Trails of cold steel 3 trailer

Cool! This means XSeeD will have a completed project by the year 2024...before handing off to NISA.

>Playable Olivier

Calvard when?

Just finished CS1 and hoo boy did this game go off the rails in the last 15 minutes or what? When did we go from Military High school to Xenogears? I was confused when everyone kept saying the final boss was a puzzle fight. Because that Shadow guy was clearly final boss material... I mean if they ended the game there it would have been fine.

I want to remove Altina's hat

The second game is even worse in this regard.


and headpat her

>tocs3 trailer
>thread already dead
Was it already posted or what?

Discussion is happening in /vg/. Outside of Cold Steel PC discussion the falcom threads moved there in an effort to combat shitposters. that worked about as well as one could've expected

>still haven't played cs2 yet
>going to have to wait years until it gets localized

They're just gonna do straight-up marriage shit this time with the waifus, aren't they

So it didn't work out i guess

CS2 is supposed to be here in December, but we'll see if that works out.

Yeah, I tend to keep all my Falcom discussion to a private discord chat now. Though I've been checking the public Falcom discord for the reactions to Sen III's trailer since there's been a flood of discussion for obvious reasons.

Dunno about others but I ain't touching that link. Trailers are spoiler city and I haven't even started CS1, still on TiTS SC.

I meant going to have to wait years for CS3

Anyone else find it strange that Fie isn't pregnant in the trailer?

Don't worry user i saved the best part for you

Good Christ almighty, Towa.

Well, at least Claire still exists.

Shooting blanks, user. She's even more disappointed. I hear she's asking Gaius to fuck her since you failed.


I blasted so much inside her. That isn't possible.

"Shooting blanks" means your sperm is shit tier and don't perform well. Doesn't matter how much you cum if your goal is to impregnate.

Gallons of sperm entered her womb. One must of got in.

That's actually a myth. It's a group effort by sperm to impregnate and most are wearing down the walls to the egg.

Basically you need to grind link levels.

user, Zephyr guys used to run a train on her when she was still with them and she didn't get pregnant. What makes you think your cum is any different?

Because my Rean ogre cum is stranger than any Zephyr cum.

Ogre cum is like Witcher cum, in other words impotent.

>Randy ordering the kids
>Musse a slut
>Shirley vs Fie
>Jusis as secondary leader
>Rufus and Cedric
>Kurt consoling Juna

aidios please guide my cock

Talk about generic art, holy shit

>special announcement by XSeed
>they will release CS2 on Steam and CS 3 localized on the PS4 on Christmas

Would you believe in Santa again if that were to happen?

>XSEED will probably localize this instead of Zero/Ao

Ao is pivotal for a better understanding of the later arc in Erebonia, if they skip those two then it will be just as bad as people who just play CS and read the wiki for a quick rundown of past games.

What fat retard is buying and playing this crap?

Nah NISA will pull an Osborne on them and take the Sen III localization, and XSEED will realize their best bet to maybe getting Calvard's rights is to butter Falcom up and do Crossbell.

Competition, boys!

>CS 3 localized on the PS4 on Christmas
That would mean that Falcom gave them script long ago already and english voice recording would be in full swing right now. I want to believe as much as you do, but with XSEED I expect Fall 2018 release earliest. With NISA early 2018 would be possible.

I wouldn't hope for that. They started translating Ys VIII in February, and the end results are... well, you'll see.

t. reviewer user that played Ys VIII's Japanese release

>who just play CS and read the wiki for a quick rundown of past games.
Hey that's me.

>you need to play the Sky games to understand CS meme
No. You are wrong.

but you do need sky for crossbell

Sure, but CS2 on PC when?

The ones who have played the other 2 games?


I can't even tell who's fighting who anymore

From the way Yuna was doing to Rean when asking for Crossbell to be returned, looks like Crossbell is destroyed/nuked into oblivion.

>tfw we have to wait two years to play this.

I really hope that we don't have to wait long for CS3 to come over to NA.

At least they don't have to deal with CF ever again.

This, also you'd be ruining the experience if you play CS3 without playing the previous games. The last games in each arc always bring together major plot points from previous games.

Here's to hoping they start the localization crap faster since it looks like Trails is getting more popularity from the west from all the steam stuff.

But buying the game then not playing it doesn't do all that much for the game popularity.

The worst part is Falcom saying you don't need to play previous games since they include summaries of what happened. They might as well just tell you to google it.

I'm okay with that.

There's plot summary for CS1 on the official JP CS3 website page.
Basically presented in slideshow format for what happened in each chapter on that game from beginning until the very last chapter.

Im playing it next month, I will give you a quick rundown when I'm done

So my hunch that Millium would side with Osbourne/the Iron Bloods over Rean was true.

This really is the face of a cold-blooded killer.

Jusis will dick her so hard that she'll betray Osborne.

As stupid as I think it is for someone to just read a summary and play CS3, I'm all for it if it gets more people to buy it.

Surely they won't force Alisa on you, right?

Different people, different approach.
Maybe it's just their way to draw people in to the series, they can't always push the older game and hope they'll interested in the series after all.
If they liked the game, they'll eventually crawl around to get the older game.

"You need to play the older games of the serie to understand an anime trash tier soap scenario equivalent to a telenovela."

Thanks, but no thanks filthy weeb.

This desu. The bad thing with a trilogy of games and such are that normally no one will buy the later games of the series if they haven't played the first.

>i have to buy a whole fucking system tk finish the trilogy
Fucking mad at this stupid shit

Reminder that Alisa is canon

All the other hoes are just side bitches

Just wait for inevitable PC port.

It's been like 3 years. I'm sure you can find a cheap ps4.

Happened with Ar Tonelico as well. They got shitty game though.

it will come on PC
in 10 years

Do you think I'm autistic like you? Wasting money on 1 system for 1 game? Go fuck off.

This series is just a collection of random shit from much better JRPGs.

It honestly feels like a fangame with a slightly bigger budget.
Then again, Falcom isn't exactly big.

That's true, I mean look at the sales of Sky 3rd.

>Osborne declares war on Calvard

Do any of you even understand japanese

There are a lot of games you can buy and play on ps4.


Possibly the worst character in the entire series.

A baffling character you don't know why the devs put on a pedestal. Kind of like Nadine from Uncharted.

>mfw waiting for Ys VIII and Tokyo Xanadu eX+

If this was true i would have bought a ps4 long ago. Clearly it isn't for me. Same goes to Switch. No games

>calvard when?

>A baffling character you don't know why the devs put on a pedestal
For whatever reason Towa's also in another Falcom game completely unrelated to Cold Steel, and her character designer used to draw her for years before even putting her into a game.

I guess you aren't going to play CS3 then.

Canon but still lost in popularity. Pathetic.

Compared to best girl Emma she's flat and just a shit.

How much holding back will it have?

>having to play through even more poorly paced and written 80h jrpgs

I would never submit to such torture.

I thought Durante only said no to expect CS2 at least before december, was december release actually confirmed?

>implying it's not going to be Rocksmith declaring war on a weakened Erebonia

Arianhod is in the trailer as an enemy so there will be tons of holding back and "fuck you you lost this battle again"

Just wait for the PC version

>b-but Alisa is canon
In the Crossbell games, Rixia wasn't canon but they still paired her with Lloyd in CS2 because she was popular.

Fie's the most popular Cold Steel girl so Fie's going to win the Reanbowl.

No more holding back.
Everything has to go.

That is why Crossbell is wiped off the map

I can't wait to see the fate of my boy Anton in this game.


Good luck


Someone already screenshotted the frame with Claire and Millium and both of their eyes have some kind of symbol etched in them. We mindhaccc now

The only holding back will be holding back my dick as Fie loses more clothing with each passing year.

Looks like a dream sequence.