Monster Hunter World

You ARE going to play this on PC, right?
Please tell me you are not a console pleb who dosn't know the joy of stable 60FPS at 1080p or higher resolution.

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I'm playing on PC because that's where my friends will be since none of them would ever touch a 3DS.
I'm just happy I can play it on a real system

Anything but nintendo, i'm glad Monhun is free from this terrible company.

Buying PC and PS4, will end up playing PS4 more because larger community and majority of my mates are on PS4.

Plays just fine on 30 fps on PPSSPP and on 3DS
Take your PCMR cancer somewhere else

yes if can get a new gpu before it comes out

Never played a MoHun game before, is this gonna be a good game to start with?



They all play pretty much the same, you are just gonna miss some old monsters that probably won't be in any new game.
Though be warned that if you play any of the recent games now you will find it almost impossible to play from MH Freedom Unite and earlier. The series made a massive jump in gameplay there.

Emulate P3rd before this game comes out. If you don't have a 3DS. Otherwise, get 4U.

exactly this

i have the fucking horrific problem of having different friends on both platforms

Totally different outlook on the game once you see someone who can actually play Monster Hunter play it.

Wrong.I started P3rd->MHFU->MH4U.Still play MHFU these days
MHFU is fine with a bit of acquired taste

>i have the fucking horrific problem of having different friends on both platforms
I know that feel.

trying to decide platform

PC has 60 fps, fast loader times, but it's coming out late, will probably have hackers and less players, also no way to message randoms

>PC has 60 fps
It's not even confirmed at this point. The devs said they're "targetting stabled 30 fps on all platforms". I sure hope it will be 60 fps or uncapped on PC, like Dragon's Dogma port, which was pretty good. But I wouldn't put behind Japanese devs to just port the game on PC at 30 fps and call it a day.

>didn't extend spirit combo with basic attacks
>failed to get the finisher move cause lack of spirit
that hurt to watch

They clarified that statement when asked about it.


Are you seriously telling me there isnt a huge difference in gameplay from FU to P3rd?
Because if so then fucking kill yourself.

Wrong about finding it almost impossible to play you crybaby

In a Monster Hunter game? Are you high?
>less players
Again, what?
>no way to message randoms
That will depend on Capcom.

Kind of wanted it on Switch for the portability. Love playing around my friends. PC is going to be annoying since I have a different sleep schedule than them but we will work something out.

Makes no difference.
Even when devs are stupid enough to lock FPS on PC games someone always find a way to unlock it.
It seems to be pretty easy to do.

Ether issuer comes off they put certain mechanics to frame rate. Think if durability is linked to frame rate or energy. You might be able to unlock it but should you?

>tfw PC isn't simultaneous release
>also have a good amount of friends going PS4

>actually playing it on anything other than a PC

Do people actually buy multiplat games on consoles? What the fuck.
I can understand doing it when the PC version is delayed, like in GTAV case, but MHW was already announced for PC.
Playing on PC is always the best. Game is not hold back by weak hardware and you can use mods and shit.

Will the delay for the PC version be longer than 2-3 months?

If so, fuck waiting, I'm getting it on the PS4.
I'll buy it again on PC if it's that good

lol nothing like that will happen.
One of the 3DS games run at 60FPS and it worked just fine.

your master race card has been revoked faggot

Not everyone has $2000 laying around (depending on how deep you want to go with stuff like gpu, cpu, and monitor)

Why the fuck couldn't PS4 hit 60FPS? It's MT Framework


yes but it has a whole lot more effects this time

I'm a little upset about not having this on the Switch just for the fact that I lose out on a favorite poop game of mine and sometimes I like to lay in bed and play a hunt or 2 before i actually go to bed.

Though I'll still pick this up on PC. I don't really like any of the new additions or changes they've made to the formula or gameplay but that will just prove to be the difference between me putting in 300 hours or 1200 hours.

Generations got 350 hours out of me while 4U got 1100 hours. I liked Generations alot, its just it had too much fluff missions so my "need" to complete every quest didn't mesh well with my friend who only did key guild quests to advance and wouldn't wait for me so I had to pick up his habit of only doing key quests. I hated that so eventually i just stopped playing. It wasn't even really an issue i had with any of the gameplay mechanics like hunting arts which seem to just be an integrated part of the combat system now rather than its own little side addition to your weapon.

basically, I can only be at 75% erection for World. I dislike alot of the changes but if its a MH game at its core, I'll adjust to the bullshit i don't like.

I just need to convince my 3rd friend to build a fucking PC this fall so he can have a PC ready to go and set up properly in his room before this game comes out. Gotta fight him if he buys it on a PS4, if this game even has crossplay, Sony isn't playing nice with crossplay so it wouldn't even be able to play with PC so our 3-man hunting party would remain broken since he never bought Generations either.

why does all the weapons (or monsters) look like they have extended / bloated boxes

nice blog

>Plays just fine on 30 fps on PPSSPP and on 3DS
>he doesn't remember the pleasant time when 3U ran at silky smooth 50ish FPS

Have fun with your shitty 4-way-movement-only keyboard controls. Meanwhile I'll be kicking back on my sofa, playing on a pad and enjoying full analog controls.

You know you can just use controller with PC? Even so, I'm with you I'll be chilling on my couch on the big screen.

>keyboard controls

What is a controller

That just makes it worse. You build a $1000 machine (or buy it prebuilt if you're smart) and then you still can't use it without console paraphernalia . How pathetic is that?

Kind of a staple of the series.
With that said, some attacks apparently hit in weird places. such as behind the player with the spirit helm breaker.



You are both retards.
I'm literally right now play on my PC from my bed with a controller. Maximum comfy.

You don't get comfier than my couch bitch. Hell, my couch is comfier than my bed.

>being this poor you can't afford a controller

thanks, I'm just abit bored since i can't fall asleep. I hurt my rib earlier and it hurts to lay down so I'm just up lurking and blogging apparently

That's fucking gay.

I put up with playing 240p 15fps games before, playing on 1080p 30fps is a blessing in itself.

PS4 because bigger audience, the online will last longer and won't be full of people using trainers/hacks etc.

Stay healthy user

>being so stupid you pay $1000 for a PC to play it like a console you could have bought for $300


Arekkz is not a LS player, some of those interactions might escape his grasp.

His CB video is much better.

Maybe it is, but still comfy.

>buy it prebuilt if you're smart

LMAO I cant even take you serious right now

> Hasn't been a Monster Hunter with acceptable graphics in like 7 years.
> After waiting that long, you instead decide to play the game at

Japanese games on PC always get hacked to shit within the first few months and slowly become less fun to play. This is 100% a failure of the developers but for this reason I'll be playing on PS4.

Ps4 probably. Play earlier and with friends. Also harder to hack. Call it autism but it always bothered me playing with cunts with hacked talismans.

Why that pc vs console war again? Each platform has advantages and disadvantages so play the one you like the most.

Honestly I don't see the PC version cultivating much of a playerbase somehow, though I could be wrong. The flip side of that is that if it does cultivate a decent playerbase, will it end up having the same polluting effect on the overall fanbase that it had on Dark Souls? When the "master race" got its hands on the PC port of DS1 everything immediately went to shit.

>His CB video is much better.
>didn't cover the GPs
>ignored all the people asking how GPs work in World
>had to wait for Canta to confirm they're back to 4U style

thanks friendo
have a nice night everyone!
I'm just going to lay on my other side despite it being more uncomfortable

Dragon's Dogma PC playerbase is top tier tho, and MHW is more in spirit with DD than to Shit Souls

Individual parts are so overpriced these days thanks to miners that it's smarter to buy prebuilt. You also avoid the hassle of having to put them together, not to mention avoid the risk of damaging connections and shit.

Smart people in 2017 buy prebuilt. This is a fact.

yeah but souls fags are gonna come in DROVES

>shit game has a shit players
>"Does this mean a good game will also have shit players?"
I don't see the parallel tbqgdh.

Built your own pc still cheaper and is easy as fuck bro

>easy as fuck
It really isn't. You can take your Sup Forums memes and go.

Alternatively, you could buy a $300 PS4 and enjoy all the perks of a good PC, without the hassle. Also an included controller.

I always thought Capcom hated money. Maybe they realised that Monster Hunter was a decent franchise and that by bringing it to more consoles you can make more money.
That being said, I hope they won't go full jew and release monsters as paid DLC.

>Seamless gameplay: Players and monsters can move from one map area to another freely and without loading screens whilst gameplay also dynamically transitions between night and day.
>Mantle: Hunters get a new cloak item that can be worn for a certain period of time. Some of these cloaks can allow hunters to use stealth, giving them a chance to sneak up on a monster. Other cloaks can be used to attract monsters to a location.
>The Slinger: A new item used in various ways by hunters. This item allows for hunters to fire a grapple hook, allowing them to swing off, or even pull on, objects, as well as fire rocks and other items at foes.
>Hunters can change weapons and armor midhunt by going to the Base Camp.
>This feature was added due to there usually being multiple large monsters in an area and from each having a different strength or weakness.
>Hunters can now hunt freely without being held back by the main objective/quest, even if the quest is complete. Hunters can hunt freely without any limits in an area now.
>The monsters can easily change the environment hunters are fighting in with certain attacks and by destroying certain objects.
>Each large monster in a location has a territory in a certain part of the area. In some cases, hunters may need to lure another threat into their territory in order to get their target to reveal itself.
>By hiding from monsters, hunters can avoid fighting them or prepare for a silent escape from the battle.
>Hunters can interact with the fauna and flora in various ways. Some bugs, for example, can heal hunters just by simply grabbing them. Hunters can even tip over some plants to turn a set area into a poisonous hazard.
>The Palico is able to learn different languages from Felyne clans out in the field. This allows the Palico to learn the language of small monsters, like Jagras and Kestodon, and befriend them. By befriending a monster, the Palico is able to fight side by side with them.

Cant wait for all those salty tears from people getting their ass eaten by Deviljho.

I'm a Soulfag and I've been playing MH for a long time already. Probably longer than some "true MH fans" in these threads. You can enjoy both of these games you know.

Lol you can even follow step by step youtube tutorials

And then they're going to leave, because they can't just lock-on, walk to the left, and do a backstab animation with full-iframes for a free kill.

I've been with both series since DeS and MH1 respectively. Not him but I don't think you're what he refers to when he says soulfags. I think the lmao praise the sun XD types are.

You know what I've noticed? That with the side messages and attack names and the mini-map...this game looks a lot like Dragon's Dogma now.

Which is fine actually! Apparently Japan liked DD as something of a spin-off of Monster Hunter so it seems like Capcom actually listened to them. Color me surprised.

Only REAL gamers play on pc right??? Fucking console PLEBS
*high fives reddit*

I'm pretty sure you wasted more than that on your overpriced games alone user.

That is an interesting point. When I first played DD in 2014 or so, I thought to myself: "This game is like a better monster hunter". I'm not sure if I still think that, but I'm kinda leaning in that direction. I like climbing monsters.

You can't high-five a website, dude. No hands.

That new longsword counter looks pretty nice. If the lance counter is still as sluggish as its been since after Tri I might just pick the longsword up instead.

This is indeed looking to be pretty much Monster Hunter : Dragon's Dogma edition.

Not sure I'm too happy about that, but wait and see.

I've played DD before I got into MH (I've just made it to High Rank in my first game), so for me the comparison is a bit backwards. But after playing both games I can see that Capcom wanted a more fast-paced (and western audience friendly, I guess?) Monster Hunter when doing DD.

For what it's worth I'm happy with that. I liked Dragon's Dogma a lot and even though I enjoy Monster Hunter it has it's share of problems (that have been around for a long time from what I know) that World is actually trying to fix. Definately getting it as soon as possible.

Yes, hackers. Just look at dark souls on PC, people get invaders with hacked stats, messing up your character and virtually everyone installs mods of some kind. 3DS monster hunter already has people with hacked items.

I doubt monster hunter will have a built in way to send messages to other players unless you're in a lobby with them. PSN lets you do that. Steam doesn't unless you're friends already.

I'd rather a DD2 by this point, Capcom

Is this a joke because I cant tell, I thought this was only for PS4 and Xbone

Well the true impact of hacking will have to be seen.

If its just hacked items, it won't go far.
If hackers can become invincible well they will just carry shitters until the point those shitters get fucked because of their lack of skill.

Since there is no PVP at the most you can expect griefing I suppose.


Lmao are we in 2011? Consoles can already do 1080p 60fps barely, if they can do it then your shits already outdated.

it will come on PC later than on consoles

>PC is the only version where the multiplayer component isn't held hostage by a paywall
The delayed release is gonna be hell, though

>Not being a double-dipping money wasting piece of shit

It's like you don't even like this series.

>buying the same game twice
I'm not retarded, thank you very much

>not supporting goat series
you disgust me

You can stream the game from PC to Switch, user.

playing it on PS4 because my PC is shit

I've done this for Dragon's Dogma as well as all 3 DaS games. I'm a piece of shit.

I always kicked hacked armor set and talisman users immediately. 2bh even a griefing is not a big deal, if someone griefs, you can just abandon quest and kick him.
I wonder how many people would just run away from the fight and wait in the corner of the map to get resources for free. Hate those faggots.

This game is locked 30fps on consoles.