No Destiny leaks thread? I think this is at least worth a watch:

No Destiny leaks thread? I think this is at least worth a watch:

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Never played the first one outside of a demo for 5 minutes. I hope this one is better than the first because I could use some loot and shoot right now.

What's the point when the game looks exactly like the first? Might as well add on Gaul is going to be killed at the end of the game and The Fallen strike an uneasy truce with humanity to stop the Vex from rewriting history.

yup, still looks like shit

I will never understand the appeal of grinding for shit with slightly higher numbers on it. Might as well play with a calculator.

Same shit, different day. Except this time, the shit is better and the day is a lot more different. Isn't that what every game sequel is?

Would you prefer an art and tone shift what happened to Borderlands?

im so sick of call of duty style shooting

That's just something to keep you progressing. The enjoyment comes from beating raids and collecting guns,

whats the point of collecting guns when its all boring hitscan bullshit

>Except this time, the shit is better and the day is a lot more different

No, its actually worse. Quick comparison
>Destiny 1 as of a year ago
-3 classes with 3 subclasses for each
-6v6 is basic multiplayer mode with other things such as free for all, 8v8 mayhem, and 3v3 "competitive" modes
-4 raids
>Destiny 2 at launch
-3 classes with 2 subclasses per each
-4v4 across the board, slowing the pace of the game to a grinding halt for the e-sports audience
-looter part of looter shooter non-existant because each unique gun has the same abilities and stats
-1 raid
-40 dollar season pass that will no doubt go down just like DB and HoW

I'd prefer the game echo the improvements we saw from Halo CE to Halo 2 to Halo 3 instead of tweaking a few things, removing content from the first game, and selling it back as a brand new game.


Do you know how this game works? Also, how is hitscan a problem?

The worst part is that the game will sell a lot (possibly more due to PC inclusion) and the cycle will repeat exactly the same as last time.

I would have preferred a significant overhaul to movement systems, mechanic, and balance in a more fun and interactive way.

Stuff like giving hunters and titans intrinsic garrison/bones of eao. Warlocks should have something too like that new ability to suddenly go down.

A way for everyone to move fast. Like really fast. Not just titans. Rather than removing titan skating.

No fucking spread on guns for Christ sake.

An overhaul, revamp, or retool of existing classes. Instead we got severely gimped versions. I remember people speculating they would make every class able to change their element to get new variations of their class.

Instead we got choice 1 or choice 2, worse versions of abilities, and as of right now no word on a third class for base game.

its boring and has no variety in gameplay

god that looks so boring.

Well, it's just fucking around on patrol. Not really supposed to be riveting.

>crosshair isn't centered

god console players are stupid

Bungie tradition, there was a particular reason for it so players could appreciate the horizon more or something along those lines.

There was a lot of backlash when Halo 5 centered the crosshair

I hate that nightstalker isn't back

Is that fucking Edwyn Tiong voicing Devrim?
also this, I enjoyed hunter before taken king but nightstalker took it to a whole new level

It doesnt have the massive install base of 360 and PS3 and on top of that, PUBG is dominating the PC scene right now where streamers may show like a week or two of destiny then go back ot PUBG. Also PC releases at a later date so that turns a lot of people off as well.

I can see it getting marginally better reviews though.

That's dumb.

>Destiny 1 as of a year ago
AKA After 3 years of being out and 4 expansions. Not really a fair comparison to the launch game.

>4v4 across the board, slowing the pace of the game to a grinding halt for the e-sports audience

Only point I agree with you, however, we won't know how truly bad or good it is untill a meta develops

>looter part of looter shooter non-existant because each unique gun has the same abilities and stats

>What are exotics
>What is raid exclusive gear

>40 dollar season pass that will no doubt go down just like DB and HoW

DB and HoW were developed in incredibly short times by a very small team of devs. That's why they were so shit. Look into it more if you wanna know why dark below turned out such a shit piece of content. This is 100% guaranteed to not happen in D2.

Yes. Nightstalker orb farming on trash mob waves was amazing.

That is so fucking slow, no attempt to utilize the enviroment, no speed, no movement. Just "look down sight, shoot guy, reload, use ult" holy fuck is this what people want?

No. Not really. I'm just buying it for the raids.

Its not just the orb fiesta, its the support nature of it, Hunter was always very selective and generally crappy in most raids or any content really cause they brought little the table beyond dps versus the other classes who could bring DPS and support, it was actually a huge fucking problem and the reason nightstalker came to be, it was a support class that could still damage well.

No clue why it got removed for D2, it was the best thing about hunter.

How the fuck is it not a fair comparison? Why is it ok to release a game that SUBTRACTS content and potential from the previous game? Everyone was pissed Halo 5 took out tons of multiplayer modes, didnt launch with forge or BTB, cut splitscreen, launched with very few maps and most of the free update maps were remixes of those the game launched with.

Everything up to TTK was supposed to be in the base game for destiny, but they chopped it up to sell it back to consumers and that is exactly what is going to happen with destiny 2. The plot will just be a bit more coherent since they planned to do it from the start instead of scrambling to fill in gaps caused by cutting content to be resold later.

Is this No Man's Sky 2?

I Imagine its getting reworked and reintroduced. They probably don't want too many subclasses at the start to manage balancing better

So a year from now they can sell it as a different name in their new expansion for $40.

It'll be something like shadow weaver and you'll shoot debuffing lazer webs instead of a bow.

I hope so, I was titan main 100% till nightstalker came along, then I never looked back.

Probably on the Taken king 2, Revengeance.

Subtracts? Since when do games factor in DLC to the launch content? How many maps were Halo games launched with and how many did they end with? Same for Battlefield, CoD, or any other fucking game with DLC in it??? Are you retarded?

Also, what modes other than rumble did Destiny 2 remove? Making multiplayer from base 3 to only 4v4 is a complete rework. They HAD to change the available paylists in order to accomodate the new way the game plays

I can't even tell if this is destiny 2 or not, you could of just uploaded a webm of destiny 1, said it was 2 and I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't even be able to tell

Sure thing, Activision.

What's with the level icons? Do enemies not have levels anymore?

>-3 classes with 2 subclasses per each

Wait, are they seriously leaving out the third subclasses? Holy shit, that is fucking retarded

>tfw activision actually thinks "leaks" will save their downgraded sequel
top kek

Maybe the shitty retread sequels that you play, even on a good day Destiny 2 is still just a $60 expansion pack

Why don't they make loot grinders with really wild as fuck, unique weapons? All the weapons feel the same to shoot to a degree.

That would require effort and knowledge of game design, something nu-Bungie lacks

Easier to just get the art team to whip up something exotic looking, add a special elemental status to it, and call it a day

Destiny 1 was only fun because of the friends you played with. When they stopped playing I stopped having fun and realized how shit this game was. Not buying Destiny 2, my friends can go fuck themselves.

Fuck it, I'm buying it

>Exclusive content on PS4
>PC version is going to be better anyway
>Still want to buy PS4 version because it's out a month and a half sooner
>Don't want to buy the game twice

I don't argue that. You are 100% correct. It's a shit game to play alone. To me, the fun lies in proving myself on the raids and trying to be better than everyone else.

I only played because of that and I was known as one of the best in /dg/. So it was easy to get groups for anything.

I bought destiny on 360 (Collector's edition)
Then I bought it on Xbox one
Then on PS4

I regret nothing

Can't discuss Destiny on Sup Forums

>3v3, 6v6, and 1v5 to just 4v4
>You dont understand, its not taking anything away really

You can't discuss anything console related, really.

Atleast this time you know you're just getting a shooter game with a bareboned story

>Posts strike

PC version will be dead within 2 months tops.

it's a "blizzard" game so i doubt it

>post yfw PC version sells millions on launch and becomes the #1 twitch game

Blizzard fanboys care about Warcraft and Overwatch. I don't think they will give a shit about Destiny just because it shows up in the same launcher.


It carries the stigma of being a console title first and also being a pseudo and rather mediocre MMO, it won't last.

>i have to take everything at face value

Sup Forums is so fucking stupid. they made a lot of good and bad changes with destiny 2.

>Change it a lot
>Change nothing

That will never happen. Most of the playerbase is on console, the PC crowd had ample time to buy one to follow.

Now I dunno if it gonna be good. Wait until a complete game comes out at half price maybe? Though most likely that when they will kill Destiny 2 for Destiny 3.

destiny was NEVER marketed as an mmo

We are talking about people who care enough about cosmetics they will buy fucking loot boxes with REAL MONEY and play a game solely because the character designs give them a hard on. Have you seen the skill level of the overwatch community? I would be surprised if anyone below 3000 SR doesn't have a carer changing their diapers.

This kills the console, finally returning the lost flock to the main herd. So Gaben smiled, and it was good.

I realize that they eat garbage, I'm just saying they desire a very particular flavor of garbage and I doubt Destiny is one of them.

>fps made by activision
>it's the same as the previous game
Who would of thunk?

Fuck that fat piece of shit. Let the devs make L4D3!!

Destiny isn't even that massively popular on console.

Why are PC fags always so delusional

Looks kinda boring

So same as the first one then

I fail to recall a time when the main problem with Destiny was the gameplay and not the lack of content (Which is what the sequel gives us)

never marketed as one but anyone who was turned off by the game was for lo and behold, taking the worst parts of mmos and stuffing it into a shooter rpg

Wanna know how I know you've never had a job?

>"leaked" footage to build hype for a game

fuck off and take your shit game with you, shill

the game still has 1 millionish weekly players logging on after 3 years, and every reveal stream by bungie gets hundreds of thousands of viewers on twitch

i just picked up destiny on ps4 whats the most fun class to play and the best spec for each one, i was thinking of trying hunter but im not sure yet

Try'em all. You might as well get a taste of their differences now without committing too much because that game's going to be deserted in a couple weeks. Personally, I'm a Titan kind of guy.

They have literally taken down hundreds of youtube videos, you jew. If it really is a scheme, then they are sure spending a lot of time enforcing this notion.

warlock is pretty brainless, I'd start with that before making a titan or hunter.

should i use the max level boost or just save that for a alt?

Can't really go wrong with any.

I started as a hunter main, but I think the most versatile class may be warlock. But I mean, just play whatever floats your boat. It doesn't mater too much since you can eventually play the other 2 classes

Boost whatever you're most interested in at a glance and just play around and see if you're even going to like the game. Then you can worry about the other stuff I guess.

IIRC the level boost doesn't level your subclass, so you'll be a weak as shit level 40. play through the game normally and use it on your alt if you want to speed things up.

Save it. You can infuse gear from your highest char to your lower ones after a certain level.

Not at the moment, but I can guarantee you that everyone in your friends list will be playing it when its out.(if you have D1 friends)

>Which is what the sequel gives us

That's the 'guarantee' but there's absolutely no reason to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt.

I'm not sure why people are 100% certain that D2 won't have a shit launch just like the first game.

>summit1g is hopping on the destiny train

there is no way it won't be successful

We have numbers and dates for content. We KNOW we will get better quality and more.

>buying Destiny 1 at full price again

I learned my lesson the first time

What's the deal with him anyways? Who is he and why is he so fucken popular?

I discovered him on the D2 beta when he used KBM on PS4

He's a pro CS player who has a good personality on stream. He's just chill to watch and listen to.

>We have numbers and dates for content.

Mind directing me to that?

>make it like Halo but also the Destiny fantasy RPG
>everyone is happy

Wow that was hard

winter 2017 dlc 1 spring 2018 dlc2

Ok but what are we looking at as far as what that content will actually be? Just saying "DLC 1, winter 2017" doesn't tell me that it'll be worth a damn.

I'm not one of the doomsayers, I genuinely hope the game turns out well. But I'm wondering where this optimism is coming from. Bungie dropped the ball hard when it came to the very first game in the franchise, why are some people so convinced they can't do it again?

Should gods bother themselves with the desires of mortals?

>biggest map Bungie has ever made in Destiny
>it's tiny


>devs desperately leak in hopes that they get the average players attention
ehh I still wont play it