Give me your rankings

give me your rankings

do you disagree with mine? why?

You forgot the mobage ones !

5 is too low.

>that low


That's the only really awful part of your rankings. Everything else is reasonable, other than maybe bumping X up one or two spots

I didn't know that FFfags were as obnoxious as Soultards and have to make retarded ratings all the time as well.

3 is way too low. It's an amazing game at it's time, and it still is.

People mostly put 3 at the bottom because they haven't played it. It's very unfair. 3 is good.

its necessary, because the only thing you could maybe sub for it is part 8, but I liked it more than 5

i played it when i first got my NDS. its good, thats it. it falls in the ranking perfectly - the others just did it better. all were good, imo

I haven't played any of the games but

V > VIII > VI > XI > X > VII > IV > XII > I > XIII > XIV > III > II


Never played I-IX or XI so unlike all these other faggots I'm not gonna even pretend to rank them.

Why the fuck are you ranking them if you don't even play the games?

I just feel it

dumpster juice>any FF
There you go.



Go play SMT, Dragon Quest or Suikoden.

Swap 4 with 5 and it's pretty reasonable. I swear SE meme'd everyone into liking 4 with the endless ports and rehashes.



I'm sure Xfags will give me shit on this, but whatever. X is just a prototype-XIII.

Teeeedus is still infinitely better than fucking Lightning, though.

Which should I play next?
I've beaten VI, IX, X and tried out I and II but didn't get into them
No MMO please

>do you disagree with mine? why?
Because your taste is simply shit.

I don't know man. I'd rather fuck Lightning than Tidus.

>God tier
>High tier
Weak bait.

ITT: everyone ranks, no one reads
anyways here's mine, I played them all except lightning returns

8 > 12 > 7 > 10 > 13-2 > 13 > 5 > 9 > 6 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

Of what I've played


whats a good game to get into the series?
i got pretty far into 4 a while ago but my save got corrupted and made me want to sudoku


forgot about 15, i'd put it intbetween ff7 and ff10

7 if you can stomach the ugly graphics

>Hurr durr, this opinion differs from my own, therefore it must be bait!

12 isn't even unpopular, pulling out your bait boogeyman makes no sense.

15, 14, 13, and 12 in that order.

Someone made this and thinks this is correct

I read yours user. I disagree with it but I wouldn't think it worth spazzing out about unlike this tosser:

FF5 is pure ludo.

>KH1 that high above KH2
This list is straight garbage.

Play 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, or 12 in any order.

Forget about all the others.

>kh1 visionary, incredible, unmissable
>kh2 outrageously bad

explain yourself


Any from 3 to 7, no remakes. They're all easy peasy noob friendly RPGs and they all have charm.


Makes me sad how much everyone dislikes the NES games, maybe I'm just a nostalgia fag though.

V > XII > III > XI > I > VI > VIII > IV > X > II > XIII > IX > VII > XV > XIV

>Legitimately leaving the best ones out

>no remakes
>no FF3 PSP or FF4 DS

So The Zodiac Age made Squeenix a good buck, correct? Do you think they'll go for the easy money and release the Lightning Saga on PS4 in one neat package? I really, really would like to have that.

FF3 remake is absolute trash compared to the original and the art style is total grand puke

8 is too high and 5 is too low. I agree with 6 and 9 being at the top, though.

>FF will never be good again

How do you bros live knowing this? What series have replaced FF for you?

7 > 9 > 15 > 10 > 8 > 6 > 4 > 14 > 5 > 12 > 13 > 11 > 1 > 3 > 2

FF has been terrible pretty much since VII

This, IX was a glimmer of hope but X and XII washed all that away.

>tfw no new Crystal Chronicles that's just like the original
>tfw no Tictacs Advance with a billion new jobs

Why do you say that? I think the art is crap, but the remake itself seems decent. Having a lot of viable end game classes is preferrable to ninjas and sages to me.

IX is a very, very bad game and XII is the only good FF since VI...
IX has the worst, dumbest characters, the most horrible series and most disgusting art-style in the series, not to mention the loading times at the start and end of encounters, the horrible VII-style perspective, it's pure shit.

I like every game in the main series to varying degrees to be honest. Yes, including 13 and 15.

Regular tactics instead please, wasn't a big advance fan.

I'd change that to XIII = XV

VII to IX are incredible. VI, X, XII, Tactics are great. X-2, XIII trilogy, V are good games, nothing that stands out but they have interesting mechanics. XIV and XI are fun for some time. Everything before V is plain shit. XV is just whole another game. I'd eat shit from AIDS ridden chimpanzee if that could erase all memories of this piece of shit from my mind.

XIV is the best tbqh famalamalam

>I'd eat shit from AIDS ridden chimpanzee if that could erase all memories of this piece of shit from my mind.
A thousand times this.

>looks like trash
>plays like trash
>one of the worst stories in the series
>ruined XI and its legacy

Turning decently paced 12-monster fights into slow paced 3 monster fights is NOT preferable to me. When you change a game to play so differently you can't even call it the same game anymore.

9 is fantastic.

maybe if it was your first FF, it's nothing like the older games so I don't know why this became a meme

No, it is the children who are wrong.

Every time.

I think they balanced it our fairly well with the multiple actions shit.

I started with FF1 on the NES. I didn't say I like it because it's like the old ones.

>all these people with V at or near the top

Sup Forums does sometimes have truly good taste in Vidya

well then you just have shit taste, enjoy your dumb antho furry garbage

>Fail the timing and positioning

They made the combat in XV bad on purpose.


Are you okay?

Good talk shithead. I'm really tempted to shit on 6 just to piss you off but I won't because it's a good game.

you can still rank them based on how aesthetic the roman numerals are, duh

It's tempting to take that stance. Most people on this board don't even seem to like the SNES games. They just piss and moan about whether 7 or 10 was better.

5 >8 >7 >12 >6 >2 (i genuinely like it) > 9 > 1 > 3 > 4
despite the ordering i think they're all pretty good and close to being on par with each other, the only final fantasy game i've played that i'd say is outright bad is 4. bland and boring as fuck, only good thing about it is the music

Um X?


I enjoy 4, both on its own merits and for basically making jrpgs what they are today.

The only good thing about VIII is it's bangin' soundtrack.

What's wrong with this?

My favorite obviously.

Then V shouldn't be on top. The best numeral is either II, IV, or VI.

What's wrong with making enemy attack patterns sporadic and random rather than something that the player can accordingly plan and react to?

If you don't see what's wrong with that then I don't know what to tell you.

you can shit on VI all you want, it's not even in my top 5

Not him and it would be shitty in a straight up action game. But unavoidable damage has always been a FF thing. This isn't nearly as bad as getting ambushed by wizards that cast instant death on your whole party in the ice cave.

Yeah I don't really care man, I recognize your posting style and I've never seen anything intelligent come out of you.

It's bad because the game's combat is being compromised for realism. That kind of excuse might work for an immersive sim with autistic levels of detail, but FF XV is a basic open world JRPG.

Besides, Tabata is a hack and has lied before to excuse the game's faults, so I really doubt his claims that the shitty design was totally intentional.

I know it sounded sarcastic because of the obvious source of the quote but I meant it seriously. The NES/Famicom games are good and I'd blame age as the reason most posters don't get that.

7 > 12 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 11 > 8 > 3 > 1 > 14 > 15

I like them all though, even 15. I'd love Matsuno to come back to direct 16 or some other SE game.

5 > 6 = 9 = 10 > 4 > 10-2 > 1 > 7 > 3 > 8 > 2 > shit > 11 = 12 = 13 = 13-2 = 13-3 = 14 = 15

well good job because I hadn't posted on Sup Forums in like 5 years

Hopes? I just want it to be high-fantasy with a sizeable party filled with unique and layered characters. Preferably not all humans.

I agree more or less. I'm to an age where 6, 7, and 9 are my clear winners but I don't really see one all that above the other. They're all good games though. For the most part.

not bad taste OP, here is mine

4 > 12 > 6 > 7 > 10 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 15 > 8 > 2 >>>>>>>>>> 13

I saw a dude like a week ago who didn't use any capital letters and called ff9 word for word "furry anthro garbage" so either you're lying (my theory) or you have a twin on here.

5 > 6 > 7 > 10 > 15 > 9 > 4 > 1 > 13 > 10-2 >

I think that 5 and 6 are the only truly great games here, everything else ranges from okay to bad.

>straight up action game.
XV is an action game though it's not something like NGB but having enemy moves not being telegraphed to some degree is horrible game design. Having players take damage or die at no fault of their own is also horrible game design, if a player can't gauge what an enemy is going to do and is punished for that that is horrible game design.

Bloodborne is an action RPG and yet I never felt there were any times where I couldn't gauge what an enemy was going to do because each encounter was well designed, I cannot say the same for XV because everything regarding the combat is fucking dreadful.

I'm replaying 1 as I type this, albeit the origins version. Basically the same thing but with some bug fixes. 2 will be next I think, then 3 then 4. We'll see how far I make it before getting bored.

The GBA remakes hold up perfectly well especially compared to the PSP/DS/IOS abortions.

hand drawn sprites and turn based battles with a job system and no revolving door of characters, please.
could be set in Ivalice.

turn base combat is shit, the only decent ff game is xv, even if is not that great at least it's not boring