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Anyone who isn't a literal retard knows this.

he's a sonyggger who was paid by sony to bash Switch

>switch can't handle current gen games.

Yeah we know. Even the hardcore Nintendo fans know.

>A PC game can't run on Switch
Yeah no shit

The switch cant even handle switch games

Duh! Have you seen the trailer?

>mad people in the comments
What the fuck do they expect? I like the Switch, but it's not some graphical powerhouse and not everyone is willing to downgrade their games just to have them on there.

Also this "article" is literally less than most OPs on fucking Sup Forums jesus christ.

>A PC game can't run on PC
It's funny how many toaster jockeys and craptop owners there are if you look at the STEAM HW surveys yet everyone on Sup Forums runs his mouth like he got $1500 1337 RIG.

Why would you link to a blog that's all of two lines, instead of the actual interview, let alone an archive link of the interview? Are you desperate for hits to your blog post?


Show me 2,33 Unreal 4 games which Switch can run.

Maybe if they scratched the sky simulation, but it seems to take a major role in AC7.

The Switch's CPU is less than Wii U's in power. Consider that.

That's because the survey includes any PC steam is installed on, including old laptops. It's an extremely flawed way of seeing how many people have powerful PCs.

>Even the hardcore Nintendo fans know.
they might know, but they're in severe denial about it

>yet everyone on Sup Forums runs his mouth like he got $1500 1337 RIG.
Probably because the people sitting around talking about video games have invested more into their gameplaying experience than some guy installing steam on his latop once to play TF2

Meanwhile, DQXI is out on both PS4 and Switch

Clearly he's full of bullshit

>It's funny how many toaster jockeys and craptop owners there are if you look at the STEAM HW surveys
All the more reason why I'm confused as to how PUBG is as popular as it is

Well of course rebranded shield with proprietary *bsd-based OS won't run UE4 properly.

The two aren't really comparable since DQ is never graphics intensive and even then we still don't know anything about the Switch version.

The way he describes the Switch it wouldn't surprise me if we see an AC spinoff game if 7 does well.

It can, just not the way they want it to. If they killed a lot of the ground objects, it would lower how demanding the game is by quite a lot. But that would hurt what they are going for.

>Nintendo missing another 3rd party game
You know this will happen from 100 years ago.



The devs behind the game are so pants-on-head retarded that they can't make it run at 1080 60 on the PS4, how the hell do you expect them to make it run on the Switch?


Is it at least 1080 on the PS4?

Most popular GPU is a 970 and CPU is an i5 though. Or are you retarded enough to not realise that every CPU has an integrated HD graphics chip that is taken into account on those surveys?

They should make another Legacy remake for the Switch like the one on the 3DS, that would be neat

Why do people keep making threads like this? We all know the switch is only a bit stronger than the Wii U, only idiots who barely know anything about video consoles compare the switch to the PS4 or Xbox One.

The switches main selling point is that its the strongest handheld console on the market.

>Doesn't think
That sounds code for 'hasn't tried', which is code for 'Nintendo didn't give me a pile of money'.

And? It just shows laziness on the part of a developer if they can't work within the confines of a system's parameters to make the most out of it. This is why I will have infinite respect for Monolith Soft in how they can bring so much out of Nintendo hardware rather than just go for the most pretty regardless of bloat.

Switch gets the HD remakes of 4, 5 and Zero where everything gets quality of life upgrades and other polish to make for a better experience.

Cheap to do and will people will buy it.


>tfw it literally doesn't matter to me because I have both a Switch and a $3000 PC

Did Legacy even sell? The original version was under the radar. While Legacy+ got raped by piracy.

especially considering PUBG runs like shit even on a powerful machine, the majority of the 8 gorrillion must be suffering

Kinda makes sense
AC7 is Volumetric Clouds:The Gamne

Sure they could bring it to Switch, they just have to remove all clouds

DQXI could run in the Wii, this does not.

>Citation needed

Why are you switchfags so retarded
Do you also think every UE4 tech demo will run on switch? Not every game is the same. I love DQ11 but the models are rather simple and the combat is simple and slow too and it's own instance

That doesn't mean they can't lower the settings so that it runs smoothly.

Apparently it was alright when it was a Sony system that needed to have a game be downgraded in resolution and objects on the screen in order to have it run.

Obviously, since the game is huffing clouds and really wants to play on that visual feature to tie into a mechanical one. You could probably tone it down alongside other graphical features or make one of those reworked "ports," but they probably don't consider it an attractive option right now. Still, it might be interesting to get some kind of Ace Combat game on the Switch. I wonder how well a Joy con could work as an ersatz flight stick.

Real question, people care about this franchise? I mean, it looks so boring to be honest... games like this or Sniper Elite that relies on a single concept or mechanic look more like tech demos for me. Do you actually play them or are we just pretending to care?

You're that faggot that doesnt like Armored Core either.

why can't i play uncharted 4 on my iphone 6?

How is this a surprise? Switch has framedrops in the goddamn sonic mania.

What? No it doesn't m8.


It actually does.


see BotW

Most inappropriate use of technology.
He means PC graphics if anything

How come there isn't any Wojackposting in reaction to this?

If a game like Mania is getting framedrops on the Switch, that's more Mania's problem than the Switch's.

Mods started banning wojack posters.

Holy shit, seriously?

Hah. Get fucked.

Should I play all the Ace Combat games in order? Or are there any games I can skip? I only have a PS3, PS4 and a PC capable of emulating.

clouds are a part of how you play the game now, they are core. these people don't even care.

not really
i think you are confusing denial with just being impressed with the system
it is impressive that the switch is as powerful as it is as a $300 portable. no one thinks that the switch is able to run stuff like uncharted and the witcher 3
fuck, that would be perfect
falseflag harder

Play PS2 trilogy in release order. Ace combat 4 has some problems emulating though.

Why do Switch fans demand the game be downgraded to run on their hardware? Why is it not ok to just not waste resources creating a Switch version?

It's utter bullshit.
Just turn off some pointless effects, turn down settings, lower view distance and tree count etc.
It's a shitty generic flight sim that should work on a PS3.

Just play AC5/0, then 4/X and 3, then 6 whenever you can.
You don't really need the rest.

You could start with AC4 but it emulate really bad and plays strange so I wouldn't recommend starting with it.

It struggle running on regular PS4 already, because those "pointless" effects are all framerate-butchering wind and cloud physic simulation.
You can't just turn it down

>Number of games on sony platforms: 10
>Number of games on nintendo platforms: 1.5

gee I wonder why they don't want to put in all the extra effort to port it to the nonexistant fanbase

>shitty generic flight sim

Switch is stronger than 6000$ PC!

>falseflag harder
What the fuck is you talking about?
Tech has nothing to do with the game looking real.
functioning and looking are 2 different things.

I don't think anyone is asking for Skyrim ports or remasters anymore.

What tech does this cinematic piece of shit have and NEED?
Just filters and post processing shit that can be turned off.
Why do these retards think game has too look the same on all consoles and if it can't they just don't bother releasing it?
Watch Dogs was massively downgraded for PC because it looked too good compared to consoles.

>wind and cloud physic simulation.
>You can't just turn it down
you can completely disable it since no one needs it.

If Kono says it can't happen, then he is absolutel right. Switch tards need to accept the facts.

you would need to downgrade it way more than that switch cant even run final fantasy

Ite, thanks.

removing one of the most important things in a flight sim just to be able to run on a system that can run it the way other consoles + pc can

>entire point of the game is the more realistic flight simulation and gameplay using clouds
>no one need it

It's still an UE4 game anyway and as was proven already, UE4 games still struggle running on Switch even when turning down the resolution and effects, at which point it becomes a matter of how much the devs are willing to butcher their own hard work for a cut down version. You might think it's okay if you have no standards, but I doubt they are.

Is "Technology" the new codeword for bloated games now?

>And? It just shows laziness on the part of a developer
>try to make the most immersive and realistic could and weather system as hardware lets you
>"nuh-uh, the devs are lazy because it won't work on my prev-gen tier mobile device"

>Realistic weather system

If it takes up so much processing time, it's obviously not very intuitive.

>you can completely disable it since no one needs it.
Nigger, the point of the game is that you can use clouds as a cover and they're part of level design

Dont care. Either do or dont. that dev should be a punk as bitch trying to blue ball for the sake of rising up public out cry tier support to convince whoever the fuck it is they are trying to convince.

I'm sure even the Wii could handle the game.

>disabling weather in a fucking plane game.

How the fuck is it supposed to be "intuitive"?

Despite the usual platform wars and general false flagging, Im still excited to see all the new nuggets who will join the series. True enough some of them would be a tad undesirable but you cant pick the company you interact with.

I just really hope MP has some sort of system that is both engaging and fulfilling (something like ACI minus grind) along with cross play to liven up the game.

See you nuggets soon

Why are nintendo fans angry again just because the game wont get a switch version? Most of us didnt bitch when AC2 enhanced remake was at 3ds

Everyone who buys this shit only cares about the retarded story and flying some baby tier arcade planes.
They could release it with PS2 graphics if they wanted.

>wind and cloud physic simulation.
>one of the most important things in a flight sim
Are you retarded?
No one of the retarded fanboys plays this cinematic shit for a realistic flight simulation.
>the point of the game is that you can use clouds as a cover
That doesn't need to have realistic physic simulations.

This fucking game isn't going to do anything that couldn't be done on a PS2.

Why would you not want good looking weather in a game about fucking planes you fucking autist?

I'm just hoping that all the story missions are cooperable, even better on a first playthrough.

You can have that without realistic simulation bullshit you fucking retard.

>Good looking weather
>can only be achieved via a bloated weather algorithm.

Want to know what else had an advanced weather system?


I'm saying it's an excuse, we all know the reason will be bloated music file sizes like 90% of all modern games.

>That doesn't need to have realistic physic simulations.
Yes, it does. How do you think planes work?

Yeah thats what I'm hoping for too. X2 did a fantastic job on those coop missions despite the overall quality of the game being a tad lower due to

Would love to do those kinds of missions again

What the fuck does file size have to do with a game running on shitty hardware.

>That doesn't need to have realistic physic simulations.
Consoles lack the CPU for that anyways.

Nobody bought a switch expecting to play the latest AAA blockbusters, and if you did you're most likely tech-illiterate. Love my Switch but it has its own niche thanks.

>He doesn't know how fucking files on a computer work.

So he's admitting he's not putting in the effort to MAKE it work.

In the N64 days, Capcom, against all odds, got a port of RE2 up and running on the system, despite not being made to suit the console's strengths. Switch can run Ace Combat 7.

>Realistic simulation
It's called having good graphics, you brainlets. Games evolve to look and play better, not retrograde, unlike your shitty manchild ninty games.
Dumbass fucking cunts.

There's a difference between simple moving skybox and fully volumetric clouds in first person view, especially since you're IN the sky.