WOW patch 7.3 Path to Argus

Thoughts? I thought it would be a separate expansion.

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Looking forward to it after the semester ends for me

More like Path to Blackstar.

Everyone's favorite elf waifu is back.
Velen is so angry and Illidan is so smug.

Is she neutral?

Turalyon and her are high ranking members of the light army or something.

So they're neutral

She shows more skin than her younger sisters. I wonder if Sylvannas is even on the bus to Argus.

honestly everyone really have better things to do on argus than faction rivalry. Ask again when the legion main world isnt sitting in our orbit anymore.

oh good so it wasn't just me

I wonder when will horde vs alliance 've relevant again. Even in legion it's just zombies vs furries

>I thought it would be a separate expansion.
thank fuck it's not. 3 expansions in a row of 'EEEEVIL SPREADING ACROSS THESE DARK AND INHOSPITABLE LANDS' would be a bit too much.

On the other hand, i fucking WISH they had announced a new expansion this week. I cant wait for something more bright, instead of all this gloomy, murky, and dark shit. fuck.

Any scene where she gets to meet Sylvanas and weep at the fucking monster she's become?

Wasn't that leaked? Anyway all the hints in legion pretty much point towards a ribena-themed expansion

Never? An all out conflict between both sides would make little to no sense considering the amount of effort and ressources it would take and all the other major threats that are going to keep popping up.
It's probably never going to go beyond skirmishes and small scale aggressions again unless one of the faction leaders goes full garrosh again.

>Wasn't that leaked?
I recall some faggot posting here about a light and fluffy stranglethorn-themed expansion, yes.

But nothing i'd immediately call a leak.

When you've got an ancient evil getting up from a nap every other year, there's no time for infighting.

And green.
Don't forget

That's what I liked about Mists of Pandaria. It was refreshing and colourful.

Well, that's exactly what would make me return.

I cant play some dirty grimey shit year round. MoP is the last expansion I even remotely considered playing in the summer.

>I thought it would be a separate expansion.
Sargeras will most likely get killed off this patch, and the next xpack is going to be the last.

there's also black

The only way to escalate the conflict was to throw one faction under one of the actual evil factions. The one chance they had to do this was with Garrosh, but they blew that with the NOT MUH PRESIDENT plot.

>implying the horse isn't already one of the evil factions
Sylvanas is the current warchief

If it's not green it's purple. No more blue Hawaii Scourge

>played legion at release as alliance
>wrynn dies, but nothing much apart from that happens
>makes a blood elf demon hunter last week
>first thing that happens is that vol'jin dies for no reason and sylvanas becomes the new warchief
I knew that sylvanas was the new warchief thanks to the quests in stormheim, but why the fuck did vol'jin die, and why don't they tell the aliance about that?

Black and red
Green and purple
What's next?

No but apparently venessa tells her sylvanas is leading the horde but told her they need to speak privately about what shes become. They dont go anywhere the convo just ends there, just a random convo on the ship

Why would the Alliance care about some random troll?

Smug illidan best illidan

When will they bring back the chicken people? That Draenor embargo thing is annoying.

Because Blizzard has bad writers and rather than fleshing out a character they just kill it instead.

They're too busy sperging out about Varian and his dumb anime swords to give a fuck about best troll.

Illidan will take titan power and they will lock sargeras on argus, Illidan will be his eternal jailor. The conversation was datamined.
As for the xpac its azshara and the last old god, I doubt the void lords will be in the same xpac. So at least 2 more

Yellow and Blue

It's fucking shit and it's only point of existance is fap material for lorefags

WoW will never end.

WoW will end as soon as the cash flow ends.

Meh they are saving it for some novel I guess. I wonder if they are self aware that all 3 windrunner sisters are human-fuckers.

Nah it will go f2p first

Who is Sylvanas fucking?


lol what a thot

Prolly intentional.
Dunno why theyd chose basic humans over some stronk able nelf male

Or maybe it's because Human males prefer alternative flavors. I wonder if Anduin will marry Yrel.

don't you kill him as aliance on some random quest?

Well he's undead.

He comes back.

And he's now using the human model, not the undead one

The last one didn't have a penis.

>7.3 has been datamined to hell and back like a month ago
>People still don't know that Illidan told Xe'ra to fuck off with your Light shit and became the jailer for Sargeras

That's actually his cousin's body. Sylvanas had him perform some kind of ritual to replace his rotting, decayed body.

>As he turned to leave, the glinting of lamplight on polished metal drew his eye to a cluttered armor rack. He moved a few pieces aside to reveal a finely wrought breastplate that was clean and well-maintained. His thoughts drifted back to the ritual, to the empty altar next to his. To a choice.

>For the briefest of moments, he felt the touch of something foreign, unsettling. A sensation absent since the day he died. A weakness of mortality that had imperceptibly stalked him and had, at long last, found his throat.

>Nathanos felt regret

why do they jail him and not kill him? must there always be a sergeras?

Please tell me how you plan to kill what's essentially a God but like, 3 planets tall.

I make him a raidboss and put him in LFR

punch him in the balls?


Speaking of which, I stumbled upon a 5x determination Kiljaden LFR today

Shit fuck tons of the raid bosses in the game are massive. Not Sargeras massive, but after a certain point it really stops mattering.

Also the players now have magically powerful fuck-off weapons.

No, the power levels are all over the goddamn place.
It's literally western DBZ at this point. I mean, look at Hunters for example. They get a bow, that really isn't even that special, a gun, that was an ordinary gun before infused with the spirit of a lightning wolf, and a spear. Meanwhile Elemental Shaman get the thing that literally created the elemental planes, and Warlocks get literally the Staff of Sargeras.
That said, the Light is still probably one of the most OP things.

Just what can you fail on with 4x determination in LFR difficulty? Are they falling of the edges during darkness?

Can't wait for Alleria porn.

I want to impregnate a Draenei

Get in line

I too want to impregnate a draenei with a talbuk

Half of it was folks not soaking the Armageddons, the other half was too many shitty DPS below 300k, boss hit berserk even. Enough decent dps players joined by round 5.

>Green and purple
Thanks doc

i added some 'coördinates' to that image, to properly ask you a couple of questions.

is B1 onyxia?
who is C7? is that supposed to be Turalyon?
who is A2?
who is C13?

>after a certain point it really stops mattering
>200 meters long dragon is the same as 35 000 kilometers tall Titan

I think c7 is greymane

>I thought it would be a separate expansion.
Are you fucking stupid?


ah yeah, that makes sense

Might be Fordring. Each column is supposed to be a set of related characters. If the ones above him are Arthas and Jaina, then Greymane wouldn't make much sense.

Uther makes more sense then.

Ah yes, then A2 is most likely Aegwynn

Well, yeah. Cast Corruption on a kobold. It does X damage. Cast it on that 200 meters long dragon. It does X damage. Cast it on that 35,000 kilomteres tall Titan. It does X damage.

A2 might be Aegwyn

It does in game, not in lore.

But his hair is brown.

Horde have gotten shit this expansion. Rokhan is apparently the Darkspear Troll leader if the PVP Prestige Rank 2 event is anything to go by, but there's nothing in game that confirms this. Vol'jin's death is also lazy, it just shows Blizzard can't write for the Horde at all and needed to put an elf in charge in order to know what to do. Even the way she's appointed Warchief was stupid.

>I never liked you Sylvanas
>But the spirits (Blizzard) told me you should be Warchief next
>ok bye

I'm surprised anyone would play Horde at this point.

How do you know?

wait, argus ends with sargeras being fucking jailed? so they're killing off the burning legion, that's pretty dumb

i wanted a space expansion where you go through the twisting nether and murder demons with a wacky cast of alien sidekicks

i mean i guess they could still do it with muh void lords but that's at least three years away

I must annon, the Alliance is just too faggy.

A2 is Medivh's mom. She has a button on her head.

>is B1 onyxia?

Since that column contains Varian and Lo'Gosh, I'd say that's a fair guess. But nothing about the drawing itself would indicate that, other than black hair.

The artist should have given her an evil grin or something, not made her look like she just woke up.

>Find one Windrunner sister at long last
>Other two go missing

Fuck you Blizzard.

>Entire zone filled with Tauren
>The Tauren Chieftain gets cut out because some Alliance players complained about having to help a Horde character

Sargeras being jailed doesn't instantly annihilate trillions of demons in the entire universe user.

*Med'an's grandma

I haven't read up at new developments at all.

Why and how does Sylvanas go missing?

don't you dare

>Alliance players complained about having to help a Horde character
>meanwhile Horde has to help out Tyrande

yeah but it pretty much ends the burning legion as a legion, especially with a good chunk of the eredar probably seceding after kil'jaeden dying and argus being freed

the worst you can get now is a bunch of rogue demons or a dreadlord dreading it up as usual

>wanna play WoW with friends
>Legion is absolute garbage

I don't think C7 is Genn.
Terenas or Uther would make more sense, although he's a little too old for Uther.

there are better games than mmos to play with friends

And Velen

i thought we were discussing canon lore in this thread?

I actually don't know if she's missing but she sure as hell hasn't made an experience since the end of the Stormheim questline which tends to suggest Blizzard is either lazy in giving a new Warchief more input or she's gone missing.

to be fair, the draenei might have joined the horde if the exodar landed in southern kalimdor instead