It's £7 on steam

It's £7 on steam.

Is it worth it?

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Do you like action mmos?

fuck no

Do you like not having fun?



I have around 5k hours in WoW, so sure.


WoW is a tab target MMO so its a little different but if you can get used to the combat its very fun and has a great story (morrowind DLC has a good story as well)

I was in the beta and it was meh, standard mmo
I play it on the PS4 now and it's grind grind grind. Do dungeons, but 85% of the time it is low level noobs who are queuing in the high level dungeons, then you quit, get put on a suspension for 15mins, queue again for it to happen again.

There is a lot of content now though, all locked behind DLC

You mean locked behind the Morrowind expansion?

You can lvl from just doing quests in no time. people who just grind don't have fun because you're fuckin grinding

I bought it because I can refund it later.


wew lads

it's worth it trust me

>base game - 10€
>expansion - 40€
Why is this allowed?

expansion just came out and base game has been out for a while. Also they want new players to be able to try the game for a cheaper price

no, the dlc like thieves guild, dark brotherhood ect are all dlc, but you get access to them if you pay the sub, or you can buy them separately. Morrowind is a straight expansion, you have to pay for separately.

>You can lvl from just doing quests in no time
>no time
I am 538cp and I have done literally every quest in the game and all the dlc, I did all the quests by 330cp which took me about 4-5 months of daily playing.
After that it is either do dailies, grind, do dungeons/raids or start an alt to level.
the real grind is the grind for gear and mats.
plus it takes about a year irl to become master crafter, if you want to be a master crafter.

So stuff like the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood are locked behind DLC?


I got it with all the dlc for £20 like 6 months ago. It's a good mmo but I lost interest because I can't be bothered for the mmo grind all over again. The thieves guild quest line was fun though and I'll probably return to play dark brotherhood and orsinium one day.

is it still sub based?

>people who just grind don't have fun because you're fuckin grinding
ohh soz, I understand what you mean, you mean the type of fags who grind in skyreach. or cyrodiil if they are smart.
No I just mean the grind for gear and mats aswell as leveling.
It takes a long time, doing repetitive shit like playing trials over and over


nope, one time buy but you can still sub that gives you the obligatory xp boost and currency to spend on cosmetics

if you are getting "gold edition" it comes with most dlc, just not morrowind, 2 dungeons (the best ones) and the new dlc next week.

The thieves guild, and DB aren't just a quest line, there is an entire skill tree and 2 new areas.

And here I though £7 was a good deal.

it's ok for 7 dolleridoos.
there is a lot of content in the base game, if you like it you can pay for the dlc or buy a sub for a month and complete them in a month.

Let's say I'm interested in checking this out. Should I buy the base game now and get Morrowind later, or is Morrowind the sort of high-level expansion that requires a lot of investment into a game that might or might not be fun to me?

>is Morrowind the sort of high-level expansion....
no with the 1 tamriel thing you can start any area from the get go, no more leveled areas. in fact with morrowind they added a new tutorial start, where new chars from morrowind can start the game differently.

who gives a fuck about the story desu senpai.
Really what you gotta ask yourself is do you like investing a lot of time in 1 game, an mmo.
I wish I never started it, it's took so much of my time and I'm too invested in it now to give it up.
I will never play another mmo after this ever.

I'm just really starved for more TES stuff, I've already played the single player games for hundreds of hours and I heard that TESO:Morrowind had internet celebrities like Kirkbride and the train guy working on them
I'm not too concerned about being sucked into it for hundreds of hours because yuro servers for MMOs tend to be full of crazy russians rather than people you'd actually like to circlejerk with

It's $9.89 on PS4. I was gonna buy it until I seen this thread. Maybe when Morrowind goes on sale.

>yuro servers
on PS4 it seems to be brits and germans, with some french, no russians. idk about PC not played for years.

>concerned about being sucked into it for hundreds of hours
this is why I regret playing it, I got addicted for 2 months at launch then addicted for 6 months last year, and still do dalies everyday.
I think you have to be a special type of autismo to enjoy mmos.

No. Guild Wars 2 is free and 100x better, just play that instead.


get this instead OP

is cowe ok?

can't refund that