How is this game so poorly balanced?
How is this game so poorly balanced?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. blizzard's first shooter
2. trying to appease both the console audience and the PC audience
3. trying to appease both the casual audience and the competitive audience
This, though I see the first point as irrelevant because no Blizz game has decent balance.
Trying to cater to casuals while creating an esports scene is stupid
Cyclical balancing is the only way they can keep people interested outside of event skins.
>blizzard in charge of balance
>F doomfist!
Unironically better balanced than TF2 even with more characters. Whenever I think of a game with shit balance, TF2 comes to mind. Nearly a decade of support (although waning fast as fuck),and there are still fundamental problems with classes and weapons.
No one mentioned TF2 in this thread
Overwatch is a bad game. it was always a bad game, and it always will be a bad game. I'm not even memeing or trying to be some contrarian faggot. when I first saw it I assumed it was going to crash and burn. Looks like diablo 3 wasn't enough for most people.
>be me
>have no interests in playing Overwatch at launch because it looks shallow
>friends keep hyping it up because they got into the beta and say its super fun
>dont want to buy/play it I tell them
>brother got $80 worth of blizzard cards for his birthday
>says he wants us to play overwatch and he'll buy it for me because he'll just spend it on Hearthstone packs
>say fuck it why not
>play, have moderate fun
>2 months later my friends hate it and havent touched it since
>brother stopped playing it 1 month in
>feel bad that he bought 2 copies of overwatch
Honestly it's pretty balanced at the moment. Hog's weak but that's th only thing I can complain about.
By making the game about the characters and their abilities instead of the players and their abilities they did it to themselves. There's also the fact that the blizzard audience makes a much bigger deal about percieved balance than is even slightly reasonable which doesn't help.
Because every character has a different weapon, different hp, shield, movement, size, plus 2-3 abilities and an ult
It's impossible for games like that to be fully balanced
That's why you play some champs in comp and some in quick play
>Honestly it's pretty balanced at the moment
How oblivious and unexperienced do you have to be with FPS games to say something like this about Overwatch?
>trying to appease both the console audience and the PC audience
That's not an argument considering console and pc are separately balanced.
Not an argument.
You don't get it. For example, compare rocket jumping in TF2 on consoles to rocket jumping in TF2 on PC. Compare the concept of air strafing on consoles to air strafing on PC. Blizzard is aware of the limitations of consoles and therefore they dumb down the game to compensate.
How oblivious and inexperienced with fps games do you have to be to get caught up in stupid balance arguments?
Are you so dumb, you answer rhetorical questions?
I asked a simple question, you asked a retarded question. There was obviously never any argument, even according to this genius .
Are you so dumb you put that comma there unironically?
Its not, know how I know? Because if you ask anyone, on this board of elsewhere, you will get completely different answers.
Some say Ana is OP, some say Doomfist and Bastion are, some say Roadhog is too nerfed and some say Lucio is too nerfed. And then you have opposite opinions to match all those.
When the answers are so consistently vastly different from person to person, you know what the means? It means its not the GAME'S fault these characters are difficult to control/fight against, it means your stupid ass has to fucking adapt.
You know, actually learn to get better as certain characters? Learn different tactics to overthrow difficult characters? Instead of just bitching about the balance and tier lists all day?
I don't know, do you?
meme game with meme balancing
We can do this all night.
You got a license to sell hot dogs, Chico-man?
>If I pile up a bunch of anecdotal evidence my argument has to be right!
Guess that's why the game has lost so many high skill players, and now regularly sits below other games on Twitch. Because it's so incredibly balanced, and not because it's a bland tedious FPS that has infrequently and largely terrible balance updates and hero additions.
Surely the dive meta would end overnight if only everyone that's considerably better and more knowledgeable about the game than you are just took your advice.
If you love soup so much, why don't you marry soup?
>relying on twitch stream to determine popularity
kek. The real reason you guys hold to tightly onto this "omg so unbalanced" meme is because its highly subjective and there is no way for you to argue your point, or for anyone to refute it. You are not going to go into detail on why certain characters are OP, and even if you did, you would deny tactics that counter the "overpowered" moves, saying its not practical.
Its a shitty criticism to attempt to make an untouchable argument, so you can shit on a game all because normies like it.
Who do you feel is overpowered or underpowered?
>and now regularly sits below other games on Twitch
>if it's not #1 then it's shit
Got back to Dota, kid.
Sombra is my waifu and is best girl
Even just the way she waves when she says hello does to me.
Doesn't hurt that she can render Doomfist completely fucking powerless with one right click.
I have played Unreal and CS for 10 years and Overwatch is without a doubt the most refreshing game on the market at the moment
>relying on twitch stream to determine popularity
Yeah, maybe if that's the only thing I said you'd have a point, but it wasn't.
> so you can shit on a game all because normies like it.
I shit on the game because it's a shitty game for aforementioned reasons that didn't fit the narrative you want to use to invalidate the points I made as why it's a shitty and imbalanced game. You're just a condescending retard trying to act smarter than he is.
Another retard that gets triggered by Twitch views when that's only a symptom caused by the game's terrible state.
Basically, you two idiots are actually arguing that the game is balanced, despite clear evidence and testimony from fucking everyone, including Blizzard themselves, that it isn't, and you expect people to take you seriously?
>sombra comes out
>call a spade a spade and say she's shit because her gun sucks
>community responds with "dude she just came out nobody knows how to use her yet"
fast forward 9 months to now
>sombra has 37% wr
>state the obvious again and say she's bad because her gun sucks and no amount of meme changes on her abilities will made her good until they make her gun good
>community responds yet again with "people just don't know how to use her shut up"
Why does the community treat you like a pariah when you state the obvious reason for Sombra being shit? You dare to say her gun sucks and point out her awful winrate and pickrate but these retards don't want to hear it
this game has a huge problem with a good 1/3rd of the roster being shit or having shit guns. sombra, widowmaker, torb, and bastion need to be deleted
I like this game but it pisses me off so much.
You can be trying your best, picking the correct (or who you think is correct) char, playing the role well, even if you don't like the char, then all it takes is 1 hardlocked player, or a thrower to destroy your entire game.
Not that I can't take a loss, but taking a loss because of idiots is disheartening.
On the other hand of that, you can now only ever play a game to win in comp, no one qp matches seriously and tries to actually win.
qp has become a shithouse in the past month, the standard QP team is now
>a mercy if you're lucky
>no Blizz game has decent balance
Starcraft. Warcraft 3's isnt bad either. Its just Blizzard is now run by retards and leeches who basically got where they are now off their predecessors success.
>want to play Hanzo
>its a literal meme to tell him to repick and everyone hates him
>Casual stuns and insta-kill shit
>Tanks and supports are too good, get way too much done for how easy they are to play.
I've been saying this since the beta. I've long since stopped playing because this is the case. At this point, you really are a cuck if you're still playing.
Are you retarded? She is probably the most broken hero atm among people who actually know how to play
Watch any tournament match with sombra and you'll see that she's a problem, she can charge ult in seconds and completely destroy any early push
>wooow pros can play her so that means she's good
yeah m2k could probably whoop my ass with donkey kong in smash bros that doesn't mean donkey kong is high tier
also the way pros play her is an EMP bot. further proving my point that she's trash outside of meme strats. she's at the bottom of the overwatch tier list for a reason
Yet another example of how no one can again who is broken and who is overpowered. How about you idiots just learn how to use characters instead of playing everything in the game but your own skill?
it's horrible man.
i just want to play the game, what it is, a team based shooter. But instead all I get is cowadoody lone wolfs and if I try to attemp to play as team comp no healer protects tank, no dps protect healer, it's retarded.
1 time I was in comp and had a hardlocked genji who sat stayed in a corner near the spank and kept running at the wall, the entire game.
Obviously so he would not get kicked for inactivity or suspended for quitting.
Just play him, fuck what other faggots think, especially if you are decent to good with him. So long as you aren't an obvious detriment to the team, it won't matter.
Because Blizzard uses social media (primarily reddit) as their primary source of feedback.
I've been asking on the forums for blizz to add some kind of draft mode, where you have to pick a role and get locked into it, but the community always REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs every time I bring it up
They would rather have widowmaker, genji, and hanzo in every match over an optional draft mode where you can get decent team composition
i dont get it
So should they balance the game according to what low level players think? I don't understand this mindset, if you're not good enough to play a character it doesn't mean that character is bad
You have it backwards. Sombra is objectively bad and low tier(look at her global wr and look at the meta tier lists).
The fact that pros can use sombra effectively just shows how a skilled craftsman can make use of a shoddy tool.
it's a catch 22 for me, I'm not autismo level good at fps games anyway, but i'm stuck playing with retards because I haven't racked up insane amounts on the game to be placed with silver/gold rank vets of the game, and i'm in a sort of elo hell in comp with win 2 games loose 6 simply because of hardlock, no team comp ect.
When the game released everyone was playing to win, good team comp and team play, now it's just a cluster fuck
Because it would not work, OW is built around the fact that you can change character and counterpick
If your tank sucks dick you can pick a tank yourself and tell him to go dps or something that can have some kind of impact, but if the role is picked before the match begins you're stuck with whatever you get and you just gotta accept the loss
>silver/gold rank vets of the game
>OW is built around the fact that you can change character and counterpick
Maybe this was a mistake and assumes the players have good will.
I assume he means the borders
>It's impossible for games like that to be fully balanced
Yeah but the least you can do is make over 80% of the rooster viable.
>if the role is picked before the match begins you're stuck with whatever you get and you just gotta accept the loss
this happens to me in mystery heroes, if I'm given ana, widow genji, hanzo, i'm no use to the team at all
I mean the borders dickhead
Cocks are always viable.
>OW is built around the fact that you can change character and counterpick
How this works in theory
>6 people working together to form a cohesive team composition, whilst dynamically adapting and changing their picks based on the situation
How this works in reality
>douchebags instalock widow, genji, and hanzo
>other 3 players are now on their own
as long as they get the kills I'm happy to play around those 3, the problem is when they suck ass and refuse to switch
Rule of thumb: Sup Forums has no idea how balancing or game design works. If you see a complaint here, double-check the other places for that complaint
>the problem is when they suck ass and refuse to switch
so 90% of the time then
Eh, there's still a ton of characters who don't really see play outside of quickplay like Junkrat, Hanzo, Symmetra, and Torbjorn. Also, Orisa is useless on anything but defending chokes.
I love this game but I fucking hate how close minded the god damn community is along with their general attitudes, go to forums to ask why all people treat mercy players as literal goddesses when she's the worst healer (said this back when Ana and Zenyatta were dominant) to have 5 pages of utter blind hatred. Some even told me to kill myself because I thought that kek
Gonna go with a fpbp for this one. The only thing he left out is that its fucking BLIZZARD, they haven't been able to balance shit for fuck for ages.
I'm convinced that Brood War only ended up as balanced as it was out of sheer luck.
because it doesn't have to be when they constantly turbobuff a crap character and straight up kill a good character in their patches. if the game was perfectly balanced they couldn't instantly get people interested by saying they'll do huge meta-shifting changes
the problem that creates is that by allowing players any kind of choice theyre always going to pick the stupid option
youll get people queueing up as healer then going sym and doing nothing all game and people wont be able to compensate for it because the system prevents them from filling the empty role
and more importantly blizzard is NEVER going to make a change that makes their own idiocy evident
creating a role system basically admits their current menu categorization is fucking stupid and is basically only there to cover up the fact that there is, for some godforsaken reason, three times as many dps characters as there are tanks or healers
and the second they admit that theyll be obligated to actually address it as an issue which takes dev time away from the endless skin factory and loot box pushing which is obviously no bueno in the state of blizzrael
How do you counter pharah/mercy?
You can't out DPS the healing even with 2 histcan shooting the pharah at the ranges that she spams her rockets.
Symmetra and Torb are fine on defense where they belong. Orisa and Junk are getting buffs and Hanzo is fine except for his scatter arrow doing 9001 damage. If anything he needs a nerf.
Widow/Zen, if it's control point you either go Tracer/Zen and only worry about them after you kill the team or you also go Pharmacy
I'd love to see the amount of active players
They keep telling us how many millions of copies they've sold but I doubt even a 5th of that still play the game
Cant beat the cock
youre not supposed to outdamage the healing youre supposed to shoot the mercy while a healer or dva mitigates the pharahs damage
the only characters that can shoot and kill a pocket target directly instead of attacking the healer are way better at picking the healer anyway so they shouldnt ever be doing the former unless theyre forced to
healing in this game is stupid, but its only because these retarded damage options are so prevalent, utilize them
The community treats you likr a Pariah for critcizing any aspect of the game. They're like coddled children who are taught to believe that the complainer is always wrong. And of course instead of having arguments they just shout "SALT!" like the single-minded drones they are.
Nobody cares faggot
Counter picking literally pares the game down to rock-paper-scissors.
Which is bad enough in a game like Starcraft with hundreds of units but in a 6v6 shooter you are asking for literal retardation.
It doesn't help that the game's paltry methods for keeping score actively discourage changing heroes.
Which it is, outside of the top ranks; which is most of the playerbase
Personal skill and teamwork is still the most important factors, you CAN rek shit with junkrat and mei if you've worked up your skills with them
>blizzard's first shooter
This does not matter. Blizzard sucks at balancing.
She has a low wr because people can't track. If you can hit headshots she melts people and her damage is quite broken. Add that to her absurd ult charge rate, stalling ability, mobility, and ability to shut down an entire team and you have a strong hero.
>can you aim as her
>well no...
this is you
>i'm good for using shoddy tools
this is you
no thanks I'll play someone objectively good like tracer instead
>i only play quickplay and am ranked gold: the post
im masters actually
how is tracking and correctly managing an ult a "shoddy tool"?
i don't even play sombra my dude, i main zen, but if you're trying to argue she's underpowered you're just dead wrong
>hurf durf muh tracking
>low tiers don't exist hurrrr
kys sombra is ass, her global wr reflects this, go back to r.eddit with this "tiers dont exist" mindset
>If you can hit headshots she melts people and her damage is quite broken.
grandmaster sombras are immensely annoying
>playing some so
>get into match
>it's hanamura
>leave cause i hate 2cp
>join match
>it's the same one I just left
>this happens 5 more times
I really hate that I can't pick and choose what game modes I can play
wait 60 seconds before joining again you waste of fucking air
i mean, yeah if you're low tier she's a bad pick because no one can aim, people dont communicate, and no one knows how to position, sombra needs team synergy to work well and isnt a solo flanker like tracer; this is all true
but if you think the game should be balanced around people like this i suggest you kys my dude
Everything that I can't deal with is OP.
Everything that allows others to kill me easily is OP.
Everything that doesn't allow me to easily kill anyone is too weak.
WAA DAMAGE IS TOO LOW TO BE AN ASSASSIN (its designed this way dumbie)
please stop infecting the community with your shit opinions
Blizzard sucks at balance. Protosscraft, Nightelfcraft, World of Icemage, KT of the Storm, Druidverse etc.
Played too much Shadowverse.
Alright to be fair I bet most people in this thread are low skill rating betas who suck dick at the game. Most of these problems you have don't exist at masters and gm so just stop being bad.
Also dive comp is cancer but there are ways of stalling and killing pushes with good team play.
Fuck that takes me back.
Remember Fearless Foswick?
>Most of these problems you have don't exist at masters and gm so just stop being bad.
how do i know you're not even diamond