We all know which the best game is, but which one has the best soundtrack? They're pretty different.
We all know which the best game is, but which one has the best soundtrack? They're pretty different
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VII has the best ambient music for sad scenes and melancholy areas
VIII has great boss battle music and some other good stuff, but it pales compared to the other two
IX has the best boss music, the best themes for the individuals characters and a few of the best tracks in FF history (Protecting my Devotion and Not alone)
I think VIII has the best soundtrack, followed by IX and VII in last. VII sounds a bit underdeveloped. IX is a great soundtrack, but it's very typical and safe, which I'll admit is the point of the game so it's just a matter of taste.
VIII has a great atmosphere to it that really fits the world. It doesn't sound like cliche'd medieval music, but doesn't go too far into the sci-fi esque soundtrack with heavy electronic songs like you'd expect it to. It's just really nice and calm for the most part.
either 8 or 9, 7 was pretty underwhelming Tbh in terms of music
VII and IX had great soundtracks, but VIII wins it for me. I was obsessed with the OST when it first came out, and it still holds up today.
VII is the best overall
I love all of FFVIII's SHIT'S HAPPENING tracks
None of the other songs hit me with as much nostalgia as Balamb Garden and this is coming from someone who played VII as his first JRPG.
I still prefer VIII's soundtrack just because of this one song. Sometimes I wonder if that one user went through and killed himself so he could live there.
Didn't expect people to like VIII. I always thought IX was considered the peak, followed by VII.
As much as I love the FF9's chill tracks and love its oldschool homage battle music, FF7's songs start to play in my head every now and then. It has such a great range of memorable songs.
There is something comfy about the pre-rendered backgrounds of VII. The slums in particular.
Guess it's that cyberpunk vibe. It's a shitty place, but I kind of want to live there.
7 had superb locations and BG artwork
IX has the best soundtrack. The best music of VII and VIII are as good as some of the best music from IX, but IX has so many high quality tracks compared to the others.
VIII easily has the best OST.
The sheer quality and variety beats out anything any other game in the series offers.
Only one close is legitimately XIII.
Based on number of 10/10 tracks:
FF VII - Let the Battles Begin, Force Your Way, Main Theme, Cosmo Canyon, Aerith's Theme, JENOVA, One Winged Angel
FF VIII - Liberi Fatali, Balamb Garden, Don't Be Afraid, Force Your Way, The Landing, Fisherman's Horizon, The Man with the Machine Gun, The Castle, Maybe I'm a Lion, The Extreme, Eyes on Me
FF IX - Vamo alla Flamenco, Sword of Fury, Jesters of the Moon, Battle 1, Over the Hills, Village of Dali, Hunter's Chance, Freya's Theme, Rose of May, Terra, You're Not Alone, Memoria, The Dark Messenger, The Final Battle, Melodies of Life
Meant Fight On instead of Force Your Way for VII.
Which game is the best OP?
Everyone already knows this, so there's no point in discussing it.
I came here to post FFVIII, but I can't argue with the facts. IX really did have a shitload of great music. I think I personally still prefer VIII though.
VII is trash-tier as usual.
VIIfags on suicide watch.
Off the top of my head, my favorite songs are don't be afraid, trust me, both of freya's themes. All three games are goldmines of soundtracks. They don't make em like this anymore.
>Aburd Best OST Tier
>If Not For the Battle Theme Alone It Would've Been Best Tier
>Getting There Tier
>Great At Best, Meh at Worst Tier
>Pretty Cool Tier
>Okay Tier
Everything else
>Total and Absolute Unredemable Shit Tier
>Being this much of a faggot contrarian
Jesus Christ.
OWA is honestly worse than Birth of a God. Doesn't fit in the series at all.
>bad OST
I don't know why a single mediocre boss theme makes it the worst OST ever.
Birth of a God is pure ludo, the way it incorporates the classic battle theme bass line and Sephiroth's theme is unmatched.
>2, 4, 3, 7, 6
>better OST than 8,9,10
I can't understand why people find it even remotely decent compared to all other OSTs that came before and after it.
Not a single track is decent, they're all fucking shit.
The battle theme feels like it's dying in a fetid swamp. The overworld theme is annoying as fuck and all other tracks make me want to vomit.
Worst thing is, it's my favourite FF apart from music, but I keep replaying it with no sound on.
Weak bait.
>Perfect Tier
>Amazing Tier
>Great Tier
>Good Tier
>Okay Tier
Not baiting at all. Nothing from V even comes close to compare with anything from II.
That's just like, my opinion bro
good list
I'd put 14 in amazing their though if only for the variety
>Vamo alla Flamenco
17 years later, I still need only hum a few seconds of this and it'll drive my mother up the wall. I played so much goddamn Chocobo H&C it's ridiculous.
It'll always be FF9 for me.
Didn't Nobuo Uematsu say he liked 9 the most?
ffvii is best everything case closed
ffviii's music is good too
but ffix has too much of the main theme rearrangement, they kinda all feel the same
>14 arrangements is too much from a 100+ OST
Yes it is, jesus why so many
Almost every FF game is like that, the main theme from VII is used a bunch too. Almost any plot relevant music has that 1 2 3 motif in it.
Yeah, that's true.
All those songs take me back though. They are just so powerful user.
>Not a single track is decent
Water dungeon theme
Battle on the Big Bridge
World 2 overworld
Submarine theme
Sealed Castle theme
Moore Forest
Exdeath's boss theme, which is one of the best boss themes in the whole series.
Void pre-crystal area
Neo-Exdeath's theme
VI has the worst boss and battle themes in the series and my least favorite final battle theme. V has a mildly annoying danger theme and world map theme, a bunch of good songs, and a bunch of mediocre ones. Why the fuck would I think the latter has the worst soundtrack ever? It may not be IV levels of quality but claiming that it has no good songs and is the worst soundtrack in the series is just retarded.
Dancing Mad is your least favorite final battle theme?
Yes. The only even acceptable part of it is when you fight Kefka himself and considering that he just rolls over for any halfway competent party while you have to deal with getting your ears raped by bad orchestral samples for the three fights prior, it doesn't even come close to making up for it.
>Shit tier
I have been on this fucking site for thirteen God damned years. I have seen depravity nigh peerless. I have argued with and insulted a vast menagerie of retards. Yours is it. Yours is the new gold standard in fucking shit taste. Kill yourself. I'm not being ironic. You are a zero sum. Remove yourself from the ecosystem.
The Extreme is still arguably the best final boss theme of the franchise: just classic Uematsu composition at it's finest that screams Final Fantasy more than any other battle theme.
All work for their respective themes really. You can't really swap them into each game except maybe final boss fight music.
Each game visually inspires a different set of music. When it comes to 9, making a new game you have that old timey feel to it, that you know this is going to be a midieval feel to the game.
7 had that first of its type feel. You never had an rpg where medieval type powers and styles was pushed into a scifi setting, you were not limited in creating an ambience for that.
8 had the it's thing where it tried to do what 7 did, but falls flat since 7 already did it. 8 will always be the lesser to 7 in that regard amoung many others.
VII, no contest. And it wasn't my first Final Fantasy either, the music is just in another dimension compared to VIII and IX. IX is the weakest of the three and VIII has some really good standout tracks but overall it's not as good as VII's.
The Extreme was a better theme and One-Winged Angel. Prove me wrong
You miss the airship theme of FF8
Move FFIII to at least great tier and you got yourself a solid list.
>7 had that first of its type feel. You never had an rpg where medieval type powers and styles was pushed into a scifi setting
>8 had the it's thing where it tried to do what 7 did, but falls flat since 7 already did it
FFXIII-2's OST is unironically my favorite
>You'll never explore and experience VII for the first time ever again
Makes me sad. Playing XIV right now, hopefully I'll find the time to play the other traditional entries soon
Force your way
Man with a machine gun
Enough said.
Personal opinion ff7 has the best boss and final boss theme, final fantasy 9 has the best worldmap theme.
I don't really like any of ff8 song
People like the music for VIII. While mixed on the gameplay and systems within it, there is no doubt 8 has the best soundtrack and minigame.
Best song for best waifu
FF8 would've been a masterpiece had it actually stayed on the level of Disk 1 quality throughout. That's seriously the best early part of any Final Fantasy game in my opinion.
>you will never be a member of SEED undertaking fleshed out missions throughout the entire game
Everyone already agrees that FF8 has the best OST.
when you need to get fierce
So wait, you actually DON'T want to win the Festival of the Hunt? Zidane just gets some money.
I always let my nigga vivi win
The writing really fell apart on the later half of the game. Like, goddamn, the plot holes that are introduced here are insane.
I would say it's intentional and buy the whole ''Squall is dead'' theory, but it's clearly too clever to be true. They just fucking dropped the ball.
Zidane's rewards is fuckingnothing-tier. Both Freya and Vivi have better rewards.
There was only one track in all of Final Fantasy 7 that impressed me and it was this one: youtube.com
8 is the GOAT FF soundtrack
I'd say Freya's reward is best seeing as it will be a long time before you can get Coral Rings normally.
Ironically, that's the structure Type-0 went for, but that game had other problems.
VII is my overall favourite but also has the weakest OST of the three. IX is the best in that regard, and Uematsu feels it's his overall best work too, even though I think X has the best OST of the franchise.
How bout straight from Nobou who fucking said 9 was his magnum opus and he would never work as hard on a soundtrack ever again.
Isn't feel my blade popular here in Sup Forums?
It's been my favourite ff track for years
>Eyes On Me
I would love to see what kind of music you listen everyday, you know that.
While I enjoy Eyes on me at a the thematic level, the engrish is too distracting to be a good track, I agree.
You dont talk about soundtrack if there no FFVI
But, VI's soundtrack was so inconsistent and it has some really shitty orchestral sampling.
the GOAT of all boss battles
VIII's soundtrack is the only thing that game has going for it but my stupid brain plays VII songs in my head almost every fucking day so that wins for me.
8 has the best soundtrack
incidentally, it's also the best game
VivI gets a card