ITT: mission kino

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The best part of the entire Black Ops series.


>press W to win mission

Wow, what an engaging gameplay.

ummm no retard

I just really like the part around 1:50 where the gunner still shoots at you and the commander knocks him out.




still the best

>mfw infidels in muh hood

MW2's campaign is still my favorite. Best mission would be the aircraft graveyard though.

one of the best moments in gaming storytelling, desu. Really really well made, and told through the gameplay, no less.


Probably because it was copied 100% from Saving Private Ryan. Like that river mission in one of the CoDs that was lifted entirely from Enemy at the Gates.

Hi, I'm the hardest mission on veteran.

canon ending:
First time through, you kill zulf, restore the world
Second playthrough, you save zulf, leave the city.

That's not mile high club....

easily this

The specialist difficulty in Infinite Warfare was pretty fun. No health regen almost made it feel like a real gunfight, shielding from cover to cover or crawling towards some nanoshots or helmets to slurp up. Having access to every loadout option unlocked from the Veteran playthrough helped. I still wouldn't consider any particular mission on Specialist difficulty to be more difficult than veteran Mile High Club, but I hope it's included in future cods.



Bask in the glow of my superior taste, plebs.

MW2 is unironically kinomania, the whole trilogy is chock full of good moments.

>that fucking hind
>that fucking last commie checkpoint

It's literal Kino since it's ripped-off straight from Enemy at the Gates

>Corporal Armstrong, what do you think of our castle?

That's not All Ghillied up, is it? That sniper rifle looks mw2

Dat some Op Flashpoint nigga?

It's a map in the Spec Ops mode in MW2. And yes, it's All Ghillied Up.

NOLF1 and MW2 are the only FPSs that did scripted levels right

You know, for such a silly game this really was some prime kino shit right here.

Oh I remember it I think. Does the other play get to pilot a heli?

That's a different one, they're both in there. In one the other player gets to be the gunner on an AC-130 and in the other both are on the ground. What makes the mission hard is that on veteran enemy snipers become Halo 2 levels of bullshit, they practically insta-kill you and almost always hit. So you have to learn the enemy positions pretty much by heart in order to kill them.

>needs Balam support to take down multiple Erginus
you are like a little baby
watch this

>that much armor
That's either a lot of grinding or a nice cheat

Everyone loves the TEARS moment in Max Payne 3 but the hangar shootout was pretty fucking kino itself. A desperate last stand for an old fool who's trying to set things right.

I think I remember it now. Thanks for refreshing my memory

there's a mission in DLC1 where silver spiders spawn from a tunnel exit. you can farm them on Easy difficulty for easy armor, which you need if you want to start getting serious. you need at least 10k armor to survive a point-blank hit from a gold ant, and that's just in solo play

Enemy damage doesn't scale in multiplayer though, right? I'm pretty sure only enemy health does.

it does scale. they deal 3x damage in a 4-person lobby. so even 10k armor in an online inferno room is squishy, especially if we're talking about missions with mutants

correction: it's ALWAYS 3x damage, the amount of players just affects their hp. maybe you noticed NPC soldiers are far less resilient while online? it's cuz of that