I am about to play Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

I am about to play Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
I watched Star Wars movies, and i also watched some of the Star Wars animated series.
Do i need to read a book/comic, play a game about the star wars universe or can i just jump in?

Thanks in advance Sup Forums

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First game is shit, the other is better but still shit.

You can jump right in

Thank you very much user! You are a lifesaver.

No because KotOR actually makes fucking sense and has nothing to do with the expanded universe.

And is probably better written than the entire series.

KOTOR II probably has the best writing and characters in Star Wars universe. It makes the movies look like kids movie.

Oh c'mon dude you don't need to do research before starting to play a fucking Star Wars game. They wouldn't have let them use their IP if it wasn't accessible.
It is pretty damn great BTW. KOTOR 1 is a smaller game but really well done. KOTOR 2 is bigger and has a lot of awesome but also some pretty big flaws. I guess you could say the same about Fallout 1 and 2.

they are kids movies

Play Light Side first! Altough Dark Side is so much more "fun" Light Side has some of the best dialouge.

Then Dark Side it is.

I just thought i can learn about the universe before playing if necessary, besides it would be more immersive. Just wanted to make sure if i can play now.

Thanks for advice user, i think i'll start playing from the light side as you recommended.

Thanks again Sup Forums. Helpful as always.

bring your wallet. you cant even equip drops without it

He's only playing kotor, not tor.

Its what star wars should have been, the sith and jedi are complex and much more "grey". Doesn't have Lucas' stupid super nice light side jedi vs seething baby killing sith. It's more about how the jedi restrain emotion and the sith embrace it. There are good and evil people on both sides.

Avoid the KOTOR series (much like the vampire bloodlines games.) They're all visual novels. You'll spend 90% of your time skipping dialogue.

You have bad taste.

You're a bad person you know that.

Yeah like there is no cool gunz and splosions and shiet nigga. Like what tha fuck where tha guns and blood at? I dun wanna read no fuckin book i want to blast some foolz yo

Remember to play as a Jedi Guardian dual wielding specialist for those sick nasty lightsaber crystal buffs

Why does Revan hold his lightsaber like an autist?

There are a couple of nods to the old Dark Horse comics but it's mostly just for flavor, like the old Jedi Jolee remarking "Reminds me of the war with Exar Kun back in the day" and stuff.

The second game with the restoration mod is where its at. But the first game is still really fun especially if you haven't played it before.

B-but i like dialogues and visual novels ;__;
I acknowledge everyone has a different taste. I'll count this as a recommendation for vampire bloodlines, so thank you user.

Is there a "restoration mod" or any mod you can recommend for kotor? Or should i just play the vanilla, since this is the first time i am playing user?

Recommend other good Star Wars media.

The first one is fine without a restoration mod because most of the things they cut they cut for a reason. It's not like 2 where you can tell things were obviously rushed.

Because he has force autism

Go to bed you have support tickets to be doing tomorrow

Thank you user, you helped a lot. I will play the vanilla version. Many many thanks.

100% make sure you're done with KOTOR1 before you start 2, it's hard to go back.

There is a comic tie in but the only good parts are the Cassus Fett shit. He makes his bounty hunter descendants look like complete plebs, this man is a warlord.

I see what you did there.

The X-Wing novels.

>Star Wars vidya then
>Episode 1 Racer
>Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
>The Force Unleashed
>Republic Commando
>Knights of the Old Republic
>Rogue Squadron
>Bounty Hunter
>Shadows of the Empire
>Jedi Power Battles
>Jedi Academy

>Star Wars vidya now
>EA Battlefront
>Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens
>Mobile phone games

What happened?

My nigga. Are you a Rogue Squadron man or a Wraith Squadron man?

>What happened?
Exponential rise in cost of video game development along with rising consumer standards of graphics fidelity.

Man, Rogue Squadron was great. It still saddens me that it is nearly impossible to emulate and that the PC versions are apparently hot garbage.

Honestly, it's been years since I read them and I read so many books around that time that details are fuzzy.
I just remember them being a nice change from the Jedi stuff and there not being some huge greater evil involved.

>there not being some huge greater evil involved.
Are you sure about that?

I mean not to the degree of the original trilogy or how later in the timeline got.
Those fucking force void aliens come to mind.

>force void aliens
What do you mean, those little critters that suppress the force? Or the Vong who singlehandedly ruined an entire era?

The Vong.
That was the main sign that they needed to leave that time alone and start making far future shit or at least work more on the void before the movies.
The only thing that upsets me more is the new trilogy or whatever these new movie abominations are.

Yo guys, I just had a crazy thought

Wouldn't it be pretty cool if the player character was actually Darth Revan the entire time?

That would make for some hilarious scenarios, wouldn't it? But naw, that would actually be pretty dumb and cliche, huh

You can just jump in, both games are equally good and you should play both. However make sure you get the restored content mod for KOTOR 2.

>Bastila > Brianna >Visas >Mission >Juhani >Mira

Seeing anything from star wars to know what lightsabers do, what jedi and sith are, and what is the force, is enough.
KOTOR 1 & 2 happen thousands of years before the movies.

You should play kotor 1 before kotor 2 (even if kotor 2 is better), but only that.

>Mira below Jumanji

I fucking hated having to play as her in that shitty Nar Shada level. And I also just found her personality to be kinda annoying.

At least with Juhani you could save her and then act like a corrupt asshole all the time with her completely unable to stop you. And she's a good damage dealer early game.

the MMO is a fanfic. dont play it.

Wraiths a best.

I like Mira, I think she's an interesting character with a cool backstory, and she has some great interactions with the Exile and Handmaiden (talking to Handmaiden about boys and generally being the cool big sister is one of the funniest conversations in the game). I agree that playing as her on Nar Shaddaa can be frustrating - especially if you don't want to overlevel her for later - but once you actually get her into your party she's one of my favourites, with an interesting and powerful hybrid build.
Beyond that, I agree with your list apart from Brianna > Bastila for me.

saving mira just to corrupt her and turn her to the very thing she feared was more than Worth it.

blaster jedis are a thing in KOTOR 2. make atton and mira into ones.

>I watched Star Wars movies
That's all you need.

Blaster Jedi is one of the best builds for your Revan in KotOR 1 if you know what you're doing. It's fun watching all the Sith acolytes try to look cool with that soresu shit and just collapse in anguish under the hail of blaster bolts.

Dual wield is objectively more powerful since you can get the stat bonuses from two lightsaber crystals.

If it's raw power you want though wasn't the double-bladed saber better because the accuracy penalty was bugged in the first game and never applied?

Plus I mean, using Cassus Fett's blaster dual wielded with Saul Karath's already does more damage than you will ever need in a single round. Even more if you build for sneak attack and just spam stun on everyone like you should be doing as a ranged build anyway.

Oh, great memories playing kotor 2 with the restoration mod
Wish they expands more into the old republic eras instead of the empire eras

I have a thought, if the republic frought the empire in TOR, what happens to the empire between TOR and first movie episode?

I remember in the first KOTOR I would rush through beginning, not doing side quests and getting to being a Jedi as fast and lowest level I could. Was this a bad idea?

You should still do side quests for the experience, which ultimately results in more Jedi levels.

Well yeah because you can save levels if you turn auto level off.

Nobody mentioning the comics with my man Zayne Carrick and the origins of Darth Sion.

i tried 2 play kotor two different time on to different machines and it was always crashes near the beginning any fixes i need?

I think they retconned alot of the old Republic since they don't coincide with their new explanation of the force. I doubt we will see any good content coming from star wars for a long while if you've seen the quality of some of their 'canon' novels you'll agree.

>that feel when Lucas fucking HATED KOTOR2 since it put forth the notion that there's some moral ambiguity in the Starwars universe

Really makes you think.

Cracked or Steam?

>playing based on alignment

doing it wrong


When was the last time you tried to play it? It got a patch on steam in 2015 and runs really well now, especially compared to kotor 1, which is funny considering the situation was reversed when they both released

>play neutral
>get locked out of an entire dungeon

Steam has the kotor 2 restoration mod, I played hundreds of hours before it and it really makes things better

What a boring cunt he must be

this is the worst thing about kotor 2 honestly, plus you can't unlock the advanced class

Never make a thread about a game you're about to play on Sup Forums unless you're prepared to get spoiled.

Then the game shouldn't give you stat bonuses for staying maxxed light or dark

This thread is probably the thread for it, but is TOR reasonably playable without the monthly fee? I vaguely remember when it first launched you get neutered on quest rewards and XP gain and money and inventory and character slots and basically every aspect of the game, did they ever tone that down?

Also was the Twitch Prime promo anything? Whatever it was I added it when it happened but since I don't know shit about TOR any more I don't even really know what it was/meant. I don't really want to PVP or raid or anything, I mostly would just play the stories and do the occasional dungeon.

People don't like moral ambiguity becuase that means you have to think about stuff. With lucas I think he always liked the idea of black and white, good and evil a balance like Ying and Yang and with the grey it makes his black and white morality seem chaotic and silly also Kotor 2 besides being well written and quite a solid story is a parody of bad star wars fiction with OP evil character like Nihlus and edgy dark characters like Sion versing a Mary sue (the exile) a respected general who is also a wound in the force and magically has an effect on everybody they meet.

KotOR probably teaches you more about the lore than the actual movies do.

I want to cum in Visas' eye sockets

last year

I don't know if you can get the latest patches(released on steam) then but try skipping that tutorial bit with T3 or try running compatability mode. What version is the game you're running?

It's all spite after we ruined his whole Jar-Jar is evil Yoda plotline.

>not playing a consular and killing everything instantly

AOE force powers break the game

Basically every button is an "I win" button.

It's funny how they have a note at the start of 'advanced players only' for the easiest class in the game

That's meant for kiddies and people new to rpg games.

Like seriously growing up I was the kid with the highest reading comprehension in my group of friends so I had to explain stuff. Most of my friends never put any crystals in their lightsabers(they would ask me to do that for them),always autoleveled and we're always lol I'm darkside so funny.

XP rates have been buffed across the board, and you're still getting more than a launch subscriber did when you're F2P now. If you just want to play through the storylines there has never been a better time. They're still turbojew on things like cosmetics and equipping purple items, but if you're not out for endgame you have literally no need for those anyway since companions now make solo content a breeze. Didn't play at the Twitch Prime promo time so I dunno what it was, but even paying $5 gets you out of the F2P gulag and into the preferred ghetto which lifts some of the limits, so you're probably on that mid tier of account status already. Make sure to use a referral link to get a couple of free unlocks mailed to you ingame to save money.

I actually should be out of the F2P gulag anyway since I bought the game dirt cheap and played a few months of it years and years ago, so since I had an account and owned the game that should do something I figure.

The prime thing was all this, whatever this means. swtor.com/twitch-prime/home
Thanks for the writeup though user, if the XP is tolerable I'll probably reinstall just to play the stories or at least one of them. I was never a big MMO fan but casually dicking with that would probably be fun. I was just concerned it was still as big a mess as what it sounded like when it first went free to play.

>I watched Star Wars movies, and i also watched some of the Star Wars animated series
Kotor takes place thousands of years before the movies

Oh yeah if you had even a day subscribed you're automatically preferred. That thing you linked will give you the current expansion but be aware the character created with that token won't be able to go back and do old story content.

The whole "moral ambiguity" thing was done to death by the time Star Wars was released.

if you don't have the entire wookiepedia memorized you're out of luck i'm afraid

>People don't like moral ambiguity becuase that means you have to think about stuff.
us neutral intellectual amirite
*tips fedora*