>allied teammate gets ganked
>calls gg unironically at 13 minutes
>every time he dies he blames it on "noob picks"
>doesn't realize he's actually garbage
ITT: general MOBA bullshit (get it off your chest, user)
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la kagas pe mongol si no saves contrapikear eres mrd cagada puros aznosss crrano
ok sonso?
your post inspired me ot load up doto, havent played in almost 4 years
tiume for ranked! wish me luck
don't do it user
these are my stats... hmm...
>that guy who always rages at the enemy team for being mexican or peruvian
>gets mad when he dies to them
>as his ancient gets destroyed, he attempts to take solace in the fact that trump will build a wall
you just described most of Sup Forums
I don't even play mobas but it's people like these that piss me off
>throw in the towel super early
>starts throwing a tantrum instantly
>blows his top
>slurs left and right
>instantly goes quiet when your team ends up winning
Would have been a lot easier winning too if you'd just shut the fuck up and play
>no one plays the Warcraft 3 map anymore
LAN parties were the last time MOBAs were actually any fun
how do i transition to dota 2 from league
mostly how do i get into a mmr that isnt 'new account' level and play games that aren't 4 retards and 1 smurf vs 4 retards and 1 smurf
also morphling is fun
I actually just played with a guy like this
>friend of a friend
>calls gg at 13 minutes
>"TB is farmed, we fucking lost. His ultimate shouldn't even be in the fucking game just press R to win"
>tell him that TB's ultimate is easily countered with silences or stuns
>still claims it's op
>says we are going to lose because of the TB
>"I'm calling it right now guys, we're going to lose this game"
>we end up winning
>he doesn't say anything
>finally says something
>"we're lucky they ended up being retarded or else we would have lost the game"
>every time you try to call him on his shit or tell him to stfu he gets incredibly mad at you, yelling random insults and not allowing you to speak at all until you finally mute him
>cannot convince friend to not invite him when we play
>he isn't even that good
>this happens almost every game
play against bots for a while, maybe play some custom games in the arcade so you can get use to the community.
Jump into a few pub games and see which heroes you'd like to play with. Valve's new MM system is a lot friendlier for new players.
I don't care if the other team is full of jajas, but in a game where communication is important having them on your team is annoying.
Most of the time the english speaking players are even worse. They either use the mic way too much or they only use it to rage at their teammates. Once in a while you find a couple people you can actually cooperate with though.
People like this just aren't fun to play with and I just don't understand them, shits annoying.
>how do i get into a mmr that isnt 'new account' level
you are new so what kind of sense does that make
The worst part is when i'm having a chill gaming session with my friend, and he gets on, and my friend invites him to the party.
It's like when you know someone is going to fart in your face, it makes it even worse.
It's like you enjoy being miserable
>afk and dc teammates give me full ranking losses
fuck you
>banned for non-standard pick
there is a REASON I'm playing pantheon bot and it's because I don't trust retarded adc "mains"
god this shit irritates me
>that sound when you get hooked into the fog, never to be seen again
he just got arcana, so be prepared to see a lot of first-pick pudge matches
It's agony because matches take a long time, and you have to deal with 3-4 other people on your team who could conceivably fuck things up just as badly as you can. Comebacks can happen, but it doesn't change that a match in your typical MOBA is a significant time investment, win or lose.
>enter my circle's teamspeak server default room
>looking to talk or play something fun
>friends are all playing MOBAshit
>they're being passive aggressive to each other
>eventually leads to yelling and blaming each other
>room gets quiet and awkward
>tell them I'll be in another room if they want to talk
Every day. Why do people play this shit if it makes them so upset? I've never met someone who plays MOBAs and sounds like they're having a good time.
Dota 2 is the only moba I've played that can turn into a horror game halfway through. Fuck pudge and his hook.
>5 minutes into the game
thanks for dying guys
As says, most MOBA matches last a while, so when you're on a losing run, it's agony the entire way down. It's hard to win, but it's really easy to lose.
Because they want to win, and when they lose they want to blame everyone else so they don't have to admit that they are bad at something that they want to be good at.
I play dota all the time. I use to get mad at the game like this. You have to play with a mindset that it doesn't matter if you or a teammate made a mistake. Talking about it or yelling at them for it is useless and doesn't help.
But most people can't admit that they aren't the best in the game, so they will never improve and that kind of sucks for everyone because they will continue to flame their teammates and friends in order to keep up the illusion that it wasn't their fault, and that they are in fact good, but it's everyone else who is dragging them down and keeping them from winning.
>Playing jungle
>top is pushed so far into the enemy turret he can probably taste it
>Gets ganked
>"Fucking noob jungler not ganking my lane"
If you want a gank don't push your lanes all game fuckwits
lane gank you nigger or dive him, reported
last hitting is a great and fun mechanic!!1!!
i used to play, but i wasn't good enough to consistently carry my team, and i don't really like losing. also last hitting is fucking boring
you don't last hit in HOTS and it's litteraly action from the start of the game so check this game out and don't forget to buy the new hot skins
fuck you niggers for killing rts
Especially when they have no lockdown or initiation but still want you to take time away from farming and attempt a gank at their lane.
*picks phantom lancer*
pshh nothing personnel kid
then dont play carry retard
That makes a lot of sense. I wish they weren't like that, but at least the anger doesn't come my way.
*buys battlefury"
omae wa yowai
how about i just stop playing your shit game fag
sounds good to me
idk how to counter your battlefury
>two people on the other team have less than 100 MMR
>they both get godlike streaks at some point
fucking smurfs
k, fuck off retard.
have you ever been in the room when they're winning?
>watch someone play games
>seems like a perfectly nice, mature individual
>switches game to a moba
>everything they say to teammates is passive aggressive shit for no reason
it's like mobas just turn off the part of the brain that is responsible for social interaction
>Its a spanish teenager named miracle- instapicks invoker and loses mid episode
>it's the 14 year old white kid who claims he could beat miracle 1v1 episode
>1 MMR
look at this fucking asshole
>ast match 39 minutes ago
>60% winrate
what the fuck
look at the activity calendar
I have a Stepbrother who is like that, you can hear him from across the house sometimes welling out insulting his teammates even though he himself is fucking in the low 1K MMR in Dota
I swear he Yells out "Woooooow" More than DSP
Gary is that you?
>only 100+ games
Looks like he just tanked his MMR on purpose right from the start and then started actually playing seriously
didnt record games back in alpha/beta desu
also how do i git good?
>10 days ago
who in the FUCK thought this new champ was a good idea?
incoming 100% pickrate, no joke
Innate: Ornn can purchase non-consumable items from anywhere on the field by forging them himself, and is also presented a Forge Menu with his recommended items to select to be forged. Forging takes 4 seconds and the process is interrupted if Ornn enters combat, disabling Living Forge.
Additionally, Ornn and each of his teammates can purchase Masterwork upgrades. Each player may only have one Masterwork upgrade at a time.
Gold 1000 - Forgefire Cape item.png Forgefire Cape, Infernal Mask item.png Infernal Mask, Molten Edge item.png Molten Edge, The Obsidian Cleaver item.png The Obsidian Cleaver, Rabadon's Deathcrown item.png Rabadon's Deathcrown, and Trinity Fusion item.png Trinity Fusion.
Gold 500 - Salvation item.png Salvation and Circlet of the Iron Solari item.png Circlet of the Iron Solari.
Brittle: Bellows Breath.png Bellows Breath's final flame and Call of the Forge God.png Call of the Forge God apply Brittle to enemies for 6 seconds. Ornn's next basic attack against a Brittle target consumes the mark, briefly Airborne icon knocks them back.
The next immobilizing effect against a Brittle target consumes the mark, dealing 7% - 16% (based on level) of target's maximum health as bonus magic damage and lasting 30% longer.
>who in the FUCK thought this new champ was a good idea?
That;s literally the reaction to every new champ...
he's a whole new fucking level dude, completely broken
>tank as fuck
>so much CC it's superfluous
>true damage out the ass
>eliminates need for recalling
>introduces new, exclusive, superior versions of core items
riot really outdid themselves, truly fucking disgusting.
I miss when champions were simple and enjoyable to play as and against
Trial and Error user... trial and fucking error. I'd recommend playing normal for a while, get into the groove of it, then switch to ranked.
>relase xin zhao
Just wanted to say that pic related are REALLY fucking lazy and Riot has lost all artistic integrity when it comes to 2016~2017 skins.
Everything is part of some rehashed skinline to sell to tasteless normies instead of unique concepts worth making a reality
Holy fuck that was a dark, and terrifying time. Devourer Vi was disgusting too.
I don't give a fuck, I just want to go back and have teams of teemo, jax, pantheon, garen, tristana, xin, twisted fate exclusively every game
>devourer kayle
PSSH nothing personel kiddos
I want atma's impaler back
new arcade skins are p good though
>feral flare udyr
and the best of the best, runic glaive ezreal mid
Making more star guardian skins is literally printing money. It's like Michael Bay movies, normies will eat that up and it's just stupid to not make them.
>beta Twisted Fate
>aoe stun
>ult has unlimited range
I like a few of them (Lux, Poppy, Jinx) but for the most part they are pretty bland....
Themed skins as a whole aren't a bad thing though, the Arcade skins are dope and the PROJECT skins are (mostly) good.
God it's so true. Saved.