What else should be added?

What else should be added?

Those pigs from Blinks the timesweeper 2

tusked bristlebacks

What about GOOD PORKERS?

Those fucking asshole inflatable pigs from Super Mario Sunshine


Armor Pigs from Dark Souls

Dr. Pig.

BGaE2 pigman from trailer

Seeing Bullfango gave me ptsd

whito piggu


The ones from Amnesia: A machine for pigs.

Darks souls 1 armored pig

your mum


Does Martin Brown count?

Where the fuck are the Tomtoms from Blinx?

all white male characters

Wind Walker

Officer Tenpenny

Might as well throw in porky from mother 3.

Also the guys from wind waker with the spears

What is the 3rd one from the 2nd row from?

Boars and boar people from wow. Especially those bosses in RFD and RFK

Those mutated pig things from S.T.A.L.K.E.R

Thank you for your list of evil pigs in video games OP.


Pig cops, Duke Nukem.

minecwaft pigman!


your mum if she was in a videogame lmao