Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

This game controls like garbage holy shit

>no crouch-walk
>jarring forced first person perspective in underbrush
>excessively fiddly inputs required to pull off CQC, stick to walls, or even aim+shoot
>having to pause the game whenever you want to optimize your camo

Game has no flow, I can't even enjoy the campy cutscenes because the controls put me in a bad mood.

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They're not very intuitive, but once you get the hang of them you should be fine.


Play it for longer than the first virtuous mission you dilbat

I'm up to Ocelot's boss fight and it's garbo

>he fell for the MGS meme

They're all pseudo-intellectual high school garbage. Just play an actually decent stealth game like Splinter Cell, Thief, or Hitman.

kept you waitin, huh

Only mgs4 and V have good gameplay.

i couldn't stand the voice acting

All you need is to remember the basics of CQC

Phantom Pain & MSG4 play so fluidly though. The drop in quality is bullshit between them & 3, and I'm assuming 2 won't be any better.

So many potential things could have been done with the ending. I would have loved a boss fight vs Solid Snake to explain how you fit into the storyline rather than a wall of text telling you.

>qualty declines as you go backwards through a series and console generations
Er, no shit?

Get the 3ds version on a new 3ds... Gameplay wise is the best version. BUT visually is just meh

>OP is one of those people that changes his camo every time it drops 5% instead of just picking something generally good for the entire area

So tiger stripes and nothing else?

I'll never understand the complaints about how CQC is supposed to be hard to do, about the only thing I can understand is aiming your gun while holding someone and even that isn't that hard with the generous window Snake still holds onto a person after release.

>Played V and 4 before 3, 2, and hell probably 1

fucking retard

>No crouch-walk
This is a good thing.

>The drop in quality is bullshit between them & 3
It's almost as if those games came out later

>>excessively fiddly inputs required to pull off CQC, stick to walls, or even aim+shoot

>I'm bad at games, which makes me angry!
t: GenZ.

Remember when mastering the controls was part of mastering the game?
Remember when mastering the game was seen as a positive goal in games?

>The drop in quality is bullshit between them & 3, and I'm assuming 2 won't be any better.
you did not play MGS games out of release order, did you?

The controls aren't even that difficult to figure out

I use Olive Drab now because the HD collection forgot to upgrade the texture of Tiger Stripe so it looks out of place as fuck.

MGS1 years and years ago, then MGS4 in 09, GZ+Phantom Pain on release. Trying to do the rest now in chronological order

Leaf is good for half the game, just stick to green grassy spots. Choco Chip or Animals for the mountains, and Black for the night. Thats all you should need for actual camo based sneaking.

I bet you don't have the croc hat......nigga need that croc hat

That's what makes it even more hilarious.

>Trying to do the rest now in chronological order
Please jump off the cliff this very instant.

They didn't update any of the camo textures though?

>Remember when mastering the controls was part of mastering the game?
You must have played some shitty games if you have to "master" the controls. Difficulty shouldn't come from the devs not knowing how to do a proper control scheme.

>no crouch walk
You don't need it
>first person underbrush
I didn't like that either but I got used to it
>excessively fiddly inputs required to pull off CQC, stick to walls, or even aim+shoot
You have to properly learn the inputs. It becomes second nature after a while.
>having to pause the game whenever you want to optimize your camo
Really not that big of a deal, but clearly MGS4 addressed this

Sometimes the control scheme is deliberately picked for that very reason.

Just look at tank controls and RE. Deliberate design choice in the same vein.

Look at Twin Snakes, an update to a new engine and mechanics. Easy as fuck because nothing was rebalanced to take the extra mechanics into consideration.

Go back and compare Tiger Stripe to something like Leaf, Urban Tiger, or even plain old OD. It's pretty noticeable, and it effects naked too.

Same thing with Splitter face paint compared to other paints. Look at his beard with Splitter equipped then change to anything else.

I'm serious, go do it now before you forget.

I think I'm just gonna go Naked Snake and have fun, since that's all I ran in MGSV

You disgust me deeply.

>implying I bought a shitty HD port

All me

Played this game on ps2 when I was a fucking kid. Had a blast.

Played it remastered with better camera. Had a blast.

Why does Sup Forums complain so much over small things? Is it the autism?

3 is my least favorite between 1-4 but it's still a great game and shits all over PW and V.

It was breddy gud as far as HD ports go. the Peace Walker port was a letdown though, and they had to remove shit so they could put it on Xbox, so it will never be as good as the original, but it's not bad.

Are stealth games the most autistic genre?

>actively requires you to no engage in human contact
>incentives "ghost" playthroughs which require an obsessive, meticulous investment of time

I think so

>720p and cut content

AKA shitty outdated game "design"

I next really cared for 2 much, mostly because I couldnt get into the story and the drop in realism compared to MGS.

PW is meh and V was pretty disappointing. Never played 4.

It's not autism, it's kids not able to go backwards.

They haven't lived through the 20,000 control schemes across console gens, just the 3 or 4 more modern iterations.

exhibit A

Hitman requires human contact usually.

>drop in realism compared to MGS.

Better than 420p and content I literally never played more than once.

Seriously, I don't know a single person who finished Snake vs Monkey and decided to go back in for round 2. The only thing that really annoys me is the Guy Savage removal.

PW was always as good as MGS3 though, which is the best game in series.

>drop in realism compared to MGS.
u wot mate??

There's a reason why games of a certain genre all have the same controls, because it works.

I mean he's not wrong. MGS1 was pretty down to earth compared to everything that came after.

Fuck. I think I'm too old for this board.

Vampires, lady luck, fat guy on rollerskates, just to name a few.

Because they've been iterated on for years and going backwards removes some of those iterations, who the fuck knew that would happen?


Psycho Mantis
Decoy Octopus
Vulcan Raven
Just to name a few.

MGS2 just felt goofy at every turn. Not so much in MGS.

>MGS1 was pretty down to earth compared to everything that came after.
It really was not.
Heck, even magazine reviews claimed MGS1 to be "very odd and Japanese" back in late 1990s.

>hating on the GOAT HD port
>hating on anything done by BluePoint

>PW was always as good as MGS3 though, which is the best game in series.

It's not GOAT if it's literally sub par.

See, now that's a fair position to take.
I think it's just the overall atmosphere of the Big Shell compared to Shadow Moses that did that. Not so much the content of the game but its presentation.

it's literally the golden standard to which all HD remasters are and have been compared to. A brilliant upgrade in every single way.

>running around naked as Raiden
>slipping on bird shit
>"A Nerd?!"

MGS2 is a cringe fest

Funnily enough the 3DS version fixes all of those issues.

But then you'd need to deal with that low res and framerate

It really was. Even at it's most complicated the plot was just a government conspiracy to create a new type of nuke and an overly complex delivery system for it, and Liquid's rebellion. The boss characters were weird, but except for Psycho Mantis nothing supernatural. You had a lady sniper, a muscle guy, a disguise expert, etc.

Okay there was the cyborg ninja but still.

>it's literally the golden standard to which all HD remasters are and have been compared to
What is REmake?

>no crouch-walk
>OP played the later games first and expected the controls from the newest games.
Of course it doesn't have crouch walk you ding bat.
>jarring forced first person perspective in underbrush
That's to prevent the underbrush camp abuse.
>excessively fiddly inputs required to pull off CQC, stick to walls, or even aim+shoot
>He played the HD version
MGS3 is made exclusively for the PS2. The PS2 controls we're intuitive with the pressure controls. HD modified the controls to accommodate the lack of it.
>having to pause the game whenever you want to optimize your camo
This isn't much of an issue if OP isn't an autistic bastard and needs 90+ camp index every index drop. 70 is already fine. You don't need to go invisible.

Ill accept that, but theres just an overabundance of goofy shit that wasnt as big in the previous game.

>but except for Psycho Mantis nothing supernatural.
In terms of gameplay, sure. The whole story and setting? Fuck no.

A remake not a port

Remake =/= remaster.
When will you people learn this?

PW is a worse MGS game than 3 in every way

And it was ported.

What do you mean?

5 is the ony MGS with bearable controls. It's also the only one that let's you play as a qt combat waifu. Coincidence? I think not.

It's vastly different, but style and plot-wise it's simply amazing. The only truly worthy sequel to 3.

MGS4 gives you the best sneaking suit in all of video games though.

>Super Mario 64 DS is a "Enhanced Port"
That was an entire recode from scratch, not some generic "port to another platform" with minor touches here to there.

Hence, it's a remake, stupid.


Oh so you're just a fucking retard, got it.

REmake has received the HD port treatment. Your move.

Psycho Mantis may have been the only fight with supernatural elements to it but there's more throughout the game overall.

>Vulcan Raven
Not just a muscle dude, shit just take his death scene.
>Decoy Octopus
Not just a disguise expert, well, not your typical disguise expert.

Psycho Mantis and the brain washing of the GENOME soldiers etc.

That's off the top of my head and I haven't played that shit in years.

>Octocamo on a chain link fence
Spider Snake
Spider Snake
Does whatever a spidey snake does

No it isn't. Cut content and 720p, it's trash.

Nice ""arguments"" you got there, kiddo.
The setting, themes and overall story itself are superb, and it's also a truly fun game to play (especially on PS3).

>REmake has received the HD port treatment
a re-release of a REmake of an original game does not make it a HD remake.
And again, it's a totally different thing from MGS' HD Collection, which is just a set of HD remasters. Besides Twin Snakes, there are no true remakes of MGS games.

But its not in your face like the bosses in 2. The bosses in MGS have powers, but they are not as CURAAAAUZZZEEEE like in 2. It overall has a more serious tone.

which is way better than 480i.
Not to mention its in REAL widescreen, has better textures, and runs 2x faster than on PS2.

PW HD especially is a significant upgrade

>cut content
Nobody cares about your beloved skateboarding and monkey minigames, mate.



Metal Gear Solid games all have excellent mechanics. It's the one point of quality between all of the releases.

Are you literally retarded?
I said it received the HD port treatment you even fucking quoted it, as listed on your nice little picture.

REmake is the gold standard of remakes and the port was a gold standard HD port from GC to modern consoles and PC.

And that MGS3 port is ass.

what, a background character who matters for whooping one mission somehow ruins your game?

Mediocre bait
Have a G.I.T.S. ost

It doesn't matter what you say, it's still sub par.

And the REmake port, while decent, is not the best port ever.

>lost the master assets
>just sharpen my prerendered shit up


And yet they are all easy to maneuver. How long have you played this game for, and where are you on?

>play all these franchises that are so great that they Sudoku'd themselves years ago
>not even worthy of a Pachinko machine or survival spin off

>lost the master assets
You'd be disgusted how often this actually happens.
Frankly I think we're lucky to actually get the ports and HD remasters we do get.

>"HD Collection"
>native 720x448 resolution
How did they get away with this? Granted it's still a lot better than 512x448 interlaced.

>port was a gold standard HD port from GC to modern consoles and PC.
With those stretched and photoshop filtered backgrounds? Nah. It's fine, and somewhat better than GC version, but it ain't no "gold standard".

>And that MGS3 port is ass.
How exactly?
As far as I'm concerned, it is the ultimate, definitive version of the game. It runs better, looks better, plays better.