Give me one reason for why we shouldn't split up Sup Forums

Give me one reason for why we shouldn't split up Sup Forums

You could just filter threads you don't like instead of being an autistic manchild and increasing upkeep for the site

Also look at this 4

we need flags

We already have four boards about games, 5 if you count /tg/
I swear, people want
Sup Forums

Just be happy with what you have and fuck off

Because most people here don't actually care that much or pay much attention to a game's country of origin. Those who do are simply a loud and obnoxious vocal minority.

I don't think so

because I love you and I don't know what I'll do without you, user

>Split the boards
>Leaves Nintendo with good games
How does that even work, OP?

Because calling attention to the cancer will only make it worse.

Just examples, all Japanese games go one place all Western games go another.

>splitting up the board

Kinda sounds like something you'd see on Reddit when people get upset that their subreddit is full of things that upset them.

We don't need more boards we need more mod interaction and less trolls fucking up threads just to tank and derail then because they simply don't like the subject matter and their autism prevents them from ignoring it like a rational human being.

Because it would be the fourth fucking time Sup Forums was split. Sup Forums was already split into Sup Forums, /vg/, /vp/, /vr/.

We need a containment board for PC autists first and foremost.

>Like fighting games, don't like tekken
>Somebody makes a post about fighting games in general, mentions tekken in the OP.
>Don't see thread because I filtered Tekken


Hiro will do this
2ch have fucking 30+ video games boards

because I like videogames in general, without thinking of the region they come from

>player's unknown
look at all of those western developers
it's always a butthurt manchild who makes these types of threads

Frankly, no one goes on /vr/. /vp/ is a cesspool that was merely a containment board for the super autistic aspects of the fandom. And /vg/ only exists because idiots kept making threads before the previous thread on the subject wasn't on autosage, so they did it to themselves.

There would be two more boards where people wouldn't talk about video games.

>another board split

Video games already have enough fucking boards on this site

filters only work if the subject matter is mentioned in every thread. It works but isn't foolproof.

Sup Forums would be better if there was a way to get rid of the bots that spam the same threads over and over again.

So where would Korean games go?

At first this looks like another shit thread but after thinking about it, it's actually a pretty good idea.

We could purge all the cancer in the blink of an eye and even contain eceleb garbage to /vw/. No more interactive movies that get marketed as video games, too.

I'm definitely in favour of this.

in the trash

But it would just isolate the cancer to Sup Forums because the only people left are the people who shit up threads because they don't like the subject. Without anything to fuck up, they'll just start making their own threads to shit on.

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is Korean you dumbass

What's so bad about containing them? I'd be sitting in /vj/ and enjoying myself while /vw/ can drown in the shit they're responsible for.

dev guy is an American
gooks are just code monkys

you want specific board tailored to your nieche interests then go to fucking reddit you scrub

let Sup Forums be the smorgasboard of fetishized digital fuckery.

Because many people enjoy discussing both? Are you a sperg?

>implying weebs aren't the shit starters
>implying you wouldn't be the one being contained

The lead developer of the game is a white guy. So it's a western game

>playerunknown apparently is'nt a western dev because I said so

Thanks for proving my point.

>I want to make everything twice as slow because I can't play nice
Mods just laugh at fags like you.

I don't want to have to browse two boards

says the vocal minority

because we already have three fucking containment boards. Sup Forums is the worst, Sup Forums disagrees about shit all the time you don't see them getting separated like autistic children screaming at each other on a school trip.

>The project lead who doesn't actually do development anymore but just PR overrides the numerous Asian people actually developing the product

Anything to justify your stance ey

The game is a purely western vision

every side would be bored.

>the man in charge who plans everything and tells all the robotic gooks what to do is not a developer
That's some stupid ass logic my man.

Because the people who care what country a game was made in are usually shitposting retards who should be disregarded.

Sup Forums is already split into /vr/. anymore would just exacerbate the problem

/vj/ would be handheld and portbegging hell.
/vw/ would be for consoles and pcs

>consoles and pcs
More like a second Sup Forums board

>see thread
>PUBG is a Korean
>No you gook, it's a western

>most people here don't actually care that much or pay much attention to a game's country of origin.

People should stop being fucking crybaby faggots and just deal with how things are. The whinners are just as bad as the people that make Sup Forums a shithole.

Let them make their own subreddits where they can bathe in their own filth.

This, I just play the games I like regardless of their origin

People who only play Japanese games because they're Japanese and people who only play western games because Japanese games are "weebshit" are both idiots

Does /vw/ stand for /videogameswomen(male)/ because we could split that off for the Cosmos and general eceleb shit.

but that image on its own shows why that would be an arbitrary fucking split

Make /vj/ /va/ to keep Paladins and MMO threads in there and I'm game.

Witcher Is a jrpg because you have a predefined character like in Nier.

Dark souls is a wrpg, because you design your own character. Like Skyrim.

Prove me wrong.

Didn't anyone tell you? We're racist. Western developers make wrpgs and nips make titty games.

dark souls is a jrpg because it's an rpg and was made in japan

Well yeah, Dark Souls was kind of intended to feel like a wrpg

that's why Japan is superior to the west

so Dragon's Dogma is a WRPG

What if an indie dev hit "compile" on his game while in Japanese airspace? Does it get Japanese citizenship?

no, he has to be born there

What if shigeru approved the final build while in the States?

Nope. It's based on the color of his skin and his ethnicity for which board it should be posted in. Segregation, man. Trump is MAGA.

if shigeru made it, it would be japanese because he's japanese, This isn't complicated

So which one is the Orange board?

I prefer Naga.

Nobody would be on /vw/
And everyone would be on /vj/ talking about how Japanese games are shit and western games are king.

it's so ironic
gaming media always act like liberal but actually they love to categorize video games 'It's western/Japanese'


/vw/ has a Maga Orange hue to it. Don't need Sup Forums accidentally wondering in


At least one trial month would be the best solution.

>Should we stop being retarded manchildren and finally end this """""war""""" of purely autistical shitposting?
>Nah let's split the board anytime some user gets triggered by something

Just make a turmblr at this point and have fun in your little safespace

Snek Waifu.

>who should be disregarded.
Your "should be" doesn't mean shit when they make a lot of threads and monopolize/hijack a lot of threads. Just split this shit and let's end it.

>Make an argument
>LOL YOU'RE FROM [country] [stale meme from Sup Forums]
>Shitstorm ensues


I love how shitposters are always against any kind of solution that would limit their shitposting routine.

>Nobody would be on /vw/
That would be genuinely hilarious.

The snek girl from Titty Ninjas. I get it

Underrated post

Yeah, it should be /ve/ instead of /vj/.

>Witcher Is a jrpg
You deserved your (You)