>Derrick has missed 3 podcasts in a row >Shawn falling asleep during podcasts >Rocco "You Know What I'm Saiyan" Botte has started to walk the streets of LA with a Green Power Ranger's helmet he bought for $100 USD unironically >Garret's the only one bringing anything of interest to the podcasts and does amazing prop work for skits, and yet he works a full time job while clinically ill. He's also the only one that plays video games. >Kevin is still seeking asylum in England with his British gf
What a fucking mess. All their latest videos are more about "gaming journalism" than "actual games". Why can't they make more videos like their Heavy Rain skit? youtube.com/watch?v=dP30WYgYiUI
Is the Fall of Mega64 symbolic of the current state of video games as a whole?
i like mega64 a lot. i enjoy their podcast more than most skits though
Matthew Hall
>clinically ill
what are you talking about user?
John Long
I'm baffled their subscribers haven't moved in years. They have been stuck at 400k for so long and it's just embarrassing.
Levi Peterson
it's best you don't know user
Mason Perez
>Is the Fall of Mega64 symbolic of the current state of video games as a whole? What the fuck, where did that come from. I don't see how you reached this conclusion.
Josiah Torres
He mentioned once on twitter that he was quite ill and was attending weekly/daily visits to hospital. Another tweet mentioned cancer. This was during the span of time he wasn't present on the twitch podcasts a few months back. He deleted the original tweets a day after he made them but you can still see some replies questioning concern if you search for them. It really breaks my heart because I've been following mega64 around the same time he started working with them and it is like I am slowly losing a friend.
Aiden Sanders
but the heavy rain video you linked sucked
prank "humor" isnt funny, its awkward
Daniel Kelly
>Shawn Most people don't stay friends with their high school friends. You tend to grow into very different people and slowly drift apart. Look at Rocco's and Shawn's hobbies, if this two people met today for the first time, I highly doubt they would become good friends even if they worked in the same office. Look at the footage of Shawn's wedding in the life speedrun video. Notice that the boyz are in the back behind other people more important to shawn. Because Shawn failed to develop other life skills, he is stuck with his HS friends. Shawn will most likely be the first boy to break the band, Eric and Frank are obviously waiting for this like vultures to fill the spot.
post a video of there's you liked
Asher Davis
>Eric and Frank are obviously waiting for this like vultures to fill the spot. rip mega64
Robert Phillips
at least we have pps
Henry Torres
They all looked so lifeless at AX this year
Joshua Phillips
no thanks. you posted one of their best according to you and it was quite shitty
im not going to wade through any more eceleb shit for you
Christian Torres
Do people still fall for this copypasta?
Also is Rocco "Anyway" Botte still a virgin? Anytime they mention sex on the podcast is seems so clear to me that Rocco is lying.
Carter Murphy
Rocco was actually dead as fuck at AX
Julian Bailey
>is Rocco "Anyway" Botte still a virgin? After the Mariel thing, the cross-country fuckspree thing, and the fucking-Sam-Hyde's-ex thing, it should be pretty clear he isn't, but knows that anything other than a smartass HA HA SEX joke with him at the center is just asking for fan riffing
Anthony Hall
You're seriously out of the loop, hes probably fucked more than you have. It has been proven that he has paid fans to have sex with him. This one girl named Charlotte, who had previously had a sexual relationship with Sam Hyde, had multiple plane tickets for over a year paid for by Rocco just to get fucked by him. She used to call into the stream but Rocco deleted all traces from the channel and got Royce to remove the highlights from the archive channel. Rocco's gf at that time found out and posted all about it online. It was a huge fucking thing years ago, idk how you missed this.
Parker Hughes
>mariel >cross-country fuckspree >Sam-Hyde's-ex What the fuck did I miss
Elijah Gonzalez
I used to hate Garrett and never viewed him as one of the originals since he came in a little later. Thought he was a try-hard fag. Derrick was my boy.
Last podcast it finally dawned on me. Derrick is a huge faggot and unironically went off to make a knockoff Loveline. Rocco is sperging about his green ranger helmet shit. The other guys were praising Jason Schreier (one of the biggest pieces of shit in 'games journalism'). They all have shit taste in movies and music.
Garrett is the only cool one now.
Luke Howard
Garret has been always been the most genuine guy
Hudson Richardson
garrett is actually really nice in person too at gamedays the others not so much
Cameron Morales
Childhood is like Derrick/Rocco
Adulthood is liking Garret
Grayson Hughes
I've missed a lot in all honesty. I never had a high opinion of rocco but this is pretty bad.
Jacob Hall
Their skits are secondary to their podcast for me. I've been listening to them for nearly a decade and something about their meshing of personalities and manner in which they conduct themselves in the podcast is just entertaining to me, granted I almost always listen while playing a video game or multitasking with something else. I even took a break for about a year because of other things in life taking up time but I can always jump back on and feel like nothings changed, and I mean that in the best possible way. I ran into Rocco once very briefly at a Las Vegas restaurant and talked with him for a few minutes when my fanboyism was at its highest with Mega64, he was really cool. The podcast got me through some depressing times so I'm eternally grateful for such a seemingly trivial thing in the grand scheme of things.
Evan Robinson
Garrett has always been one of the most laid back, friendly guys there. Derrick, as much as I love him, is the indisputable asshole of the group right next to Eric.
Julian Russell
Derrick just released like 3 new podcasts on mega64 about relationships.
rocco's personal vids are kino tho, especially his new disney series where he and kevin just talk about different rides for hours. if he transitioned to mainly disney and figure talk on his channel I would be more then happy. or he could make his own 'jerk with a camera' type reviews.
They're not genuine and this is their biggest flaw.
They're always "on" but the problem is they think this means they're always "funny".
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>this image is from 2013 this looks like some abomination someone would post on early Sup Forums
yeah it really bummed me out when I heard about it but I guess it also allowed me to see rocco for what he was, or at least see it clearly without fanboy goggles. Its too bad he overshadowed Derrick so much, cause he his thoughts and comments he shares during podcasts can be very clearly a level above rocco, and yet now he is stuck doing stuff like this youtube.com/watch?v=1nB0TrWM1gU
Brayden Perez
honestly I feel like mega64 could still come back if they started doing short witty vids like this more often:
There's no such thing as unironic. It's ironic or sarcastically or unsarcastically. Learn English. Irony is the subversion of an expected event or thing resulting in the opposite. You can't unexpect something and say "oh it happened just as I unexpected it!"
Easton Cruz
Fuck off kike
Joshua Cook
When Mariel was a lot more involved, i.e. live appearances and was doing lots of art, they were certainly an item, but nothing official, and they split after a while, either because of the cheating, fan-fucking, or something else, no one knows because there's nothing but rumors
When it was revealed that Rocco was going around fucking fans, one of those fans used to date Sam, and she made a big fucking deal about it, putting out the narrative that using your e-celeb power for sex is a form of rape, which lots of people bought, and it was also around then that the cross M64/MDE shoutouts stopped
Christian Jackson
Ryan Hughes
I remember her having her bf on during a christmascast at one point. I always got the impression that she """"friendzoned"""" rocco
John Barnes
>FragileEgo64 Second only to Achievement Hunter in "Should've gotten out while ahead"
>after years they finally make a new Gamez Alive video >everyone kept calling it a rip off of the RLM Nerd Crew one cause of the meme crates
Samuel Jackson
>it was also around then that the cross M64/MDE shoutouts stopped
to be completely fair the shoutouts stopped when mde was getting into hot water for alt right stuff like sam's standup
Luke Rodriguez
The only good video they do are there bad movie thing.
Not the actual talk about movie right now, fuck no, thats cancer
Cameron Ward
Maybe 1% of the people who watched it remember the original autistics they're parodying. Even I can't remember what they were called
Joseph Clark
When people say they "unironically" enjoy something it's the same exact thing as saying they "legitimately" and "unashamedly" enjoy something. The terminology actually makes sense in scenarios where the subject matter is seen as something that other people often enjoy in an ironic sense.
Justin Campbell
this is most likely what happened
i find it interesting how they changed from being the guys that would yell "faggot" out loud and joke about raping babies to the point where they step on eggshells so no one gets offended. I guess ever since they got called out on tumblr for Shawn's shemale comment that they have to tread cautiously. I feel that half of their current fandom would stop watching them if they knew the kind of shit they used to talk about on the early podcasts.
the biggest issue is that their heart is in film and not video games thats the biggest downfall for them
John Fisher
I used to like them but my roommate kind of ruined them for me. He worships them, has our living room covered in their posters and has their Twitch stream on all the time. When we go to PAX he stands in front of their booth for 20 minutes waiting to be noticed and then gives them bags of snacks for the weekend. He's also allowed them to ship all of their PAX stuff to our house a couple of times now, which for him is a huge honor, but for me means hauling tons of heavy boxes into the house. Pic related is about 1/4th of the stuff they had sent to our house for PAX this year.
I don't think they got worse but I just had enough of them. I've met them all and they're all pretty cool, though.
Levi Nelson
That was, and forever will be, the best thing they ever done. Funny how Garret, the only "non-comedian" was the best of the entire thing.
Kevin Bell
There's no way that's all Mega64 stuff.
Bentley White
I feel like that while they are certainly capable of doing great vids the main problem is that they have to restrict themselves so much in their flagship content (the podcast) if they could just drop the persona and be real people talking about real stuff instead of pandering to a bunch of video game nerds then the podcast would be a lot better imo.
Landon White
>this is the kind of guy that pays Mega64's bills Jesus Christ...
Evan Adams
Jesus fucking christ
William Diaz
I promise you, it is. It was all of the merchandise they were going to have at their booth, as well as the shelves and all that for the booth. And there was much more that I couldn't fit into the picture.
Why do they need to ship it to you guys? Is it just to hold on to before the event?
Connor Wood
Who did the research for this 1? None of them played it, but those jokes are perfect.
Gabriel Collins
Yup, that's it. They don't have a place to ship all of it to and to keep it before they get to Boston so they send it to us.
To their credit, while I find it really weird they are very cool about it. Shawn in particular is always very grateful and kind to my roommate about it and gives him a lot of free stuff.
Stopped paying attention to these guys when their podcast became a "video" podcast and it was just them doing the same "HAHA WE'RE SPONSORED BY SUMO...WHAT IF AS A JOKE WE JUST KEPT PLUGGING IT LIKE THIS" shit for like 40% of the show.
They were so excited to start doing a video podcast but all they do is fucking sit around and pull up videos and shit. I don't know why they bothered.
Eli Roberts
I don't know if I could be this uniformed if I tried
Aiden Roberts
I think they were sponsored by Sumo for a long time, like Kickapoo. That wasn't a joke, bro! They were paying their dues.
Logan Green
Anyone know if/when the next annual Cosplayerz vid will be dropped?
Ian Myers
Not until you quit filling their camera lens with your shit WALDO cosplay you jerk. They need more footage.
Aiden Garcia
Yeah I know but they went way overboard with it. They just kept fucking screaming about it and acting like it was so hilarious how over-the-top they were being. It got really old.
Most podcasts I listen to just have a little spot in the middle where they read a little 1-minute ad that the company wrote or something.
They also just wouldn't shut the fuck up about Sabritones or whatever, and I doubt they were sponsored by them.
Wyatt Walker
Derrick played deus ex. He doesn't remember much from what he's talked about in a podcast once (within the past 3 months or so.)
Angel Turner
did you post this from 2007
Jonathan Barnes
I didn't even know Mega64 had a panel this year.
Eli Long
just not yr kinda joke
Joshua Bell
Garret seems like the only guy i would want to hang out with. The rest of the mega 64 crew seems like pricks except for shawn but shawn's like a cuck. His wife is hot tho.
Hunter Baker
Mega64 has been dead for years They stopped making videos and started sitting on their fucking asses doing shitty podcasts exclusively
Owen Gutierrez
Remember in their podcast, they said their new years' resolution for 2017 was to hit 1 million subs lel
Kevin Bennett
If you watch Garrett's pps, you'll probably feel different. He doesn't seem to respect anyone who calls in; ie cutting them off and half listening/caring.
Aiden Gonzalez
Derrick wanted it so bad, the others were pretty unsure.
Owen Anderson
At first I thought they had a chance, it was a pretty genuine desire so I thought that would propel them forward. Shame..
Julian Diaz
I think a lot of people forget that they're currently working on Version 4 and writing a book at the same time.
nah, it's just hard to run the show and pay attention let alone hear everything over all the sound in that show.
Matthew Bailey
i remember when they were mentioned in nintendo power
>last video that broke a million views was the fine bros react reaction video mega64 has become a living meme
Logan Clark
you forgot to mention he does all that while playing a video game
Ayden Green
like how many weeks or whatever straight have them been doing shit with little to no actual breaks or vacations of any meaningful length?
And i mean for the group as a whole, not necessarily together though. Cause i would think that working long as periods of times with out any meaningfully lengthfull type of break would get to any one. Everyone needs some time off from it all but them being what they are need to constantly put out shit or not get paid.
So i would assume that it would be that. Since that would get to anyone and is always what happens to many people like them which whittles down their audiences to those that end up enjoying their lowest effort works.
Eli Rodriguez
yeah but they got really hyped over the variety thing because they thought it was indicative of them going somewhere
Lincoln Jones
Why are they always dicks to their fans? I have been watching them for over 10 years and it seems like they are being more rude to fans than usual.
Jose Green
I guess as an entertainer you just get tired of people after so many years of fame
During calls, yeah. In person they're all pretty nice.
Mason Wood
>What a fucking mess. All their latest videos are more about "gaming journalism" than "actual games" >Is the Fall of Mega64 symbolic of the current state of video games as a whole?
Are you being ironic?
Noah Harris
I guess it was similar to when tom green invited them to his show. It's kind of weird since him and the Jackass guys were a huge inspiration for early Mega64 yet they don't do anything today that seem remotely reminiscent to either party.
Kevin Perez
their videos are rarely good now, all good stuff comes from the podcast they never branch out or sold out. they tried and failed miserably with funny factory. the best part is that because they're famous of post-irony bullshit, they though funny factory was sort some of satire. well, it wasn't lol and people were mad who cares about shawn "the cuck king" chatfield derrick is the "le epic contrarian guy". only good when he's telling stories, not opinions. yeah but who the fuck cares about disneyland shit. rocco legitemly lives more than half his live in disneyland. he fucking wants to live here. he wants to become the motherfucking walt disney. he will suck mickey mouse cock until the end of time you.literally.post.the.same.fucking.post.every.new.mega64.thread It's really hard who's the autistic one, him orderng all the mega64 merch, or you reposting this all the time. people do it all the time. they realize they have to shill but they try to do it "ironically" to try to preserve their "honour" also no sumo now, they shill now fucking mack weldon. they actually have the balls to shill this even ironically. yeah it's pathetic. I doubt they will even reach 500k this year because they're "different" as in "we're above the youtube scum, we're so much better" that kind of attitude that's because somebody posted this shit on reddit, and they were the first one to do a video about it. that's why it broke one million views. and the best part is later they appeared on fine bros show to laugh at shitty videos just like everybody else. and guess who has the million subscribers? not mega64 that's for sure.
Jonathan Wood
Is this true guys? Please tell me it's not.
Blake Sullivan
yes unfortunately its true...............................
Elijah Ramirez
I believe it's yet another Sup Forums meme, but even if he has cancer, it doesn't matter because mega64 is not going to live for very long. mega64 will die before garret dies of a "cancer"
Nathan Cox
Which mega64 member is this?
Alexander Myers
>only good when he's telling stories, not opinions.
Yeah. He seems to interject with race shit constantly in a joking tone but its obviously a thinly veiled political statement. And then he wearing that Municipal Waste shirt of Trump blowing his head off or whatever on one podcast. Like, chill out dude
Nathan Martin
Hopefully it is another Sup Forums may may, by the way has anyone gone to game days before? How is it? I was planning on going this year.
Jason Peterson
It has been known for a while now, but people do not mention it since it makes Mega64 discussions even more depressing.
Andrew Bennett
the point is nobody fucking cares about version 4, or the fucking book. and it's not an excuse, rlm used to have that same excuse with space cop and guess what after space cop was finished rlm continued to make the same amount of videos they did while doing space cop. And space cop fucking sucked. ? I have no idea what you're talking about. the point is when derrick talks about video games or movies he's always the epic contrarian, but when he tells stories it's funny. like that recent story about some fucks leaving him "fuck you" paper on a windshield the cancer meme is old, a year or even two years old. doubt it's true. you should go while you still can, you never know when mega64 will go full shutdown mode
Gabriel Myers
Can you blame him? The people who call in are either subhuman nerds or annoying fangirls.
Logan Williams
can we take a moment to just hate frank i hate that faggot