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It's pretty boring to play desu

Turns out mediocre games don't sell very well.

The girls weren't cute enough.

>he thinks Steam reviews mean anything

Usually this kind of thing gets positive reviews because people know what they're getting into that buy this. I'd say
this is the issue

for what Im reading it seems buggy as hell.

As it turns out, dungeon crawlers are kinda boring to play on PC unless they're heavily detailed.
It's a genre that should primarily be handheld.
>PC version didn't even sell a fifth of the Vita version

>mfw I got into the closed beta test
>Played for an hour and stopped
>Got the game for free and haven't touched it in the slightest

I like it. I haven't played a mindless grinding game in a while. The amount of girls help for interesting teams.
Yeah it's prone to crash in areas a bit.

Unlike you, I read the comments.

This version is apparently very buggy and the controls are somehow complete garbage on both controller and kb/m.
Not sure how they did that.

It was pretty fun but I have no clue how the rubbing minigame stuff is on PC. Hope they bring over the other Vita titles in the series on Vita, or at least create asian english versions.

Lazy port with issues and the translation is pretty fucking shitty.
I refunded it.
I like the dungeon crawling but I'm not supporting a lazy cash-grab.

It was extremely buggy and the controls were terrible. I bought it day one but refunded with a bad review because of it.

>monster girls
>they don't even look like the monsters they are suposed to represent half the time
They should just hire Kenkou Cross to do Monster Girl designs or Z-Ton if you want it more animalistic.

no lewds

I'd Hee that Ho.

People have issues with the game crashing.
Game sold around 10K copies though.

>PC version didn't even sell a fifth of the Vita version
The fuck are you on about? The game never came out in the west.

I've always wondered what the sales targets for these super niche games are.

Not him but it still had English versions and was sold on Amazon on top of a bunch of other import sites

Yeh maybe it sold 1000 copies in the west. That's not even 1/10 of the Steam sales.

If you bothered to read the comments you should know it's full of bugs.

Lowest is 5k with the average being 30k.

I think Ghostlight said the games they port turn profit even at 5K sales.

Are you that insecure about the low sales that'd you split hairs to save some face? Are the ones calling you out for making these threads as shills right in their assessments?

You can't top the nep

>it's a Vitafag who still hasn't understood why so many companies have dropped Vita support

turns out it's honey bait game which has nothing of value aside of fanservice
who would've thought

Did single CH game ever went right?

Oh yeah, I've had it crash on me once early on in the forest and another time as I was leaving town. Otherwise I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
Game itself is a lot better than I expected, it's just a pain in the ass that you end up in a fight literally every step, 3 steps if you're lucky.

>shill compares steam sales to sales of a game in a region that didn't even sell it in the first place

Nah you're just retarded as fuck. Nobody cares about this bug filled port of a mediocre game

A typical Vita game sells no more than 5K in the west. Don't be delusional please.


The game hasn't crashed once for me somehow. But I have a big buffy PC, so maybe it helps. Only issues I found was the usual can't change key settings in the menu for AB buttons. I'm guessing patching is still in progress as steamdb has beta versions newer than the release version.

>Being so salty over a flopped compile heart game that you start vomiting easily disproved lies in anger

Guess this port was good for something. I pirated it anyway and the game sucks

Oh man, the buttons were so obnoxious at first but I just dealt with it since other Japanese games do the same reversed confirm/deny thing. What's worse is the mouse and keyboard controls are so weird I can't imagine who came up with them. If all you need to do is navigate a menu its one thing but my controller disconnects every so often because the cable is old and crushed and I'm totally stumped it seems super unnatural.

Cute lolis does not a good game make

Yes it does


Yeh it's kinda confusing. Operation Babel had that too, but I just changed the buttons to normal.

fanservice enhances good game, when game nothing to boast but with fanservice (aka all compile heart games) games become mediocre waste of time


This. A game is bad if it doesn't have lolis in it.

Games, entertainement, by definition are waste of time, if the fanservice was enough for me to keep the game enjoyable then it was time well spent for me.

Everything is a waste of time

Weebs/waifufags BTFO

I like some games with fanservice, but Compile heart games reached to point where it's nothing BUT fanservice.
Good for you, I guess. I'm still salty I spent money on their crap.

Did you try Fairy Fencer F? That one was actually good.

what does "cute butt" mean

I bought it but I haven't played it since the first day. They better localize Seven Pirates though.

Probably will, it sold 10K copies after all.

Monstergirls are shit


I can't buy it cause i know most of my steam friends irl and i don't want to make another account.

didn't happen to, my opinion mostly formed by their relatively recent vita releases cause after beating Disgaea I was really looking for something else to play on it
Importing CH games was a mistake

well no shit but like in the context of the game

I think in game once you go below 50% of your SP you get a 35% attack boost.

so every Trait like that has something like that? neat i guess

Lack of a nude mod.
Come on, I’m waiting. Please.

I don't like CH games but way to miss a point of fanservice games

Every trait does something, some are wayyyyyyy better than others though. Like have a loli and a girl with Tiny Tits is almost required because it heals HP/MP after every fight. So in these type of games that's OP as fuck. Especially when it's step-step-fight.

I'm about to step into the snow dungeon, Chapter 6 I think. How many chapters are there?

There's a partial nude mod already.

The traits are pretty good. I forget what it's called but Mummy has one where every time she takes damage and her HP ends in a 7 she'll do a massive damage counter attack to the whole enemy party.
Some of them like cute butt will affect the girl herself but other traits affect a 2nd/3rd character so you have a lot of options for your party depending on what you want. For example having two clumsy girls in your party gives a "leader" 100% more HP, and sadistic girls have a stacking 50% damage buff for as long as you maintain a level 3 otter bar.

>mfw I love lolis and tiny tits

I wish other types of fanservice get their own share of games more often instead of shovelware ecchi fanservice
but I guess other games require way more effort than drawing cute girls and moaning in mic.

I mean, nothing's stopping you from drawing cool robots and moaning into the mic except for the fact all the coolest ones are already taken. These games are all really cheap and easy genres. Anyone could make a dungeon crawler or a rouglike/mystery dungeon sort of game as long as they're artistic. The sheer amount of art is harder than the programming.

>all the coolest ones are already taken
Oh please, creating donutsteel designs is not a rocket science.
>Anyone could make a dungeon crawler or a rouglike/mystery dungeon sort of game as long as they're artistic. The sheer amount of art is harder than the programming.
If only it was only that, you forget that ecchi art is the easiest sale ever. You can sell half naked 2d girls without a problem but when it comes to other type of fanservice, suddenly it's not profitable. Because turns out other type of fanservice requires more effort than just drawing images. Artists and VA should at least know the actual theme of fanservice to deliver.
CH basically created shitty business scheme of creating softporn adventures for very niche audience who really deserves better.

how long is it?
and how hard?

Last dungeon crawler I played was the first EO and it kicked my ass pretty bad.

Quite long and it's on the easier side, so good for beginners.