Nintendo Gamescom Day 3


>UK times:
11:00 - 11:30: Fifa 18
12:00 - 12:30: Metroid Samus Returns with Mr Sakamoto
01:00 - 01:30: Metroid Samus Returns gameplay
01:30 - 02:00: Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga gameplay
04:00 - 04:30: Classic games talk with Charles Martinet
05:00 - 07:00: Splatoon 2 tournament

Other urls found in this thread:

You think they will show new stuff about metroid

Damnit I fucked up, those are EU times not UK times.

It's hard to say because Metroid is a tricky game to demo. They may show off a new section of the game we haven't seen yet

Fucking brexit.

It's about to start

Since when Nintendo cares about Europe?

Since Xenoblade Chronicles

Well I mean Satoru Shibata is way better than Reggie

Who's ready for some sportsball?

>those Samus shirts


>04:00 - 04:30: Classic games talk with Charles Martinet
Could this mean Virtual Console news? Maybe?

Probably SNES classic

charles martinet is not going to announce Switch VC at a European games conference lol

Good god, it looks so lifeless.

>FIFA runs at 1080p 60fps on dock mode
>still couldn't get Story Mode

Odd but not a deal breaker.

These games have story?

This one and the last one have a Story Mode based around an urban youth.

First one is his start of his career and the new one is the continuation of that.


So this game is the reason Sony has a stranglehold on Europe? Is it just something sonygers like, Europe having shit taste, or both?

Most of the gaming populace on Europe believe the game to run best on Playstation platforms, so much that it may as well be an exclusive over there.

This version may do well on the sheer idea that you can take it on the go anywhere and it runs at 720p 60fps in portable, or 1080p 60fps in docked mode.

Also, all the modes that matter to the audience will be there.

Sucks, but I'll take portable and mutliplayer over story
Most people who play games are casual. Sure you and your pals might play all the same stuff but the wider population sticks to shooters and FIFA in Europe. Probs shooters and NBA/madden/NHL in america

>Is it just something sonygers like, Europe having shit taste, or both?
It's the Madden of Europe. People in Europe love football, and Sony has all the marketing deals for FIFA. Even at big football matches Sony has bought a shitload of ads and billboards for the Playstation. So everyone who watches football knows Playstation and therefore instantly connects FIFA with Playstation

so close to metroid and xenoblade 2, I can almost taste it


Is there any info on the Splatoon tournament today? I assume they'll show off Manta Maria


Anyone know when Splatoon sign-ups end? I wanna play, there better be my Umbrella unlocked.

Sakamoto is here to rape samus again


New unseen gameplay incoming

Sign ups ended weeks ago




Aw man

Holy shit this spicĀ“s English.

>Open it

I'm worried Xenoblade 2 won't be as good as 1.

Grapple confirmed, no idea if its new

awwww yes you can switch between the Wave Beam and the Ice Beam on the fly

story?? what story?
do they mean the career mode?
shit i havent played fifa since 2001...

I hated 1 so I look forwards to some changes

>not all alpha metroids fights are the same, there is a fire apha metroid


It's pretty hard to top 1. Just hope it comes close to it. So far my only fear is that the combat is too slow.

Phase Drift for puzzle solving looks awesome

Honestly this game looks great so far, way better than expected. Especially from Mercury Steam.

>enemies in the background are used for new escape sequences

Pretty good use of 3D.

Spaniard dev is hot

gameplay is already confirmed to be better pretty much based off what we know, both combat/exploration wise

Cooldowns are removed on arts though, I'm sure it'll be faster than XC1, not sure about XCX

>spazer beam can be upgraded to have a lightning effect
>that gravity suit color pallete
>that stylish jump after performing the melee counter sequence where she leaps into the screen

Pretty great desu.

It's like Sup Forums forgets that Nintendo can take mediocre devs like Silicon Knights and Factor 5 and make them churn out some god tier games under their whip.

Oh no sakamoto please dont ruin the lore even more

But you need to build up all arts, and can't move if you want to attack. Hope to see more tomorrow.

Like the look of the world and everything though, as opposed to most vocal people it seems.

>like Silicon Knights and Factor 5
And Retro. That studio was an absolute shitshow that spend more time and money on hookers than on development before Nintendo stepped in.

>The chozo reveals a great secret in SR388

Gee i wonder what could be?

At least he fixed the Gravity Suit this time around

>Stickerbrush Symphony

i am so fucking excited for samus returns

Is it september yet?

Holy shit I was worried about this. Shit was tedious in AM2R. Glad to see they added variety even within the same evolutionary phases.

More than any other Nintendo dev, I'd like a peak into Sakamoto's mind because nowadays it just feels odd how his games have played out. Not to downplay his mistakes and bone headed decisions, but a guy who goes from Super to Fusion to Other M to this, gets blamed for Other M's bizarre treatment of Samus then shows up to the reveal of Samus Returns wearing a t-shirt with the famous Nintendo Power art of Samus, the whole Gravity Suit aura debacle, and so on, has to have something going on there. Maybe he just went full Aonuma after Skyward Sword and went back on a lot of stuff he'd thought in Other M? Dunno. Probably just being optimistic.

>phase shift acquire theme same as chozo artifact from prime 1

damn am I glad the music if AM2R/SR are both inspired by prime, shits tight. Can't wait to hear more

Id imagine the flop of other m and how it was laughed at by everybody made him rethink a lot of things.
His bosses probably also asked him what the fuck was going on, you are killing metroid this way, stop

People shit on Sakamoto so much that it has become a meme at this point. A lot of the decisions made in Other M weren't actually his, despite people parroting that it was all his fault. For example, he wanted Other M to be a sidescroller, it was Team Ninja who wanted it full 3D.

But aside from Other M, Sakamoto has released nothing but greatness and all of his games perform great.

>Doubting the genius that is this madman
Sakamoto just do what he wants to do, it's like the Kojima of Nintendo where he has a free reign is his projects and all that shit.

ey so we're waiting for FIFA? fuck this i'm out

FIFA is done. More Metroid gameplay up next.

ball on foot is over and wont be back

Sakamoto is a legitimately great dev with one huge blunder on his resume. Other M was such a disaster that it tainted his entire reputation.

warioware wiiu sucked tho

Almost all the music in the Prime series games is a fucking masterpiece.

Sakamoto had barely any input in that game.

He is listed as producer and game designer.

And as a scenario writer for other m
No excuses user, he fucked up.

>Samus Returns has regenerating health now
That's pretty fucking gay, Mercurystream

People only hate Other M because it made Samus human, which means she has flaws. I like the fact that Samus is not just a mute robot and had internal struggles.
>But mum Ridley
She's going through a lot of old memories with Adam and Anthony there, only natural that it's easier for the unpleasant memories of Ridley to be dreaded up as an unintended side effect. Also, it's not like she didn't recover to stomp Ridley.

>Picking the second theme which was meh compared to the first one.

Oh thank christ, nevermind. The rocks the player was shooting was dropping energy and the pull range for the pickups was just massive.

For a second there I thought they went full retard with casualization, disregard me, I suck cocks.

Where the fuck do you see that? It wasn't in any of the gameplay you fucking idiot.

t. son of dob

The shitposting thread is two blocks down.

Calm down, sugartits, already noticed the reason why she was recovering life.

Maybe you shouldn't be spending all your time rolling dobbies and spending more time enjoy all of Metroid.


Xenobalde 2 is in 24 hours

yes I know, it's so close

Did AM2R have underwater areas? I forgot

>some enemies have regenerating health

Oh shi

hydro station

I like that eon abilities are inserted into the gamplay and level design instead of beign nothing but easy mode cheats which is what I expected

>red soil brinstar theme

>this maridia remix

Holy shit

>That fucking ost


Where's the other Spanish dev that nobody understood
He cracked me up

>enemies that can disable your eon abilities


I can;t understand a thing those guys said. Was the Diggernaut like the game's Dark Samus/SA-X or just a one time boss?


>Letting filthy Spaniards add Chozo lore

This game seems good.

>this music

He will appear more than once
>implying anything theyd add would not go through nintendo first