Darkwood thread

Im thinking about trying out this game, any user who played it wanna tell me if its actually worth the price? Is it worth pirating
I enjoy spooky games, i have a guilty pleasure for crafting games. Im not too fond of the top down view but its never stopped me from enjoying a game. But is it actually any good?

So its shit?

It's very spooky, and I like it.

i just pirated it. i'm a pussy when it comes to horror games and so far it's freaking me the fuck out. thinking about buying

i'm very drunk and am considering playing it
will i be spooked out of my mind

It's pretty small imo yeah "buy" it

Also some user mentioned how the game can fry your GPU, so keep it in check by turning on V-sync or something cause it just lets that shit fry

It's pretty damn spooky. Too much spooky atmosphere.

I cant believe how hard the devs are shilling this piece of shit this week.

I have owned this for a couple years, and just recently I tried it again to see if perhaps my original opinion has changed.

Ill save some of you some time..its shit

it's a shame they added the wolfman
i can't stop thinking about fucking furfaggots

pirate it and see if you'll like it, and then buy it if you do. support these three dudes and their dog.

>trusting the opinion of an early access faggot
nice try retard

Thankfully the crafting is mainly limited to creating healing items and weapons.
The top-down view is unique in that you have a cone of vision as opposed to omnipotence that can see enemies through solid walls.
you essentially get to experience life as a Metal Gear Solid guard. thankfully the sound design is really good so you can hear niggas trying to sneak into your fortified shitshack

The game's spooks take a bit to build up. The whole world is unsettling, but not actually "scary". The main spooks mainly happen at night, and it gets worse the more nights pass bye.
Night 1
>Some scuttling noises around my house some creaking board nothing too bad
>Morning comes, and all my doors are open
Night 2
>Even more scuttling, and creaking boards
>See something running around my window
>Some fuck starts knocking on my door
>Lights start flickering
It can be hit or miss depending on who you are, but it definitely freaks me out

So what do you do at nighttime? Is it that all you do is wait?

>deep in woods
>hear pounding sound
>keep looking around and see weird ass pale guy repeatedly hitting his head off a fucking tree stump
>he runs away when i get closer

On my first night I had the door to my bedroom open a little by itself. Thought to myself, 'so this is how I die?' Then I walked slowly to the door and closed it. It made me skip a heart beat.

reminds me of reading the stories in Sunless Sea desu

Your goal is to defend your home from freaks trying to get in and kill you they start off generally passive just stalking you, but after a while they start coming in to try and get you. So you need to place traps, barricades, and be ready to fight sometimes. Also sometimes NPC show up to give you stuff, like quests, items, or death.

post the latest patch files

Does it have screamers and jumpscares? Cant stand the shit

only for the first two or so nights, then the monsters will regularly try to break in and random events can happen.
one night all I got was a dog trying to push past a barricade then the next night i had three savages breaking down my doors and a banshee stalking around my kitchen while I hid behind the door like a bitch.

It's mainly atmosphere from what I noticed, like Silent Hill.

The devs seem quite proud of the fact that they purposely avoided adding jumpscares.
generally if there's a monster nearby you'll hear it before you see it.

Need help, Got my second injection and woke up in the underground bunker. Somehow was let through the steel door and now i'm picking up shiny stones all over the place. Any idea how i can get out and resume normal days?

you're dreaming.
you have a chance of having a dream whenever you level up. i had that exact dream too, just follow the stones to a bed, sleep and you'll wake up in your kitchen with a shiny stone in your inventory

Will this run on toasters?

I can't stand it. The horror theme is cool but in the end it's no different from any other early access survival crafting game.

it runs ok on my old laptop from 2013.
Make sure to turn vsync on though since it runs like shit without it.

Is it jumpscare spooky or creepy atmosphere spooky? I've been looking at this as well


creepy atmosphere spooky, the only jumpscares in this game that i know of is when you look at a banshee, and thats just loud.

Fuck, just reading that gave me the willies

>silent forest
>night time
>huddled in a corner with a stick and a lamp
>the lamp in the other room shuts off
>the light over the generator does too
>hear very loud and slow stomping
>goes around my entire hideout
>day comes
i dont even wanna know

God these stories sound great I gotta get this tomorrow

Banshees are the worst.
they don't attack but they can cut your power and summon monsters if you look at them
>faint far away shriek
>crows fly over your hideout
>oh shit.jpg
>Loud, heavy footsteps
>turn and face the wall to avoid eye contact
>hear the front door bang open
hear it plodding and panting behind you as it moseys around your cabin like it owns the place.

...h...how do you know if it leaves user?

Also do they every spawn like 2 different enemies at the same time?
I'm still starting

How do I disinfect the Entrance to Silent Forest and get rid of the bugs there?

>chillin in the second safe house
>armoire in front of a hole in the wall
>all of a sudden a bright red light enters in from one of the boarded up windows
>the armoire is slowly pushed out of the way

they typically spawn between 3 and 6 crawling crow things in addition to turning all lights off for about 5 seconds. the things they spawn do less damage than a dog bite but they can swarm you and if you panic and run head-first into a bear trap then your basically dead (happened to me like four times).

Either pour gasoline on the infection and toss a match into it or swing a torch at the infection as if it were an enemy. As far as I know you cant get rid of the bug nests



I don't know, he seems like a nice touch.
A little edgy, but he sort of fits.
I wish they gave him a more friendly dialogue.


Not even reading these just so I can avoid spoilers of spooky.


played it for 2,5 hours and refunded it

Why's that?

too spoopy


Didn't like the top down crafting shit

Probably not his style
I played into it knowing what the game consisted of, and I fucking love it
Hell, some people complain about crafting/survival/horror genre mixes but I fucking love them when they're done right.

>84 minutes
Nice try, I take shits longer thanthat

Does it have a vsync on/off option in its game settings or I gotta do it manually through radeon gaming settings?


Thanks my man,gearing up for a night of spooky encounters

D...dude you should probably get yourself checked or something.

Some user recommended it too, seeing how if you leave it off, you'll fry your GPU or whatever.

Who is that guy that attacks you from the locked room after you break out in prologue?

>owns it for years
>only play for an hour

i'm sure people will value your astute opinion.

How do you even see how long you owned a game for?

I wish there was some sort of award for stupid on-the-fly questions like these.

Id say pirate first then buy Got version out so no harm done really. I liked it enough to buy so here's a few things I have to say about it
First off it starts very forgiving. For the first hideout combat is rarely a necesity. This ramps up hard on the 2nd hideout where you really can't shut yourself in, but instead barricade to effectively control enemy flow. It's gets very combat heavy and difficulty ramps up section by section instead of a smooth difficulty curve.
Combats great. It's slow and deliberate. Enemies dodge so it's not just charging up attacks and letting them come to you.
As far as the horror goes it's very very much based on ambience and the stellar sound design. Only qualm is that since the game gets combat heavy a lot of body horror comes into play and the horror is not really subtle anymore so you're not really scared but more curious.

All in all good ride and fairly lengthy for the price. It also has slight randomization as far as the map goes and branching paths so it's also a bit replayable

Pirated it and then bought it. First good horror game I've played since Soma.

Currently working up the nerve to play some more, I just got to the 2nd hideout.

How do you guys keep track of day time? I'm worried of getting stuck outside during night.

You can buy a clock with rep from the Trader

Buy the watch for 300 reputation from wolfman or trader. Other than that the game gives you about 2 hours of warning before night even starts. Light starts turning orange around 8pm but you have until 10 to get to your hideout.

Been pirating it for years, but waiting for it to hit the portable consoles. Was actually waiting for it to be on Vita, but i have a feeling it's gonna be on Switch first. So i'm holding out for these.

Is the clock even worth it?

It's the kind of game you'll want to have a session of at night when you can let the atmosphere sink in.

If you just play it during the day with people around and a well lit room then it might just be boring since you're not letting yourself get completely immersed in it. A similar example might be SH2 in that if you're playing with a bunch of friends around you it wont really be scary and might even be a bit boring however if you play it on your own in the dark you're going to get more out of the experience.

turn on vsync or it will fry you shit up.

Soon enough you'll start drowning on things to sell. Id say once you have a shovel with damage and great resistance upgrades and a handgun you should feel free to pick it up

For everyone that was in the underground did you dig up the left side before going to the armored door? If not you missed out on some sweet ass loot.

This game stresses me out, I need to take a break. Doesn't really help that I'm playing this in the middle of the night. I also just woke up where I could've swore I heard my doorbell ring, but no one was outside.
t. Lives in the country woods

Is leveling even worth it? Shadows seem incredibly annoying.

It's a non-issue, you'll never be outside a lightsource at night anyway

If you're diligent you can get that by day 5.
Apparently the right thing to do with it is just hang on to it to chapter 2 where you can make a much better one. The one that gets unlocked before that is pretty bad, specially since on the 3rd hideout it's more about stealth rather than being able to keep up a fight

Fuck yeah it is. Farsight and navigator can get you far. Moth is extremely situational since it only worst in your hideout and you can use the well if you need to top off your health

Navigating is a piece of shit
So many bugs why?
too few night events (still not wandered into tunnels)/daytime feels very static (dogs chewing for an hour tell me what you want but shit should change up eery dawn)
gamepad controls kinda meh, need a run button
could use some dynamic/random quests

combat feels good
resourcemanagment is serviceable
art is really good
exploration ++
intransperent writing ( i have no idea after 9 days)

yes i like it

You've got a problem.


As in the nazi neo folk group?

Get your dirty yellow people out of this thread.

Got back after exploring the wedding, i'm so glad i made a pistol. Now i can hear some fuckers growling and furniture being moved as they shuffle through the safe house.

R8 my hidey-hole

Comfy af.

But what happens if the light goes out?

dear lord pls help

I believe in you user

At risk of banshee attacks, and savages will see me, while i barely see them.

Rest in pepperonies hermanos.
May your pixelated existance be remembered in good vain.

dead af

They know i'm behind the wardrobe. Send for help qu

It's a static image and it's already intense as fuck.
Just wtf is pushing that wardrobe?

Isn't that an exploit? Are they not able to hit you?

I don't remember if it was my 3rd or 4th night, but I had a drawer blocking one door. And some dude just blasted right through the door (moving the drawer like it wasn't even there) threw a rock at me and just left.
What an asshole.

I haven't played much, but aside from that, my only night-time combat was against some shadow fuckers when I didn't turn on my generator.

I fell for the "Buy the game if you like it" meme
Codex version was running fine. I can't play anymore