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Hellboy is the most aesthetic comic hero.

>he looks just like he does in the comics
>people are complaining about him being too plain looking

>want to get into Hellboy
>daunting epic with chronology fucked ass backwards

the question is

Hooves or Boots?

wait really?

Makes me want that bad game

>We will never get a third movie

No Perlman no buy

Just get Seed of Destruction or whatever, the stories are closed in and you don't need to read a whole bunch to keep track of things.

Hellboy is REALLY GOOD. No capeshit but truly horror/paranormal stories with good, interesting and entertaining writing. Pretty much like Lovecraft.

Just read the trade paperbacks in the order they're numbered, it's all you need. Conqueror Worm is the best one by far and can almost be ready standalone. Disregard all the BPRD and Hellboy in Mexico and other spin offs, the 1-12 trade paperbacks are perfectly fine to read in that numbered order, they develop and end in an overarching storyline anyway.

Oh but we are! And it's a reboot penned by Mignola and one of his butt buddies, just so he could get his way after del Toro dared put his own creative vision into the character.

Hellboy is literally the only good long running western comic series

But we gonna get a third movie user...Its a reboot

just read the Hellboy series in order?

Constantine and Spawn for when?

How the fuck is this okay? Like 3 Spider-Man reboots in what 10 years? And they all fucking suck too. Almost every reboot is garbage.


if it's not voiced by perlman i dont care

>Spawn for when
Shut it, Macfarlane. You had your chance.



>it isn't ron perlman
Come on if some fucking yuropoors making Payday 2 could afford him how could NRS not??

Glad to see Hellboy's still getting some love
Too bad he's getting into a bad game as fucking DLC

Is spawn still on?I still dont get it why soo many people on the net wants hin...

Yeah, makes more sense.

We don't want to oppress anyone with outdated binary genders.


I find it hard to believe Perlman wouldn't take the job if offered.


Weebs pls leave


>Injustice 2

Stay Mad Capcbro

Constantine or Jonah Hex would be rad.

Mignola needed to have it his way

Shame, they probably could have had a few more sales based on the people screaming in the theater when he showed up in Pacific Rim.

the funny thing is that i guarantee nrs tried to push some garbage redesign and mignola had to reel them in

But it is.
The fact that Capcom is shit too doesn't invalidate that fact.


But Injustice 2 is fun

Which DC character would you want in the next MK game?

Spawn would fit better in Mortal Kombat

I don't play fighting games cause I'm not a dumb nigger.


Also mad it doesn't even look as good as this.

>eats the pancake
>all the demons are going apeshit
god damn it I fucking love hell boy

But that comic is fucking trash and Larsen is a petulant manchild.

What fighting game did you lose in recently Tyrone?

>People are getting excited over this Mega Bloks shit

>Caring about anyone except Manta



>stories with good, interesting and entertaining writing. Pretty much like Lovecraft.

Good, interesting and entertaining writing is the exact opposite of Lovecraft.


Oh here comes the contrarian again!

Spawn is just generic edgyshit. The only reason people remember him is because he was the first.

Have you actually read anything by him? His writing is shit.

Can confirm

>Oh here comes the guy who actually read Lovecraft's writing again!
His story structure and dialogue were his worst weaknesses as a writer. Anyone who's read his work can attest to that.

Shut the fuck up retard, you sorry sad cunt.

the writing was the worst part of his books

>Ron Pearlman wont be back as Hellboy
Whoever decided this is the biggest idiot in the world. Very few actors ever find perfect roles to play like Pearlman and Hellboy.

he's almost 70, not everyone can be Liam Neeson

DC/NRS too cheap to get Ron. If only Bethesda/Todd published this game...

This a hundred times

hellboys is an amazing series, but the worst thing about hellboy is hellboy himself. He would have been way better as a human.

Hellboys demon power trivializes every story

How about go to Hellboy, you prick. Go to hell

he doesn't have demon power beyond punching things and occasionally shooting things ineffectually

also fuck you

Under 20 LBS of prosthetic makeup it's not like anyone notices how old Perlman is.

He was perfect for the role and really he and Del Toro are the reason why the movies worked as brilliantly as they did. Without them I don't really see the point. Mike Mignola may be great when it comes to making comics, but someone else is going to have to direct it and I think Del Toro is the closest you were ever going to find to a perfect fit, and that's not even taking into account the can of worms it'll be to find someone who can play Hellboy as well as Ron Perlman. The only actor I can think of who might come close is John Dimaggio but he's out of shape and mostly only does voice over gigs these days.

I mean they didn't do any funny redesigns to any of the guest characters in MK X, aside from Alien, but it made sense.

Nice opinion, but I disagree. Maybe you would be better off with harry potter?

stranger things cop is cast as hellboy

>no one posting the Yugioh creator drawing Hellboy and that it's his favorite comic

being old doesn't just affect how you look

Hellboy is shit. Always has been shit.

Is he still with that fish guy and edgy fire chick?

So will his gun be changeable or his fist?

Spawn is still possible. No reason to think there will be only one non-DC/MK character.

Mike drew Hellboy for Kazuki too

What are you talking about? Every story he gets tossed around and walks it off, hellboy is indestructible and nothing phases / scares him. Very unsuitable for the setting in my opinion.

opinion invalidated

Have you only seen the movies? He left them and the BRPD in 2001.

Just the fuck up retarded nigger. What's your beef? Get bent

Meh. Mediocre "safe" choice. I already know there's no way he's going to reach Perlman's performance. Hellboy 3 was a missed opportunity.

>every story
he fucking dies and goes to Hell

>The entirety of the DC universe at your disposal, a new season of Young Justice is even in the works, a perfect situation to add static shock
>add the fucking blunder god

sasuga netherrealm

woah, that's cool

>big ass millenium puzzle
shame mignola's art kinda turned into shit

If we're gonna get another comic book rep, I want Goon or SCUD. Spawn had his roster slot already, and the only reason he was voted so high was because of his costume, really. Spawn should be in Mortal Kombat, anyways.

Judge Dredd would be a much better choice for a non-DC character than Spawn. For starters he's a much better character, and secondly he's actually relevant outside of the 90s.

Is Injustice 2 actually good? I remember the first Injustice being kind of mediocre.

Is Static Shock popular?

I'd argue he's more popular than fucking Raiden after MK9

it's pretty fun, you have to be patient and use your brain against zoners though and there's a lot of zoners online .


I dont have any beef, like hellboy. If I was to have beef it would be with your inability to communicate with out swearing and instability when forced to handle a different opinion from your own. But that doesn't bother me enough to "beef" over.

I haven't read every story man, but im going to assume he comes back.

Milestone's being fucked over by legal shit at the moment. We might get a Black Lightning skin for Raiden to tie in with the show.
Actually, what happened is they all met up last year to try to figure out how they could make the third movie happen.
Mignola likes the Toro movies. He wouldn't have let them happen if he didn't like Toro as a director. It's just that their schedules didn't line up. Ron wants to run for president, and Del Toro wants to do a million projects at vague future dates. If he just wanted to get them out of the way to make his own vision, he would've done so in the ten years it took them to announce another Hellboy movie.

you assume incorrectly

Dude gets his heart ripped out and dies.

I've never played Injustice 2 and barely know who Hellboy is I have literally no opinion on the matter. My only opinion is your dumb fucking idiot cocksucker who needs to drive a car to hell.

Hooves are fine but I prefer pants over shorts.

Dredd would be great.
Rogue Trooper
all would be preferable to Spawn or Rorschach or whoever it is that NRS fanboys keep clamoring for.

Nah son, Hellboy fucking dies. Everyone in the Mignolaverse stays dead after they die.

Really? So its over or what?

>I've never played Injustice 2 and barely know who Hellboy is
Why are you even in this thread?

ended a little over a year ago