How tall is Todd?
And does anyone else have memes about his height
How tall is Todd?
Sup Forums: Video Game Celebrities and Meme Dumps
i'd seriously kill myself if i was any shorter than 6'
>be 5 foot 11 inches
>stuck as a manlet for the rest of my days only being able to dream what if...
>...what if i was an inch taller
I would still fug Lynda Carter.
This. I never trust manlets. I always check their stories and assume everything they say to be a lie.
> Be 5'09
> Weigh 107
Working at grocery store bakery
> One of the freezers broke so they stacked a shit ton of wooden pallets stacked with ice in our freezer
> We need to get some shit out
> Other bakers take one look in and decide there's no way we're getting shit out of there
> Pfft I got this shit
> Snake, contort, and crawl my way around and across pallets and shelves pulling out boxes and twisting and turning to bring them through to the other bakers
Being small and light is handy as fuck
he might actually be shorter than tom cruise
No! dont! you'll summon the buyman!
He's shorter than Kojima in that picture where they're together and that jap is 5'8, so he's probably like 5'5' or something.
Holy fuck skeletor, eat a burger
I'm 6'4 and I wish I was a manlet, that way I can crawl all over a tall amazonian woman.
I'm 6'6 120 pounds. That guy is nothing.
Literal Auschwitz mode, god damn
>115 pounds
What the fuck is up with you guys.
>be 5'4"
>mfw 5'8" calls me short
what do i do in such a situation
I'm sorry
bazingirl is 5'6" and lynda carter is 5'9" (when they're not in heels) and todder is still shorter than both of them. i can't even imagine how much he overcompensates in daily life.
6' 4 here as well. With freaky spider arms and legs. I wish I was 6'2. still taller than almost everyone but I could still buy clothes at a normal store...
It's okay, I can at least find girls taller than me a lot easier like this.
I have perfect photo for you
>How you doin' fellow teens with attitude
>tfw 6'1 and giantess fetish
It's a hard life
I met a 6'3'' cutie in college
She is living with her girlfriend. a few blocks over