What's in the book Sup Forums?

what's in the book Sup Forums?
Keep it vidya if you want, i don't care


someone talented integrate the >shadman meme into this



Need one using battleborn, someone pls

Someone do a better job of this.

Once I get home from work I'll take a crack at it if no one better comes along

Ok, that was pretty good user.

you stole my fucking idea


Op here and Shit you got me good and quick

Reminder that at least you're not Anthony Burch

video games

pretty good desu.




Can't wait to see this on reddit/imgur in the next week


perfect, was waiting for this.

Is this Paws?




can't unsee it
fuck you


Bretty gud



my take on it

took longer than it should have

List of PS3 games

If I may....the superior version.


I don't get it?
