN1, and it's got some of the most fun scenarios in the series.

>all that needs to happen for a new game, according to Noise, is either Nintendo or Noise to reach out to the other
>Nintendo has no particular interest in making a new one because the series was never a smash hit
>Noise wanted to move on with "bigger" things which apparently meant mobage flops and anime tie-in games

What a shame.

I think I saved Luna for some reason but I shipped Sonia.

>tfw the game makes it a stupid love choice.

Come on user, have some imagination

> Customizable Net Navis
> Customizable home page
> If on the 3DS, streetpass to trade homekeys with strangers to fight their shadow data on their homepage and vice versa
> AR functionality to use QR codes to JACK IN FROM THE REAL WORLD

Man, it's a shame the Switch scratched so many cool features from the 3DS due to needing a seamless transition between docked and handheld mode.

Always Sonia. Luna's drills are too big for my tastes.

>5 is the most polished
>worst chips in the entire series
>liberation missions are ass
>terrible net areas

>Having expectations from Capcom.
We should both know better.

*tips e-can*

>>worst chips in the entire series
citation needed
>>liberation missions are ass
t. casual
>>terrible net areas
eh, liberation missions make it somewhat understandable but they werent terrible.

I'd rather it just have a remake or something instead of a 7th game, the ending in 6 is perfect, there's nothing more that needs to be added.


What about the adventures of Patch and Mega Man Jr.

It did though.
Do you mean reboot?
Because I agree.

Switch remakes would be nice.

>HD Stylized graphics
>New chips
>New side quests
>Expanded plot + internet areas
>Massive postgame
>Online play

Imagine if it also came with a mobile app
>App lets you create a custom navi, which you can train, battle, explore the net, etc.
>Can interact with others, anyone you meet through the app is automatically added as a friend for the switch game
>Could optionally use the same 2d graphics as the GBA games for a throwback.
>Can transfer navi to switch for online play, unlock bonus chips, styles, navicust programs, etc

yes it does

I really want a game that's a crossover between Starforce and Battle Network.
If only there was such a game.....
Oh well.

shut up, that game was shit

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Help.

what game are you implying?

What game are you talking about?
Capcom never made a game like that. I hope that when they make a crossover they just don't port over the worst megaman game and add very minor side quests relating to Starforce.

Shame they won't make another Street fighter game.

Lan should of went for the rich small one

Are there any good lan x yai doujins?

last time I checked... no


It's not like Megaman and Megaman X have like 8 or 10 games.

BN is one of biggest reasons for Megaman's popularity. Only oldfags like you hate it.

huh, weird way to spell yaoi



>no expanded version of 4.5 where you can make your own customised navi

On Mobile?

if you could make your own navi, and not in the context of the game, but reality, what would you do?

i feel it would be possible to just create and release these, since theres navis AND unowned npcs, so id start making ones with mental illness or contradicting designs and release them with no memory or idea of why they exist. bird reploids with a fear of heights, urinal wall reploids, reploids designed around projectile weapons with mono vision, stuff like that. schizophrenic, colorblind, uncontrollable urge to scream, whatever. then just dump em somewhere

I've been playing Star Force Dragon lately. What are some good battlecards to use?