Just got a new PC

Just got a new PC

What are some decent F2P games?

Is Dirty Bomb worth checking out?

I'm currently downloading Paladins, Warframe, and Path of Exile

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paladins and PoE was the only ones out of those that I actually kept wanting to play
paladins is really good for a F2P, better than overwatch is. but by the time paladins came out I was/am burnt out on team/class shooters
PoE I enjoyed quite a bit, but this was years ago. don't know how it's changed or what the current state is like.
you can play NOLF 1 and 2 for free. great game, even if it's older. nolfrevivalDOTtk/
you can also look at the humblebundle. the bottom tier is completely worth it for dreadout and you can pay $1.
mid tier is 7 and has alien iso, which is definitely worth it at that price
DbD is 10 and that's arguable if it's worth it or not. decently fun, but gets extremely repetitive after awhile. heard they added quite a bit of content in terms of survivors and killers though.
hope that gives you enough to kill some time.

>dirty bomb
No, it's hacker infested garbage.

Dirty Bomb is basically modern enemy territory

Thanks user that humble bundle looks good

>quake wars never got popular
>ET is on life support

I wish Bethesda would do something with ET, so many hours spent on those games

maybe Enemy Territory gameplay is just shit

Did you never play the game during its peak? It's not shit gameplay, people are just tired of the game. It literally came out in 2003. I bet if they released it again with an updated engine and graphics the game would sell like hotcakes. I'm desperate for a team based game like this, R6: Siege just isn't cutting it for me anymore.

No, they tried this with quake wars and brink. Learn your history.

>cesoring the feet

I played Quake Wars on release and people didn't like those games because:
Quake Wars strog team sounded like fucking muppets, and the vehicles controlled like shit which was a problem since the maps were big and confusing to navigate, this alienated a lot of ET players and new players in general

Brink was a mess on release, regret preordering it, everything I thought the game would do well they shit the bed on, the setting was also pretty bad, uninspired and generic, and the controls were shit, parkour in video games is hard to do.
>Learn your history
Fuck you, faggot.

>had enough money to buy a new computer
>didnt have enough money to buy any real games

What a shame Nader is a lesbo

it's not censored.

she looks like a dude so probably not

Dirty bomb is nice, but there's not much content for now and half of the playerbase have been autistically playing it for years so you might have a hard time at the beginning. Also they just released Javelin, the panzer character, so most games are full of explosions until the novelty wears out.

Warframe is entertaining for the first few hours, then 2 things can occure: the grind will either bore you to death, make you uninstall and never come back, or it will suck your soul for hundreds and hundreds of meaningless hours

you're favourite videogames girl is shit

Fuckin destroyed.

I wanna play et but I can't look around on some serverssss :(((((

Purest form of merc love

>those videos of brink before release
what a fucking shame. goddamn.

>dirty bomb

godamn i hate javelin so much, basically the carl gustav from bad company 2, and it seems like they made her voice lines trigger twice as often as the other mercs and twice as loud too.

I dunno, I think she sounds cute.
Also they acknowledge the panzer is a noob weapon.

she sounded cute the first couple of times, even with 1 javelin on the team i wish that bitch would shut up

I don't get all the fuss about Javelin
It's not like there already were dime a dozen ways to get instakilled before
I'm much more salty about shotgunfags which are a constant nuisance than I will ever be about javelin which is a nuisance twice per minute